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STEM Mathematics

Name: Lance Gelro T. Astrolavio Activity: Math Investigation #1

Section: 11-STEM A Date: August 19, 2022

Graphing a Curve

A. Using any graphing application, illustrate using Cartesian Coordinate System the following
functions: make a hard copy of all the graphs.

Set#1. Set#3.

Set#2. Set#4.

B. Answer the following questions.

1. How each function differs compared to the first function in each set with regards to its graph?

They become differs because all the functions are different, so when you graph it, they all have a
different position on graph.

2. List pattern or patterns that you have seen and observe as how the functions reacts with the
changes done to its components.

The pattern that I saw in set 1 it is all straight line but in different location, while the graph in set 2 is
a curve line. Set 3 is like radical functions but it is symmetric to radical function and set 4 I notice
that the graph is in two pieces. And the graph of set 5 is like a half of a horizontal parabola. The
changes that the functions done to its component is it can make the look of the graph different like
set 3 and 5. Set 3 is look like a quadratic function but when you try it 1 by 1 it is a odd power
function, like set 4 it is look like a straight line but it is a rational functions.

3. Reorganizer the functions based on the patterns of its structure and components that you have

Set 1 is a linear function because when x is positive the position of line is right to left straight line
downward and left to right straight line downward when it is negative. Set 2 is a quadratic function,
when x is positive the line is upward curve line and when x is negative, the line is downward curve
line. Set 3 is an odd power function because when x is positive the line is right to left downward and
if x is negative the line is left to right downward and set 4 is a rational function a rational function
have a 2 lines, and when x is positive it has a two curve line the first line is from right to up in
quadrant I and the other line is from left to down in quadrant III and when x is negative the first line
is from left to up in quadrant II and the other line is from right to down in quadrant IIII. Set 5 is a
radical function, when x is positive the line is from left to right and when it is n egative the line is left
to right.
C. Test your observation once more by graphing the following sets of function now using a graphing
paper and pencil. Then check it using a graphing application. Again, make a hardcopy of the results.

a. b.
c. d.

e. f.

g. h.
i. j.

D. Create a generalization of each set based on your investigation.

In summary, Functions differ in many aspects as its creates its own uniqueness based on the main
operation used. It creates different pattern based on its components and its equation, such as linear
equation, quadratic equation, radical equation and fractional equation. Moreover, it easily to
determined or identify the equation based on its pattern or slope mark on the cartesian plane as its
main characteristics of each equation. The X-axis is the horizontal line, and the Y-axis is the vertical
line. The Cartesian coordinate point (x, y) indicates that the distance from the origin is x in the
horizontal direction and y in the vertical direction. The point is to the right of the origin if the sign of
x is positive; otherwise, it is to the left. The point is y points above the origin if the sign for y is
positive; otherwise, it is y points below the origin.

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