Observed Changes of Drought Wetness Episodes in The Pearl River Basin, China, Using The Standardized Precipitation Index and Aridity Index

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Observed changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl River basin,

China, using the Standardized Precipitation Index and Aridity Index

Article  in  Theoretical and Applied Climatology · September 2009

DOI: 10.1007/s00704-008-0095-4


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3 authors, including:

Chong-Yu Xu Zengxin Zhang

University of Oslo Uppsala University


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Theor Appl Climatol (2009) 98:89–99
DOI 10.1007/s00704-008-0095-4


Observed changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl

River basin, China, using the standardized precipitation
index and aridity index
Qiang Zhang & Chong-Yu Xu & Zengxin Zhang

Received: 24 April 2008 / Accepted: 29 November 2008 / Published online: 16 January 2009
# Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract Monthly precipitation data of 42 rain stations over in winter. However, different wetting and drying properties
the Pearl River basin for 1960–2005 were analyzed to can be identified across the basin: west parts of the basin
classify anomalously wet and dry conditions by using the tend to be dryer; and southeast parts tend to be wetter; (2) the
standardized precipitation index (SPI) and aridity index (I) for Pearl River basin is dominated by dry tendency in the rainy
the rainy season (April–September) and winter (December– season and is further substantiated by aridity index (I)
February). Trends of the number of wet and dry months variations; and (3) water vapor flux, moisture content
decided by SPI were detected with Mann-Kendall technique. changes in the rainy season and winter indicate different
Furthermore, we also investigated possible causes behind influences of moisture changes on wet and dry conditions
wet and dry variations by analyzing NCAR/NCEP reanalysis across the Pearl River basin. Increasing moisture content
dataset. The results indicate that: (1) the Pearl River basin gives rise to an increasing number of wet months in winter.
tends to be dryer in the rainy season and comes to be wetter However, no fixed relationships can be observed between
moisture content changes and number of wet months in the
rainy season, indicating that more than one factor can
Q. Zhang
Institute of Space and Earth Information Science,
influence the dry or wet conditions of the study region.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The results of this paper will be helpful for basin-scale water
Shatin, Hong Kong, China resource management under the changing climate.
Q. Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment,
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, 1 Introduction
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
73 East Beijing Road, Assessment of water resource variations is a pre-requisite to
Nanjing 210008, China
understand and adopt appropriate management strategies
C.-Y. Xu with the aim to avoid adverse environmental effects and
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, reconcile conflicts between users (Xu and Singh 2004).
P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, Climate changes, particularly the current well-evidenced
0316 Oslo, Norway
global warming and its impacts on hydrological regimes,
Z. Zhang especially hydrological extremes, e.g. droughts and floods,
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Forestry Ecological Engineering, have become a priority area both for process research and
Nanjing Forestry University, for water management practices (Xu et al. 2005). It was
73 East Beijing Road,
believed that projected global climate changes have the
Nanjing 210008, China
potential to accelerate the global hydrological cycle. Many
Q. Zhang (*) studies indicated that global warming alters precipitation
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, patterns and results in more frequent extreme weather
Chinese Academy of Science,
events, e.g. floods, droughts, and rainstorms (Zhang et al.
73 East Beijing Road,
Nanjing 210008, China 2008a; WMO 2003). These results are undoubtedly useful
e-mail: zhangqnj@gmail.com for the better understanding of increasing flood/drought
90 Q. Zhang et al.

