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We start doing our model by planning what are materials that we need and the
venue where we are doing it, the materials that we used are:
•Glue Stick

After we plan the materials, and what we need and the venue, our group started
doing our model, first Miguel cut the cardboard in the form of circle using
And after Miguel cut the cardboard we proceed to the next step, our group started to
make stand for our model using stick and the cardboard we used glue stick to glue the
wood stick and cardboard together, and we also stick the 1st orbital to the wood stick.

The next step we did is sticking the clay in the middle of the stick, the clay
represent as a nucleus of our model, we stick it using glue stick.

We succeed sticking the nucleus, after that we start adding the 2nd and 3rd orbital
and we also add the electron in the orbital, it easy to stick the clay into the wire,
but the stick might fall because of the weights of clay, so we add more glue stick
in the bottom of the stick.
We wait for about 10 minutes to dry the glue stick and to make our model stand-
alone while waiting we are eating, talking, and playing, and after a long and
exhausting day we finished our model happily. Using a wire, clay, and cardboard
we can make an electron cloud model.

By helping and cooperating to each other we can finished our work easily
without any problem and anything is possible if there have teamwork.

Soria, Shammel R.
Gonzales, Genli Marie
Lalaguna, Jamaica Nicole F.
Dizon, Ascon M.
Astrolavio, Lance Gelro T.
Reyes, Miguel V.
Hernandez, Rhaniel C.

Sir. Verjel Macayan

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