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Dictatorship Government
- A dictatorship is an authoritarian government ruled by a single person
known as the dictator, who has complete control over the nation's political,
economic, and social elements. People in a dictatorship have no rights or
freedoms other than those granted by the state. There are various kinds of
dictatorships. Some are military dictatorships governed by a junta that selects
the leader, who then controls the country, while others are communist
countries governed by a single leader. Others choose their leader through a
form of democracy, but the leader then has complete control.
2. Democratic System
- A democracy is a form of government that gives the people political
power, limits the power of the head of state, ensures the separation of powers
among governmental entities, and protects natural rights and civil liberties.
Democracy manifests itself in a variety of ways in practice. Along with the two
most common types of democracies, direct and representative, there are also
participatory, liberal, parliamentary, pluralist, constitutional, and socialist
3. Bangsamoro Group
- The Bangsamoro Government ensures the necessary conditions for
enduring peace and sustained socio-economic development suitable to the
systems of life, needs, and aspirations of its people by providing services to
communities, ensuring multi-stakeholder participation, and facilitating
appropriate partnerships.

4. Battle of Mendiola the First Quarter Storm

- It all started in January 1970, when students demonstrated in support
of Marcos following his speech in Congress. It devolved into a radical protest
led by Kabataang Makabayan founder Jose Maria Sison. To counter the
police attacks at Malacaan Palace, the majority of the activists carried Molotov
cocktails and pillbox bombs. Following the failure of the student protest, some
of the remaining radical students embraced Marxism and took up arms,
engaging in guerrilla and urban warfare. While fleeing, students used Molotov
cocktails and pillbox bombs. Those who were slow enough were beaten with
police rifle butts and fists.

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