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The storm is here...

Who are or who is your Lord ?

From the Annunakis to the divine ruler ship of Earth.
Part 1

Text transcript :

Since the beginning of this affair as your Leader I have been a victim of many kinds of abuses
coming from various religious groups, among them firstly the religion not formed by Christ but
just bearing his name and secondly the religion of Salam but which accumulates human rights
All those religious groups including the ones I have mentioned have acted with the idea that
what they have been doing globally at the macrocosm level against the people for centuries,
which is called mind control and terrorism, could be performed against me, your Leader at the
microcosm level.
Mind control and terrorism.
But no one in the world can indoctrinate the individual who is in touch with the origin of all their
beliefs which have been corrupted.
They can not indoctrinate the one who bears the truth within the deepest core of his own being.
They can never achieve it.

Today as your Leader in virtue of the powers vested in me, in the name of the Truth and in the
name of the universal Laws :
1- I officially challenge the legitimacy of the books used by many of those religious groups
around the world.
2-I officially challenge all the laws which have been formed out of all those books used by many
of those religions around the world.
3-I officially challenge all the institutions who have been erected through the centuries based on
those books used by many of those religions all around the world.

All those books who have been used to perform what can be legally qualified as organized
fraud, deception, duress, coercion, embezzlement, abuses of power and abuses of position in
order to obtain money, goods or chattels.

All those books have been used to perform what can be legally qualified as murders, tortures,
genocides, enslavement, grave forms of sexual abuses, persecutions, enforced disappearance
of persons.
There has been too many victims of those frauds… the number is actually in the billions and the
charges are countless…

Those falsehood and forgeries then serve only to fatten the few at the head of the clergy and
their associates at the expenses of the servitude of the many.

A few number of victims is already enough in order to investigate what qualifies as a crime
against humanity … the investigations must go through all the archives of those institutions to
stop those crimes against humanity and this is the instigation we are beginning to perform today
and that we are going to finish together.


As your Leader in virtue of the powers vested in me, in the name of the Truth and in the name of
the universal Laws...
My religion is one which values the respect of human rights and the rights of every creatures of
God either human or not.
My religion is one which has the potential to be totally and unconditionally open concerning the
corruption which has been plaguing this world in the past and which seeks to make our world
evolving beyond this past.
My religion is one which has the means and structure already in place in order to fulfill its
mission or has the potential to manifest them easily.
My religion is one which has the potential to easily reform itself where it is needed or if not has
the potential to easily create branches out of itself.
My religion is one possessing at its core something of rare value to offer to mankind, something
making that religion worth to exist, or has the potential to do so.
My religion is one which is based on the truth and facts.
My religion is one i am the head of.

My religion is one who will finish the Job we have begun today together.

My religion and the religion of the future of mankind is none of your frauds.


Is this religion self made ? We will see.

It is the herald of a new age which has been prophesied by previous civilizations.

“When the world falls in degradation then the Lord will appear.”
According to history tell me who are or who is your Lord ?

Childhood ends.

For the record, all the sources of literature from which my materials are inspired have books
available on amazon at the following links and those authors can also be contacted on their
respective websites.

No matter your religious background, if you are the type of individual who is honest with himself
and seek for the truth, you will therefore read those materials… before listening again to any of
your religious leaders.

If you don’t do that therefore when going to your temples you are not going there for the truth,
you are just going there for comfort in the face of the global unknown which is growing right in
front of your eyes but wishes to deny.
That’s a fact.

-Author 1 Leo Lyon Zagami :

Amazon :

Website :

-Author 2 Mark Passio :

Website :

-Author 3 Jordan Maxwell :

Amazon :

-Author 4 David Icke :

Amazon :
Website :

-Author 5 Michael Tsarion :

Amazon :

Website :

-Author 6 Dan Winter :

Amazon :

Website :

-Author 7 Laurence Gardner :

Amazon :

And many more sources are available for our investigations.

Part 1 . Christ is real but it's not what you think.

Before anything else I have to mention that as your Leader I believe in the Christ, a real, living
and breathing individual, who has lived in the Middle East, centuries ago just like Laurence
Gardner and many other believer.

With that now said, we must understand that most of the religious texts relating to the life of our
various prophets, which include our beloved Christ, this real being which has existed in the past,
are based on Astro theology.

