Salebad Kenny TTP Chapter 4 and 5

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Concept Check 4.1

List down five competencies of a great and effective teacher and tell your reasons. Enumerate
the means to develop them and identity the subjects that allow a teacher education graduate to
cultivate such competencies. Take note that competency is not an attribute or trait rather it is
how well one does a certain thing.

Competencies Reasons Why Such Means to Develop such General, Major and
Competency Is desired Competency Professional Subjects that
Develop this Competency
Facilitation and They capture and Purposely use Facilitating learner-
Engagement maintain students multiple strategies centered teaching
interest, effort, and technology to
participation and engage students.
enthusiasm for both
the content and the
process of learning.
Assessment and It utilize balanced Provide clear, tuimely Physical Education
Coaching assessment and and observable
feedback to improve feedback are students Coaching
student learning. and families.  Executive
Apply formative and coaching
summative Differentiate  Integrated
assessment strategies. assessment for coaching
individual students  Team coaching
needs.  Virtual
Collaboration and Collaborate with Openly and willingly Physical education
Teamwork others to achieve share appropriate
group goals and information and MAPEH
objectives. This knowledge.
includes relationships, Science Class
paertnerships and Respect diversity, and
Math Class
producing team based value the opinions of
results. others.
Caring and Inclusive Create and maintain Demonstrate a TLE (Home
an environment that is commitment to each Economics)
caring, inclusive and students and their
supportive of all unique needs. Nursing

Flexibility and Demonstrate Effectively prioritize Music and Arts

Adaptability flexibility in our demands.
ability to adjust and Math Class
adapt to changing Differentiate teaching
circumstances. practices to best meet
the needs of each


• Teacher Ella refuses to use the Google Scholar as a valuable source of enriching her
lesson. This is because of her belief in the superiority of textbooks over the Internet as a
source of knowledge. In this case, is Teacher Ella developing her competency along the
domain content knowledge and pedagogy? Why?

Evidence suggests that Teacher Ella is not putting enough time and effort into improving her
subject-matter expertise and teaching techniques. Textbooks have long been relied upon as a
fundamental resource in the classroom, and although they remain useful, educators would do
well to remember that other sources of knowledge, such as Google Scholar, may be found

Teacher Ella may be shortchanging her pupils by refusing to utilize Google Scholar,
preventing them from being exposed to new viewpoints and cutting-edge research. Teachers
also need to feel confident and competent utilizing online resources as part of their teaching
practice as the importance of technology in society grows.

Not that this means you should ignore textbooks altogether. They are a reliable source that
may serve as the basis for further learning. Teachers, however, should be aware that they are
just one part of the learning process and be receptive to adding knowledge from a variety of
other sources.

• Teacher Lorinet uses debate to hone the learners' ability to pose an argument, persuade an
audience, and think critically on a social issue in her social studies class. Is this a good
manifestation that Teacher Lorinet is competent in the domain content knowledge and
pedagogy? Why?

Yes, Teacher Lorinet's use of debate in her social studies class is evidence that she has a firm
grasp on both the subject matter and the best methods for teaching it.

First, by including lively discussion into the classroom, Teacher Lorinet is encouraging
student participation in the learning process. Debate is a great way to get students to engage
in critical thinking about a social problem, find supporting evidence, and present a well-
reasoned case. This aids in the development of both their subject-matter expertise and their
capacity for analytical thought.
Second, because the study of social problems and the diverse points of view on those topics
is central to the social sciences, debate is a method that lends itself well to the discipline.
Teacher Lorinet uses debate to assist her pupils comprehend the nuances of social problems
and the variety of perspectives held on them.

Finally, Teacher Lorinet is giving her pupils with a vital real-world skill set via the use of
debate to teach these talents. The ability to think critically and construct a coherent argument
is one that can be used in many settings, not just the classroom.

Overall, Teacher Lorinet's use of debate as a teaching tactic is an excellent illustration of her
mastery of both the subject matter and the pedagogical techniques she employs in the
classroom. She encourages her kids to think critically and gives them experience in the real
world that will help them succeed in any field.

Concept Check 4.3

• A teacher said; "I am so happy seeing all of you working quietly on your task today. Keep
up the good work and behavior, children!" Is this a good show of the teacher's competency
about the learning environment? Why?

Debate in Teacher Lorinet's social studies class shows that she knows both the material and
how to present it to her students effectively.

