PBL 6week PD2 Revised 190223 - GUI SV

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Course: Interpretation 2
Name of the project: The field trip for an interview: interpretation practice
I/ Aims of the groupwork project:
 Provide students opportunities to work in authentic environment; students have
chance to work with native speakers or English-speaking people to enhance their
communicative skills, and applying interpretation techniques into real work;
 Create chance for students to improve interpretation skills and soft skills;

II/ Tasks of the project

Situation: You and your friends want to make an investigation into the current shopping
trends of people from other countries. You can speak English but your friends can’t speak
English. So, you will be the interpreter for your friends. You three decide to go downtown
and find English-speaking people to interview them in order to get data for the investigation.
Make a video about how people talk about their current shopping trends, including in the
video the interpretation section.

III/ Instructions:

- Students work in groups of three and implement the project.

- Students have 6 weeks to carry out the project.
- There are clear tasks assigned for each week.
- A final product at the end of the project is required. The final project is a video
recorded the interview in which each of the group members interview a foreigner
about the current shopping trends and another student interprets what being asked
and what being answered.

Each group has Student 1, Student 2, Student 3.

Each student makes at least 2 questions about the topic given
Interview at least 3 English-speaking people who are working in or visiting Vietnam
Student 1: makes Question 1, 2 and uses these two questions to interview the English-
speaking person
Student 2: makes Question 3, 4 and uses these two questions to interview the English-
speaking person
Student 3: makes Question 5, 6 and uses these two questions to interview the English-
speaking person
Student 1, 2, 3 takes turns to be the interpreter for the other two.
Turn 1:
Student 1: makes Question 1 (Student 1 makes Question 1 in Vietnamese).
Student 2 is the interpreter who interprets Question 1 into English and asks the foreigner,
then interprets the answer (of Question 1) into Vietnamese for student 1 to take notes.
Student 1: continues the conversation by making Question 2.
Student 2 continues to be the interpreter who interprets Question 2 into English and asks the
foreigner, then interprets the answer (of Question 2) into Vietnamese for student 1 to take

Turn 2:
Student 2: makes Question 3 (Student 2 makes Question 3 in Vietnamese).
Student 3 is the interpreter who interprets Question 3 into English and asks the foreigner,
then interprets the answer (of Question 3) into Vietnamese for student 2 to take notes.
Student 2: continues the conversation by making Question 4.
Student 3 continues to be the interpreter who interprets Question 4 into English and asks the
foreigner, then interprets the answer (of Question 4) into Vietnamese for student 2 to take

Turn 3:
Student 3: makes Question 5 (Student 3 makes the question in Vietnamese).
Student 1 is the interpreter who interprets Question 5 into English and asks the foreigner,
then interprets the answer (of Question 5) into Vietnamese for student 3 to take notes.
Student 3: continues the conversation by making Question 6.
Student 1 continues to be the interpreter who interprets Question 6 into English and asks the
foreigner, then interprets the answer (of Question 6) into Vietnamese for student 1 to take

A. Description of weekly activities for students
Week 1: Planning for the project
- Students meet and work in groups (meet group mates, name their group, assign roles
– group leader/facilitator, secretary/coordinator, time keeper – who will submit the
group’s products);
- Students plan for what will be done from week 1 to week 6 (with specific timeline) and
the interviewees involving in the project;
- Students write a short introduction of their group (group name, name of each member,
who will be student 1, 2, and 3? Where is the location of the interviews? etc.)
- Student upload the plan onto the LMS platform. (file PDF).
Week 2: Launching the project
- Students make the list of questions for the interview and prepare the vocabulary and
grammar structures needed for the project;
- Student upload the list of the questions for the interview onto the LMS platform (file
MS Word).
Week 3: Implementing the main part of the project
- Teacher gives feedback about students’ final scripts (product of week 2)
- Students carry out the interviews (using the script with all of the questions,
vocabulary, grammatical structures and background knowledge and skills that students
have gathered to develop solutions to the questions of the topic chosen.)
- Students videotape the interviews.
Week 4: Critique
- This step is to check and upload the whole complete video by:
 checking if there is any mistake (spelling/ grammar/ script/ etc.)
 editing the video (by clipping any unnecessary parts)
- Students upload the final version of the product onto the LMS platform (video/ youtube
link/ google drive link).
- Students prepare for the presentation of the videos (the final products) to the real
audience (oral introduction, opening link to show the video)

Week 5: Share the Presentations with authentic audience

- Teacher organizes time and space for the final product presentation
- Students introduce about their video and share their videos to an authentic audience.
- Teacher and class comment on the videos.

Week 6: Teacher’s and students’ reflection

- Students reflect and report about the wins, challenges and changes in the project.
- Students post their reflection report onto the LMS platform (PDF).

