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Bangladesh is the 8th most populated country in the world with a population of 165
million in a area of 147570km2. It has approximately 1300people per km2. People in
Bangladesh have an average monthly salary of 150$ compared to the USA with an
average of 3500$ hence people cannot afford to move out of the country. Bangladesh
also has the worlds best agricultural land hence people in the farming industry profit a
lot from it. The effects of over population have caused congestion, food shortages,
unemployment, health problems and environmental problems. In 1980 the government
introduced birth controls solutions and ever since birth rates have slowed down and
fertility rates reduced from 6.4 in 1980 to 2.1 in 2016.


Australia is the 7th most underpopulated country with a population of 24.6 million in an area
of 7.69million km2 and a population distribution of 3.1 people pe km2 . The population of the
country mainly live towards the coasts of the island. The country is underpopulated as most
of the land is desert with temperatures reaching to 48 degrees. Since independence in 1901
not many people migrated to Australia. Due to underpopulation in the country Australia has
a shortage of food production, shortage of labour, fewer people paying tax to government,
schools hospitals and public transport links shutting down due to lack of customers and
supporters. To improve the population the government has made it easier for migrants to
move into the 5country and get a nationality.


Chinas population in 1979 was 1billion and was predicted to reach 1.8 billion by 2025. The
high population was caused as in rural areas couples had large numbers of children to help
with farmland and look after them when older. To reduce population growth China
introduced a one child population so that by 2025 the population would reach 1.2 billion
instead of 1.8billion. Fines were introduced, forced abortion and sterilization took place.
Since boys were valued more than girls a policy was introduced allowing couples to have
another baby if their child was a girl, this did not help reduce birth rates and caused a
uneven gender balance and not all males would find a Chinese bride. As Chinas population
rises more slowly they still have a high population of 1.41 billion as of 2022 and the country
is now facing problems such as low birthrates and an increase in number of elderly people.
Japan is located in East Asia. The country has the largest proportion of people aged 65 and over
(23%) and is expected to grow even bigger to 30% by 2030. This causes a decline in the number of
people working. Japan has good health care leading to people living longer. There are also low
birthrates as women marry when they are older. Raising children in Japan is expensive i.e. there are
expensive university fees. The problems of low birthrates has made it difficult for governments to
fund pensions, there will also be a shortage of labour as there will not be enough working population
to fill in jobs. This problem can be resolved by allowing migrant workers into the country and by
investing in robotics to reduce labour shortage. The government is considering providing tax
incentives to families and providing more childcare facilities.


Gambia is the smallest country in Africa with a life expectancy of 61 years and a population
of which only 2.5% is aged over 65. The fertility rate is 5.2 births per woman and the birth
rate is 38 births every 1000 which are very high rates. Due to religion and traditions
contraception is considered a taboo hence there are high birthrates. There is also a high
demand for agricultural workers which causes high birthrates so children can help in farms.
The countries resources such as trees are exponentially decreasing so wood available for
building homes is less. Families are becoming too dependent on their children to help them
and there is an overload in healthcare and educational systems. Germany has a forest
management plan to help stop deforestation and the Canadian government provided 50000
children with health care. Awareness about sexually transmitted diseases and use of
contraceptives is also being raised.

International migration: Mexico to USA

Between Mexico and the USA is a 2000km border which over 1million Mexicans cross. In
2006, 850000 Mexicans were caught and deported back to Mexico. Mexicans migrate to the
USA as there is a better life expectancy of 76 years compared to Mexico’s 72 years. There is
also better health care in the USA with 400 people per doctor compared to 1800 people in
Mexico. The USA has better paying jobs with a GNP of $25000 compared to Mexico’s $4000.
40% of Mexicans are unemployed and The USA has many jobs for low paid workers like
Mexicans. The illegal migration has costed the USA millions of dollars in border patrol and
prisons and Mexicans are seen as a drain to the economy of the USA. Migrant workers are
paid low which may also cause Americans to receive low wages. In Mexico migration has
caused a shortage of economically active people as many young people migrate to the USA
leaving very young and old people. However both legal and illegal migrants benefit the
government as they send back 6 billion dollars which go through taxes.
Located in East Africa Uganda has a population of 43 million and a land area of 197100km 2.
It has the worlds youngest population with over 78% of its population aged below 30. The
birth rate in Uganda is very high as parents use children to help in their jobs such as
agriculture. The infant mortality rate is also high at 45.1 as of 2012 hence parents have more
children just in case. There is a lack of contraception hence pregnancy can’t be prevented. A
lot of money is spent on healthcare as there are more births and children getting ill. Money
is also spent in the education of the children which are many. However in the long term the
countries GDP will rise as there will be a larger work force.