hazards over the world (e.g. Herschy 2002; Mirza 2002). available in the Pearl River basin so far despite numerous
Furthermore, public awareness of extreme climatic events studies of this topic available in the literatures. With this in
has risen sharply in recent years partly due to the mind, the objectives of this paper are: (1) to detect changing
catastrophic nature of floods, droughts, storms and other properties of dry and wet episodes defined by SPI; (2) to
climatic extremes (e.g. Beniston and Stephenson 2004; analyze trends of frequency and intensity of dry and wet
Zhang et al. 2006a, b, 2008b). Therefore, it is of scientific events by using Mann-Kendall trend test; and (3) to explore
and practical merit to better understand changing character- possible causes behind wet and drought variations in the
istics of dryness and wetness variations for improving Pearl River basin with NCAR/NCEP reanalysis dataset.
integrated water resource management at the basin scale
and human mitigation to hydrological alterations.
Environmental droughts generally include: (1) meteoro- 2 Study region and data
logical drought, (2) hydrological drought; and (3) agricul-
tural drought (e.g. Livada and Assimakopoulos 2007). This The Pearl River (97°39′E–117°18′E; 3°41′N–29°15′N)
study focuses on the meteorological drought which is (Fig. 1) is the second largest river in terms of streamflow
defined as a lack of precipitation over a region for a period in China with a drainage area of 4.42×105 km2 (PRWRC
of time. The standardized precipitation index (SPI) (McKee 1991). The Pearl River basin involves three major tributaries:
et al. 1993, 1995; Hayes et al. 1999) was widely used to West River, North River and East River. The West River is
reveal meteorological drought (e.g. Silva et al. 2007; Bordi et the largest tributary accounting for 77.8% of the total
al. 2004a; Moreira et al. 2006) and was proven to be a useful drainage area of the basin. The North River is the second
tool in the estimation of the intensity and duration of drought largest tributary with a drainage area of 46,710 km2. The
events (Bordi et al. 2004a). Livada and Assimakopoulos East River accounts for 6.6% of the total area of the Pearl
(2007) used the SPI to analyze drought events in Greece. River. The Pearl River basin is located in the tropical and
Wilhite and Glantz (1985) applied the SPI in Nebraska on sub-tropical climate zone with the annual mean temperature
time scales of 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 months. In this study, the ranging between 14–22°C. The precipitation mainly concen-
SPI is calculated based on 1 and 3-month precipitation time trates during April–September (Zhang et al. 2008a), account-
series. ing for 72–88% of the annual precipitation (PRWRC 1991).
The Pearl River is the third largest river in drainage The daily precipitation dataset covering 1 January 1960–
basin area and the second largest river in terms of 31 December 2005 was collected from 42 rain stations in
streamflow in China. However, uneven spatial and temporal the Pearl River basin. Location of the rain gauging stations
distribution of water resources, with 80% of the total can be referred to Fig. 1. Data quality control was made in
discharge occurring in the flooding seasons, i.e. April– an earlier study (Zhang et al. 2008a). The NCAR/NCEP
September, negatively affects the effective human use of reanalysis dataset was used to detect changes of water
water resource. With booming economic development in vapor flux and moisture content in the Pearl River basin
the Pearl River basin, pollution-induced water shortage is with the intention to understand possible causes behind wet
threatening the security of regional water resources. The and drought changes over the basin.
East River, a tributary of the Pearl River, bears the heavy
responsibility of water supply for Shenzhen and Hong
Kong, and about 80% of Hong Kong’s annual water 3 Methodology
demands come from the East River. Due to the significant
role of water resource in regional economic development 3.1 Standardized precipitation index (SPI)
and conservation of ecological environment in the region,
precipitation changes and possible underlying causes have The Standardized precipitation index (SPI) (McKee et al.
drawn increasing concerns. Wang et al. (2008) explored 1993) was used to quantify the precipitation deficit on
changing properties of precipitation extremes and stream- multiple time scales. According to McKee et al. (1993), the
flow extremes in the East River, one tributary of the Pearl SPI was defined on each of the time scales as the difference
River basin. Dong (2006) indicated close relations between between precipitation on the time series (xi) and the mean
extreme precipitation changes and spatial and temporal value ðxÞ, divided by the standard deviation (s), i.e.
distribution of floods in the region. Luo et al. (2008)
xi  x
analyzed precipitation trends in North River basin by using SPI ¼ ð1Þ
Mann-Kendall trend test and Sen’s T test. In terms of dry
and wet changes in China, Bordi et al. (2004b) investigated The same definition is widely used in the literature (e.g.,
time–space variations of dry and wet periods in the east McKee et al. 1993; Livada and Assimakopoulos 2007). It is
China. However, to our best knowledge, no such reports are well known that very seldom the monthly precipitation time
Changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl River basin, China 91

