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Reaction Paper 'Pangarap Kong Guiting-Guiting,’ dokumentaryo ni Kara David | I-Witness

Watching the documentary of Ms. Kara David of May 7th 2023, where she reattempts to climb
Mt. Guiting guiting, she was a student when they tried to attempt and climb mt. guiting guiting. Mount
guiting guiting is said to be the hardest mount to be climbed and hike. In there, some issues occur, its
timely and thus cost energy. They travel at dawn to reach mayo’s peaks in the afternoon and as they hike
the mountain, we are given interviews from the mountaineering guide, said that they only volunteered
due to restriction in poachers, and it made their perception of nature and the importance of the
mountain can make for them. It is a protected heritage site at said by the mayor that protects wants to
protect it. although the climb took 2 days to complete, it was boring, the narration was incapable of
making the audience look or make them interested. Though the most interesting part was there was no
sound post that helped them regain strength, plus they needed to ration water due to the lack of it in
the mountains due to the summer sundown they reached Mayo’s peak, and took a short pass
time to regain a small amount of energy. I see things that Ms. kara David have done, the cameraman,
well one was in front of here and one was at her back recording, I don’t know who, or what equipment
they were holding. But I saw a glimpse of him gasping due to exhaustion because miss kara David paused
in front of a steep step the cameraman was stepping on. It was hilarious but I can see the exhaustion of
the team at the end of the hike. They were ecstatic and relieved.

At the end we were faced with a big problem. There are illegal miner or miners prohibited from
ever mining in and outside the mountain. Romblon is said to have soil/ type of a rock that is rich in nickel
and other metals when extracted. But the mayor is defending the natural resource of the island and is
protecting the mounting that they are so very proud of. Since if the mountain is destroyed and gone, the
guides and hikers are left nothing but pity on the mountain having them not be able to stop the
destruction, for at least that didn’t happen. And in the long run that if still won’t happen as I’d like to be
one of the people that have climbed Mount Guiting guiting peaks0.

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