JAPAN: A densely populated country/area

Japan is located in East Asia and as of 2015 had a population of 130million with a population
density of 336 per km2 . Rural areas are sparsely populated as very few people live in
mountainous areas due to the lack of flat land, acidic soils and extreme climate. Many
people live on the flat valleys and gentle slopes of Honshu and Kyushu as they have flat land
with mild winters, good service provisions of education and technologically advanced health
care facilities. The dense population in areas causes people to be forced to move out of the
area and a increase in unemployed people in the area.

CANADA: A Sparsely populated country

Located in North America and has a population of 37million as of 2018 in its land area of
9.98million km2. In 2011 it had a population density of 2.7 per km2. The country has many
mountainous areas and permafrost in the northern areas makes it land too cold for work or
agriculture. Snow and ice make it difficult for transport especially in less developed areas.
Most of the population live in the southern areas as it is too cold in the northern parts and
cultivation is impossible. People also leave on the eastern areas instead of west as it has
steep mountainous areas making it hard to farm, transport and construct buildings. The
effect of underpopulation in areas causes them to not be economically active and people
living in highly populated areas eventually move out as they don’t find jobs.
Braunschweig is a city located in north central Germany. The city has a land area of 192.1km 2
with a population of 250000 and a population density of 10.5 persons per km 2 compared to
Germanys 3.7 persons per km2. This is because the city has the best provision of services
with over 20 schools, 5 hospitals and a dense network of public transport including busses,
trains and trams. Due to this there are many migrants to Braunschweig which could lead to a
higher population density.

London is the capital and the Largest city of England and the United Kingdom. It has a
population of 9million and an area of 1572km2. The congestion is caused due to increased
car ownership, expensive public transport, roads designed not for cars but for people with
walking lanes, rural urban migration and population growth. This has led to increased
respiratory problems, more frequent traffic accidents, more traffic jams leading to road
rages, increased pollution harming plants and animals and a heavy cost on the government
in investing for new road plans. The government has slowed down the number of cars
travelling by introducing a 11.50 pound charge to drivers driving into central London.


Rio is located on the southeast coast of Brazil and has grown to a population of 13.4 million
as of 2019 from 6.9 million in 1960. Push factors making people migrate to Rio include high
infant mortality rates due to lack of clean water and medical care, housing in rural areas is
worse that the city and rural areas lack schools and shops. Pull factors include better job
opportunities with higher wages in the city, more schools and better health care in city,
successful migrants encourage people to join large corporations in the city. Urbanization has
caused a growth in slums, transport problems (congestion and pollution), sanitation and
health problems due to poorly disposed waste, social problems such as crimes which has led
Rio to be called the murder capital of the world, construction of shanty towns on unstable
land that is prone to landslides. The government has assisted people living in slums by
providing material to improve their homes, they also moved people out of shanty towns to
low cost, basic housing estates with plumbing, electricity and transport links.
Earthquake: Kashmir, Pakistan
In 2005 a earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale hit Kashmir. This happened as a
result of the Indian and Eurasian plates colliding and the earthquake had a shallow focus
15km below the surface. The earthquake caused short term effects such as formation of
large cracks in the ground, collapse of buildings through out city, ignition of many fires. Long
term effects include contamination of water as a result of sewage pipes bursting, high death
toll as it was the middle of winter and freezing temperatures killed people. In short term
management the government sent the army, firefighters and police to help rescue people,
other countries sent food and shelter to help victims and citizens were evacuated out of the
city. In long term management many public buildings were rebuilt, the government invested
in rebuilding buildings that are earthquake proof, multiple jobs were created to rebuild the
city and seismometers were built to detect future earthquakes.

