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Research analysis on poetry as an art therapy.

Poetry therapy is the use of language, symbol, and story in therapeutic, educational, growth, and
community-building capacities. It relies upon the use of poems, stories, song lyrics, imagery, and
metaphor to facilitate personal growth, healing, and greater self-awareness. Bibliotherapy, narrative,
journal writing, metaphor, storytelling, and ritual are all within the realm of poetry therapy.

Poetry therapy, which uses poetry as an expressive and therapeutic tool, has gained increasing
recognition as a form of art therapy. Here are some key findings from research on poetry as an art

1. Reduces stress and improves emotional regulation: Some studies have found that writing or reading
poetry can reduce stress and anxiety, and improve emotional regulation. For instance, a study on a
poetry therapy program for individuals with anxiety found that it led to significant improvements in
anxiety symptoms, coping styles, and aspects of self-esteem.

2. Improves mental health outcomes: Several studies have shown that poetry therapy can improve
mental health outcomes, including symptoms of depression and anxiety. In one study, a poetry therapy
intervention was found to result in a significant reduction in depression symptoms among adults with
major depressive disorder.

3. Enhances self-expression and creativity: Poetry therapy can enhance self-expression and creativity,
leading to a greater sense of self-awareness and identity. Some studies have found that poetry therapy
can increase participants' engagement with creative activities and foster a sense of personal growth.

4. Provides a safe and engaging therapeutic tool: Poetry can serve as a safe and engaging therapeutic
tool, especially for those who may find it difficult to express themselves through other means. For
instance, a study on a poetry therapy program for incarcerated youth found that it was effective in
promoting positive behavior and self-expression.

5. Supports physical health: While research on the physical health benefits of poetry therapy is limited,
some studies have found that it can improve somatic symptoms, such as pain and fatigue, among
individuals with chronic illnesses.

In conclusion, research has shown that poetry therapy can be an effective form of art therapy, with
benefits for mental health, emotional regulation, creativity, and self-expression. It can serve as a safe
and engaging therapeutic tool for individuals with a range of needs, and has the potential to enhance
both personal growth and physical health outcomes.

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