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March 30, 2023


Industrious 7, Tolerance 7, Modesty 7, Knowledge 7


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
K – Differentiate Homonyms, Homophones and Homographs;
S – Use appropriate words to form a correct sentence/statement.
A – Display accuracy in using words to have a meaningful statement.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Homo-phonetic and Semantic Language Codes (Homonyms, Homophones and
References: English Learner’s Material 7, Internet
Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures
Skills: Reading, Viewing, Listening, Writing
Subject Integration: All subject areas.

III. Procedure
A. Preparation/Motivation
2 Pics 1 Word. The students are shown two sets of pictures that pertain to one word. They will
analyze what common word best corresponds with the pictures. They will be given hint using
jumbled letters which they will arrange to get the correct word for the picture.


B. Presentation/Discussion
(The teacher will present the slide through the LED TV about Homonyms, Homophones and
Homographs and)

Homonyms: Have the same sounds, the same spelling but differ in meaning.
ex: scale- fish covering , scale- measure
address – location , address: Direct speech to someone
Ring- jewelry , Ring- sound
Match- Pair , Match – use create a fire
Right- direct , Right- Correct
Homophones: words with same sounds but different spelling and meaning
Ex. Steal: to snatch ,Steel: metal/iron.
Sight- You focus, Site- Location
Hole- a hollow place, Whole- all
Ate- past tense of eat, Eight – number
Brake- to stop, Break- separate

Homographs: words that are spelled similarly but differ in pronunciation and meaning.
Ex. tear- when you cry , Tear- rip it off
Bar- Place , Bar- a rectangular piece
Left- direction, Left – leave
Letter- Message, Letter – ABCD
Fly- Insect , Fly- to take off

TERM Meaning Spelling Pronunciation

HomoNYM different same same
different same different
HomoPHONE different different same

C. Practice
 Group Activity
Underline the appropriate word or meaning to complete the statements.
1.) Please try not to (waste, waist) paper.
2.) This is my favorite ( pare ,pair) of jeans.

3.) The soldier receive a wound in the battle. (tied around, an injury)
4.) The rope was wound around ankles. (tied around, an injury)

5.) The rabbits are in a pen outside. (ball pen, enclosed area)
6.) Please sign this form with a black pen.(ball pen, enclosed are)

D. Generalization
Accuracy in using words is really important because this will give us appropriate or exact meaning of
what we wanted to say or tell.
IV. Assessment
Direction: fill in the missing word in the sentence, choose (a) or (b)

1. The children are going to ________, TV tonight

a. WATCH: a small clock worn in the wrist
b. WATCH: look at

2. Please sign this form with a black____

a. PEN: an enclosed area
b. PEN: a writing instrument which uses ink

3. Tom has a strange way of holding his cricket ___.

a. BAT: in baseball or cricket
b. BAT: an animal

4. I hate it when a ___lands in my soup!

a. FLY: move through the air
b. FLY: an insect

V. Assignment

Make a homograph table using any graphic organizers, list at least 10 homographs. Write it on a short
sized bond paper.

Prepared by:

Janine Pearl J. Bitoon

Grade 7 – Student Teacher

Marivic Jalbuna

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