Volcano: Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland

Iceland is located on the mid Atlantic range. The North American and Eurasian plates moved
apart, this caused a series of small volcanic eruptions starting on the 20 th march to October
2010. The eruption caused short term effects such as the melting of a 150mm thick ice cap
causing major flooding, airspace was closed across Europe causing 17000 flights to be
cancelled per day. The long term effect was that the eruption costed insurers 65 million
pounds to customers with cancelled flights. In short term management emergency services
were prepared with advanced equipment, ice land had a good warning system that alerted
residents with a 30 minute warning using text, Sections of the European airspace were
closed due to ash spreading over the continent. In long term management Eyjafjallajökull’s
larger sister volcano Katla is being monitored by scientists as she has often been triggered to
erupt after, insurance companies and airlines have reviewed their policies to customers and
airlines have equipped ash monitoring equipment to their aircraft for safety.
RIVER: Ganges, Bangladesh:
There is fertile land around the river that is used in agriculture for rice and jute which is the
4th largest product in Bangladesh economy. There is enough water supply for a population of
1101 per km2. There are fish in the river that feeds the dense population and provides jobs.
There is flat land where people can build structures such as shops or homes.
Causes of flooding in Ganges: human- deforestation causes the water holding capacity of soil
to decrease hence flooding occurs, the dense population of the area also causes people to
live on floodplains. Physical- high winds from monsoons from the Indian ocean cause a
major flood every 5 years, tropical cyclones cause torrential rain, high winds and flooding.
Management of flooding- Dhaka integrated flood protection project that helps with flood
protection works, drainage system improvements and capacity building with a total cost of
$115.9 million dollars, rescue boats have been located at flood points and flood shelters
have been constructed.

COASTS Lyme Regis, England:

Lyme Regis is a town in West Dorset, England. It lies at Lyme Bay on the English channel
coast and the Dorset Devon border. The cliffs at Lyme Regis are unstable and especially open
to landslides and slumps. Many properties have already been damaged or destroyed due to
foreshore erosion.
Opportunities- lots of fossils located in the area attracts tourists and fossil collectors and
museum about fossils could provide educational value for children.
Hazards at Lyme Regis- landslides where waves undercut the cliff, coastal erosion with
longshore drift with a fetch of 5000km and little protection as the beach is very wide.
Management- recurved sea wall that is 150m tall to protect area from easterly winds and
helps stop strong storms that can influence further coastline erosion.
Amazon rainforest: An area of tropical rainforest
It is the largest tropical rain forest on earth with a land area of 5.5million km 2.It sits between
the amazon river basin and land is used for agriculture, housing and roads. Jobs here are
created for local workers in roadbuilding, logging agriculture, mining and construction. The
rainforest covers 40% of the south America continent and is home to 1000species of birds
and 60000 species of plants.
Deforestation: in the 1980s reports showed that the yearly deforestation in the forest was
high (the size of Belgium), to this day deforestation occurs. In the last 30-40 years the
Amazon forest has lost 20% of its area, deforestation causes the soil and environment to
become drier which causes animals to be extinct.
Human intervention advantages- improved transport consisting of new roads and airports,
money made from selling resources can be used in improving education and hospitals, large
scale farming brings money into the country and provides food and jobs for people
Disadvantages- new roads divide in the rainforest which can cut off connections between
different biotic and abiotic systems, land clearance for farming, transportation and mining
can lead to deforestation, fertile soil used in farming is washed away when the forest is

Thar Desert, Rajasthan India- An area of hot desert:

The desert is located in the north west of India and is one of the major hot deserts of the
world with the highest population density, most people living here are subsistence farmers.
Opportunities- the Thar desert national park attracts visitors who want to see some of the
120 species found there, irrigation has commercial arable farming possible, solar panels in
the desert produce energy, the desert contains valuable reserves of minerals such as
phosphorite and gypsum that are used to produce a range of things.
Challenges- inaccessibility due to extreme environmental conditions and poor infrastructure,
limited water supply that is precious, extremely high temperatures reaching 50 degrees
Celsius in summer.
A transnational corporation and its global links: Walmart
The company was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton and was incorporated on October 31
1969 , it’s the worlds largest company by revenue with a total of $500billion revenue and
$20billion profit, it employed 2million people in 11000 different outlets in 28 countries, it
has 130million weekly shoppers.
Global links: started in Arkansas with rapid growth in the US and first abroad in Mexico then
expanded to China, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, and Britain in the 90s, it has over 500 ASDA
stores in the UK employing over 175000 people, they import resources from African
companies for cheaper production, China is its largest producing shipping $18 billion to the
USA in 2011, its cheapest laborer’s are from Bangladesh.
Positive effects: lots of jobs created in different countries, invests in sustainable
development, Walmart donate millions to the countries they are based in to improve health
Negative effects: causes smaller shops to out of business due to competition, not all wages
are equal across countries i.e. workers in US earn 6$ an hour while China earn 1$ an hour,
the stores take up lots of land in smaller countries and states e.g. 2100miles 2 in Hawaii

