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Technology is such an inherent part of our everyday life nowadays that it is di cult to

remember what we did without it. It impacts on almost every part of our daily life. But
where has technology’s greatest impact been?

An area that has surely been a ected by technology is communication. We wouldn’t be

able to call or text people on the other side of the globe If technology didn’t exist. It surely
does make our lives easier. It has also became increasingly common to make friends
online. As long as we remember to relate to others on a personal level, not only through
the internet, it can make people’s life more interesting and has created a completely new
way of making friends.

Another part of our life that has been a ected by technology is the way we ll our free
time. Most of us either scroll through social media, play video games or watch TV when
are bored. I feel that It can be stultifying and easily lead to an addiction. Spending hours
in front of a screen has a bad impact on people’s health, both mental and physical.

To sum up, it appears that technology has the most positive impact on the way we
communicate and form relationships. It a ects people practically, as well as emotionally.
It has made our life’s much easier. Obviously If we don’t take advantage of technology
properly, It can have a negative impact on us no matter what part of our life it concerns,
so it is crucial to be careful with it.

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