Fig. 1 Study region and rain

gauging stations

series fits a normal distribution, thus, an initial transforma- The drought and wetness severity adopted in this study
tion of the data series is usually done to make SPI a is defined in Table 1. Due to the fact that precipitation
standard normal distribution variable. In this study, differ- mainly concentrated in the rainy season (April–September;
ent probability distributions have been used to fit precipi- Fig. 2), we studied the changes of SPI for the rainy season.
tation time series on various time scales; gamma, normal Because the Pearl River basin bears the heavy responsibil-
and log-normal distributions were selected as candidate ity of water supply for Hong Kong and the Pearl River
distributions; and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was per- Delta, the SPI changes in winter (January, February and
formed to evaluate the goodness-of-fit. The results (not December) were also studied. Moreover, the number of
shown) indicated that normal distribution had the worst months characterized by drought and wetness categories in
performance. Gamma distribution and log-normal distribu- the rainy season was also analyzed.
tion performed equally well for the monthly precipitation
series in the basin. Particularly, log-normal distribution had
better performance in describing precipitation properties in
the rainy season. Gamma distribution performed better in
winter (January, February and December) when compared
Table 1 The standardized precipitation index (SPI) categories based
to log-normal distribution. Even so, log-normal distribution on the initial classification of SPI values
also fit the precipitation changes in winter at >95%
confidence level well. Therefore, we chose log-normal Category SPI Probability (%)
probability distribution for the monthly precipitation series Extremely wet 2.00 and above 2.3
in the basin. After logarithmic transformation of the dataset, Severely wet 1.50–1.99 4.4
the sample mean and variance of the transformed data will Moderately wet 1.00–1.49 9.2
be m^ y and s^ y , then the SPI becomes Near normal −0.99–0.99 68.2
Moderate drought −1.00 to −1.49 9.2
lnð xÞ  m^y Severe drought −1.50 to −1.99 4.4
SPI ¼ Z ¼ ð2Þ −2.00 and less
s^ y Extreme drought 2.3
92 Q. Zhang et al.

First the MK test statistic is calculated as
n1 X
Precipitation (mm)

200 S¼ sgn xj  xi ð4Þ

i¼1 j¼iþ1
150 8
 < þ1; xj > xi
100 where sgn xj  xi ¼ 0; xj ¼ xi : and n is the sample
1; xj < xi
size. The statistics S is approximately normally distributed
0 when n≥8, with the mean and the variance as follows:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Fig. 2 Areal monthly mean precipitation in the Pearl River basin E ðsÞ ¼ 0 ð5Þ
(mm/month, average of 42 stations) for the period 1960–2005

3.2 Aridity index nðn  1Þð2n þ 5Þ  ti iði  1Þð2i þ 5Þ
V ðS Þ ¼ ð6Þ
To further understand dry and wet variations in terms of 18
agriculture demand, we also calculated the aridity index and where ti is the number of ties of extent i.
compared it with SPI in this study. Aridity index is defined The standardized statistics (Z) for one-tailed test is
by de Martonne (1926) who used it to study irrigation formulated as:
demands (WMO 1975) and is computed as: 8
> S1
12Pi >
> pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi S>0
Ii ¼ ð3Þ >
Ti þ 10 < VarðS Þ
Z¼ 0 S¼0 ð7Þ
where Pi is the monthly precipitation amount; Ti is the >
> Sþ1
monthly mean air temperature. The aridity index aims to : pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> S<0
VarðS Þ
identify the months when irrigation is necessary. Generally,
irrigation is necessary when Ii <20. Research results by
At the 5% significance level, the null hypothesis of no trend
Livada and Assimakopoulos (2007) indicated that, on a
is rejected if |Z| > 1.96.
monthly basis, there is a statistically significant exponential
correlation between SPI and aridity index (I = Ii/12) and
3.4 Calculation of frequency of wet and dry months
significant linear correlation between aridity index and
in the rainy season
rainfall departures (RD). RD is defined as the difference
between the monthly precipitation and its mean values, and
The number of months fell in each categories (frequency of
then is divided by its standard deviation. They also stated
wet and dry months), i.e. from extreme dry to extreme wet
that the exponential relationship between I and SPI should be
(see Table 1 for division) in the rainy season of each year is
due to the normalization of the monthly precipitation
a useful indicator for the dryness/wetness of the catchment
data prior to SPI estimation (Livada and Assimakopoulos
since the rainy season captures 80% of the yearly
precipitation total. The trends of these numbers are
calculated via the following steps: (1) calculate the SPI
3.3 Trend test for each month in the rainy season and count the number of
months falling in each categories within each year, (2) take
There are many statistical methods available for trend the numbers in each categories of each year as a time series
detection and each method has its own strength and and calculate the trend of the time series, and (3) spatially
weakness in trend detection (Zhang et al. 2008a). In this interpolate the trend calculated for each station. Due to the
paper, the Mann-Kendall (MK) test (Kendall 1975; Mann fact that the number of extreme dry or wet months is scarce,
1945), recommended by the World Meteorological Organi- only, e.g., 75 extreme dry months can be identified in the
zation (Mitchell et al. 1966), is used to study trends of SPI, Pearl River basin for past 46 years account for 4% of total
intensity of wet and dry months and also the number of months in the rainy season. For the sake of comparison, the
months when irrigation is necessary. For the sake of number of extreme dry months will not be analyzed,
completion and understanding of the results, the procedure rather We will only be analyzing the trends of the number
of MK trend test performed in the study is briefly of severe (moderate) dry (wet) months in the rainy
introduced as follows. season.
Changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl River basin, China 93

