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Life Cycle Assessment and the chemical engineer: a marriage of

Jonathan Provo, Jim Fava and Steven Baer

Chemical engineers assume a broad range of functions in Now, as the consequences of environmental negligence
industry, spanning the development of new process designs, emerge with increasing regularity, the chemical engineer
the maintenance and optimization of incumbent systems, and may be tasked with assessing the environmental impacts
the production of intermediate materials, end products and related to his or her product. Just as tools were developed
new technologies. The technical aptitude that enables the to meet the financial and, health and safety functions, the
chemical engineer to fulfill these various roles along the value LCA tool provides the chemical engineer with the quan-
chain makes them compelling participants in the environmental tified environmental performance of a product [1].
assessment of the product in question. This article provides a
brief overview of LCA and how chemical engineers will find it The salient ideology championed by LCA is the appli-
accessible, both in terms of technical exercise as well as in cation of a holistic perspective when considering the
utility to sustainability functions. It also examines some of the environmental impacts arising from a product. An LCA
issues that can arise when performing an LCA on a chemical exercise challenges the practitioner to consider all
product and proposes ways to address them and improve the impacts, not just those attributed to one’s immediate
LCA situation in the chemical industry. industrial activities, but also to those arising from
Addresses upstream materials as well as to those related to product
PE INTERNATIONAL INC., United States disposal or end-of-life [2]. Perhaps switching to an
alternative solvent leads to more favorable reaction con-
Corresponding author: Fava, Jim (
ditions, but also results in higher fugitive emissions. LCA
provides the quantified results necessary to compare two
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2013, 2:278–281 or more scenarios. In fact, the chemical engineer can
This review comes from a themed issue on Energy and environ- employ LCA to address a variety of problems [3]:
mental engineering
Edited by Rakesh Agrawal and Subhas K Sikdar  To assess the environmental performance of a product,
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial
with the outcomes often serving as a baseline for future
Available online 15th June 2013
 To compare the environmental performance of
2211-3398/$ – see front matter, # 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights different production routes used to manufacture the
same product.  To compare the environmental performance of
different products that are functionally equivalent.

Measurements of a system cannot be made without affect- In order to begin applying LCA to these problems, it is
ing the system. The implications of this principle extend first necessary to understand the process of conducting an
beyond its origins in physics and into many other areas of LCA.
science and society. By quantifying the environmental
impacts of a system using the Life Cycle Assessment Life Cycle Assessment in theory
(LCA) tool, this observer effect also finds traction. Unlike LCA is a tool that captures the full spectrum of environ-
physical measurements that directly change a system, LCA mental impacts (e.g. global warming, eutrophication, smog
indirectly benefits the product system being assessed, with formation and others) arising from the complete (i.e. cra-
the potential to reduce environmental burden. dle-to-grave) lifespan of a product or process. Throughout
this paper, both product and process are used interchange-
The chemical engineer is frequently expected to assume ably as the chemical engineer may consider either when
more responsibilities and have a broader awareness of the performing an LCA. As seen in Figure 1, an LCA is
issues that face not only the industry, but also society as a comprises four interdependent phases: the goal and scope
whole. Where once, the chemical engineer focused on the definition, inventory analysis, and impact assessment all
technical details of a particular process, over time, finan- linked with an overarching interpretation phase.
cial considerations became more salient with escalating
competition, followed by health and safety parameters as The goal and scope phase identifies the objectives and
major disasters illuminated the need for more oversight. context of the study, establishing the key technical details

Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2013, 2:278–281

LCA and the chemical engineer Provo, Fava and Baer 279

Figure 1 intent of the interpretation is to ascertain the level of

confidence in the final results. More elaborate descrip-
ISO Framework tions of these phases can be found in the ISO standards
for conducting an LCA.
Goal and
Scope LCA for chemical engineers
Chemical engineers will find appeal in the accessibility of
LCA as a tool. Aspects of the LCA exercise, such as
building process-flow diagrams, establishing system
Inventory boundaries, defining a functional unit (all part of the goal
and scope definition), and balancing mass and energy
(part of the LCI), are all very familiar to the chemical
engineer [4]. Indeed, one of the more time consuming
Impact activities of performing an LCA can be the data collection
Assessment phase, in which the complete inventory of inputs and
outputs related to the functional unit (in most chemical
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering
LCAs this is a fixed quantity of product, such as 1 ton of
chemical X) are collected and the mass balance across the
LCA phases: the goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact
assessment and interpretation phases, dynamically linked, comprise an
system boundary is ensured. This activity is incumbent to
LCA. the chemical engineer and often requires little additional
effort in the context of an LCA.

