SAPCA 3 Membership Terms and Conditions 2023

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The South African Pest Control Association is a Non-Profit organization registered as under Section 21; an
association incorporated not for gain but to uphold the regulations of the industry.

Membership of the Association shall be in accordance with the constitution of SAPCA.

It remains your duty to ensure that you read through the documents carefully to understand the terms and

1) The validity of Active membership will only be recognised once the membership fees have been paid in full
and all relevant registration forms, handed in at the SAPCA office. No application will be considered without
the duly authorised signatories, the required documents, the information completed in full, copy of a valid
registered Pest Control Operator’s PCO certificate and ID copies.

2) As a non-profit organization under Section 21, SAPCA is obligated to comply with this legislation, regulations
and need to have the correct and latest details from the applicant. If the documentation provided proves to be
unclear or without proof, additional documentation will be requested.

3) Falsifying documents is a criminal offense, and if any documentation is found to be fictitious, the application
will be withdrawn and handed over to SAPS or Department of Agriculture, or relevant department to

4) Once membership have been granted, only Active Members will be allowed to use the SAPCA Name and
Logo with the written consent of the Association. The Membership Categories are:
• Active Membership • Sole Proprietor Membership • Allied Membership • Associate Membership

5) Companies with more than one branch/office, is expected to complete separated application forms for each
branch. Each branch/office will be liable for the full term of the fees and documentation. SAPCA membership
certificates will be issued to each branch respectively.

6) You are solely responsible for assuring your address of record is current and correct, along with the rest of
the supporting documents.

7) It will be expected of all SAPCA members to uphold and comply with our Good Practice Standards at all
If SAPCA receives complaints against a member, the complaint will be lodged in a register and dealt with in
the shortest possible time. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction and unsatisfactory service received
by a customer or pest control operator and needs to be treated seriously, following an agreed procedure, as
part of a commitment to quality services in the pest control & cleaning industry.

8) SAPCA will be fully warranted to terminate membership in the following cases:

8.1) Non-Payment of membership fees and/or part thereof;
8.2) Noncompliance with SAPCA’s Terms and Conditions including not having registered PCO’s
8.3) Any misconduct of practice which is not regulated with SAPCA Standards or with the Fertilizers, Farm
Feeds, Seeds and Remedies Act 36 of 1947 (DALRRD)
8.3) After receiving numerous complaints from the public sector due to wrongdoing and/or wilful disregard

for people and property, and failure to fix or resolve the problem or complaint.

Initial __________

Directors: L Lindenberg, TC van der Vyver, ES Ncube
Registration number: 2009/012862/08
9) All Active members will be listed on the website free of charge at the discretion of SAPCA. It is expected of
the member to inform SAPCA of any changes to contact information. SAPCA will not be held responsible for
any loss as a result of incorrect information or omissions. SAPCA has the right to remove member information
if credible evidence of misconduct is reported, when payment has not been made or registered PCO’s have
left the company.

10) In the case of re-application, a re-instatement fee of R1,650.00 will be payable before membership can be
considered again for renewal. It is important for members to understand their commitment to the
association. A new Application form needs to be submitted with all the relevant new details attached (Refer 1.)

11) Members MUST notify the SAPCA office of any changes and cancellation of Membership in writing. If not,
members will be held liable for renewal fees. When membership is terminated, the member will be held
responsible for any outstanding fees payable to SAPCA, and must be settled within 7 days from termination

12) Under no circumstances will a terminated member be allowed to make use of the SAPCA Logo or SAPCA
Name on any stationary, advertising, websites, vehicles or in any other form. Either for self-gain or to derive
any business from the SAPCA branding.

13) You may terminate your membership by giving us written notice and explain in writing the reason. On
termination the member will be responsible to cancel any advertisements placed in any media or and/or
stationery as well as vehicles branding and decals or any marketing material.

