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Against- Video games are promoting violence.

“Video games foster the mindset that allows creativity to grow.”This

statement of Nolan Bushnell aptly sums up the power of video games.

Good morning esteemed judges, respected teachers and my dear

friends. I strongly oppose the motion that video games are promoting
Playing video games as we all are aware has become more of a ritual
now. More than half the population of the world, whether old or young
have been video games and unknowingly have improved their
decision making skills, enhanced prosocial behavior and improved
cognitive abilities. A few decades back, when there were no video
gaming apps or sites were we as aware of teamwork or multitasking
as we are today?

Video gaming sites not only promotes spending time with friends
playing your favourite games but even offers gamers, enthusiasts or
even layman a business in gaming, chances to participate in
competitons like Esports world convention and winning cash prizes
from it and also helps coders to make, update or sell video games,
thus making it a career option as well.
Take for example the success of gamers like Pewdiepie, or a very
famous indian gamer named Ajay. All of them were able to earn a
respectable job from this as they were provided with a platform to
share their interests. Moreover, to support my argument, I’d like to
share that according to New York Times, pursuing your passion both
lowers stress and contributes to greater happiness over all.
Researchers found that participants who engaged in hobbies were 34
percent less stressed and 18 percent less sad during the activities, as
well as for some time after.

How can the members of this house forget so easily the major role
played by the video gamesduring the pandemic? My friends here, who
are harping on the downsides of video games , can they refute the
truth that video games have affected players, such as providing cognitive
stimulation and opportunities to socialise, and a variety of benefits related
to mental health, including reduced anxiety and stress. How can we
simply forget the kind of help that was extended out to the layman by
distracting them from the overwhelming situation going on in the world
Besides social media has majorly impacted the current generation.
Not only has it provided people a platform to share their common
interests, but has also allowed coders to develop games that interests
them. We all witnessed the exponential increase in the number of
gaming influencers representing india on international platforms during
the course of the pandemic thanks to social media.

Most of my worthy opponents have gone on and on about the harm

created by video games and its various negatives. But what about the
fact that communication is now faster across the globe, relationships
have gotten deeper, people have gotten stress free and so much
While most people argue that video games has caused or impacted
our lives negatively, I would like to question are they not reaping the
benefits of Call of duty, among us, free fire and many other apps?

The term ‘Sahati Karyasadhika ’ is more a reality now and all thanks to
video games which has made this possible.
At last, I would conclude my stand with the opinion that yes, video
games has influenced our life to a great extent. But the new tech savy
generation is adroit & astute and is inspiring from video games to
create brilliant ideas, contributing towards the economy and therefore
leading India into a bright future.

Alvira Imtiyaz Reshi

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