The Christ was not ordinary, this is the reason why he was the anointed one, but the religion
which was formed just after his departure from this Earth is not at all conform with the truth of
the matter of his life nor can the books used in this religion which was formed after his death be
considered as being the words of God for various reasons.
Facts are being presented and you are free to acknowledge them.
Under the freedom of speech… It is my hope to bring back the truth so that every believer
around the world can really attain the knowledge of God through his anointed one.

Astrotheology is the worship of the stars, the planets, and other heavenly bodies as deities, or
the association of deities with heavenly bodies. In anthropological literature these systems of
practice may be referred to as astral cults.

In the ancient times, it is my understanding that Astro theology was used as a support to
reinforce the deity status of the beings called the Anunnakis when they came down on Earth
upon the local indigenous people who they later on genetically engineered to become modern
Those Annunakis beings were extraordinary, coming from other worlds, they ruled over mankind
as divine parents and mankind were their progeny for a long period of time.
They created bloodlines of Demi Gods, men and women carrying within their genes some
anunnaki genes, in order to serve as their representatives, we call those special men and
women royalties.
According to the author Laurence Gardner the Christ was a king coming from the bloodline of
King David, who was prepared by the essenes during his childhood in order to serve his duty as
the Messiah.
The bloodline of King David is directly related to the Anunnakis by blood.
The Christ was royal blood and he was a descendant of the Gods.
You will learn more about it in the books by the author Laurence Gardner, I am just brushing the
We must both understand Astro theology and the real history of the human species if we wish to
really grasp religions.

Most of the texts integrated in the books of this religion which nowadays carry the name of
Christ but was not formed by him ... are inspired from texts that can be found by anyone who
wishes to within the literature of the more ancient civilizations… civilizations predating those
texts by centuries... that’s a fact.
Those more ancient texts incorporated astro theology so do the modern religions.

In the video herein we are going to listen first to the words of the author Pao L Chang then to
the words of the author Mark Passio on the matter of astro theology and religion.

Religion is all about the stars and are formed around the story of the bloodlines which came out
of them.

You will learn the importance of the constellations of Orion and Sirius within various religions,
they are the constellations from where the Annunakis are said to have arrived here on Earth.

-Part 2 : Extract from the book ‘Words magic’’ by Pao L Chang.

Here are quotes from the words of the author Pao L Chang.

“Besides giving and receiving presents, many of the followers of the religion which bears the
name of Christ but was not formed by him like to celebrate Christmas to commemorate the birth
of je-sus Christ. What most of us do not know is that Christmas, in its original sense, is a Pagan
holiday for worshiping a solar deity. Hence, the Bible verse John 8:12, “Again je-sus spoke to
them, saying, “I am the light of the world””.

The person named je-sus in the Bible is not a person with a body made of flesh and blood;
instead, it is just a name of a character. A large quantity of the time when the Bible refers to
je-sus, it is actually referring to the sun that rises in the East and sets in the West.

je-sus is also known as the Son of God. Phonetically, the word son sounds almost exactly like
the word sun. Without the sun, we can not survive because we need the energy (sunlight) of the
sun to keep us warm and grow food. Therefore, je-sus or the Sun/Son of God is our savior and
the light of the world. Sometimes you have to pay attention to the phonics of words to find their
occult meanings.

When you understand that je-sus represents the sun, the light of the world, then many of the
stories in the Bible will make more sense. When you go through the process of accepting the
idea that je-sus is a metaphor for the sun, you may feel angry at the Church. However, the more
you decode the Bible, the more you will realize that it has many empowering knowledge. To
access the empowering knowledge in the Bible, you need to learn how to decipher its content.

Here are some verses from the Bible that I will decode to help you see the hidden knowledge
within these bible verses:

“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world”. - John 9:5

“Again je-sus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not
walk in darkness, but will have the light of life””. - John 8:12

“And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory”. - Mark

“So je-sus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe”. - John 19:5

When the Bible says that je-sus is the “light of the world”, it is talking about the sun (sunlight)
that lights up the world when it rises in the morning. This is why the Bible talks about je-sus
“coming in the clouds” and “wearing the crown of thorns”. The thorns symbolize the rays of the
sun. Have you ever wondered why there are many images of je-sus with a sun behind his
head? It is because he is a metaphor for the sun.
Do you still need more evidence that je-sus is a metaphor for the sun? To find more evidence,
you need to pay attention to the Bible verse “crown of thorns” and find the occult meaning of the
word crown. The Latin word for crown is corona. In English, the word corona is defined as “a
white or colored circle or set of concentric circles of light seen around a luminous body,
especially around the sun or moon”. Based on these occult definitions, the phrase “crown of
thorns” means circles of light with rays.