Fig. 3 Spatial distribution pattern of trends of SPI in the rainy seasons (April–September) across the Pearl River basin. The numbers in the figure
are Z values. Positive values indicate increasing trend and vice versa. If |Z| ≥ 1.96, then the trend is significant at >95% confidence level

4 Results and discussion 4.2 Frequency of wet and dry months in the rainy season

4.1 Spatial and temporal patterns of SPI Figure 5 demonstrates the spatial patterns of trends in the
number of dry or wet months in the rainy season, i.e.
Figure 3 maps the spatial distribution of SPI trends across moderate (severe) wet and moderate (severe) dry. Here we
the Pearl River basin for the rainy season. It can be seen decide the number of moderate (severe) wet and moderate
that the major parts of the basin are characterized by (severe) dry months in the following way: (1) the month
decreasing SPI, indicating that drying tendency dominates with SPI>1.5 (or SPI<−1.5) is defined as severe wet (or
major parts of the Pearl River basin. However, only a few dry) month; (2) the month with SPI>1 (or SPI<−1) is
places are characterized by the decreasing trends of SPI defined as moderate wet (dry) month. Different spatial
significant at >95% confidence level. A slight increasing patterns can be identified for wet or dry episodes of
trend (not significant at 95% level) of SPI can be identified different categories (Fig. 5). Figure 5a indicates a decreas-
in a few locations. Thus, generally, wet tendency is mainly ing number of severe wet months in large parts of the Pearl
identified in southeast parts of the Pearl River basin in the River basin, though this decreasing trend is not statistically
rainy season. As mentioned earlier, the Pearl River basin significant. Stations with an increasing number of severe
bears the heavy responsibility of water supply for the Pearl wet months distribute sporadically across the basin. Similar
River Delta and Hong Kong—and that is particularly the phenomenon can be identified in changes of moderate wet
case for the East River. Figure 4 shows that the entire Pearl months (Fig. 5b). A large area of the Pearl River basin is
River basin is characterized by increasing SPI in the winter characterized by a decreasing number of moderate wet
season. Thus, the wet tendency prevails over the basin in months and increasing trends can be observed mainly in
the winter season, although the increasing trends are not the lower East River, lower North River, lower West River
significant at >95% confidence level. and lower Beipan River. Different spatial patterns can be

Fig. 4 Spatial distribution pattern of trends of SPI in winter (January, February and December) across the Pearl River basin. The numbers in the
figure are Z values. Positive values indicate increasing trend and vice versa. If |Z| ≥ 1.96, then the trend is significant at >95% confidence level
94 Q. Zhang et al.

• Rain gauging station • Rain gauging station

• Rain gauging station • Rain gauging station

Fig. 5 Spatial distribution pattern of trends of the number of wet and dry. The numbers in the figure are Z values. Positive values indicate
dry months of different categories in the rainy season (April– increasing trend and vice versa. If |Z| ≥ 1.96, then the trend is
September). a severe wet; b moderate wet; c severe dry; d moderate significant at >95% confidence level

observed in the changes of severe and moderate dry the basin, e.g. Nanpan River, Beipan River, Zuo River, Yu
months (Fig. 5c,d). Major parts of the Pearl River basin River, Qian River and Liu River. Decreasing trends in the
are dominated by increasing severe and moderate dry number of moderate dry months are identified mainly in
months. Similarly, these trends are not statistically signif- the east parts of the Pearl River basin (Fig. 5d). Figure 6
icant. It can be seen from Fig. 5c that the increasing illustrates areal average SPI across the Pearl River basin. It
number of severe dry months is mainly observed in Beipan can be observed from Fig. 6 that SPI of the basin is
River, Nanpan River and Hongshui River and decreasing increasing before 1980s, and is decreasing after 1980s. An
trends are mainly found in the east parts of the Pearl River obvious decreasing tendency is found during 1985–1998.
basin. In terms of the number of moderate dry months, SPI in winter, however, is consistently increasing, partic-
increasing trends are observed in west and south parts of ularly during 1970–2005.