A farm or agricultural system: Rice farming in Dambulla, Sri Lanka:
Inputs- small land of 2 hectares, flat land due to being in the river Mahaweli, uses oxen
manure as fertilizer, no machinery or physical labour from children as they go to school, rich
clay, rainfall(about 1000mm), temperatures(about 28 degrees)
Processes- ploughing using oxen, planting rice, sweet potatoes, manioc and cabbages, rice is
grown in flooded fields, picking of bananas e.g. from Jathika forest
Outputs- cabbage, chilies, bananas, sweet potato, rice, manioc
Income is made by hiring out oxen for 1 pound a day and selling fruits made (20 banana for
25 cent)
South Sudan: region suffering food shortages:
A landlocked country located in East central Africa. The country split from Sudan in 2011 and
has a population of 12.6 million with a population density of 22 people per km 2
Seriousness of shortage: 40% of population short of food, 70000 dies from hunger and
diseases during civil war, Aid worker assistance stopped WFA as it was too dangerous
Physical factors- long term decline of rainfall, increased use of marginal land leading to
degradation, drought is main reason as the country is located 15 degrees north of the
equator, pests and bad weather led to failed crops, diseased water-cholera and typhoid
contracted, prolonged drought means poor ground, with inflation of food prices.
Social factors- high population growth of 3% year which worsens marginal land, high
population can lead to overgrazing and land erosion, female illiteracy of 65%
Economic factors: imports from Uganda become expensive, high military of $1 billion,
limited access to buy food or infrastructure to distribute it due to the 50 year civil war, high
dependency on farming for income (70% of the workforce)
Solutions to food shortage: UN food program delivers food, Red cross emergency relief
airdrops food, food and agriculture project (FAO) that rehabilitates those flooded on the
Malarial river and improves watermelon growth along river Nile the FAO also holds camps
teaching women fish preservation even using bones to create soup
Located in south east of India Bengaluru and has a wet season monsoon with a tropical
savannah climate. There is generally flat land especially at west at the Mysore Plateau,
temperatures are between 16 degrees and 36 degrees in summer and a population of 9.6
million has increased 4 times in the last 30 years
How factors have influenced location: it is close to the airport(51km), 1km away from the
train station and 500 nearby ICT companies like Siemens
How factors have influenced the scale of production: very flat land, received large scale
foreign investment in high technology when Texas instruments chose the city, cheaper
labour means quick expansion was enabled from foreign outsourcing companies.
Benefits of the growth- increasing employing rate (10% annually) in these technology
centers as India as india is attractive due to cheap labour and tax breaks, more jobs are being
created due to outsourcing improving wealth(13.6% increase yearly), new sky scrapers e.g.
UB tower 120m tall that led to an increase in demand of apartments
Negatives of the growth of Bengaluru’s industry: 60% population increase in the last decade
mainly from country side to city, 5 million vehicles block roads and cause traffic jams due to
its poorly laid road, large garbage problem- generates 3000 tonnes of solid waste but only a
third is compensated and recycled, clean sanitation water isn’t completely in place as 43%
live in multidimensional poverty
Cambridge science park: An industrial Zone:
Located in south east of England, The university of Cambridge is close to the science park,
was established in 1970 by Trinity college and is Europe’s longest serving and largest
commercial park for research and development
Factors influencing location: has good road links to London (M11) and to East Anglia’s ports
(A14), as well as the midlands and the North, there is a fast and direct train link towards
London, Cambridge has a rapid growth of well educated workers, Cambridge university has a
long history of scientific achievements therefore industries can use the research and
knowledge of experts in the city.
Benefits of Growth of the science park: employees many workers(over 7250), higher GDP
per capita since people have higher salaries, research and development done in the science
park helps many people worldwide.
Negatives of Growth: Higher housing prices causing locals to move out as they cannot afford,
significant increase in congestion in the city, local residents have higher competition getting
employed hence locals will be unemployed.