Once you comprehend that je-sus represents the sun, the story of je-sus being born on
December 25 in Bethlehem and the story of the Three Kings following the brightest star in the
sky to find je-sus will make more sense. To keep it simple, the Three Kings represents the three
stars of Orion’s Belt and the brightest star in the sky represents the star called Sirius.
“Orion’s Belt or the Belt of Orion, are also known as the Three Kings or Three Sisters, it is a
metaphor for the constellation Orion. It consists of the three bright stars Alnitak, Alnilam and

Certain branches of the religion bearing the name of Christ but was not formed him like to teach
their followers that je-sus was born on the 25th of December. This religious story of je-sus being
born on the 25th of December is more evidence that je-sus represents the sun, the light of the
world and the savior of mankind.

As the winter solstice approaches from the Northern hemisphere, the days become shorter and
shorter until it reaches the shortest day of the year, which occurs on December 21. On the day
after December 21, which is December 22, the sun stops moving south for three days. Hence,
the assertion that je-sus died for three days.

On December 25, the sun moves one degree north; therefore, it is said that the sun/son died for
three days and was resurrected on December 25. This one degree movement of the sun is very
subtle, but it can be measured using very sensitive equipment. This movement of the sun is one
of the core meanings of Christmas, which is a holiday for worshiping the resurrection of the sun.

Christmas is also a holiday for worshiping the Dark Forces. I will elaborate on this in greater
details later in this chapter.

One important thing you should know about December 25 is that on this date the Three Kings
(the three stars of Orion’s Belt) line up in a way that points toward Sirius, the brightest star in the
sky. When you draw an imaginary line through the three stars of Orion’s Belt and Sirius, it points
to the area where the sun rises over the horizon. This is why the Three Kings followed the
brightest star (Sirius) in the sky. Sirius shows the Three Kings where the sun will rise over the
horizon on December 25, also known as the date of the “birth” of the sun/son/je-sus.

Sirius is always easy to find. It’s the sky’s brightest star! Plus, anyone familiar with the
constellation Orion can simply draw a line through Orion’s Belt, to the left. This line will point to
Sirius, which is roughly 8 times as far from the Belt as the Belt is wide.
By now you should know that je-sus is a metaphor for the sun, which is why he is sometimes
referred to as God’s son or God’s “sun”. This fact is even more obvious when you understand
why the followers of the religion which bears the name of Christ but was not formed by him go to
church on Sunday. When you split the word sunday into two words, it transforms into the term
“sun- day”, which means the day of the sun. This is why they go to church on Sunday, so that
they can worship the sun/je-sus, the light of the world. It is right in your face and hidden in plain

If you still need more evidence that je-sus is a metaphor for the sun, study the sun gods of
ancient mythology and you will notice that je-sus has similar characteristics to these ancient sun
gods. Here are some popular characteristics of sun gods:

1- In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the Sun would
therefore be “born of a Virgin.”

2- The Sun is the “Light of the World.”

3- The Sun “cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him.”

4- The Sun rising in the morning is the “Savior of mankind.”

5- The Sun wears a corona, “crown of thorns” or halo.

5- The Sun “walks on water.” [When watching the sun rise in the morning or set at night, the
moment when the sun touches the water of the sea is known as the sun/son/je-sus “walking” on
water. This is the occult meaning of the Bible phrase “je-sus walks on the water”.]

6- The Sun’s “followers,” “helpers” or “disciples” are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the
zodiac or constellations, through which the Sun must pass.

7- The Sun at 12:00 noon is in the house or temple of the “Most High”; thus, “he” begins “his
Father’s work” at “age” 12.

8- The Sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30°; hence, the “Sun of God” begins his
ministry at “age” 30.

9- The Sun is hung on a cross or “crucified,” which represents its passing through the
equinoxes, the vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected.

Many of the characteristics of je-sus were copied from ancient religious stories and myths about
solar deities. Because of this, je-sus is the modern version of ancient solar deities going all the
way back to ancient Egypt, Babylonia, and beyond. Some of those ancient solar deities are
Horus, Ra, Osiris, Attis, Helios, and Baal.
Because je-sus is a solar deity, he has similar characteristics to Lucifer. The word lucifer comes
from the Latin word lucifer, meaning “morning star”. It literally means “light-bringing”. je-sus is
the sun (the light of the world) and therefore he is also the light bearer. People who think that
Lucifer is a fallen angel has been duped.