Fig. 6 Areal average SPI
changes in the rainy season
(April–September) and winter
(DJF) for the Pearl River basin.

Dashed lines denote quadratic


SPI in rainy season

1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
SPI in winter



1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Time (year)
Changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl River basin, China 95

Fig. 7 Trends of the number of months when agricultural irrigation is necessary, i.e. I<20. The numbers in the figure are Z values. Positive values
indicate increasing trend and vice versa. If |Z| ≥ 1.96, then the trend is significant at >95% confidence level

Figure 7 shows trends of frequency of months when 4.3 Water vapor flux analysis
irrigation is necessary, i.e. I<20; hereafter, we will simply
call months with I<20 dry months. It can be seen from Water vapor flux plays the key role in changes of drought
Fig. 7 that an increasing number of dry months can be and wet conditions; the water vapor is brought to the
detected mainly in western parts of the Pearl River basin, i. Asian continent mainly by the monsoonal flows. Gener-
e. Nanpan River, Beipan River, Hongshui River, lower Liu ally, three major low-level monsoonal streams transport
River and upper Zuo River. Major regions in the eastern water vapor to China (Simmonds et al. 1999; Tian et al.
parts of the basin are characterized by a decreasing 2004; Chow et al. 2008): (1) the southwesterly flow
frequency of dry months. Figure 7 demonstrates that places towards the Indian peninsula and Bengal Bay which is
characterized by increasing number of dry months largely associated with the Indian summer monsoon, and (2) the
match with those characterized by an increasing number of southerly flow in the South China Sea and (3) the
severe dry months defined by SPI (Fig. 5c,d). These results southeasterly flow associated with the southern flange of
imply that, at least in the Pearl River basin, SPI and I index the north Western Pacific subtropical high (0–20°N, 120–
seem to perform similarly well in reflecting wet and dry 150°E). Routes of the water vapor transport in the rainy
conditions in the basin. To verify the results of Fig. 5, we season (Fig. 9a) clearly demonstrate the sources of the
further analyzed relationships between I, SPI and rainfall water vapor: Indian peninsula, Bengal Bay and South China
departure (RD), and for illustrative purpose the results for a Sea. However, water vapor in the Pearl River is mainly
randomly selected station are shown in Fig. 8a for the rainy from southwesterly flow. Intensity of water vapor flux in
season and Fig. 8b for winter. Similar results have been the rainy season is larger than in winter (Fig. 9), indicating
obtained for the relationships between I, SPI and RD when considerable importance of water vapor transport on the
compared to those by Livada and Assimakopoulos (2007) determination of rainy and dry seasons. To further
over Greece. Excellent linear relations can be fit between I understand the possible impacts of moisture content on
and RD, and exponential relationships between I and SPI. dry and wet conditions in the rainy season and in winter, we
The exponential relationship between I and SPI can be also calculated and plotted the standardized total number of
attributed to the transformation of original monthly precip- wet months (SPI>0) together with standardized moisture
itation data by using log-normal distribution function. budget and moisture content in the rainy season and in

Fig. 8 Scatter diagram between

I, SPI, (open circles) and I, RD
(closed circles) and correlation
lines for for one station selected
randomly from the dataset. a
Rainy season; b winter. The
example station: Xianning sta-
tion (26°52′N, 104°17′E)
96 Q. Zhang et al.