To begin, Instructor Lorinet promotes student engagement in the learning process by

including dynamic classroom conversation. Students may learn to think critically about a
social issue, gather facts, and make a convincing argument by participating in a debate. This
helps them become more knowledgeable in the field as well as strengthen their analytical
reasoning skills.

Second, debate is an approach that works well in the social sciences because of the
importance of studying societal problems and the many perspectives on these issues. Debate
is one way that Lorinet helps her students understand the complexity and range of viewpoints
around societal issues.

Finally, by using argument as a means of instruction, Teacher Lorinet is equipping her

students with a set of skills that will serve them well in the real world. Learning to think
critically and put together an argument is a skill that can be used outside of the classroom.

Teacher Lorinet's use of debate as a pedagogical tool is indicative of her expertise in the
subject area as well as her teaching methods. She teaches her children to question authority
and equips them with real-world skills that will serve them well in any endeavor.
• Teacher Ellen heard one of her learners calling his classmate "fat" and "nerd". Very
quickly, she asked the two learners to role play or reenact the incident. Then, she asked the
entire class to write on the board their ideas about how they feel about the reenactment. Is
this a proof that the teacher has mastered the domain on learning environment? Why?

The teacher's reaction shows that she has mastered the art of making the classroom a safe and
welcoming place for all students.

Teacher Ellen swiftly steps in and has the two students repeat the event so that they may
understand how their words and actions affected others. For the sake of fostering compassion
and regard in the classroom, this is an essential measure.

Teacher Ellen is helping to foster a climate of open dialogue by encouraging students to

contribute to class discussions by writing down their thoughts and views on the board. This is
important because it promotes a feeling of belonging and collective ownership of keeping the
classroom a welcoming and safe place for all students.

The teacher's handling of the problem as a whole demonstrates her mastery of classroom
management techniques and her ability to foster an atmosphere that is conducive to learning
for all students.

Concept Check 4.4

• In the classroom, the teacher angrily said, "Kayong mga bakla huwag kayong paarte arte
dyan kasi pagdating ng panahon, masusunog lahat ang kaluluwa ninyo sa impyerno." In
this situation, does the teacher show proficiency in managing diversity of learners? Why?

The teacher's comment does not demonstrate competence in dealing with a wide range of
student backgrounds. The teacher's use of a disparaging word ("bakla") and the insinuation
that being a member of the LGBTQ+ group is something to be ashamed of or penalized for
demonstrates a lack of awareness and acceptance of difference.

In order to foster a welcoming classroom, teachers must appreciate each student's unique
background and viewpoints. It involves making sure all students, regardless of their
background, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, or anything else, feel
welcome and accepted.

When a teacher singles out one set of kids and uses disparaging language and remarks about
them, they create an atmosphere that is not safe for pupils to study or develop.

A teacher's capacity to handle diversity in the classroom is compromised when students

behave in this way because it makes them feel excluded, alienated, and disinterested in what
they are learning.

Teachers should be aware of the effects of their words and actions on all of their pupils, and
the teacher's comment is not an example of skill in managing variety of learners.

• During the family day, Teacher Kaycee requested all her learners to come with their
parents in their native attire and bring food showcasing their culture. The purpose is to
celebrate the richness and value of everyone's culture and heritage. Does this activity
reflect the teacher's deep appreciation of the domain on diversity of learners? Why?
The teacher's respect for her students' individuality shines through in this exercise. The
instructor fosters an environment where all cultures are appreciated and honored by having
children and their families share traditional clothes and foods.

In order to foster a welcoming classroom, teachers must appreciate each student's unique
background and viewpoints. To do so, educators must be on the lookout for occasions to
honor the many cultural backgrounds of their students.

Teachers may foster a feeling of community and shared responsibility for establishing a
pleasant learning environment by planning family day events that enable children and their
families to share their cultural heritage with one another. A more friendly and accepting
classroom environment may be one result of this kind of activity, which also helps kids feel a
greater sense of pride in themselves and their school.

Ultimately, the educator's commitment to establishing a pleasant and inclusive learning

environment for all children, as seen by her choice to plan a family day celebration that
honors variety and cultural heritage, is indicative of her appreciation for the domain on
diversity of learners.

