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(Time: Two hour)

Student’s name: _____________________________ [ ] Class: ____________

Prepared by : CIK PARAMESHWARI A/P RAMA KRISHAN & Marks: _______________


Checked by : ______________________ Verified by : ____________________

[Head of Science Panel ] [Senior Assistant]

Instructions: Answer all questions.

1. Label the apparatus shown in Diagram 1 by using the words given.

Thermometer Tripod stand Bunsen burner Beaker

Diagram 1

(4 marks)

2. Diagram 2 shows some of measuring instruments. Mark () on the correct reading.

(a) (b)
37 ml 36 ml 5.44 mm 7.74 mm

680C 69 0C
3.40 cm 2.77 cm

Diagram 2

(4 marks)

3. Label the cell organisation in human body from simple to complex in Diagram 3.

Diagram 3 (4 marks)
4. Underline the correct answer for the following statement.

a. (Cats, Rabbits) lick their fur to reduce body temperature during hot weather.

b. (Lizards, Snails) produces fluid and looks for humid places to reduce water loss.

c. Dogs hang their tongue out so that the body temperature (decreases, increases).

d. Balsam plants regulate its water content though the process of (photosynthesis, transpiration).

(4 marks)
5. Diagram 4 shows two organisms.

Diagram 4 (a)

(a) (i) Name the types of reproduction of the organisms in the Diagram 4(a).

X : ________________________________________________________________________________

Y :________________________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)

(ii) If a starfish needs to be destroyed, it must be buried in the sea sand and cannot be destroyed

by cutting it using a knife. Why ?


(2 marks)

(b) Diagram 4(b) shows two organisms which undergo fertilization.

Diagram 4 (b)

(i) Whale and frog undergoes fertilisation but both fertilisation are not the same. Justify this statement.

(1 mark)
(ii) In your opinion, is the internal fertilisation better than external fertilisation? Why?



(1 mark
6. Diagram 5 shows the stages of growth of a baby in its mother’s womb.

Diagram 5

(a) Arrange the stages of growth of the baby in the correct order.

  

(1 mark)

(b) What is the function of amniotic fluid?

( 1 mark )
(c) State one substance that flow through placenta from

(i) the foetus to the mother:_____________________________________________________________

(ii) the mother to the foetus: ____________________________________________________________

(2 marks)

(d) Complete the human development from fertilisation into a baby.

Fertilisation  Zygote    Baby

(2 marks)

7. (a) Ahmad found that the mothballs he placed in the wardrobe shrink after few days .

Diagram 6(a)

(i) State the process that causes the size of mothballs become smaller.

(1 mark)
(ii) Draw the particles of mothballs before and after the process in the space below.

(2 marks)
(iii) State one other substance that undergo the same process as mothballs .
(1 mark)
(b) Ah Chong can smell the delicious cuisine when his mother is cooking in Diagram 6(b).

Diagram 6(b)

How does the smell of cuisine spread throughout the space? Explain your answer.

( 2 marks)
8. Almost everything that exist in nature is matter.
(a) What is matter? State one example of matter.


(2 marks)
(b) Every matter has its own physical properties and chemical properties.

Determine whether the situations below show the physical properties and chemical properties. Write

‘Physical properties’ or ‘Chemical properties’ in the space provided.

Statement Physical properties / Chemical properties

(i) The gate of a house is rusted.

(ii) Sugar dissolves in water.

(iii) The rubbish was collected and burnt.

(iv) Water boils when heated.

(4 marks)

9. (a) Diagram 7 shows the particles in three substances. Mark () the particles in a compound.

Diagram 7 (1 mark)

(b) (i) What is meant by compound?

(1 mark)

(c) Mark () the particles in a compound.

Carbon dioxide Milk

Copper Salt

(2 marks)

(d) Diagram 8 shows the method used to separate the water compound.

Diagram 8

(i) Name the method used.

(1 mark)

(ii) What the gases produced in test tubes P and test tube Q?

P: ___________________________________ Q: _______________________________________

(2 marks)

(iii) What is the ratio of the gases in test tube P to test tube Q?

(1 mark)

10. (a) Diagram 9 shows the apparatus to separate a mixture.

Diagram 9

(i) Which of the following mixtures can be separated by using this method? Tick () in the box.

i) Soil and water

ii) Oil and water

(1 mark)

(ii) Give a reasons why the mixture stated in 10 (a) can be separated?