(A) (B)
Fig. 9 Water vapor flux (kg × m−1 × s−1) in the rainy season (a) and in winter (b) for the Pearl River basin

winter (Figs. 10 and 11). It is observed that the relationships agreement with earlier result that SPI in winter is in
between standardized total number of wet months (SPI>0) increasing tendency (Fig. 4), showing considerable influ-
with moisture budget and moisture content are remarkably ences of moisture variations on wet and dry conditions in
better in winter (Fig. 11, dry season) than in the rainy winter. No conclusive relations can be identified between
season (Fig. 10). Furthermore, Fig. 11 indicates an standardized total number of wet months (SPI>0) and
increasing tendency for the standardized total number of standardized moisture budget and moisture content in the
wet months, moisture budget and moisture content and this rainy season. Thus, we can say that in the winter (dry)
increasing trend is significant at >95% confidence level. season the wet/dry conditions are mainly influenced by
This means that, in winter, increasing moisture budget and water vapor and moisture content in the air, while more
moisture content results in an increasing number of wet factors than moisture transport influence the wet/dry
months across the Pearl River basin. This result is in conditions in the rainy season.

Fig. 10 Comparison between
standardized areal total amount 1
of wet months (SPI>0) and
moisture content and moisture 0
budget in the rainy season
(April–September) across the –1
Pearl River basin –2

–3 Standardized number of wet rainy season

Standardized moisture content
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005



–3 Standardized number of wet rainy season

Standardized moisture budget
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl River basin, China 97

Fig. 11 Comparison between Standardized number of wet winter
standardized areal total amount 2 Standardized moisture content
of wet months (SPI>0) and
moisture content and moisture 1
budget in winter (January, Feb-
ruary and December) across the 0
Pearl River basin


1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Standardized number of wet winter
2 Standardized moisture budget



1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

5 Conclusions 2. In terms of the number of dry or wet months in the rainy

season, major parts of the Pearl River basin are
In this study, we quantitatively evaluated dry and wet characterized by a decreasing frequency of severe and
conditions by using the standardized precipitation index moderate wet months. However, an increasing number
(SPI) and aridity index (I) based on monthly precipitation of moderate wet months can be observed mainly in
dataset of 42 rain stations in the Pearl River basin for 1960– southeast parts of the Pearl River basin. Increasing
2005. Mann-Kendall trend test was used to detect trends frequency of severe dry months can be observed in
within the number of months of different dry and wet regions <108E°, and an increasing number of moderate
categories and SPI values. Furthermore, we also attempted wet months can be found in regions <107°E and
to explore possible causes behind changing properties of between 108–110°E. Results of aridity index analysis
dry and wet conditions across the Pearl River basin by also show a decreasing number of dry months (I<20) in
using NCAR/NCEP dataset. Some interesting conclusions the rainy season in eastern parts of the Pearl River basin;
are obtained as follows: adverse trends are found in western parts of the basin.
These results are in good agreement with changes in the
1. Different dry or wet tendencies can be identified in the number of dry months in the rainy season. Therefore,
Pearl River basin in the rainy season and in winter. The aridity index and SPI perform similarly well in reflecting
Pearl River basin tends to be dryer in the rainy season dry conditions over the Pearl River basin. Relationships
and to be wetter in winter. However, different parts of between I, SPI and RD indicate significant exponential
the basin show different patterns of dry and wet correlation between I and SPI, and significant linear
conditions— a general dry tendency can be observed correlation between I and RD. The exponential correla-
in major parts of the basin in the rainy season, and a tion between I and SPI may be due to the logarithmic
wet tendency in winter can be identified across the transformation of original monthly precipitation data.
entire basin. Most of the stations show decreasing SPI 3. Moisture flux analysis based on NCAR/NCEP dataset
index of rainy season but some are not, which may be indicates a stronger intensity of water-vapor transport in
due to the extremely inhomogenous spatial distribution the rainy season than that in winter (dry season),
of precipitation as a result of stronger convective showing considerable influence of water-vapor flux on
precipitation and typhoon rain storms which are very dry and wet conditions of the Pearl River basin. The
common in the rainy season in the Pearl River basin. source of water vapor lies mainly in the Indian peninsula
However, the relatively more homogenous spatial and Bengal Bay. Good correlation can be identified
patterns of SPI index in winter may be attributed to between moisture budget, moisture content and number
relatively stable air masses in the season. of wet months in winter over the Pearl River basin.
98 Q. Zhang et al.

Increasing moisture budget and moisture content gives Bordi I, Fraedrich K, Gerstengarbe F-W, Werner PC, Sutera A (2004a)
rise to an increasing number of wet months in winter Potential predictability of dry and wet periods: Sicily and Elbe-
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