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1. What are the three things Roosevelt wanted the New Deal to accomplish?

2. Explain the 2 parts of the New Deal (the first New Deal and the Second New Deal).
3. What are two agencies created by the New Deal and what did they do for Americans?
4. What were two criticisms of the New Deal?

1- Roosevelt wanted to accomplish three things called “The Three R’s”. The first one was relief
for employment, the second one was to reform capitalism, like creating new social welfare
programs. The last one was the recovery of the economy by creating new jobs, for example.

2- First New Deal: Emergency Financial Act and 1933 Banking Act were used to address the
urgent banking crisis. To avoid such stock market crashes, the Securities Act of 1933 was
passed. Additionally included in the First New Deal was the contentious work of the National
Recovery Administration (NRA).

Second New Deal: The Works Progress Administration (WPA) relief program, the Social
Security Act, as well as new initiatives to assist tenant farmers and migrant workers were all
part of the Second New Deal, which ran from 1935 to 1936. The National Labor Relations
Act was passed to safeguard labor organization.

3- WPA (Works Progress Administration) gave employment to thousands of jobless Americans

in building and artistic endeavors throughout.

CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps): In the United States, from 1933 to 1942, the Civilian
Conservation Corps (CCC) offered jobless, single males ages 18 to 25 a voluntary
government employment relief program that was later expanded to include men aged 17 to

4- For political power, FDR had to accept far too many concessions. It was impossible to
abolish segregation. The New Deal's "relief and reform" simply helped to keep capitalism in
place. The lopsided distribution of wealth has not changed.


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