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Pertemuan 10

Rancangan Peledakan
Terminologi Peledakan Jenjang
Variabel Rancangan

 Pola pemboran

 Pemuatan

 Penyalaan

Peledakan Jenjang

Bidang Bebas (Free Face)

3 1
Two Free Faces
Three Free Faces

One Free Face

Kualitas Bidang Bebas

Pemilihan Diameter

Terlalu besar
 Distribusi energi dan Fragmentasi
 Batasan lingkungan
 Kerusakan batuan
Terlalu kecil
 Diameter kritis
 Biaya pemboran
 Target produksi
Adhikari, 1999
Hole diameter selection
While selecting the proper blasthole diameter, the average
production per hour, or excavation, must be taken into
account (Table 4). In addition, the type of material
excavated must also be accounted. An important aspect
when drilling is the drilling cost. The cost usually goes
down as the diameter of the hole increases.
Hole diameter selection
Much of the same criteria for drilling parameters are the
same for large diameter blasts as they are for small
diameter blasts. The average production per hour and type
of rock being fragmented is still the variables needed for
consideration (Table 8)
Penentuan Burden (B)
Cratering &
Fly rock

Fly rock & Fragmentation

Less Burden Excessive Burden

Optimum Burden
Contoh R.L. Ash
 Batuan standar - Bobot Isi 160 lb/ft3 (average rock).
 Bahan peledak standar - Berat Jenis (SG) = 1.2 & VOD (Ve) = 12.000 fps.
 KBstd = 30.
 Apabila peledakan dilakukan pada batuan yang bukan standar
dengan menggunakan bahan peledak yang bukan standar, maka
perlu dilakukan pengaturan kembali harga KB (nisbah burden yang
telah dikoreksi)
 KB = KBstd x AF1 x AF2

1 1
 Energi potensialbahanpeledakyang dipakai 3  BP x [VODBP ]2 3
AF1     2 
 Energi potensialbahanpeledakstandar   1.2 x [12000] 

1 1
 Bobot Isi batuanstandar 3 160 pcf  3
AF2     
 Bobot Isi batuan yg diledakkan  Batuan 
Penentuan Kb Empirik

 Light explosives in dense rocks KB = 20

 Heavy explosives in light rocks KB = 40
 Light explosives in average rocks KB = 25
 Heavy explosives in average rocks KB = 35

KB = 12 [B/De]
 B = Burden (ft)
 De = Diameter lubang tembak (inci)
Burden Determination
Anderson [1] developed the following empirical equation:

 B = burden (m)
 K = a proportionality constant (1-6)
 Dh = blasthole diameter (mm)
 H = bench height (m)
 In the above equation, for a good fragmentation: H/B  4.
Burden Determination
Fraenkel [2] suggested the following more sophisticated

 K = experimental constant (between 1 to 6 for most rock
 h = length of the Charge in the blasthole (m).
Burden Determination
Lambooy and Jones [3] expressed the following formula for
determination of burden:

 S = spacing between the blastholes (m)
 We = weight of explosive in kg/m run in a blasthole
 q = weight of explosive to break unit volume of rock
Burden Determination
Pearse (1955)

 Where,
 B = maximum burden (m)
 K = Constant, value varies from 0.7-1.0
 Ps = Detonation pressure of the explosives (Kg/cm 2)
 σt = Tensile strength (Kg/cm 2)
 d = Diameter of borehole
Burden Determination
The equation for maximum burden value proposed by
Allsman (1960) is;

 PD= Mean adverse detonating Pressure, N/m 2
 t= Duration of average detonation, sec
 ρ= Specific rock weight, N/m 3
 u= minimum velocity which must be imparted to the
rock, m/s
 g= acceleration due to gravity=9.81 m/s2
 D= Diameter of blasthole, m
Burden Determination
Langefors and Kihlstrom (1968)

 Bmax = Maximum burden for good fragmentation (m)
 D = diameter of hole (m)
 ρe =Density of the explosive in the borehole (Kg/m3)
 PRP = Relative Weight strength of the explosive
 f = Degree of confinement of the blasthole.
 S/B = Spacing to burden ratio
 Co = Corrected blastability factor (Kg/m3)
= C + 0.75 for B max =l.4-1.5m
= C + 0.07/B for B max < 1.4m
When C = rock constant (0.4 for average rock for first trial)
Burden Determination
Lopez Jimeno, E (1980) modifies the ash’s formula by
incorporating the seismic velocity to the rock mass,
resulting in

 B= Burden, m
 D= Diameter of blasthole, inches
 F= correction factor based on rock group = Fr× Fe
Lopez Jimeno, E (1980) cont.