Note: Students evaluate their group members every week by completing the Peer evaluation

IV/ Topic
Groups of students implement the interview with the following topic (students can discuss
with the teacher to work on their own topic):

Your friends and you are working on a project to collect data for the topic: People’s current
shopping trends, habits of online shopping and their favorite shopping website. You can
speak English and Vietnamese, but your friends cannot speak English. Your friends and you
have to interview some English-speaking people to get the data.
So, help your friends to collect the data by being an interpreter when going out to collect
The following information should be included in your interview:
 Ages of people who shop regularly online
 Types of items they buy online
 Countries with highest number of online shoppers
 Countries with lowest number of online shoppers
 What is their favorite shopping website
 The type of items they buy
 The price range of the items in the shopping website
V/ Assessment for the project

Assessed Assessment tools PM

subjects T
Peer evaluation TK2
Individua Project product
l  Introduction + Authenticity + Question usage  assessing group performance TH2
 Interpretation performance  assessing individual performance
Group work plan TK1
Group Question list TH1
Reflections TH3

1. Lecturer’s assessment:


Week Kinds of
Tasks and products of the weeks
No. assessment
Week Planning for the project: The plan includes the following
1 information (10)
1) Topic chosen and group name
2) Role of each member in the group: details of each role, TK1
including task descriptions
3) Interviewees’s information: the number and descriptions of
the targeted interviewees;
4) Location intended for the interviews: details of the location
show alignment with the objectives of the project;
5) Time schedule & place for a weekly official group
meeting: details with specified time and location(s) for the
group’s weekly meetings;
6) Timeline of the whole project: details of tasks designed for
each week with specified deadlines for the submission;
 The plan submitted onto LMS within deadline (late submission:
-50% of the total score)
Making list of questions for the interview. The list includes:
 Interview questions:
The list of questions is submitted onto LMS within deadline.


 Reviewing the list of interview questions. In the final list of

the interview questions, students should consider if:
+ There are at least 6 interview questions; TH1
Week + The questions are grammatically and lexically correct
3 + The questions help collect data for the topic
 The edited version of the interview questions is submitted onto
LMS within deadline (late submission: -50% of the total score)

 Interviewing & videotaping, editing, check the video

and writing the introduction about the video. The
Week products of the week include: The introduction about the
4 group and the video

Week Final product of the project to an authentic audience. The

5 products of the week include:
+ The video shared to the audience [Youtube & youtube link]
+ The interpretation section included (prerequisite)
+ The length of the video: at least 4 mins (prerequisite)

+ The introduction section about the video and about the group:
accurate & sufficient information and fluently presented TH2
+ The project was carried out in real life context (authenticity)
+ The usage of planned questions: All of the questions planned in
the list have been asked and answered through the video
+ Interpretation performance
Assessment criteria of interpretation:
- Completeness and sense consistency
- Linguistic accuracy (grammar, pronunciation &
vocabulary) and appropriateness
- Coherence & fluency
- Physical characteristics and behaviors

FINAL SCORE = [(Introduction + Authenticity + Usage of

planned questions) + Interpretation performance x2]/3

The video link is submitted onto LMS within deadline (Late
submission: - 50% of the total)
 Group report: students reflect about the whole project. The
product of the week is the group report which includes:
- Wins: each student notes about what they learn through the
- Challenges: students discuss and notes about the difficulties TH3
they face during the time they work on the project
- Changes: students discuss and notes about the changes
students would like to make when working on the next
The group report is submitted onto LMS within deadline (Late
Week submission: - 50% of the total)
Active participation (P):
Absent: 0
Present without contribution: 1 TK 2
Present with contribution: 2
[P = 0/1/2]

Task fulfillment (TF):

The student completes the tasks (product) assigned by the
groups (1)
The product is submitted to the group is usable (1)
The product is submitted within the requested deadline (1).

2. Peer evaluation:
Students evaluate their group members’ participation in the project and their fulfilment of the
tasks assigned, beginning from the end of the first week to the end of the sixth week, i.e.
students’ active participation and task fulfillment are evaluated

Active participation (P):

Absent: 0
Present without contribution: 1
Present with contribution: 2
[P = 0 or 1 or 2]

Task fulfillment (TF):

Level of task fulfillment Yes No

Completed the tasks (product) assigned by the groups (1) 1 0
The product submitted to the group is usable (1) 1 0
The product is submitted within the requested deadline (1). 1 0
Total score for task fulfillment

Peer evaluation sheet

Every week, each student uses the evaluation sheet below to tick the suitable score for their
peers (see the form next page).



Course: Interpretation 2
Name of the project: The field trip for an interview: interpretation practice



No GROUP P1 TF1 P2 TF2 P3 TF3 P4 TF4 P5 TF5 P6 TF6
1 (Name 1) 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 30
2 (Name 2) 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 8
3 ….

Date: …………………....

Signature of evaluator


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