Concept Check 4.5

• Teacher Lorinet, a master teacher in Tuguegarao West Central School, convened her co-
teachers to review the sequencing of the topics in Grade 9 Science as she noted disorderly
arrangement of some lessons in the Learner's Manual. Is Teacher Lorinet showing her
competence in the domain on curriculum and planning? Why?
Teacher Lorinet has shown her expertise in the field of curriculum and planning by calling a
meeting of her fellow 9th grade science teachers to discuss the order in which they cover
certain concepts. Curriculum and planning include making sure that the curriculum is in line
with national standards and learning goals, and creating a cohesive and structured framework
for teaching and learning.

Teacher Lorinet shows her dedication to providing well-structured and efficient instruction to
her pupils by addressing the disorganized layout of several lessons in the Learner's Manual.
She is also showing that she can effectively coordinate with other educators to raise the bar
for student learning.

Teaching and learning are only successful when teachers have a deep grasp of curriculum and
preparation. Teachers need not just extensive knowledge of the material to be taught, but also
an awareness of how to organize lessons so that students learn ideas and skills in a way that
sticks with them.

Teacher Lorinet's competence in the area of curriculum and planning, and her dedication to
giving her pupils with a high-quality education, are strongly shown by her choice to gather
her co-teachers to examine the sequencing of the themes in Grade 9 Science.

• During the Learning Action Cell (LAC) session, Teacher Vilma shared to her colleagues
the effectiveness of her strategy in enhancing the reading ability of her Grade 1 pupils. Her
colleagues readily accepted to try the strategy to improve the quality of their teaching. Is
the teacher considered competent in curriculum and planning in this case? Why?

It would be safe to say that Teacher Vilma has the necessary skills in this area. During the
Learning Action Cell (LAC) session, she demonstrates her ability to create and implement
effective teaching strategies by discussing the success of her strategy in improving the
reading ability of her Grade 1 students and encouraging her colleagues to try it.

Curriculum and planning include making sure that the curriculum is in line with national
standards and learning goals, and creating a cohesive and structured framework for teaching
and learning. Teacher Vilma is proving her competence as a curriculum designer and
implementer by disseminating her tried-and-true method of instruction to her fellow

Teacher Vilma shows her collaborative and sharing skills by urging other educators to use the
method in their own classes. To guarantee that instructional practices are successful and
relevant to the needs of all students, a collaborative and reflective approach to curriculum and
design is necessary.

In sum, Teacher Vilma's confidence in the area of curriculum and preparation is shown by
her desire to share her method of instruction with her peers during the LAC session. It's proof
that she can innovate new ways to educate her students and work with colleagues to improve
the standard of education at her institution.

Concept Check 4.6

• Every time Teacher Maxi asks her learners to perform a cooperative learning activity, she
clearly defines the expected output, process and the rubric measuring the collective output.
Then, she immediately provides feedback regarding the result of their output. In what way
does Teacher Maxi show her competence in assessment and reporting in this case?

Maxi's activities as a teacher show that she is an expert at evaluating and reporting student
work. She ensures that her students know what is expected of them and how they will be
evaluated by providing a clear definition of the intended outcome, process, and rubric
assessing the collective outcome. This is crucial because it ensures that students know where
they stand and where to direct their efforts in order to succeed.

Furthermore, Teacher Maxi is able to aid her students in comprehending how well they have
done and what they need to do to improve by providing feedback immediately following the
activity. Students can't learn and grow without this type of guidance on where they should put
their attention and how they might do better in the future.

Teacher Maxi is promoting a welcoming and collaborative classroom atmosphere by

including group projects and discussions. This is significant because it promotes student
involvement in class, which is correlated with better academic performance.
Overall, Teacher Maxi's activities show that she is skilled at evaluating and reporting student
progress. She is doing her best to keep her pupils motivated and on track for success by
setting high standards, measuring their progress using rubrics, and offering constructive
comments. She's doing her part to make the classroom a pleasant and productive place to
study by encouraging students to work together and welcome newcomers.

• Teacher Elvira conducted a research measuring the senior high school learners' skill in
conducting research. She crafted the instrument based on the competencies defined in
Research I and II. What makes this initiative of Teacher Elvira a good reflection of her
competency in assessment and reporting?

Elvira's initiative in developing an evaluation tool based on the skills outlined in Research I
and II is indicative of her proficiency in assessment and reporting.

