English Assignment For Personality

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Q1: Your brief introduction?

My name is Waqas Ahmed, and I have completed my school from school rangers
public and intermediate from government boys and completed my bachelor's from
sir Syed university of engineer and technology currently I am working as a
DevOps cloud engineer at fintech Kamel pay fintech a banking side product, I also
working on my products and there are some my products one is deleting the cache.
The deleting cache is a product where we have multiple business models which I
cannot explain you to right now but it’s a model regarding DP and I am also
working on my youtube channel it’s not my youtube channel but I join them for the
technical podcast and some other podcast and I’m also planning to do masters in
cloud computing from Germany but it’s a plan that's it about myself.
Q2: Tell me about your hobbies and which one is your favourite hobby?

There are so many hobbies my favourite one is book reading I love to read books I
have so many books because books reading is a habit which makes you more
intelligent and it helps you to understand what life wants from you it likes depends
on books to book and yeah book reading it helps me and another one my hobby is
playing chess it boost my neural system and yeah chess is also one of my favourite
hobby i can play chess anywhere.
Q3: What steps do you take to manage your stress?

I cannot exactly explain to you what are the steps but I think whenever I am in
stress I try to listen to music, I try to ignore things and i start playing games on
mobile to distract my mind, i also start coding exercises from youtube that’s how i
distract my mind and once my mind distract i don’t feel stress too much.
Q4: Tell me about your journey and struggles?

My journey is very long like i started working when i am in matric as a

call centre agent now i am a bachelor person and graduated still doing a job and
my own business as well so yeah journey is long. I faced so many struggles, I
faced struggles on my education side. I was not that bright student so it was the
biggest struggle for me because in my class there are so many bright students who
can learn and be good in other stuff. In my childhood, I was not an intelligent
person at that time. I worked hard in my university time to prove to myself that I
can also study and be a part of intellectual people. When i start my first job after
my university i was so happy that i get the job but unfortunately after three months
they said no to me they are not hiring me for the permanent job and i was really
upset at that time and i found another job and same thing again happened to me  i
was not that much smart but i again start another job but this time i was so much
scared if i did not performed well they will also fired me and again same things
happened i don't know why they said no to me  after that i feel so down because
back to back i lost my jobs and i feel like i don't do it good and there some people
like my cousins as well told me that Waqas you can not do it you need to change
your field and i was like so stubborn i said no this is not gonna happen i will do in
this field i won’t change it and finally i got the job after 4 to 5 months and
Alhamdulillah now i am doing very well and earning very well so there are so
many struggles and i am still struggling it is not i am not struggling because its a
part of life and i am be very thankful to Allah because he gives me what i deserve.
Q5: How do you respond to criticism?

Criticism is a very good thing, it helps you to understand what people think about
you so i don't respond to any kind of criticism i feel really good when someone
criticizes me like i have started my youtube channel which is based on the podcast
all the people are criticizing me that you act like a hero so i don’t respond to
anyone because i know what i am and it's good you are criticizing me. It makes me
feel that I am doing something different. That's why people criticize me and I love
when someone criticizes me.

Q6: Have you ever regretted your past?

Yes I do, everyone regrets at some point so i also regret at some point like   i waste
so much time on irrelevant things. When I was in my college and school life I
chose the wrong people to be with me and I took the wrong advice from people so i
have regrets.
Q7: What is the lesson you learned from your greatest failure?
So the lesson that I learned is the expectations. Expectations always hurt, never
expect anything from anyone because in the end you will get something which you
don't want from the person or the life or something so yeah expectations hurt
definitely. If you are expecting that after graduation I am going to earn a lot of
money. It's your expectation but if it happened it's good but if it's not happened it
definitely hurts.
Q8: What step do you take to remain calm under pressure?
I don't talk to irrelevant people and I don’t take things too seriously because I'm
already dealing with the problems and staying calm under pressure. If i take
something more serious than it will not make my problems solved so i trying to
stay calm and stay chill in under pressure just make sure myself that it's okay there
is another day no problem  everything is fine if i done something wrong so i focus
that where i make a mistake and learned from and i trying to motivate myself that
it's not a big deal i will overcome from it and i will solve it and there is some
problems that im not able to solved every problem.
Q9: Are you truly proud of the person that you are? Are you living the life of your
I'm not proud of myself like there are some things which I have done in the past
and I really feel down whenever I think about that. I'm not the perfect person and
still I'm not living the life which I want, still not satisfying.
Q10:  What advice do you have for kids who want to choose this field?
So the advice is choose whatever you want, try to learn things ,try to understand
things and don't see the money like how much money in this field, see interest if 
you are okay with the complex things, if you have a curiosity to solve things so this
field is for you and if you are like more creative person so obviously is not for you
because this field is very logical and if you think you are not logical you are more
creative person then you should choose another faculty.
Q11: Who is your motivation and Why did you choose this field or tell me about
your greatest achievement?
To be very honest my motivation is my background because I am from a very
middle class background and i had rich friends so i also want to be rich so that i
can buy things like my friends buy expensive things so i think money is the main
motivation for me. Devops  is an emerging technology and very few IT software
engineers choose this field and this field is the future so that's why i choose this
field. My greatest achievements are earning more than 1 lac. 
Q12: When you meet someone for the first time, what attracts you to talk to that
person in your personal/professional life?
Well I don't talk with everyone. I have some very specific people in my life whom
I talk with and they all are very intellectual people so I feel more comfortable and
more attracted with intellectual people in both scenarios in personal and
professional  life.
Q13: Why did you choose to do a podcast and how did you get the idea of doing a
Well, my podcast is based on real life issues, what students face in their daily life,
what people face issues in their working environment, how to choose a field with
your interest, how movies affect our mind and other issues as well. We also do
career counseling for universities students actually we are 3 people, we usually
discuss about the issues on our free time so one of my friend give me a idea why
not we not educated other people as well so that's how we start a podcast and we
are very successful in it because many people approach us for career

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