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Energy Changes
 What is burning?
 What is a fuel? Give Examples.
 What happens when we burn fuel?
 What is meant by combustion?
 What is needed for combustion to take place?
 How much of the air is oxygen?
 What is oxygen?
 What happens when charcoal burns?
 What is an exothermic reaction?
 How can hydrogen be used?
 What happens when hydrogen and oxygen combines?
 Explain the large soda bottle experiment.
 What happens when magnesium and oxygen is combined?
 What is meant by oxidation reaction?
 What type of reaction is combustion and burning?
 What sort of reaction is rusting?
 Which compound is formed when copper reacts with oxygen?
 When magnesium burns in air what types of energy is the chemical
energy changed into?
 How is Iron oxide formed?
 Is rusting vigorous?
 Write down the word equation of potassium and water.
 Explain what happens when potassium is mixed with water.
 What is produced when metals are mixed with acids?
 Give examples of metals with acids.
 Explain Noor and Hanif’s experiment.
 Write each of the three ideas as a scientific question to be investigated.
 What are acids?
 What is meant by endothermic reaction?
 What happens when endothermic reaction takes place?
 What is a product?
 Is the heat energy given out or taken in, in this reaction?
 Write down the word equation or citric acid and sodium bicarbonate.
 Write down the word equation between sodium hydrogen carbonate and
citric acid.
 Give example of citric acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate.
 Explain why eating sherbet sweets makes your mouth feel cooler.
 You may also get a fizzy feeling in your mouth when you eat sherbet. Why
is this?
 What is meant by reactant?
 What is meant by solute and solvent?
 When potassium chloride is added in water what happens? Which
reaction or process is this?
 What are some other examples of endothermic process? Explain it.
 What is meant by endothermic process?
 Why is ice melting called an endothermic process and not a reaction?
 Suggest a change of state other than ice melting, that is an endothermic
 When you have been swimming and you come out of the pool, you may
feel cold. Use your understanding of endothermic process to explain why.
 Suggest whether water freezing is an endothermic process. Can you
explain your suggestion?
 Why is polythene cup used rather than a glass beaker?
 Which reaction gave out the most heat energy?
 Which reaction took in most heat energy?
 Why is exothermic reaction used? Give example and explain it.
 Write the word equation for calcium oxide and water. Is the heat given off
or taken in?
 Explain why self-heating cans are very expensive and is not a good idea?
 Why self-heating cans can be only used once?
 Differentiate between freezing icepacks and ammonium nitrate icepacks.
 Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of each of the two types of
ice pack described above.

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