NSTP - Cabeso, Nadine Gail R.

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CABESO, Nadine Gail R.


I am a firm believer that being a part of a group of friends, a team, or an organization is essential to our
determination to improve ourselves. We can be inspired to work harder toward our objectives when we
are a part of a group that shares a common vision and purpose. Even when things get tough, a network
of people who support us can give us the direction, feedback, and encouragement we need to keep

In addition, being a part of a group or team enables us to gain insight and perspective from other
people. We can benefit from the knowledge and experiences of others, as well as from our own
experiences. Additionally, we can develop a sense of community and belonging, which can be extremely
beneficial to our mental and emotional health. We can achieve personal growth and fulfillment with the
assistance of a network of support. In conclusion, having a group of friends, a team, or an organization is
essential to our development as individuals. It gives us the support, direction, and drive we need to
reach our goals.

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