and laying the groundwork for the remaining work. The Once the production inputs and outputs have been col-
life cycle inventory (LCI) analysis is the phase in which lected, these ‘technical flows’ will need to be translated
all relevant material and energy flows into and out of into the basic flows into and out of the ecosphere that
nature are catalogued (details on how this is accomplished constitute the LCI of the product system. While pro-
are provided in the later section LCA for chemical engin- duction data related to one’s own operations is often
eers). This inventory of flows is then characterized during readily available and well understood, the upstream
the impact assessment phase into common equivalence supply chains needed to reach the LCI are likely unavail-
units that are then aggregated into impact categories (e.g. able. The most direct way to bridge this gap is by using an
carbon dioxide equivalents to assess global warming LCA software tool that contains a database of processes
potential). The interpretation phase evaluates the results that already have defined LCIs through the supply chain.
from the other phases to yield conclusions on the environ- These LCIs are available from sources such as Ecoinvent
mental impacts while addressing limitations and provid- databases as well as through companies like PE INTER-
ing recommendations for future action. The primary NATIONAL.

Figure 2

Acetone (from isopropanol) X



Electricity grid mix

Deionised water

Steam conversion (mp) Deionised water

superheated PE
Thermal energy from
natural gas

Catalyst Process steam from

natural gas

Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering

GaBi model of acetone: the production of acetone from isopropanol is modeled in GaBi showing all relevant material and energy inputs. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2013, 2:278–281

280 Energy and environmental engineering

LCA software, such as the GaBi platform, allows the LCA and green chemistry
chemical engineer to model the product system in a The chemical industry has made progress in addressing
recognizable process-flow interface. Figure 2 depicts environmental concerns. The development of green
the GaBi model for acetone production. The gray blocks chemistry and its implementation both in the academia
represent operations, such as the conversion of isopropa- and industry has promoted a more sustainable mindset in
nol to acetone, or the cradle-to-gate material and energy chemical engineers. The green chemistry principles pro-
LCIs. Material flows (in blue) and energy flows (in red) vide a qualitative framework, but lack the robustness
can be seen flowing from the LCI datasets and entering afforded by a quantitative approach. Additionally, green
the acetone production process. The emissions and raw chemistry principles become less pertinent as activities
materials for the datasets are not explicitly shown but are move further from theoretical operations of chemistry and
accounted for in the inventories within each block. These into more practical applications [10]. LCA can support
software tools offer twofold support in conducting an green chemistry functions by providing the quantitative
LCA: they provide the upstream process inventories, support necessary to evaluate certain products and pro-
but also facilitate the impact assessment by applying vide clear insight when assessing alternatives. Green
one of the many methodologies to the production model chemistry has most traction during the development
when calculating the results of the product system. phase, especially when creating new syntheses, but is
difficult to apply when dealing with an established pro-
LCA and the chemical industry: the need for cess. LCA on the other hand, can be applied to processes
data at all levels of maturity, suitable for both new develop-
With access to LCI data and the support of an LCA ments as well as incumbent processes [11].
software tool, the chemical engineer can readily generate
LCA results. However, the available LCI data may not Often times, green chemistry may appear to distinguish
meet the needs of the project. Intermediate chemical LCI processes that are ‘green’ from those that do not meet
data is scarce, and all the materials used in a particular green chemistry principles. LCA does not cast judgment
process may not have a corresponding LCI dataset [5]. and is not meant to vilify any product. By capturing the
When the exact dataset is unavailable, a resourceful chemi- breadth of environmental impacts, it can be seen where
cal engineer may choose an appropriate proxy from the certain improvements in one category (global warming)
available datasets, using his knowledge of chemical pro- may lead to worse outcomes in another (eutrophication or
duction to select an equitable substitute for the otherwise acidification); even green has shades of gray. For the sake
absent material [6]. A more industrious practitioner may of sustainability, LCA and green chemistry provide a
even use process knowledge to develop the missing dataset remarkably synergy for sustainable approaches to chemi-
and achieve a more faithful representation of the environ- cal production: green chemistry supplying the paradigm,
mental impacts [7]. Furthermore, researchers [8] are work- and LCA serving as the assessment tool.
ing to estimate chemical LCIs through production
congruencies to other chemicals as well as using molecular Conclusions
structure-based models. While these approaches can ame- Trade-offs are not foreign to the chemical engineer or
liorate an otherwise incomplete LCA, primary data cap- LCA practitioner. Rarely is any individual chemical/
tures the true production conditions and allows for the process/product the clearly superior choice whether
greatest assurance in the results. Data quality is one of the one is considering environmental impacts or process
main considerations when interpreting LCA outcomes and designs. It is often the case where environmental metrics
only primary production data can provide total confidence are deprioritized over the other aspects of production
when the results are used in decision-making. design (i.e. financial, technical, safety, etc.) particularly
when the raw material production or end-of-life fall
To this end, more transparency is needed in the chemical outside the influence of the organization. Even if this
industry to enable LCA’s adoption on a broader level. is the case, the quantitative environmental metrics
Certainly, protection of key process parameters is essential derived from an LCA provide for greater transparency
in such a competitive space, but one of the benefits of LCA in the decision-making process, and enable a more com-
is that by reducing a process to its basic flows into and out of plete representation of the product system. A surplus of
the ecosphere — which occurs when process data is aggre- understanding is never an issue in chemical manufactur-
gated as an LCI — it becomes impossible to derive any ing, and very likely, the perspective gained through the
competitive insights into the production process. The LCA exercise will influence some part of the process
American Chemistry Council has taken the initiative to design and lead to environmental improvements at some
publicly disclose LCI data on the production of many stage in development. Perhaps this can be considered an
polymers [9]. Some manufacturers have also realized the observer effect, or perhaps, it is simply that ‘what gets
benefits of hiding their production data through industry measured gest managed.’ Our need for chemicals is not
association LCA studies, allowing them to share LCI going away, but neither are the substantial environmen-
information while maintaining confidentiality. tal problems facing this world. With LCA it is possible for

Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2013, 2:278–281

LCA and the chemical engineer Provo, Fava and Baer 281

chemical engineers to measure the environmental per- chemical inventories using neural networks. Environ Sci
Technol 2008, 42:6717-6722.
formance of a product, and while this may not lead to
6. Brentner LB, Eckelman MJ, Zimmerman JB: Combinatorial Life
immediate action, it will impart the mindset necessary to Cycle Assessment to inform process design of industrial
make changes that lead to improvements in their process production of algal biodiesel. Environ Sci Technol 2011,
and inevitably, the world.
7. Baitz M, Albrecht S, Brauner E, Broadbent C, Castellan G,
Conrath P, Fava J et al.: LCA’s theory and practice: like ebony
References and recommended reading and ivory living in perfect harmony? Int J Life Cycle Assess
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, 2012, 18:5-13.
have been highlighted as:
8. Wernet G, Hellweg S, Hungerbühler K: A tiered approach to
 of special interest  estimate inventory data and impacts of chemical products
 of outstanding interest and mixtures. Int J Life Cycle Assess 2012,
Four approaches for estimating impacts of chemicals where no LCI data
1. Baumann H, Tillman A-M: The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to LCA: An
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Orientation in Life Cycle Assessment Methodology and
applying extrapolation or the use of proxy data where the chemical
Application. Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur; 2004, .
accounts for <5% of the impacts. If the component is a significant
2. Kim S, Jiménez-González C, Dale BE: Enzymes for contributor, applying a process model is the best approach. The authors
pharmaceutical applications — a cradle-to-gate Life Cycle have developed the Finechem tool to screen chemicals and provide
Assessment. Int J Life Cycle Assess 2009, 14:392-400. sophisticated estimates of their impacts.

3. Jacquemin L, Pontalier P-Y, Sablayrolles C: Life Cycle 9. Tabone MD, Cregg JJ, Beckman EJ, Landis AE: Sustainability
 Assessment (LCA) applied to the process industry: a review. metrics: Life Cycle Assessment and green design in polymers.
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This literature review provides a solid overview of LCA and its application
10. Gustafsson LM, Börjesson P: Life Cycle Assessment in green
to process systems engineering. Efforts to integrate LCA with process
chemistry. Int J Life Cycle Assess 2006, 12:151-159 http://
design and optimization tools to synergistically advance both young fields
are discussed.
11. Tufvesson LM, Tufvesson P, Woodley JM, Börjesson P: Life Cycle
4. Saling P, Kicherer A, Dittrich-Krämer B, Wittlinger R, Zombik W,
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Schmidt I, Schrott W, Schmidt S: Eco-efficiency analysis by
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BASF: the method. Int J Life Cycle Assess 2002, 7:203-218.
LCA provides a quantitative methodology for validating green chemistry
5. Wernet G, Hellweg S, Fischer U, Papadokonstantakis S, efforts. LCA can further support the planning or research stage by high-
Hungerbühler K: Molecular-structure-based models of lighting key parameters that affect environmental performance. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2013, 2:278–281

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