Caylus Complete Player Aid

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Caylus v.

Building Builder Bonus Worker Benefit Owner Benefit
Building (received once, (on activation by Building Output
Cost on building)
(when building is activated)
somebody else)

Special buildings
Gate N/A N/A Delays worker placement – upon activation, N/A Special
move player to any available building for
free (including castle)
Trading N/A N/A Get 3$ N/A Income
Merchants guild N/A N/A Move Provost, up to ±3 spaces for free N/A Special
Jousting N/A N/A Pay 1$+1C and get 1FV N/A Favour
Stables N/A N/A Change turn order (use in next Phase 2) N/A Special
Inn N/A N/A Move worker from left to right circle, drive N/A Special
out worker in right circle. Player in right
circle only pays 1$ to place each worker.
Neutral buildings
Carpenter N/A N/A Build brown (& pay building cost) N/A Construction
Farm N/A N/A 1F or 1C N/A Resource
Forest N/A N/A 1F or 1W N/A Resource
Marketplace N/A N/A Pay 1R/G for 4$ N/A Income
Quarry N/A N/A 1S N/A Resource
Sawmill N/A N/A 1W N/A Resource
Fixed buildings
Peddler N/A N/A Pay 2$ for 1R N/A Resource
Carpenter N/A N/A Build brown (& pay building cost) N/A Construction
Mine N/A N/A 1G N/A Gold
Wood buildings
Farm 1W+1F 2P 2F or 1C 1P Resource
Farm 1W+1F 2P 2C or 1F 1P Resource
Quarry 1W+1F 2P 2S 1P Resource
Sawmill 1W+1F 2P 2W 1P Resource
Peddler 1W+1R/G 4P Pay 1$ for 1R or 2$ for 2R 1P Resource
Lawyer 1W+1C 4P Pay 1$+1C to build green over pink 1P Construction
(may never be built on) (discard pink) or over your own W or S
buildings (W or S tile goes back to stock).
Mason 1W+1F 4P Build grey (& pay building cost) 1P Construction
Marketplace 1W+1R/G 4P Pay 1R/G for 6$ 1P Income
Stone buildings
Farm 1S+1F 3P 2F+1C 1P+1F/1C Resource
Park 1S+1F 3P 2W+1F 1P+1F/1W Resource
Workshop 1S+1F 3P 2S+1C 1P+1S/1C Resource
Alchemist 1S+1F 6P Pay 2R for 1G or 4R for 2G 1P Gold
Bank 1S+1W 6P Pay 2$ for 1G or 5$ for 2G 1P Gold
Architect (x2) 1S+1F 6P Build blue on your own green (& pay cost) 1P Construction
Church 1S+1C 3P+1FV Pay 2$ for 3P or 4$ for 5P 1P Prestige
Tailor 1S+1W 6P Pay 2C for 4P or 3C for 6P 1P Prestige
Green buildings
Residence (unlimited) 1$+1C 2P N/A 1$ (every phase 1) Income: owner
Blue buildings
Library 3W+1G 10P N/A 1$ (every phase 1) Income: owner
Hotel 3S+2G 16P N/A 2$ (every phase 1) Income: owner
Statue 2S+1G 7P+1FV N/A - -
Granary 3F+1G 10P N/A - -
Weaver 3C+1G 12P N/A - -
Theatre 3W+2G 14P+1FV N/A - -
College 3S+2G 14P+1FV N/A - -
Monument 4S+2G 14P+2FV N/A - -
Cathedral 5S+3G 25P N/A - -
C: cloth, F: food, FV: favour, G: gold, P: prestige point, S: stone, $: denier , W: wood, R: resource (not gold)
Caylus – rules summary
Setup Phases
- Shuffle 6 pink tiles and place on 6 first spaces on the road Phase 1 – Collecting the income
- Shuffle markers and randomly place on turn order scale Phase 2 – Placing the workers
- 1st player = 5$, 2nd-3rd player = 6$, 4th-5th player = 7$ Phase 3 – Activating special buildings
- Everyone gets 1W + 2F ($ and cubes always remain open) Phase 4 – Move the Provost
- Each player places: 1 marker on the scoring track Phase 5 – Activation of the buildings
1 marker at the start of each favour line Phase 6 – Building of the castle
1 marker on the bridge Phase 7 – End of turn
- Bailiff and Provost on the last pink tile