14) Upon termination or cancellation of membership, no percentage of paid fees will be refunded for the remainder
of the membership period. Members will be liable for the full term of the fees.
The membership period for this term is 1 March 2023 to 28 February 2024. (All Fees are Inclusive of VAT)
• Active Membership Fees R3,300.00 • Allied Membership R6,915.00
• Sole Proprietor Membership R2,200.00 • Associate Membership R5,750.00

15) New members will pay in full, on receipt of an invoice before receiving the certificate or any documentation from
SAPCA. A non-refundable once-off administration fee of R600.00 will be added to the membership fees.
Debit order facilities are available from the second year of membership only. Please notify the offices in writing
if you request Debit Order payment facility. Membership with SAPCA will automatically be Terminated when
Debit Order payments are returned by the Bank after 3 periods, (Refer to point 16)

16) Membership fees can be paid by Internet Transfer (EFT), Cash or by Debit Order (Debit order payments are
based on certain terms & conditions). Proof of payments must be sent to the SAPCA office with your member
number or Invoice number as reference.

17) Once membership have been approved, payments are due and payable within 30 days upon receipt of the
Invoice, If payment is not received during that time, this contract will be terminated and the applicant must re-
apply for membership. (refer to point 8.)

18) It is the members’ responsibility to make sure that sufficient Public Liability cover is adequate to cater for the
extension of Pest Control / Cleaning business. Please note that SAPCA will request a Confirmation of Cover on
an annual basis. The minimum cover should be R5 000,000.00 (5 million Rand) and should include the following
cover if applicable:
- General Risk – own premises - Products Liability
- Work Away – other premises - Defective workmanship

- Termite / Borer Beetle guarantee (optional)


Initial __________

Directors: L Lindenberg, TC van der Vyver, ES Ncube
Registration number: 2009/012862/08
Public Liability Insurance

Please note: If your Public Liability Policy lapses at any stage during your membership with SAPCA, your SAPCA
membership will be terminated, and any outstanding fees need to be settled immediately.
Your SAPCA certificate must be returned to the office and point 8 of these terms will come into effect.

Optional: Glenwood Brokers (Pty) Ltd- Authorised Financial Services Provider Tel: (012) 993 9660
Marina Croukamp

SAPCA agrees to grant membership for those who apply for tenders only. Specific terms & conditions will apply and the
member must agree to these terms. Upon signing these ‘Tender Terms & Conditions’ the member enters into a binding
contract and agree to abide by these terms.
All New SAPCA membership have to be for the same period or cycle as the Tender Contract/ Agreement and a new
SAPCA certificate must be issued each year to the Tender Company, until the Tender Agreement expires. The member
shall provide SAPCA with the Tender Ref number and period.

…………………………………………..…. ………………………………...….. …………………………….

Full name and surname Signature P-Number

POPI Act Compliance

I, the undersigned, give SAPCA the necessary permission (as envisaged in the POPI Act) to share company details
internally within SAPCA office, only as may be necessary for the purposes of SAPCA membership. Information are
treated as sensitive and will not be exposed to other members.
The undersigned declares that he or she has read, understands, accepts and will comply with the terms, conditions and
criteria of this application. The signature below shall be taken as evidence of acceptance of the terms and conditions.
The undersigned further declares that all paperwork, certificates and documentation is true and correct and understand
that false documents and statement will be handed over the Dept of Agriculture for investigation.

SAPCA Compliance
The undersigned further declares that he or she is duly authorised and further understands the financial responsibility
associated with this application for membership, and agree to have read and agree to the terms.

COMPANY REGISTERED NAME : _________________________________________________________________________

Signed at _______________________________ on this _______________day of ______________________________ 2023

_______________________________________ ___________________________ ________________________________

Full name and surname Member Signature ID number

____________________________________ __________________________
Witness signature Witness Full Names



Hilda Swart

Directors: L Lindenberg, TC van der Vyver, ES Ncube
Registration number: 2009/012862/08

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