First, Teacher Elvira is making sure that her assessment is in line with the intended learning
outcomes by designing the instrument based on the identified competencies. The significance
and accuracy of her findings depend on the validity and reliability of her evaluation, which is
ensured in this way.

Second, Teacher Elvira is utilizing evaluation to provide herself and her students constructive
criticism on their research abilities as senior high school students. The results of the
evaluation will inform both the students and Teacher Elvira about where they are in terms of
their research skills and abilities.

Finally, Instructor Elvira does what she preaches by doing study on her pupils' research
abilities. Her study's findings can be used as a starting point for future evaluations of her
teaching methods and as a yardstick against which her students' growth can be judged.

Elvira's initiative in developing an evaluation tool based on the skills outlined in Studies I
and II is indicative of her skill in this area. Teacher Elvira demonstrates her dedication to
providing her students with a high-quality education by focusing on the alignment of
assessment with expected learning outcomes, offering constructive feedback, and engaging in
self-reflection and continuous improvement.

Concept Check 4.7

• In a PTA meeting, the teacher was able to engage the parents in the Brigada Eskwela. In
effect, the room was painted, the windows were repaired and the floor was tiled. What do
you think were the measures taken by the teacher to successfully link with the parents?

Based on the given scenario, the teacher was able to successfully link with the parents by
implementing effective communication and collaboration strategies. Some possible measures
that the teacher took include:

1. Setting clear goals and objectives - The teacher may have communicated the importance of
Brigada Eskwela to the parents and set clear goals and objectives for the project, such as
improving the learning environment for the students.
2. Providing regular updates and progress reports - The teacher may have provided regular
updates and progress reports to the parents to keep them informed of the project's status and
encourage their continued participation and engagement.

3. Establishing a positive and supportive relationship - The teacher may have established a
positive and supportive relationship with the parents by listening to their concerns and ideas,
recognizing their contributions, and showing appreciation for their efforts.

4. Encouraging teamwork and collaboration - The teacher may have encouraged teamwork
and collaboration among the parents by assigning tasks and responsibilities, promoting open
communication and problem-solving, and fostering a sense of shared ownership and
responsibility for the project.

By implementing these measures, the teacher was able to successfully link with the parents
and engage them in the Brigada Eskwela, resulting in a successful project that benefited the
school and its students.
• An elementary school has been considered a model school in the region considering its
performance in the National Achievement Test, Brigada Eskwela and other co-curricular
and extra-curricular competitions. In the context of community linkages and professional
engagement, what could have been the formula of success of the teachers and school
administrator in realizing all of these?

The success of the teachers and school administrator in realizing these achievements could be
attributed to several factors:

1. Strong collaboration and partnership with the community: The school may have
established good relationships with the parents, local government units, and other
stakeholders in the community. This could have resulted in the active participation of these
groups in school activities and programs.

2. Supportive school administration: The school administrator may have provided effective
leadership and management, which allowed for the effective implementation of programs and
activities. This may have also resulted in the provision of adequate resources and facilities
that are essential in enhancing the teaching and learning process.

3. Competent and dedicated teachers: The teachers may have demonstrated their expertise
and commitment to the teaching profession, which resulted in the delivery of quality
instruction and effective student engagement. These teachers may have also participated in
professional development activities, which allowed for the enhancement of their teaching
skills and knowledge.

4. Student-centered approach: The school may have adopted a student-centered approach,

which focuses on the needs and interests of the learners. This approach could have resulted in
the development of learners who are motivated, engaged, and equipped with the necessary
skills and competencies.

Overall, the success of the school in achieving these accomplishments is a reflection of the
collective effort and dedication of the teachers, school administrators, learners, and
community stakeholders.
Concept Check 4.8

• Teacher Irene is a highly motivated teacher who pursues her doctorate degree and
continues to upgrade her competencies through attendance and participation in relevant
seminars, conferences and trainings. How do you foresee the professional career of
Teacher Irene 20 years from now?

Teacher Irene's commitment to lifelong education suggests that she will be just as
enthusiastic and skilled in the classroom in 20 years as she is now. With her PhD and history
of participating in relevant seminars, conferences, and trainings, she may have moved up the
academic ladder to become a school principle, department head, or university professor.
Alternatively, she may have assumed a position of authority in the fields of educational
policy, curriculum design, or educator professional development. Her dedication to learning
new things and developing her skills is something that will serve her well no matter what
direction her career takes.

