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CALA TYPE: Pen and Paper, Research and Design

SYLLABUS TOPIC: Applied Chemistry

SYLLABUS SUB-TOPIC: Environmental Chemistry

● Research and analysis
● Designing

Sulphur dioxide (SO2), inorganic compound, a heavy, colourless,
poisonous gas. It is produced in huge quantities in intermediate steps of
many industrial processes.Sulphur dioxide has a pungent, irritating
odour, familiar as the smell of a just struck match. The emission of
sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere has various impacts on
infrastructure, human life, vegetation and aquatic life.
1.Sources of Sulphur Dioxide Emissions Into The Atmosphere
● volcanic eruptions
● coal-fired power stations
● diesel vehicles
● oil refineries
● shipping
● warm springs
● metal processing factories
● crustal dust
● fossil fuels containing sulphur, such as coal.
● Industrial boilers

2.Dot and Cross Diagrams of S02 AND SO3

Dot and cross diagram of SO2

Dot and Cross Diagram of SO3


1.Impacts/Effects of Sulphur Dioxide


When sulphuric, sulphurous, and nitric acid from polluted air and rain mix with calcite
in marble and limestone, calcite is dissolved. In exposed sections of these
structures, we can see a roughened surface, material loss, and details removed. It
may be widespread or only in certain spots that react quicker. In sheltered areas,
however, there are black crusts that have come off in some places, showing
crumbling stone beneath. This black crust is mainly composed of gypsum which
comes from the reaction between calcite, water and sulphuric acid. While gypsum
can dissolve in water, it usually gets washed away - except on protected surfaces
where it is not directly exposed to rainfall.It is not uncommon to see dead or dying
trees in regions affected by acid rain. This is because the precipitation leaches
aluminium from the soil, which can be damaging to both vegetation and wildlife. Acid
rain also sucks essential minerals and nutrients out of the soil that trees need in
order to develop. At higher altitudes, acidic fog and clouds can strip away nutrients
from the foliage of trees, resulting in brown or withered leaves and needles. Thus,
the trees' capacity to absorb sunlight is diminished, rendering them vulnerable and
more prone to freezing temperatures.

ii)Vegetation And Agriculture

Sulphur dioxide can inhibit photosynthesis by impeding its process. Stomata opening
is increased by the presence of sulphur dioxide, which leads to excessive water loss.
Combined with other pollutants such as oxides of nitrogen, fluorides and ozone,
sulphur dioxide has a cumulative effect of reducing both the quantity and quality of
plants' yields. Generally, its impact is more pronounced when it's found in unison
with other pollutants.Acid rain causes nutrient leaching from the canopy and soil,
which changes the pH of rivers and lakes it runs into. This leads to an influx of
nutrients that throws off the balance of aquatic habitats.When aquatic ecosystems
are disturbed it causes destruction of economically important fisheries
iii)Aquatic life

Acid rain is created when sulphur dioxide is released into the air and carried by air
currents. When it encounters oxygen, water, and other substances, it forms sulphuric
acid. This combination of acid and water then falls down to the ground. Acid rain has
a devastating impact on fish populations by acidifying aquatic ecosystems (lakes,
streams, wetlands), driving them to extinction in certain bodies of water and reducing
overall biodiversity. Furthermore, the acid rain running through watersheds can
cause aluminium to be released into nearby lakes and streams.which can kill some
species and affect freshwater and marine aquatic food chains.

iii)Human Life

Inhaling sulphur dioxide can be extremely irritating to your respiratory system,

leading to issues like bronchitis, coughing, wheezing, the production of phlegm, and
potentially even asthma attacks. The symptoms can be more severe during physical
activity and long-term exposure may worsen existing heart disease in susceptible
groups. In addition, sulphur dioxide reacts with other air pollutants to form small
particles that can also get into the lungs and cause similar health effects.

References and Source Material


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