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CABESO, Nadine Gail R.


“Timeline: Mga nangyari noong Martial Law | NXT”

The Philippines experienced a period of authoritarian rule known as "Martial Law" from
1972 to 1981 when Ferdinand Marcos was in charge. Civil rights were taken away and military
rule was established during this time. The country was severely affected by the imposition of
Martial Law, which resulted in the detention and torture of political dissidents, the
establishment of a new political party to support the regime, and the assassination of an
opposition leader. President Marcos declared martial law on September 21, 1972, citing rising
lawlessness and the possibility of a communist insurgency. The government was able to arrest
and detain political dissidents without due process thanks to the suspension of civil rights,
resulting in the imprisonment and torture of thousands of people.

The New Society Movement, a political party founded by Marcos to support his regime,
was also established during the period of martial law. The party was entrusted with carrying out
Marcos' vision for the country, which included modernizing the economy and further developing
the foundation. However, the party was also utilized to suppress opposition to the regime and
discontent. The 1983 assassination of opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. was one of the most
significant events during Martial Law. When he was shot and killed at the airport, Aquino was on
his way back to the Philippines from exile. Numerous Filipinos took to the streets to demand an
end to Martial Law and the establishment of a new government in response to the assassination,
which sparked widespread protests the Marcos administration. The climax of the fights was the
People Power Revolution of 1986, a peaceful uprising that prompted the expelling of Marcos and
the foundation of another administration under Corazon Aquino. The Filipino people, who had
been subjected to years of oppression and political upheaval under the Marcos regime, proved
to be resilient and determined during the revolution.

In conclusion, the Marcos regime's consolidation of power and the suppression of civil
liberties made Martial Law in the Philippines a time of repression and political turmoil. The
period saw the detainment and torment of political protesters, the formation of another
ideological group to help the system, and the death of a resistance chief. However, the People
Power Revolution of 1986 also witnessed the resilience and tenacity of the Filipino people, who
ultimately overthrew the regime.
“ - President Corazon Aquino before the US Congress”

Following the People Power Revolution, which toppled Ferdinand Marcos' authoritarian
regime, President Corazon Aquino became the 11th President of the Philippines and served from
1986 to 1992. Aquino worked to strengthen the Philippines' relationship with the United States
while also working to advance democracy and stability in the country. Aquino addressed the
challenges facing the Philippines and the significance of the relationship between the two
countries in a speech she delivered in 1986 to the US Congress. Aquino emphasized the
significance of the United States' assistance to the Philippines during times of political turmoil in
her speech. She urged the two countries to continue working together to advance democracy
and human rights, pointing out that the United States had been a "steadfast ally" in the fight
against dictatorship. Aquino emphasized the significance of the cultural and historical ties that
exist between the Philippines and the United States in bolstering the relationship between the
two nations.

Aquino also spoke with communist rebels about the ongoing conflict in the Philippines
and attempted military coups. She expressed optimism that the Philippines and the United
States could collaborate to overcome these obstacles, even though she acknowledged that these
difficulties had strained their relationship. To assist the Philippines in its fight against insurgency
and foster growth and development in the country, Aquino demanded that the United States
provide greater economic and military support. The discourse before the US Congress was a
chance for Aquino to grandstand her vision for the Philippines and to feature the significance of
the connection between the Philippines and the US. Additionally, the speech served as a
reminder of the difficulties the Philippines is facing and the requirement for ongoing
international support. The Philippines and the United States of America have continued to work
together on a variety of issues, including human rights, economic development, and defense, in
the years since Aquino's speech. The Philippines continues to receive economic and military
support from the United States, and the two nations have participated in joint military exercises
to address regional security concerns.

In conclusion, President Corazon Aquino's address to the US Congress was a significant

turning point in the relationship between the Philippines and the United States. It emphasized
the significance of the relationship between the two nations and called for continued
cooperation in the areas of democracy and human rights promotion. The speech by Aquino
served as a reminder of the difficulties that the Philippines are facing and the requirement for
the continued assistance of the international community. The United States of America and the
Philippines continue to collaborate to improve their relationship and address common
challenges in the region.

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