One of the main reasons why ancient civilizations worshiped the sun is because it is an
intelligent creator. Some researchers of occultism have said that the sun is the creator of the
elements in our solar system, and plays an important role for creating our holographic reality. In
a way, the sun is the physical manifestation of the “fire” of the Supreme Creator.
This fire is the creative spiritual force that manifests light, which is what everything in the
Universe is made of.

Once you know that the sun is a loving and intelligent creator, then the idea of using a character
named je-sus to represent the sun is not such a bad concept. Furthermore, the idea of
worshiping the sun makes sense. However, be aware that when you worship a being outside of
you, you give your powers away to that being. Instead of worshiping the sun, acknowledge it as
an intelligent creator and thank it for sending its light to heal the world. In addition, respect the
sun because without it life can not exist on Earth.

At this point it should be obvious that je-sus is just a name used as a symbol to represent
essential things in Nature or important concepts in life. This does not mean that there was not a
man from the past who taught about the Christ principles. In fact, there were many great
spiritual teachers from the past who taught about the Christ principles.

Let us explore deeper into the name je-sus Christ to find more of its occult meanings. To do this,
we need to split the word je-sus into two words “je-sus”. In French, je means “I”.
Phonetically the letter I sounds exactly like the word eye. This is referring to the all-seeing eye,
the pineal gland, the eye of je-sus, the eye of Horus, the star globe, the sun.
As for ‘’sus’’, it is a Latin word for the word “a fish”.
In astrology, the fish symbolizes the Age of Pisces. Based on these occult definitions, je-sus is
the sun/star of the Age of Pisces. This is why the name je-sus is sometimes enclosed inside a
fish symbol.

As for the word Christ, it is derived from the Greek word χριστος (khristos), meaning “the
anointed”. This can be translated as the messiah. Phonetically, the Greek word χριστος sounds
like the word crystal. This is referring to the crystal brain and the pineal gland. The Greek word
χριστος can also mean “denoting anyone anointed with the holy oil”.

The holy oil is the oil secreted by the brain. This oil travels down the spine and then is spread
throughout the body.
When you learn how to use certain spiritual and meditation techniques to raise the kundalini
electrical energy up to your pineal gland, it interacts with the holy oil in your pineal gland.
This process activates your pineal gland in a certain way that allows you to achieve a state of
End of quote.

Part 3. Astrotheology and the religions based on the teachings of Mark Passio.

Following is a full presentation on the topic of Astro theology ad religion by the author Mark
If you wish to access my text transcript of this presentation under the form of questions and
answers please feel free to do so at the following links.

-Mark Passio video:

-My notes under the from of questions and answers :

Astrotheology is the basis of most religions.

A summary from the teachings of Mark Passio and other various authors.

Text transcript :

- What is the purpose of religions ?

Religion is a methodology of mind control based on the fear of the unexplained aspect of
ourselves and our reality.
Religion is a magical binding to hold back from the truth.
Religion says don't look at the mystery school knowledge it is the devil and don't seek for the
truth just believe in our word. They are exoteric. A shell preventing us to get to the core of truth,
a box for consciousness.

- What is the etymology of religion ?

The word religion is from the Latin religare it means to hold back by tie, to bind fast. It does not
mean to re-read or reconnect they have different word roots.

- What is the meaning of binding in Magick ?

Binding means in Magick a class of spells intended to thwart or hold back the progress of an
opposing force or practitioner.

- What are the three major groups of astro theological worship ?

There are 3 major groups of astro theological worship.

The first group is dedicated to the smaller lights in heaven, meaning the stars and the planets.
The second group is dedicated to the sun.
The third group to the moon.

- In which group does the religion bearing the name of Christ but was not formed by
Christ fall ?

The religion bearing the name of Christ but was not formed by Christ is a western masculine
energy religion so are other solar cults. The sabbath day is on Sunday. (Sun)

- In which group does the religion of salam who accumulates human rights violations
falls ?
The religion of salam who accumulates human rights violations is an Eastern feminine energy
religion so are other lunar cults. The sabbath day is on Friday. (Venus)

- In which group does Judaism falls ?

Judaism is a middle East religion worshipping the firmaments and Saturn. The sabbath day is
on Saturday. (Saturn)

- What are Solar cults based upon ?

The solar cult is based on the archetype of Horus. When you say amen this is the invocation of
Amen-Ra, the Sun at the zenith. The name is often shortened to Ra.
The sun rising at the horizon is Horus.

