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Learning Competencies / Objective: 

               Administer the Phil. IRI oral reading test.
        II. Content:
               Administration of Phil. IRI Oral Reading Test.              
        III. Learning Resources:
               passages, charts,  word cards
         IV. Procedure:
             A. Have the pupils share their connotation about “reading”.                 
            B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson: 
                          Reading words on flashcards as preparation for reading test. 
             C. Presenting examples / instances of the new lesson:                       
                          Presenting the passage to be utilized on reading test.
             D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #1:
                          Have the pupils read the passage on chart first.
             E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #2:
                         Ask questions about the passage presented to evaluate if the
pupils can comprehend the selection.
             F. Developing mastery:
                        Guide pupils in reading the difficult words on the passage.
Focus also on pupils’ pronunciation.
                G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily
living:  Is reading very important to all of us? Why? Let them
reason out their perception on that matter.
                H.  Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson:
                          State the definition of PHIL. IRI.
                I. Evaluating learning:
                          The slow reader and NR pupils will read the required
passage  for the Oral Phil.Iri  test. Teacher will follow the
indicated procedure on how to conduct / administer the
                  oral reading test.
         V. Additional activities for application or remediation:
                        Ask questions to test pupils’ comprehension about the

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