Phase 2 – Placing the workers *

Phase 1 – Collecting the income *Workers cannot be placed on blue/green buildings or empty spaces

In turn order until all have passed, choose ONE of these actions:
+ 2$ a) pass: 1st player to pass gets 1$, place marker on lowest number
+ 1$ per each owned Residential (green building) under bridge, phase is ended for this player
+ 1$ if library owned b) worker on special, neutral or fixed building: pay $ = lowest free
+ 2$ if hotel owned value under bridge
c) worker on another player’s building: pay $ = lowest free value
under bridge + 1P to building owner
d) worker on own building: pay always 1$
e) worker in castle: pay $ = lowest free value under bridge and place
worker in the first free castle space

Phase 4 – Move the Provost

Phase 3 – Activating special buildings
Following the passing order of Phase 2 (markers under bridge):
In order, one building at a time, following down the road,
Move Provost 1-3 spaces forward or backward or pass. Pay 1$ per
starting with the gate and finishing with the inn.
space. Provost can only move on building spaces (empty or built),
not before the bridge or off the end of the road.
Phase 6 – Build the castle (for players with workers in castle)
Phase 5 – Activation of the buildings
- Following the castle scale order.
It’s done in order, one building at a time, following down
- Player builds batches: 1 batch = 3 different cubes, 1 must be F.
the road, up to and including the tile under the Provost.
- For each batch, put 1 house in the castle sector being built
(decided by Bailiff’s position).
- Score each batch (Dungeon=5P, Wall=4P, Tower=3P)
- When section is full, continue in next section (score only batches,
section will be scored in Phase 7). If tower is full, end game.
- If worker in the castle will or can’t place a house = - 2P.
- Best builder (most batches) in turn = +1FV (ties: 1st builder wins)
Phase 7 – End of turn Royal Favours
- Move the Bailiff forward 2 spaces if the Provost is ahead,
otherwise move the Bailiff forward 1 space Gained at: Joust field, Building, Best castle builder, Scoring Castle
- Place Provost on the same space as the Bailiff Royal Favour Table: New columns available after each castle
- Check if section scoring is needed (if Bailiff just reached a section scoring.
scoring point or Castle section has been filled in Phase 6)
When FV is earned, the Royal FV table is used as follows:
Section scoring - Choose 1 line (P/ deniers/ cubes/ exclusive use of buildings),
Dungeon No house -2 P advance marker 1 square (within current castle section columns) and
≥ 2 houses 1F use any effect in that line up to (and including) the current one.
Walls No house -3 P - If more than one favour is gained in the same phase, you must
advance on different lines
2 houses 1F
- Once column 5 is reached (tower section), you may choose this
3 or 4 houses 2F
line and take any effect of your choice from it.
≥ 5 houses 3F
- Line 4: exclusive use of buildings (even if building tile not built):
Towers No house -4P - Column 1: none
2 or 3 houses 1F - Column 2 (carpenter): build wood building, cost 1W less
4 or 5 houses 2F - Column 3 (mason): build stone building, cost 1S less
≥ 6 houses 3F - Column 4 (lawyer): transform to residential, cost only 1C
When Tower is scored = GAME OVER - Column 5 (architect): build blue on own green (no discount)
End of Game
- When Bailiff reaches the Tower scoring space or the 14 parts of the Tower are built = Tower is scored (according to Phase 7)
- Final scoring and game ends
Final scoring:
+ 3 P / G left
+ 1 P / 3 cubes (not G) left WINNER = most prestige points on the score track
+ 1 P / 4 $ left

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