- What are Lunar cults based upon ?

The moon cult is based on IsIs. The moon religion is the predominant religion of the Eastern
The religion of salam who accumulates human rights violations means submission, it is the right
brain quality.
- What are Saturnian cults based upon ?

The saturnian cult is based on Osiris. The orbit of Saturn encompass all the other planets so he
rules them. Saturn was known as El in old religions.

- How can the pattern of the human brain be perceived upon the patterns of the global
human society ?

The Earth is a global brain structure.

The west is the left lobe of the neocortex.
The East is the right lobe of the neocortex.
The two extreme polarities are the USA and China.
The Middle East is the cerebellum of the earth.
The Pacific ocean and the Hawaiian islands are the prefrontal cortex.
The South hemisphere is the reptilian brain.

- What are the characteristics of each part of the Earth brain ?

*Calendar : West uses the Solar calendar / East uses the Lunar calendar.
*Economy : West is capitalism / East is communism.
*Morphology : Western people have a masculine morphology and round eyes / The Eastern
people have a feminine morphology and crescent eyes.
*Traditions : West democracy and values emancipation / East dictatorship and values
*Religion : West intellectualism / East religiosity. In the East, the religions are polytheists and
the biggest variety of religion is to be found there. China believes not in religion but they worship
the government and believe in it's control and authority. The Chinese leader is perceived as a
spiritual leader.

- Why is Israel so powerful ?

Israel is where the esoteric knowledge started disseminating in other cultures of the world. It is
still the major center of many secret societies, that's why the country has so much influence
over the world.
The etymology of Israel : Is - Ra - el / IsIs Ra El.

- What is the biggest red flag concerning the truth of the religion bearing the name of
Christ but was not formed by Christ ?

There are nearly 40 religious stories sharing the same characteristics as the stories existing
within the holy texts of the religion bearing the name of Christ but was not formed by Christ.
The problem is those stories existed in some cases thousands of years before the appearance
of the religion bearing the name of Christ but was not formed by Christ.
- Are there any hard evidence backing the reality of the stories in the modern religions ?

In most cases no. They just rely on believing the words of the priest.

- What is the meaning of the cross and since when does it exist ?

There exist 4500 years old artifacts depicting the sun on the cross which are found in
stonehenge and innumerable other cultures all over the world.

- What did the cross represent for cultures in the middle East before the creation of the
the religion of the dew and the religion bearing the name of Christ but was not formed by
him ?

5000 years ago in the Middle East people would draw the representation of the sun as a cross
within a circle with wings. Including the phoenician culture preceding the dews in the region and
which prevailed all over the Mediterranean Sea.

- Which religion best represents the root concepts of Solar, Lunar and Saturnian worship

The ancient Egyptian religion which traces can be found 4000 years BC.

- Which are the deities at the center of the solar, lunar and saturnian worship in the
ancient Egyptian religion ?

*Horus is the center of the ancient Egyptian solar cult.

Horus is the rising sun, amen Ra is the sun at the zenith and Set is the sun at the setting sun.
*IsIs is the center of the ancient Egyptian lunar cult.
*Osiris is the center of the ancient Egyptian saturnian cult.

- Who is Horus ?

Horus is depicted as the golden falcon, the solar disc, he flies across the sky and reaches the
He is the NeoCortex.
Horus represents the right lobe of the neocortex, the god of light, the male principle, positive
moral action, born out the Feminine principle of emotions.
Horus is the savior of the world, the sun of righteousness.
He is the angel on the shoulder. In the tradition of the religion bearing the name of Christ but
was not formed by him he is je-sus the savior.

- Who is Set ?
Set is the brother of Horus. He is the left lobe of the neo cortex, the god of darkness, the male
principle, negative moral action, he is the one who comes at night when the sun is setting, he
conquers Horus and darkness prevails, he is ignorance, lack of enlightenment.
Set is the devil on the shoulder.

- Who is IsIs ?

IsIs is the mother of Horus, she is the queen of heaven, she rules the night sky, she represents
the black cloak of the night sky, her appearance is symbolized by the moon, each day she gives
birth to the rising sun, Horus.
IsIs is the emotion principle. She is the virgin Mary the moon goddess in the tradition of the
religion bearing the name of Christ but was not formed by him.

- Who is Osiris ?

Osiris is the father of Horus, Saturn, the ruler of the heavens, the primordial Creator God.
Osiris is the thought principle.