 ρ'= specific gravity of rock, gm/cm3
 VC= seismic propagation velocity of the rock mass
 ρ''= specific gravity of explosive charge, gm/cm3
 VD= Detonation velocity of explosive, m/s
Burden Determination
Konya and Walter (1990)

 B = Burden, (ft)
 ρe = Specific gravity of explosive, (lb/in3)
 ρr = Specific gravity of rock, (lb/in3)
 D = Diameter of explosive, (in)
Konya & Walter (1990) cont.
Correction factor, Bc = Kd. Ks. Kr. B
Where, Bc = Corrected burden (ft);
Kd = Correction factor for rock deposition. Its value is as follows,
• for bedding steeply dipping into cut Kd = 1. 18
• for bedding steeply dipping into face Kd = 0.95
• for other cases Kd = 1.0
Ks = Correction factor for geologic structure. Its value is as follows,
• for heavily cracked, frequent weak joints, weakly cemented layers Ks
= 1.30
• for thin well cemented layers with tight joints Ks=1.1
• for massive intact rock Ks = 0.95
Kr = correction factors for number of row. Its value is a follows,
• for one or two rows of blastholes Kr = 1.0
• for third or subsequent rows Kr = 0.95
Burden Determination
Konya and Walter also suggested the following empirical

 S ANFO = relative strength of explosive
 ρr = density of rock, gm/c.c.
 d = diameter of blast-hole, m
Burden Determination
Russians suggested [10] a variety of equations to relate
burden and blasthole diameter. Amongst the most
predominantly used are the ones as follows:
Russians cont.
 2x = length of the charge in the blasthole (m)
 r = radius of the fractured zone in rock (m)
 f p charge packing factor (see Table 1)
 d = decoupling = Dh/D e.
Burden Determination
Afrouz [11] presented an empirical formula to determine
the burden in terms of a single impact force to cause
rupture (F) and the dynamic tensile strength of rock (td) as

 n = a constant related to the effect of rate of explosion on
the braking properties of the rock = 1.04 for limestone,
and 1.39 for concrete.
 c = constant related to the type of loading, for direct
impact it was evaluated to be 4.07.
Burden Determination
Hino [12] based on the propagation of the shock waves and
its reflection at a free face suggested the following

 n = a constant = 1.5, on average,
 Pd = detonation pressure (MPa)
Mishra (2009)
A relationship between burden with blast hole diameter
Contoh Variasi Penentuan Burden

Koreksi Geologi Untuk Burden

Koreksi Deposisi Batuan Kd

Bidang perlapisan curam agak miring menuju bukaan 1,18

Bidang perlapisan sedikit curam mendalam ke arah dalam 0,95
Kasus deposisi lainnya 1,00
Koreksi Struktur Geologi Ksg
Batuan banyak terekahkan, banyak bidang lemah, tingkat
sementasi lapisan lemah
Lapisan batuan dengan tingkat sementasi kuat dan tipis dengan
rekahan halus
Batuan masif utuh 0,95

B’ = Kd x Ksg x B
Penentuan Spasi (S)
Penentuan Spasi Menurut Konya

Sistem penyalaan Stiffness ratio L/B < 4 Stiffness ratio L/B  4

Serentak S = ( L + 2B )/3 S = 2B
Tunda S = ( L + 7B )/8 S = 1,4B

Penentuan Spasi Menurut RL Ash

Waktu tunda Ks
Long interval delay 1
Short period delay 1–2
Normal 1,2 – 1,8
Pemilihan pola Spasi

Square pattern
Burden = spasinya. Posisi lubang tembak pada baris berikutnya berada tepat
sejajar di belakang lubang tembak pada baris di depannya.
Rectangular pattern
Spasi > burden. Dalam penerapannya di lapangan, pola ini memiliki jarak spasi
maksimal sebesar dua kali jarak burden.
Staggered Pattern
Posisi lubang tembak pada baris berikutnya berada di tengah spasi baris di
depannya. Keuntungan menghasilkan distribusi energi peledakan lebih baik &
cenderung memberikan keseragaman fragmentasi.
Penentuan Tinggi Jenjang (H)

 H > burden untuk menghindari terjadinya overbreak.

 Kh = H/B

 Kh = 1,5 – 4,0 (Burden Stiffness)


Burden Stiffness > 2 Burden Stiffness < 2

• Difficult to break
Pengaruh Burden Stiffness
(Konya, 1990)

Stifness Fragmentasi Air Blast Fly Rock Keterangan
Potensi terjadinya
back break dan toe.
1 Buruk Berpotensi Berpotensi Berpotensi
Harus dihindari dan
dirancang ulang
Sebaiknya dirancang
2 Sedang Sedang Sedang Sedang
Terkontrol dan
3 Baik Baik Baik Baik fragmentasi
Tidak menambah
Sangat Sangat Sangat keuntungan bila
4 Sangat baik
baik baik baik stifness ratio
dinaikkan lebih dari 4
Pengukuran Kedalaman

Penentuan Subdrilling (J)
 Lubang tembak yang dibor sampai melebihi batas lantai
jenjang bagian bawah
 Kj (subdrilling ratio) ≥ 0,2 & untuk batuan masif Kj = 0,3
 Lubang bor miring perlu KJ lebih kecil.
 Kj = J/B
 J = Subdrilling (ft)
 Pada peledakan lapisan penutup diatas lapisan batubara tidak
diperlukan subdrilling, tetapi justru harus diberi jarak antara
ujung lubang tembak dgn lapisan batubara yg disebut dgn
standoff, maksudnya untuk menghindari penghancuran
batubara akibat peledakan & diharapkan batubara yg tergali
akan bersih.
No sub drilling
Penentuan Stemming (T)