(1 mark)
(iii) Can a mixture of sand and shattered glasses be separated using a magnet? Give a reason.



(2 marks)

(b) Diagram 10 shows the experiment carry out by Mary using a green marker pen.

Diagram 10

(i) What is the separation method carry out by Mary?


(1 mark)

(ii) Explain the observation obtained by Mary.


(1 mark)
(iii) Give two uses of this separation method in daily life?



(2 marks)

11. (a) Diagram 11 shows a few processes involved in the carbon cycle.

Carbon dioxide gas in


Diagram 11

(i) Process A use carbon dioxide gas in atmosphere. Name process A.

(1 mark)

(ii) What is the similarity of processes B, C, D and E?

(1 mark)

(ii) Explain how processes A, B, C, and D maintain the composition of gases in atmosphere.


(3 marks)

(b) Diagram 12 shows two types of houses, J and K.

Diagram 12

(i) Which house is flammable? Give your reason.


(2 marks)

(ii) Firefighter using water to extinguish a burning house. Explain how the water help to put out the fire.



(1 mark)
Ahmad, hurry No, water is denser than oil
up! Pour a pail and it will sink below the oil.
of water before The fire will not extinguished.
the fire We must use ___________.

Diagram 13

(iii) Based on Diagram 13, what is the type of fire extinguisher to put of the fire?

(1 mark)
(iv) Fire can occur due to careless. Suggest one safety measures to prevent the occurrences of fire.



(1 mark)

12. (a) In June 2016, our country has once again hit by a serious haze problem

Diagram 14(a)
(i) What is the main cause Malaysia often facing haze problem as shown in Diagram 14 (a)?

(1 mark)
(ii) State two practices that should be practiced to keep healthy during haze season.



(2 marks)
(iii) Haze also effects the agriculture sector. Why?


(2 marks)

(iv) How does the government solve the haze problem through the development of science and

(1 mark)

(b) Fareed had just brought a hybrid car for everyday use as shown in the Diagram 14 (b).

Diagram 14(b)
(i) What is hybrid car? Explain your answer briefly.



(2 marks)
(ii) State two advantages of hybrid cars compare with to ordinary cars.

(2 marks)
13. Diagrams below show the occurrence that happen because of light.

(a) Based on the diagram P, Q, R and S which of the occurrence that happen during light refraction.
(1 mark)
(b) Diagram below show the light reflection ray when pass through a different density medium.
Tick () in the correct ray of refraction of light.

(2 marks)

(c) Fill in the blank to explain how the swimming pool shallower from its actual depth.

densities refraction speed

When light passes between materials of different _____________, it changes direction. This
phenomenon is known as _____________________. This happen because the
_________________ of the light ray changes. This is why when you look into a swimming pool, it
look shallower than actual is.
(3 marks)

(d) Hafiz beams a ray of light to a glass prism as shown in Diagram 15.

Diagram 15
(i)What is the colour of the light formed at M and N.

M: _________________________ N:________________________________

Give a reason for your answer.


(3 marks)

(ii) Write the sequence of the seven colours formed from the investigation.

M Green N

(2 marks)
(iii) State one natural phenomena in which a spectrum can be seen.

(1 mark)

14. Diagram 16 shows a thief hiding behind a wall. Rays of light from his head strike a plane mirror at an
angle of 50˚ that measured from the normal line.

(a) When a person stands at the right place, he can see the thief.

Diagram 16

(i) On Diagram 16, complete the light ray after it hits the mirror. (1 mark)

(ii) On Diagram 16, mark angle of incidence and angle of reflection. (2 marks)

(b) (i) A plane mirror forms an image of an object. How is the size of the image compared to the size of
the object?
(1 mark)

(ii) School authorities want to install mirrors at the road intersection in front of schools to reduce the risk
of accident because there is no traffic light at the intersection. Diagram 17 shows 3 types of mirrors label
A, B and C.

Diagram 17

Which mirror is suitable to be installed at the road intersection? Give the reason.



(3 marks)

(c) Diagram 18 shows Amy would like to see a tennis ball on the wall using homemade periscope.
Unfortunately, she could not see the tennis ball.

Diagram 18

(i) Explain why Amy could not see the tennis ball?



(2 marks)

(ii) Draw the improvement that should be done to the periscope to allow Amy to see the tennis ball and





(3 marks)

End Of Questions


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