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Course Name: RESEARCH Course Code: BBA 433
Units Covered: III & IV CLO’s: 3
Title of the Assignment: This assignment is
CHRIST (Deemed Hypothesis Formulation & considered as a formal
to be University)
School of Questionnaire Design element of the course
Business and worth 20% of the overall
units in the course.
Student Name: PRASHIL KUNDARIA Reg. No: 21111637


The current assignment tests the following ability of a student:

1. CLO 3 – Determine appropriate methodology for research problems.

2. PLO 4.4 – Choose appropriate framework for analysis

The current assignment will be evaluated using the following rubrics.

PLG PLG 4 - Problem Solving
PLO PLO 4.4- Choose appropriate framework for analysis (RBTL5)
CLO CLO 3 - Determine appriorate methodology for research problems
Total Marks 20 Marks

Criteria / Very Good
Excellent (5) Good (3) Average (2) Improvement
Weightage (4)
Identify At least 4 At least At least Some Few variables
variables relevant 3relevant 2relevant variables pertaining to
(CLO 3 – variables variables variables pertaining to the research
PLO 4.4) pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to the research problem are
the research the research the research problem are identified and
problem are problem are problem are identified and not at all
identified and
identified and identified and defined. defined
clearly clearly
defined. defined.
Formulate At least two At least two Only one Only one Hypotheses
the hypotheses are hypotheses are hypothesis is hypothesis is are not
hypothesis & clearly stated clearly stated clearly stated clearly stated properly
objectives with but only one with literature without any formulated.
appropriate hypothesis is support. literature
(CLO 3 –
literature based on support.
PLO 4.4)
support. literature.
Measurement Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire
of scale is properly is properly is properly is properly is properly
(CLO 3 – constructed designed with designed with designed with designed with
PLO4.4) with simple simple simple simple simple
understandabl understandabl understandabl understandabl understandabl
e languages e languages e languages e languages e languages
measuring 5 measuring 4 measuring 3 measuring 2 measuring 1
variables. . variables. variables. variables. variables.
Sample The students The students The students The students The students
design has selected has selected has selected has selected has selected
scale (CLO 3 appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate inappropriate
– PLO4.4) sample design sample design sample design sample design sample design
with all with all with all with poor with lack of
reasoning with reasoning with reasoning with reasoning with reasoning with
precision and precision and precision and precision and precision and
thoroughness. thoroughness. thoroughness. thoroughness. thoroughness.


Submission Type: Google Classroom

Type of Assignment: Group
To be submitted in: Word / PDF
Report Submission Format:

 Cover Page (Topic, Student Name, Registration Number, Date of Submission)

 Table of Content (with page number)
 Should be 10 to 12 pages, 1.5 line spaced
 Use 12-point fonts
 Use 1" top, bottom, right and left margins
 Use ‘Time New Roman’ style


Date of Submission: 25.03.2023

Time: 11:59 P.M
Your feedback and mark for this assignment will be provided on: 31.03.2023
The Feedback method: Electronic

The references for the assignment should be provided by the students and there must be a
proper acknowledgement for the sources every time. Failure to do so will amount in plagiarism.

The support from faculty can be availed during Monday to Friday 03:30 – 04:30 PM.


I / We hereby certify that this assignment is my / our own work and where materials have
been used from other resources, they have been properly acknowledged. I / We also
understand that I / We will face the possibility of failing the module if the content of this
assignment is plagiarized.

Date: 25TH MARCH 2023

Type your full legal name: PRASHIL KUNDARIA


Introduction:- This CIA Component includes the Objectives, Questionnaire and the
Hypothesis done for this Research Article.

 To examine the role of cultural and social factors in shaping consumer
behavior across generations, and how these factors have evolved over time. 
 To understand the attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors that are
characteristic of each generational cohort, and how these factors influence their
purchasing decisions. 
 To assess the implications of generational change on businesses and
industries, and how they can adapt to the evolving consumer landscape. 

Literature Support:- The following objectives used in this CIA were written down on our own
after observing and taking references from a few Research Papers like ‘Buyer behavior,
discrete choice, and the effect of generational cohort-groups.’ , ‘Generation Y as young wine
consumers in New Zealand: how do they differ from Generation X?’, ‘The impact of age on
the customers buying behavior and attitude to price.’
Factors Affecting The Consumer Behaviour:-

Internal Factors:-

1. Gender:- Sometimes when people buy products, it can vary from gender to gender and
they can have different choices on what type of similar or different products they
might want to buy.
2. Taste and Preference:- Every Individual has its own preferences and choices and their
priorities of buying products. People can be indecisive.

External Factors:-

1. Prices:- Prices have a profound effect on consumers buying behaviour, as demand for
various products vary according to their prices.
2. Marketing:- The way a product is advertised or marketed can decide if the consumer
wants to purchase the respective product or not. Marketing plays a very important role
in sales figure of the product.
3. Dynamic Environment:- The ever changing business environment has an immediate
effect on the buying decision of the consumers. Since there are new technologies, new
advancements etc they usually have an effect on the consumer behaviour.
Literature Support:- The following factors used in this CIA were written down on our
own after observing and taking references from a few Research Papers like ‘Buyer
behavior, discrete choice, and the effect of generational cohort-groups.’ , ‘Generation Y
as young wine consumers in New Zealand: how do they differ from Generation X?’, ‘The
impact of age on the customers buying behavior and attitude to price.’


1)Internal Factors:-
H0 = Internal factors don’t have an effect on investment decision
H1= Internal factors have an effect on investment decision

2)External Factors:-
H0 = External factors don’t have an effect on investment decision
H1 = External factors have an effect on investment decision

Sampling Method:- Sampling methods used are Questionnaire and Purposive Sampling.
Purposive Sampling, a non-probability sampling technique suggests selecting units because
those units have the characteristics that we need in our sample, that’s why we ‘purposely’
select them.

Target Audience:- Our target Audience is mostly everyone who have started having their own
needs and have started buying products. Since we are focusing on different generations and
how it affects their buying behaviour, so we need data from different generations.

How We are Collecting the data :- As mentioned above, we are collecting our data through

What we are planning to do with the data further:- After collecting the data, we will be doing
a thorough study of the data to figure out if Generation change affects the consumer
behaviour if yes, then how and why does it affect it.

Link to the Questionnaire:-

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