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Momentum Transfer


In the
simulation of
our convection
heat transfer
we represented the flow carrying the enthalpy
by the velocity components U and V across
the domain.
Are you sure that U and V are constant
allover the domain of computations?

To get the answer,

think about
engineering flow
phenomena around
The discharge of gases (or liquids) across the
engineering systems
disperses the inlet momentum
If you are not sure that the momentum
disperses or not while it is transported
Let the flow carry the velocity as a property
of interest
and see what happens to the velocity when
the flow travels across the space

heat conduction process is caused by the
random molecular vibration in all directions

The same principle works for momentum

transfer via the viscous action
In fact, it provides the transfer of momentum
in the presence of velocity discrepancy
In the same way as
the thermal
handles the
difference in

In this respect, the viscosity is the fluid

property which indicates the resistance to
But additionally we enforce the property via
the flow component by a net transfer of
molecules (translational motion) in the flow
Therefore, velocity is transferred such as the
temperature and other properties
But the velocity itself is
subjected to a decrease
in magnitude

For velocity transfer in x-direction, the rough

collision between spheres (which represent
molecules) causes the inlet velocity to be
transported but with attenuation
Like heat conduction,
the two dimensional
spread reflects the
nature of the
dispersive processes

Temperature contours resemble

the fully developed Parabolic
velocity profile in a pipe
In such flow advection cases, from where do
we get the velocity in the perpendicular
direction as a net transfer of molecules?

As long as molecules
only vibrate in all

but in many other flow advection cases, we

notice a development of the velocity
component in the perpendicular direction?
Laminar Flow

Collision among molecules (at laminar or

turbulent flow conditions) dissipates the
strength of velocity impact
Turbulent Flow
U-Momentum Flux Madvection2 Mconduction2
At steady state
and when both Madvection3 Madvection4
conduction Mconduction3 Mconduction4
and advection
are considered Mconduction1

Madvection1+Madvection2 +Madvection3+Madvection4
U is the average of Up and UW V
U is the average of Up and UE U
V is the average of Vp and VS
V is the average of Vp and VN
If U, V>0
Per unit depth normal to the page
U-Momentum flow through the left face into {P}
• =[μ ∆y(UW-UP)/∆x]+ρU∆yUW
U-Momentum flow through the right face into {P}
 =[μ ∆y(UE-UP)/∆x]-ρU∆yUp
U-Momentum flow through the bottom face into {P}
 =[μ ∆x(US-UP)/∆y]+ρV∆xUS
U-Momentum flow through the upper face into {P}
 =[μ ∆x(UN-UP)/∆y]-ρV∆xUP

If Δx=Δy=1
• Momentum flow through the left face into {P}
• =[μ (UW-UP)]+ρUUW
 Momentum flow through the right face into {P}
 =[μ (UE-UP)]-ρUUp
 Momentum flow through the bottom face into {P}
 =[μ (US-UP)]+ρVUS
 Momentum flow through the upper face into {P}
 =[μ (UN-UP)]-ρVUP
UW(μ+ρU)+UE(μ)+Us(μ +ρV)+UN(μ)
-UP(4μ +ρU+ρV)=0

• Momentum flow through the left face into {P}

• =[μ (UW-UP)]+ρUUW
 Momentum flow through the right face into {P}
 =[μ (UE-UP)]-ρUUp
 Momentum flow through the bottom face into {P}
 =[μ (US-UP)]+ρVUS
 Momentum flow through the upper face into {P}
 =[μ (UN-UP)]-ρVUP
U and V are used to calculate and produce the U-
magnitudes at the 5 points
Therefore, we take U and V as average values
between the neighboring velocities
Since this is true only when U,V>0, Let’s write
the expression for Up as:
The velocity is a function weighted
by the sides from which the flow is

If U, V<0 U
• Momentum flow through the left face into {P}
• =[μ (UW-UP)]-ρUUP V
 Momentum flow through the right face into {P}
 =[μ (UE-UP)]+ρUUE
 Momentum flow through the bottom face into {P}
 =[μ (US-UP)]-ρVUP
 Momentum flow through the upper face into {P}
 =[μ (UN-UP)]+ρVUN

Since this is true only when U,V<0, Let’s write

the expression for Up as:
To write a generic expression for Up at any
values of U and V, we combine the two
expressions as follows:

UP=UW(μ+ρ[max(U,0)])+ UE(μ+ρ[max(-U,0)])
+Us(μ+ρ[max(V,0)])+ UN(μ+ρ[max(-V,0)])
 
[ .U .U ]+ [ .V .U ]= Divide by ΔxΔy
x y
 U  U
μ ( [ ]+ [ ])
x x y y
• Momentum flow through the left face into {P}
• =[μ ∆y(UW-UP)/∆x]+ρU∆yUW
 [μ(U E-UP)/Δx]-[μ(U
Momentum P-UW)/Δx]/Δx
flow through the right face into {P}
 =[μ ∆y(UE-UP)/∆x]-ρU∆yUp
 Momentum flow through the bottom face into {P}
 =[μ ∆x(US-UP)/∆y]+ρV∆xUS
 Momentum flow through the [ρV(U
upper sface into {P}
 =[μ ∆x(UN-UP)/∆y]-ρV∆xUP
Now, it is the time to answer the question: from
where the perpendicular velocity develops?
According to the continuity, any decrease in U
must be compensated by an increase in V and
vice versa
If U>0 N
W Uw Ue E
If U<0
Vn-Vs=|Ue|-|Uw| Vs
As we start from the jet centerline, S
the condition of symmetry
necessitates that V+=V-

If U>0 N
W Uw Ue E
If U<0
Vn-Vs=|Ue|-|Uw| Vs=0
Since the mass cannot S
disappear or accumulate at the Vn=|Uw|-|Ue| U>0
+ -
centerline V =V =0 V n =|U e |-|U w| U<0

W Uw Ue E

Direction along which U increases V =|U |-|U |
n w e

Direction along which U decreases

Direction along which U increases

Direction along which U decreases

• Due to the disturbance of the axial jet, a
recirculation vortex develops [2D flow]

- - - -
• Similar development of the boundary layer
takes place through a pipe
Solving the continuity Equation

 
[ .v]+ [ .u]=0
y x

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