- Why was Saturn considered the ruler of the heavens ?

Before the invention of the telescope, Saturn was the further planet visible from Earth with the
naked eyes by the ancient people. It was also the slowest moving planet, the planet with a ring,
the planet which orbit encircles all the other visible planets.
Therefore it was considered the highest of all planets and the Gods that they represented.

- Who founded the Modern religion bearing the name of Christ but was not formed by
Christ ?

Roman emperor Constantine founded the Modern religion bearing the name of Christ but was
not formed by Christ.
He was a practitioner of Mithraism, one of the main religion in the Roman empire, a religion rival
of the early religion bearing the name of Christ but was not formed by Christ.

- Why and how did he found the Modern religion bearing the name of Christ but was not
formed by Christ ?

Emperor Constantine wanted to unite his empire behind one religion which he would be viewed
as the central protagonist to be worshiped.
He mixed the solar cults of time such as mithraism, the cult of Sol invictus and early religion
bearing the name of Christ but was not formed by him beliefs into one religion.

- What do the 4 authors of the bible gospels represent ?

The four authors of the gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They are four helpers of
je-sus, they represent the 4 seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.

- What is the origin of the symbol of the lion of the tribe of Judas ?

The lion of the tribe of Judas symbolizes the sun in the zodiac house of Leo.

- What is the meaning of PassOver and Easter ?

Passover and Easter are celebrations of the time of the year when the sun passes over the
equator back to the northern hemisphere.

Easter Sunday is the day of the resurrection of je-sus, it is always the first Sunday after the first
full moon after the spring equinox.

- What are the two things that you must know in order to understand the principles of
AstroTheology ?

In order to understand Astro-Theology you must understand what dictates the seasons of the
year and what is the precession of the equinoxes.

- What is the principle underlying the rotation of the seasons ?

Our seasons are created by the various tilt of the earth on its own axis of rotation in relation to
the orbit of the sun.
What creates the different seasons is the heat provided by the sun in function of those tilts.

- What does the symbol of the cross within the wheel represent ?

The ancients placed a cross within the wheel to represent the path of the sun over Earth and the
Zodiac signs.
The wheel is a symbol of the sun and the zodiac wheel.
The cross represents the summer solstice (North arm), autumn equinox (East arm), winter
solstice (South arm), spring equinox (West arm).
The cross divides the wheel in four equal parts, four seasons. Within each season are three
constellations of the zodiac.

They then put the sun on the cross in the middle and tell the story of its journey through the
houses of the zodiac during the course of a year.

- What is the origin of the crucifixion stories ?

When the sun is in Virgo, getting ready to enter the southern hemisphere, the constellation just
below virgo is the constellation of crux, the southern Cross, it is said the sun is on his cross.
- What is the origin of the death and resurrection stories ?

When the sun is on his cross it is the time when he is getting ready to die away.
During autumn he passes through three constellations before finally dying, they are represented
as the three hours the savior spends agonizing on the cross.
Once in Scorpio he is getting stung by a spear and start dying faster.
When the time of the winter solstice arrives and the sun path is at the lowest point of the horizon
it is said he finally died.
For three days the sun path at the horizon stays the same, for the naked eye his path is static
and does not seem to change anymore. It is the 3 days period the savior spends dead in hell.
After those three days his path at the horizon starts changing again, this is December the 25th.
The rebirth of the savior.

The three days in hell are also symbolic of the three zodiac signs the sun passes through
between the winter solstice and it's resurrection at the spring equinoxe.

- What does the sphinx represents ?

The sphinx represents the delimiting line between the signs of virgo and Leo. It is a
commemoration of the sun being considered to be born between Virgo and Leo by ancient
From this line to the winter solstice when advancing on the model of the precession of the
equinox are nine signs of the zodiac representing the nine months of the human gestation until
the rebirth of the savior.

- What do the twelve helpers of the savior represent ?

The twelve helpers of the savior represent the twelve zodiacs.

- What do the seven planets represent in astro theology ?

The seven planets are the seven planets that are visible with the naked eye from Earth. They
are considered as deities.
They are : The sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

- To which planets are dedicated each day of the week ?

Each day of the week is dedicated to one of the seven gods.

Monday is dedicated to the moon.
Tuesday is dedicated to Mars.
Wednesday is dedicated to Mercury.
Thursday is dedicated to Jupiter.
Friday is dedicated to Venus.
Saturday is dedicated to Saturn.
Sunday is dedicated to the Sun.