• Teacher Jay mismanaged his salary thereby scattering all his debts to private individuals
and lending institutions. Demand letters for the payment of his debts reached the school
principal and his colleagues. What aspects of the domain on personal growth and
professional development have not been upheld by Teacher Jay?

The activities of Teacher Jay reveal an inadequacy in the field of personal and professional
development related to money management. It is expected of him as a professional that he
would handle his funds in a responsible and ethical manner, and that he will stay out of any
circumstances that may bring discredit not only to himself but also to the institution to which
he belongs. His inability to properly handle his funds has the potential to negatively impact
his teaching, as well as create complications for his colleagues and the school administration.
Educators should work to improve not just their content and pedagogical expertise, but also
their own character and demeanor.

Concept Check 4.8

Riddle! Riddle! Determine the career stage of the following teachers:

1.I am who I am today because of my experiences with great number of learners and
colleagues. They say I am already at my crowning moment and maybe it is time to rest but I
still have the strength and wisdom to share my expertise to the younger generation of
teachers. I am the captain of the ship of education. It is with me that the voyage of education
in this country relies on!

2.To be or not to be, that is the crucial question. It's either I will stir or falter. What I know is
that it is the dawn of a new age. The dusk is still far but I grope in the dark. What I need are
giants whose shoulders I shall stand on!

1. The teacher in the first passage is most likely in the later stage of their career, possibly at
the retirement age, but still passionate and willing to share their expertise with younger

2. The teacher in the second passage seems to be in the early stage of their career, possibly
still finding their footing and seeking guidance from experienced mentors.

Concept Check 4.9

Topic: My Super Hero

The teacher shows learners a table containing a list of Filipino heroes together with their life,
works, and significant contributions in the making of Philippine history. The teacher asks
learners to select from the table one hero that they admire most.

The teacher asks learners to copy in their notebooks the essential information about their
Super Hero from the given table.

The teacher instructs learners to draw on a piece of bond paper a picture of their Super Hero
and the teacher shows learners the reference or basis for their drawings.

Below the sketched picture, learners are asked to write the information they copied about
their Super Hero and then the teacher tells learners to frame them.

When done, the teacher instructs learners to post their sketches on a wall in the classroom. In
effect, the wall becomes a gallery of heroes. The teacher directs learners to share their
sketches and read the information about their Super Hero.

Make Three Types of Decisions:

Yes, if all the procedures done in the class are good examples of 21st century skills-the group
stands up and shouts "Hooray"!

If some of the procedures done in the class are examples of 21st century skills and some are
not - the group stands up and says "Hmmm"!

No, if all the procedures done the class are not examples of 21st century skills - the group
stands up and says "Huh"!

Why do you think the group decided on this? Give three reasons.
Based on the given scenario, it is highly likely that the group decided on a "Yes" as all the
procedures done in the class can be considered good examples of 21st century skills. Here are
three reasons why:

1. The activity promotes critical thinking and creativity as learners are asked to select their
own hero and create a sketch of their own interpretation. This encourages learners to think
independently and express their ideas creatively.

2. The activity involves collaboration and communication as learners are asked to share their
sketches and the information about their Super Hero with their classmates. This fosters a
collaborative and communicative learning environment where learners can interact with each
other and share their ideas.

3. The activity also promotes digital literacy as learners may be asked to research more about
their Super Hero using online resources or digital materials. This helps learners develop their
research and technology skills which are essential in the 21st century.





Concept Check 5.1

Mrs. Santiago, a secondary school principal, directed her three teachers through a
memorandum to decorate her house that will be used as reception for the wedding of her
daughter. However, the teachers resisted. In effect, Mrs. Santiago got angry. Is the resistance
of the teachers to the job right? Why?

Teachers' reluctance to help the principal decorate her home for her daughter's wedding is
reasonable and fair. Decorating the principal's home for a private function is not part of a
teacher's job description; they are employed to do their jobs in the classroom. It's logical that
the principal would want to enlist the aid of her faculty, but she should have done it in a
manner that didn't jeopardize their credibility.

Perhaps the educators' understanding of professional and ethical limits also played a role in
their resistance. Teachers should not become too personal with their pupils or other staff
members. They may feel their personal space has been invaded if they are asked to decorate
the principal's home.
In general, it is crucial for school administrators to respect their employees' professional
positions and avoid placing them in circumstances that might undermine their integrity.

