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Question 1

A= ( 1+2*4+3)/6 =2
B= (5+6*4+7)/6 =6
C= (1+4*4+13)/6 =5
D= (3+4*4+5)/6 =4
E= (1+3*4+11)/6 =4
F= (4+6*4+8)/6 =6
G= (1+3*4+11)/6 =4
H= (2+4*4+6)=4
I= (1+2*4+3)/6 =2

2. What is the critical path? What does it tell you, and why is it important?
In essence, the critical path is the bottleneck route. In project management, the critical path
is the longest sequence of tasks that must be completed to complete a project. The tasks on
the critical path are called critical activities because if they're delayed, the whole project
completion will be delayed. ABDFGI and ABDFHI are the critical paths here which both go for
24 weeks.
3. (a) Which activities have slack?
Activities C, develop remodelling plans and E finalize remodelling have slack.
Activity C= 3-2= 1 week slack
Activity E= 8-7 = 1 week slack
3(b) Using your answer to (a), explain the concept of shared slack, and where it does/does
not exist for this project
Shared slack is the slack available for a sequence of activities. They have the same amount
of slack. We can see this in Activity E and Activity C because they share the same path

4(a) (b) Show in Gantt chart format how you would use resource levelling to improve
allocation of resources

(c) Explain how your answer to (b) can help Safe work, given that it is undergoing several
expansion projects simultaneously.
The Gantt chart format is visual guide for SafeWork as to how they could use resource
levelling to achieve a reduction in variability in management requirements without
increasing project duration. Leveling resources and Resource smoothing, key management
techniques used to optimize time and resources, is demonstrated in the Gantt chart.
Through resource levelling is able to smooth out the demand for resources by period
throughout the duration of the project without extending it, as they reschedule the non-
critical activities to another period without causing delays. Managers are costly, by levelling
resources you can have the same 4 managers working on the process, only require 2 extra
manager for C.
5. (a) Suppose that Safework aims to finish this expansion project within 25 weeks. What
is the 3 probability of completing the critical path(s) within 25 weeks? What is the
probability of completing each of the non-critical paths within 25 weeks (Hint: the path
standard deviations are 1.91, 1.15, 3.20 and 2.81 for path ABDFGI, ABDFHI, ACEFGI, and
ACEFHI, respectively)?
Path variance ABDFHI = [(3-1)/6]^2 + [(7-5)/6]^2 + [(5-3)/6]^2 + [(8-4)/6]^2 + [(6-2)/6]^2 +
[(3-1)/6]^2 = 1.3225 weeks= variance . Standard Deviation = 1.15
z = (T - TE)/ Standard Deviation = (25- 24) / (1.15) = 0.87
Assuming normal distribution applies, the probability that the project can be completed
within 25 days is about 81.33%.
For ABDFGI the Z = (T - TE)/ SD = (25- 24) / (1.91) = 0.52. Assuming normal distribution
applies, the probability that the project can be completed within 25 days is about 69.85%.
For ACEFGI the Z = (T - TE)/ SD = (23-24) / (3.2) = -0.3125. The probability that the project
can be completed within 25 days is about 37.83%
For ACEFHI the Z = (T - TE)/ SD = (23-24) / (2.81) = -0.36. The probability that the project can
be completed within 25 days is about 35.92%.
(b) Using your answer to (a), explain the value of calculating path standard deviations.
Calculating path variances is valuable because it allows project teams to constantly compare
planned performance with actual project data.
Non-critical path may become critical path if there is uncertainty, especially if the length of
non- critical path and critical path is very close.

6(a) Using the additional information in Table 2 below, ascertain the smallest total
additional cost incurred for finishing the entire project in 22 weeks

Normal Costs Time Crash
Activity Normal time (weeks) ($) (weeks) Cost Crash slope
A 2 100,000 2
B 6 250,000 5 265000 15000
C 5 50,000 4 60000 10000
D 4 4,000 3 12000 8000
E 4 80,000 3 105000 25000
F 6 350,000 5 580000 230,000
G 4 800,000 4
H 4 350,000 4
I 2 200,000 1 230000 15,000

- Crash I for one week and then critical paths ABDFGI and ABDFHI will become 21 weeks
- Then, crash D and ABDFGI and ABDFHI and they become 20 weeks.
The additional costs = 20,000 + 200,000 = 220,000
- Crash I for one week and then critical paths ABDFGI and ABDFHI will become 21 weeks
- Then, crash D and ABDFGI and ABDFHI and they become 20 weeks.
The additional costs = 15,000 +8,000 = 23,000
. The smallest additional cost:
- Crash I for one week and then critical paths ABDFGI and ABDFHI will become 21 weeks
- Then, crash D and ABDFGI and ABDFHI and they become 20 weeks.
The additional costs = 20,000 + 200,000 = 220,000
(b) Do you think it is a good idea to crash the project? Are there any other factors that
should be taken into consideration?
Cost and benefit analysis, whether or not other projects affected and if there a better
alternative use
of money.
Crashing project is necessary if you want to finish on time. Cost and benefit analysis,
whether or not other projects affected and if there a better alternative use of money.

• Cost vs benefit analysis?

• Any other projects
• Any better alternative use
of money?

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