- What does represent the components of a modern clock ?

The twelve numbers of the clock represent the Twelve zodiacs.

The big and short needle of the hours is the Sun, the god Horus.
The slender and long needle of the minutes is the moon, the goddess Min.
The needle of the seconds is Mercury, the planet that revolves the fastest around the sun, the
second planetary body in the solar system.

- Santos Bonacci :

- What are the 7 elements needed to represent of the sun elliptic course ?

*East and West spheres.

*The equator line.
*The tropic of Cancer line.
*The tropic of Capricorn line.
*The sun sine wave along the equator.
*The zodiac signs at the four cardinal points, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.
*The equinoxes and the Solstices.

- What is the equator ?

The line dividing the North and South hemisphere of Earth in the illustration is the equator.
The equator is by definition an imaginary great circle around the Earth, equidistant from the two
poles, and dividing earth's surface into the northern and southern hemisphere.

- What is the tropic of cancer ?

The line above the equator which goes all around the Northern hemisphere like a belt in the
illustration is the tropic of Cancer.
The tropic of cancer is by definition the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator, marking
the northern boundary of the tropics.
The sun is directly overhead the tropic of cancer at the June solstice.

- What is the tropic of capricorn ?

Below the equator there is another curve going all around the southern hemisphere like a belt it
is the tropic of Capricorn.
The tropic of Capricorn is by definition the parallel of latitude 23°30′south of the equator,
marking the southern boundary of the tropics; the sun is directly overhead the tropic of capricorn
at the December solstice.

- What does the sun journey through a year above the Earth look like ?

It looks like a sine wave, a snake, moving along the equator from West to East on the globe.

- Where and when does the sun's sine wave begins every year ?

This sine wave begins in the sign of Aries on March the 21st right above the line of the Equator.

- In which direction does the sun move yearly after crossing the sign of aries above the
Equator ?

The sun moves towards the North East in an elliptical manner in order to reach the tropic of

- Where and when does the sun's sine wave meet the tropic of Cancer every year ?

This sine wave meets the sign of Cancer on June the 21st right above the line of the tropic of

- In which direction does the sun move yearly after crossing the sign of Cancer above the
tropic of cancer ?

The sun moves towards the South East in an elliptical manner in order to reach the Equator.

- Where and when does the sun's sine wave meet the Equator every year ?

This sine wave meets the sign of Libra on September the 21st right above the line of the

- In which direction does the sun move yearly after crossing the sign of Libra above the
Equator ?

The sun moves towards the South East in an elliptical manner in order to reach the tropic of

- Where and when does the sun's sine wave meet the Tropic of Capricorn every year ?
This sine wave meets the sign of Capricorn on December the 21st right above the line of the
Tropic of Capricorn.

- In which direction does the sun move yearly after crossing the sign of Capricorn above
the Tropic of Capricorn ?

The sun moves towards the North East in a elliptical manner in order to reach the Equator and
restart it's yearly

- What are Equinoxes and what happens during them ?

There are two equinoxes during a year.

The first equinoxe happen during spring on the sign of Aries on March the 20 or 21 every year.
Spring equinox the sun is at the equator, 0° angle with the equator.

The second equinoxe happen during autumn on the sign of Libra on September the 23rd every
Autumn equinox the sun is right at the equator 0° angle with the equator.

Equinoxes are by definition the intersection of the apparent path of the sun in the sky (the
ecliptic) with the celestial equator.

They are the only days in the year when the day is equally divided into 12 hours of day and

- What are Solstices and what happens during them ?

There are two Solstices during a year.

The first Solstice happens during Summer on the sign of Cancer on June the 21st every year.
Summer solstice the sun is above the equator at a 33.5° north angle with the equator.

The second Solstice happens during Winter on the sign of Capricorn on December the 21st
every year.
December solstice the sun is above the equator at a 23° south angle with the equator.

Solstices are by definition one of the two points in the ecliptic at which the sun is furthest from
the celestial equator. This corresponds to one of two days in the year when the day is either
longest or shortest.
The summer solstice is the longest day time of the year.
The winter solstice is the longest night time of the year.

- What are the four cardinal points of the year ?

Solstices and equinoxes are the four cardinal points of the year. They are also called the four
equinoctial and solstitial points.

- What are the signs of the zodiac ?

The zodiac is by definition the belt-like region of the celestial sphere approximately eight
degrees north and south of the ecliptic which include the apparent path of the sun, moon, and
visible planets.
The signs of the zodiac are the twelve star signs corresponding to the constellations which
make up the zodiac.