Concept Check 5.2

Mr. Cruz made a new invention using his official time in school as he was deloaded for one
year to finish the task. When the invention was sent for patenting, the teacher solely put the
creation under his name and not the school's. Is the act of the teacher in order? Why?A
learner boxed his teacher after receiving a failing mark in mathematics. The act was done in
the market where the two met. Can the learner claim that the act was not disrespect of
"persons in authority" because the teacher was not inside the school and was not also doing
an actual professional duty? Why?

Mr. Cruz's contention that the innovation belongs to him personally rather than to the
institution is inappropriate. He was a teacher, thus he was spending school time and money
on his invention, which may have been inspired by his professional duties. Therefore, it is
possible that the invention belongs to the university, and he should have acknowledged it as

However, even though the incident did not take place on school grounds and the teacher was
not performing any official duties, the learner's act of boxing his teacher is still considered a
disrespect of "persons in authority." The student has broken the law, and the teacher's
position and power still hold outside of the classroom.

Concept Check 5.3

A learner boxed his teacher after receiving a failing mark in mathematics. The act was done
in the market where the two met. Can the learner claim that the act was not disrespect of
"persons in authority" because the teacher was not inside the school and was not also doing
an actual professional duty? Why?

No, the learner cannot claim that the act was not disrespect of "persons in authority" just
because the incident happened outside the school and the teacher was not doing an actual
professional duty. The act of physically assaulting a teacher, regardless of the location or
circumstance, is a clear violation of the law and a serious offense. Teachers, as persons in
authority, deserve respect and protection at all times, whether inside or outside the school
premises. The learner should be held accountable for his actions and be subjected to
disciplinary measures.

Concept Check 5.4

Clardie Roxas is a BSEd graduate. He applied for a teaching job in a public secondary school
but was denied of his application to be ranked as Teacher 1 candidate. The principal saw his
deformed face and his limping leg. The principal explained that while he pities him of his
condition, he cannot deny the fact that when he becomes a teacher, he will just be the object
of ridicule and the joke of the learners. Was the principal correct in his decision? Why?

No, the principal's decision was discriminatory and violates the rights of Clardie Roxas. The
principal should base the decision on the applicant's qualifications and merits, not on
personal biases or physical appearances. Discrimination based on physical disability is
prohibited by law, and it is the responsibility of the school to provide an inclusive and non-
discriminatory environment for all learners and employees. The principal should have
considered Clardie's abilities, qualifications, and potential to become an effective teacher,
regardless of his physical condition.

Concept Check 5.5

A husband requested from the Schools Division Superintendent that he be transferred to an

elementary school where his wife is also teaching. As there was no need for a teacher in the
school of his wife, the Superintendent decided to deploy him in the next school found within
the district. Is the act of the Superintendent correct?

No, the act of the Schools Division Superintendent is not correct. The deployment or transfer
of teachers should be based on the needs of the school and the qualifications of the teacher,
and not on personal requests or preferences. The Superintendent should prioritize the welfare
of the students and the quality of education in the schools under his/her jurisdiction. Allowing
personal requests to influence the deployment of teachers may compromise the quality of
education in the affected schools.

Concept Check 5.6

A principal deducted the accumulated undertime of a teacher because the latter goes home
immediately after six hours of actual classroom teaching. The teacher questioned the legality
of the deduction. In your opinion, is the act of the principal right? Why?

It depends on the terms of the teacher's contract or the school's policies on working hours. If
the contract or policy specifies that the teacher is required to render additional hours beyond
the six hours of actual classroom teaching, then the principal's act of deducting the
undertime may be considered legal. However, if the teacher's contract or policy does not
require additional hours, then the deduction of undertime may be unjustified. It is important
to review the terms of the teacher's contract or the school's policies to determine the legality
of the principal's action.

Concept Check 5.7

The Masisit Cooperative requested the President of a state university to deduct P 10,000.00
that a teacher of this institution borrowed and has never paid for 2 years. The president
authorized the cashier to deduct the same. Is the authorization of the president to the cashier
legal? Why?

No, the authorization of the President to the cashier is not legal. The Masisit Cooperative is a
private entity and the university has no legal authority to collect debts on behalf of private
organizations. The university can only collect debts that are directly related to the
educational services it provides. Deducting the teacher's debt without due process is also a
violation of the teacher's rights. The university should instead advise the cooperative to take
legal action to collect the debt.