Jamaica: An area tourism is important:

Jamaica is a Caribbean island nation, it is the 3rd largest island in the Caribbean with a
population of 2.89million and a population density of 266.9 per km 2
Attractions to tourists: there is a hot climate with an average of 25 degrees 7 hours a day
with 10hours of sunlight a day, it is easily accessible with many flights coming from around
the world, the island offers Diving, has cockpit caves, Negril bay which is a 7 mile long beach.
The island also has a large biodiversity and blue mountains in the east of Jamaica which also
attract tourists.
Economic impacts from tourism: tourists spend $2.2 billion a year which is 24% of the total
GDP, the tourism industry creates jobs employing 90000 people, infrastructure and services
where local farms sell products such as coffee and coconuts allow funding of projects such
as developing roads.
Disadvantages of tourism- inappropriate behavior of tourists e.g. littering and polluting
oceans, loss in local traditions as tourists bring in their practices, tourism is seasonal hence
workers are laid off during off peak seasons, there is also a big difference in living standards
as locals have low paid jobs and mangers have high paid ones
Management of tourism: building national parks and museums with entree fees for profit
such as the Negril marine park, landscaping in Montego bay was done to make it look more
GERMANY: Energy supply in a country:
It is located in western Europe with a population of 82.8 million and is the largest consumer
of electricity in Europe. They have 3 major power stations located next to rivers, coastlines
and coal fields. The main sources of power are coal(45%), nuclear (23%) and gas(14%) the
renewable energy produced is the smallest amount produced (16%). Germany produces
energy through coal e.g. Schwarze Pump power station. The advantages are that many
countries including Germany have large oil reserves and oil can be moved efficiently through
pipelines. The disadvantages are that there is a lot of air pollution and can it be inefficient in
some locations. There are also Nuclear power stations e.g. Isar nuclear power plant which
produces 15% of Bavarians electricity. The advantage is that very little uranium is needed to
make lots of energy and the disadvantage is that Radioactive waste is difficult to dispose of.
In 2020 Germany started investing in renewable energy and may be able to produce
electricity fully from renewable energy by 2050. This will lead to nuclear disasters being
avoided however the neighbouring countries still release emissions.

Lesotho: Water supply in a country:

Lesotho is a high altitude landlocked country encircled by south Africa. It has a land area of
30355km2 with a population of 2.2 million and a population density of 68 people per km2
Its main sources of water are from the surface(5m3 per year of internal renewable water
sources) and the ground(1m3 per year of internal renewable water sources)
Uses of water: 45% for municipal use where water is used in homes, industrial use where
45% of water is used in different industries, Agricultural use where 8.6% of water is used for
Lesotho highlands water project is an ongoing water supply project with hydro power
components, organized by the government with the help of south Africa. The project started
as there was a dense population with a shortage of water. It stores water in the high lands of
Lesotho where water is then piped into south Africa for the people to use as only 83% of the
population have drinkable water. The project is being undertaken in phases with phase one
having been completed in 2004. About 4.8 billion m3 of water had been transferred from
Lesotho to south Africa by 2007. The second phase of the project has been approved by the
south African government. In 2010 Lesotho and south Africa signed an agreement to
undertake the project
Lesotho Highlands: An area where economic development is taking place
causing the environment to be at risk:
Water activity is in the East where areas right near the coast have over 1000mm of rainfall
Economic activity: growing 5% annually, 15% unemployed, 75% are subsistence farmers
Katse dam that is 710 m wide, south Africa pays Lesotho 20million pounds a year and is
royalty based however there is a lot of corruption with large companies offering bribes.
How environment is at risk: houses in 7 different villages near the Katse dam were damaged
by an earthquake, 100km of tarred road was ruined, the dam has shown signs of cracking
Solutions: 20 hectares of Katse botanical gardens established in 1995 to reserve 150 species,
the Katse botanical gardens try promote enjoyment and knowledge of the alpine flat, fish
numbers are being monitored.

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