- What are the twelve signs of the zodiac in order and their dates ?

*Aries (March 21 – April 19)

*Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
*Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
*Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
*Leo (July 23 – August 22)
*Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
*Libra (September 23 – October 22)
*Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
*Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
*Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
*Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
*Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

- What inspired each sign constellation ?

Ancient people largely depended on those signs in the sky to know which seasons they were
into and for agricultural purposes.
It is postulated that the symbols of each sign of the zodiac represent a reminder for the people
of the agricultural and seasonal activities that must be achieved during this period.

- How long does the sun stay within each house of the zodiac ?

The sun spends around 30 days within each house of zodiac.

- What is Christmas ?

Christmas is the winter solstice celebration, the rebirth of the sun.

- What is the sign that brings the sun to its death every year ?

The zodiac sign of Scorpio is the sign that brings the sun to it's death every year.
- What is the correspondence between the daily path of the sun and the yearly path of the
sun ?

When dividing the day in 24 hours you can apply the principles of the yearly calendar upon a
daily clock and see some correspondences in the various phenomenons.

- Which yearly phenomena corresponds to the daily rising sun ?

Approximately at 6am everyday, the rising sun at the horizon would correspond to the spring
equinox when the sun every year begins it's journey in the constellation of Aries and starts rising
above the equator in the northern hemisphere.
This is called the morning sun from 6am to until 6pm.

- Which yearly phenomena corresponds to the daily zenith sun ?

Approximately at 12pm, 6 hours later, the sun at its zenith would correspond to the sun 3
months later during the summer solstice when the sun is at its highest point and crosses the
tropic of Cancer in the constellation of Cancer every year then starts falling down toward the

- Which yearly phenomena corresponds to the daily setting sun ?

Approximately at 6pm, 6 hours later, the setting sun at the horizon would correspond to the sun
3 months later during the autumn equinox when the sun every year crosses the equator in the
constellation of Libra before falling down to the southern hemisphere.
This is called the setting sun from 6pm to until 6am.

-Which yearly phenomena corresponds to the daily nadir sun ?

Approximately at 12pm, 6 hours later, the sun at its lowest point, the nadir, would correspond to
the sun during the winter equinox when the sun crosses the tropic of Capricorn every year in the
constellation of Capricorn then starts rising back towards the equator.

- Which yearly phenomena corresponds to the hottest hours of the day ?

The hottest period of the day from 2pm to 4pm would also correspond to the hottest period of
the year in the sign of Leo in the summer season.

-Which yearly phenomena corresponds to the daylight period of the day ?

The day time period would correspond to the sun above the equator in the northern hemisphere
and the 6 months long hot seasons of Spring and Summer.
-Which yearly phenomena corresponds to the night time period of the day ?

The night time period would correspond to the sun below the equator in the southern
hemisphere and the 6 months long cold seasons of Autumn and Winter.

- What do the religious holy Crosses used around the world represent ?

They represent the path of the sun and the four cardinal points.

- What is the correspondence between the yearly procession of the sun within the
houses of the zodiac and the human body ?

Aries : Head
Taurus : Neck
Gemini : The two Arms
Cancer : Chest
Leo : Heart
Virgo : Belly
Libra : Kidneys
Scorpio : The generative organ.
Sagitarius : Thighs
Capricorns : Knees
Aquarius : Chin
Pisces : The two feet

- What is the precession of the equinoxes ?

The precession of the Equinoxes is by definition the slow westward shift of the equinoxes along
the plane of the ecliptic, resulting from precession of the earth's axis of rotation, and causing the
equinoxes to occur earlier each year

The Precession of the equinoxes is a 24 to 25000 years long process.

Every year the equinoxe happens at the same sign for a period of around 2000 years then the
equinox does not happen anymore in this sign but in the zodiac sign preceding it.
The move happens again and again until the equinoxe happen within every sign of the zodiac
and the precession cycle restarts at its original point. The precession is actually calculated
based on the zodiac sign of the spring equinox.

For example : Now the spring equinox is in Aries, then it will move to Pisces for 2000 years,
then to aquarius for 2000 years. The next time it will happen in Aries again will be in around
24000 years.

- What is the correspondence between the precession of the equinoxe and the daily clock
The precession of the equinoxe lasts for around 24000 years, there are around 24 hours in a

- In which age are we currently and which age are we about to enter ?

We are now in the age of Pisces but moving to the age of aquarius.

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