Concept Check 5.8

Teacher Chris spent 1 year and 6 months on study leave. The six (6) month delay is due to the
flooding of his experimental fish cage. He asked for the payment of his six (6) months salary
but the principal did not pay it because the study leave is enjoyed by a teacher for 1 year only.
Is the decision of the principal right? Why?

Based on the given information, it appears that the decision of the principal to not pay
Teacher Chris for the additional six (6) months is correct. The study leave is typically
granted for one (1) year only, as stated by the principal. The delay caused by the flooding of
the experimental fish cage may be unfortunate, but it does not necessarily entitle Teacher
Chris to receive additional compensation beyond what was agreed upon in the terms of the
study leave. However, it would still be advisable for Teacher Chris to clarify the matter with
the principal and review any relevant policies or agreements regarding study leave in their

Concept Check 5.9

Five teachers, who are members of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), joined the 1-
day rally during the State of the Nation Address of the President. The principal recorded this
as their absence but the teachers challenged the decision considering that it is consistent with
their right to join organizations, expression, and assembly. Are the teachers correct in their
argument? Why?

The teachers are correct in their argument. According to the Philippine Constitution, every
person has the right to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and association. As long as
the teachers' participation in the rally did not disrupt their teaching duties and did not cause
harm to their students or school, they should not be penalized for exercising their
constitutional rights. The principal should recognize that the teachers have the right to
participate in political activities outside of their official functions as teachers. Therefore, the
principal should not record the absence of the teachers as it is a violation of their
constitutional rights.

Concept Check 5.10

A teacher deducted 10 points from the result of the prelim test scores of two (2) learners for
failing to attend the intramurals where the principal directed all teachers to strictly check the
attendance of their advisory class. The learners complained that the deduction is unfair. Are
the learners correct in their claim? Why?

No, the learners are not correct in their claim. The teacher had a valid reason for deducting
points from their test scores, as they failed to attend the intramurals as instructed by the
principal. Attendance to school activities, such as intramurals, is important and is part of the
learners' responsibility as students. The teacher was merely carrying out the directive of the
principal, and therefore the deduction was justified.

Concept Check 5.11

A teacher in a public school collects voluntary contributions to support the diamond founding
anniversary of his or her church. The learners belonging to other religious organizations
complained him or her. Is the complaint valid? Why?

Yes, the complaint of the learners belonging to other religious organizations is valid. It is not
appropriate for a teacher in a public school to collect voluntary contributions for a religious
organization as it may be seen as promoting a particular religion or favoring a particular
religious group. Public schools should remain neutral and impartial when it comes to
religious matters, and teachers should not use their positions to promote their personal
religious beliefs or affiliations.

Concept Check 5.12

A teacher recruits members for the leftist movement and he or she uses the classroom as a
"pulpit" to indoctrinate the learners. The principal reprimanded him or her through a
memorandum that the teacher vehemently contested. Is the issuance of the memorandum
tenable? Why?
The issuance of the memorandum by the principal to reprimand the teacher for recruiting
members for the leftist movement and using the classroom as a "pulpit" to indoctrinate the
learners is tenable.
Teachers have a professional responsibility to remain politically neutral and to refrain from
using their position to promote political or ideological beliefs. They are expected to provide
an objective and balanced view of various issues and ideologies to promote critical thinking
and respect for diversity. Thus, promoting a particular political or ideological belief system
within the classroom can be considered as a violation of professional ethics and may even be
illegal in some countries.
Furthermore, the teacher's recruitment of learners for a political organization may be
perceived as an abuse of power and could create an uncomfortable learning environment for
learners who hold different political beliefs. It may also be a cause for concern for parents
and the school administration.
Thus, the principal's memorandum to reprimand the teacher is justified in ensuring that the
teacher adheres to professional standards and maintains a neutral learning environment.

Concept Check 5.13

On the first day of service of teacher Fe in a far-flung area, she was made to partake in a
gathering and perform a cultural dance together with the community folks as this is their way
of welcoming her. Unfortunately, she declined to join the welcome party tendered in her
behalf justifying that she does not know how to dance. Is the teacher right to decline the
invitation? Why?