 Stemming = collar, bagian lubang tembak bagian atas yg tidak diisi

BP, tapi diisi oleh material hasil pemboran & kerikil yg dipadatkan
& berfungsi sebagai pemampat & menentukan "stress balance"
dalam lubang bor.
 Untuk memampatkan gas-gas peledakan agar tidak keluar terlalu
dini melalui lubang tembak sehingga gas-gas peledakan tersebut
terlebih dahulu dapat mengekspansi rekahan-rekahan pada batuan
yang disebabkan gelombang kejut.
 Untuk mendapatkan "stress balance" → T = B.
 Pada batuan kompak, jika KT < 1 terjadi "cratering" atau "back
breaks", terutama pada "collar priming"
 Kt = T/B = 0,7 B nilai ini cukup untuk mengontrol air blast & fly rock.
Pemilihan Material Stemming

 Drill cuttings – sangat umum digunakan – dapat dimampatkan

 Batu belah – menghasilkan lebih baik fragmentasi – tapi tidak boleh
dimampatkankan karena runcing & dapat memotong NONEL atau
kabel detonator elektrik atau merusak sumbu ledak
 Stemming ideal – relatif halus & seragam, closely sized stone that
will pack tightly in the hole

Diameter lubang Ukuran fragment

1½ in holes 3/8 in minus chips
2 - 3 ½ in holes 3/8 - ½ in chips
4 – 5 in holes 5/8 in chips
> 5 in holes ¾ in chips

Pengaruh Stemming Pada Kinerja
Alternatif penggunaan Stemtite

 Alat bantu pemampat untuk menjalankan fungsinya sebagai

penyumbat atau penyangga energi peledakan.
 Terbuat dari high impact polystyrene dgn kuat tekan 103,4 MPa
berbentuk kerucut berdiameter beragam.
 Diameter stemtite yg dipilih disesuaikan dgn diameter lubang
tembak yg digunakan.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Penentuan Powder Factor (PF)

 Powder Factor - bilangan untuk menyatakan jumlah

material yg diledakkan atau dibongkar oleh sejumlah
tertentu bahan peledak; biasanya dinyatakan dalam
No. Batuan PF - kg/m 3
1 Fat soft clay, heavy clay, morainic clay, slate clay, heavy loam, coarse grit 0,3 - 0,5
Marl, brown coal, gypsum, tuff, pumice stone, anthracite, soft limestone,
2 0,35 - 0,55
Clayey sandstone, conglomerate, hard clay shale, marly limestone,
3 0,45 - 0,6
anhydrite, micaceous shale
Granites, gneisses, synites, limestone, sandstone, siderite, magnesite,
4 0,6 - 0,7
dolomite, marble
Coarse-grained granite, serpentine, audisite and basalt, weathered gneiss,
5 0,7 - 0,75
6 Hard gneiss, diabase, porphyrite, trachyte, granite-gneiss, diorite, quartz 0,85
7 Andesite, basalt, hornfels, hard diabase, diorite, gabbro, gabbro diabase 0,9
Tahapan Inisiasi & Waktu Tunda

 Pola penyalaan adalah suatu urutan waktu peledakan antara lubang

bor dalam satu baris dan antara baris yang satu dengan yg lainnya.
 Pola penyalaan beruntun dalam satu baris
 Pola penyalaan serentak dalam satu baris tetapi beruntun antara
baris satu dengan baris lainnya
 Tr = TR x B
 Tr = waktu tunda antar baris (ms)

 TR = waktu konstanta antar baris, some references use TH

 B = burden (m).
Pemilihan Waktu Tunda

TH Konstan
Tipe Batuan
Batu pasir, marls, batubara, lempung 5,7 – 6,6
Batu gamping, salt, shales 4,7 – 5,7
Batu gamping kompak, marmer, granit, kuarsa, gneiss, dan
3,8 – 4,7
Diabas, diabas porphirite, gneiss kompak dan magnetit 2,8 – 3,8

TR Konstanta
6,25 Air blast berlebih, backbreak
6,25 – 9,4 Muckpile tinggi menutupi face, airblast cukup, backbreak
9,4 – 12,5 Tinggi muckpile sedang, airblast dan backbreak sedang
12,5 – 18,8 Rockpile tersebar dengan bacbreak minimum
Pengaruh Waktu Tunda Terhadap
Kondisi Tumpukan
material terlempar
kembali ke jenjang
Interval tunda antar baris
sukar digali < 6 ms/m dari burden

backbreak rapat fragmentasi

berlebih buruk

Interval tunda antar baris

6<t<12 ms/m dari burden,
penggalian cocok dengan
rapat menggunakan shovel

Interval tunda antar baris

lama (12-30 ms/m dari
burden), material lepas yg
material lepas tersebar memudahkan
tersebar excavator utk operasi post
Fungsi Delay Dalam Lemparan

Insufficient delay between rows Perfect delay between rows

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