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Slide 4. Listen to a YouTube video.

Slide 5. Discuss in groups:

1. What do many islanders produce? They produce handicrafts – handmade
traditional objects like jewelry, textiles and pottery.
2. How much of the world's population lives on an island? 11 per cent or 730
million people.
3. What are the Pacific people dependent on? The Pacific people are dependent
on tourism, crops, livestock, agriculture, fisheries, handicrafts for food security and
4. What keeps the tourists away? Tsunamis keep the tourists away.
5. How can we address these challenges to better support local people? So we
can address these challenges by helping them get back on their feet and feed their
6. Is it paradise? I don't think so because there are so many vulnerable people.

Slide 6. Questions for discussion

1. Can you describe a terrible storm one night?

One night there was a terrible storm. The rain teemed down and the lightning
and thunder was the worst ever known.

2. What did the valley look like after the thunderstorm in the morning?

At dawn the wind changed to a gentle breeze, the rain stopped and the sun
came out making the flowers and trees look clean and fresh.

3. Why was the daisy beginning to wilt when the boy found it? The daisy was
beginning to wilt when the boy found it because it was uprooted.

4. Who bestowed upon the daisy a duty to tell a story and instruct a boy what
to do? The fairies bestowed upon the daisy a duty to tell a story and instruct a boy
what to do.
5. Why did the daisy close its petals and go to sleep? The daisy closed its petals
and went to sleep because it was not very strong.

Slide 7. Memorize the following expressions. Use them in sentences of your

own. Your 10 sentences.

Slide 9. Think about…

1. What kind of problems did the trees create by their ability to walk? The trees
created many problems with their ability to walk because they had such long legs and
their heads were so high they couldn't see where they were treading. They could
travel so quickly, the flowers and grasses, and those animals which could not run
very fast, were often crushed to death.

2. What was the daisy`s plan to prevent trees from walking? The daisy`s plan to
prevent trees from walking was to make them anchored to one spot.

3. What color was the sky originally? Why has it become blue? The sky was jet
black. It became blue because the four winds were asked to take fairies` dresses and
carefully fold them to produce the loveliest colour. After that take them up as high as
they possibly could and gently, very gently toss them a little higher so they would be
out of reach of the elements and float in space for evermore.

Why are fairies invisible? The fairies are invisible because they are giving up
their beautiful blue dresses to make the sky more lovely.

4. What was the daisies plan concerning rooting lighter trees? The daisies' plan
concerning rooting lighter trees was to ask the clouds to build up again and wind to
do its duty once more. By that time the trees would be very tired and ache in every
limb. Then the rain had to come and continue until the clouds were completely spent.
After that flowering grasses had to creep up around each tree directly and stopped
before the trees attempted to move.
5. What's the reason for daisy's petals being tinged with pink? The reason for
daisy's petals being tinged with pink is that the Fairy Queen gently touched the daisy
with her wand and bent down and kissed every petal.

6. Why do tears appear on willow leaves? The tears appear on willow leaves
because one of the species proves how sorry the trees are.

7. Why was the boy happy for the daisy? The boy was happy for the daisy
because he realized that this was exactly what the plant had wished for.

Slide 10. Things our grandchildren may never see

Listen to the audio 5.1 and answer the questions:

1. Hannah is worried about what the world will be like when their
grandchildren grow up.
2. Dan is surprised because they haven't had their baby yet.
3. The scientists say about the future that it definitely will get warmer.
4. Hannah mentions the Arctic ice as an example of global warming
5. Dan tries to reassure Hannah by saying that they`ll do their bit and
they'll bring up their baby to do the same.

Slide 11. Complete the lines with the exact words from the conversation:
1. What will the world be like when she or he grows up?
2. Don't they make you worry about what could happen in the future?
3. Of course, things are going to change a lot in the next hundred years,
even in the next fifty but …
4. No one says it may get warmer or it might get warmer any more.
5. Scientists say that it definitely will get warmer.
6. They say temperatures might rise by up to 4 degrees Celsius before the
end of the century.
7. You are having a baby soon.
8. We'll do our bit.
9. Ok, but maybe it won't help. It may be too late already.
Slide 12. What do you think will happen?

Listen to the audio 5.2.

Choose between: Yes, it will, definitely

I don't think it will

I am not so sure. It might

Slide 13. Students` project.

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