Teacher Fe's hesitation to join in a cultural dance she knows nothing about is
understandable; however, it is considered courteous and respectful to take part in local
customs and traditions as a means of building relationships with the community and
demonstrating gratitude for their hospitality. Teacher Fe risks being indifferent or even
disrespectful to the locals if she turns down the offer. She would have been better off if she
had accepted the offer and given it her all.

Concept Check 5.14

A teacher who is also a minister in his church finds opportunity to gather learners during their
vacant time to listen to him while he preaches the Bible. The principal discovered this activity
and eventually called attention of the concerned teacher to stop preaching. Is the principal
correct in his action? Why?

The principal's warning to the concerned teacher to refrain from religious discourse during
school hours is warranted. A teacher's first duty is to impart knowledge and support student
learning; they should not utilize class time or school resources for religious purposes. Public
schools should remain neutral on religious topics and refrain from promoting any specific
religious belief in accordance with the Constitution's protection of religious freedom and the
separation of Church and State. Permitting the teacher to preach during school hours could
give students the impression that the school is endorsing a particular religion and violate
their right to freedom of religion.
Concept Check 5.16

Teacher Brix refuses to make a comment about a celebrated case asked by a radio reporter on
the immorality issue raised against a colleague. He told the reporter, "It is unprofessional for
me to comment on this case. Let the wheels of justice take its own course." Is Teacher Brix
right in his stand? Why?

Teacher Brix is correct in his assessment. As a professional, he has a duty to act ethically
and morally, and offering his opinion on a matter that is still being investigated would be
unethical and might prejudice the outcome. He should say nothing until the relevant
authorities have finished investigating. Furthermore, it is not his responsibility as a professor
to offer insight on matters beyond his area of study.

Concept Check 5.17

Teacher Zarylle published a research paper produced by her learners in Thesis Writing 1.
When a colleague contested the ownership, she argued that she conceptualized the research
and advised the learners on how to write the research paper. The research would not have
been completed without her assistance. Was Teacher Zarylle right in her claim of sole
ownership of the paper? Why?

The study paper does not belong to Teacher Zarylle alone, as she claims. She may have
helped with the overall idea and direction for the paper, but the research and writing were
done by the students themselves. Students should be included as co-authors on the paper
because of this. It is essential to give credit where it is due and recognize the efforts of
everyone who helped with the research and writing.

Concept Check 5.18

Teacher Jeric discovered from the documents forwarded to him by the guidance counselor
that his learner was diagnosed to be bipolar, a sudden change in mood otherwise known as
mood swing. But this was never seen from the concerned learner because of his religious
medication. One day, the learner fought with a classmate and the teacher revealed to the
complaining learner and his parent that the accused learner is bipolar. To prove his claim, he
showed them his medical records. Is this act of Teacher Jeric acceptable? Why?

No, the act of Teacher Jeric is not acceptable. Disclosing a student's medical condition
without their consent is a violation of their privacy rights. Medical information is confidential
and should only be shared with authorized persons such as medical professionals, parents or
guardians, and school officials who have a legitimate need to know.

In this case, Teacher Jeric should have approached the guidance counselor or school nurse
to discuss the situation and how to address the behavior of the student in question. He should
have also respected the privacy of the student and sought their consent before disclosing any
information about their medical condition.
Concept Check 5.19

In the middle of a joke time among teachers in the faculty room, one teacher jokingly said to
a colleague who is a person with disability (PWD) that his/her height is 5" 6'. This is because
his/her left leg is shorter than the other. The colleague disliked the joke and complained the
teacher to the principal. The principal directed the teacher to make a public apology but the
latter declined because after all, it was just a joke and they were in a "joking mood" when that
happened. Is the teacher's justification acceptable? Why?

No, the teacher's justification is not acceptable. Making fun of a person with disability is
inappropriate and can be considered as a form of discrimination. The principal's directive
for the teacher to make a public apology is reasonable and necessary to address the harm
that has been done.
Joking or not, it is important to be mindful of the words and actions we use towards others,
especially those who belong to marginalized groups. It is the responsibility of teachers to
create a safe and inclusive environment for all learners and colleagues.

Concept Check 5.20

Teacher Brigido questioned the result of the ranking process made by the selection
committee. He ranks first but the one who took the position was ranked number 5. All the
contenders to the position were qualified because they met the minimum requirements set by
Civil Service Commission for the Teacher 1 position. Is there any violation and abuse of
authority on the part of the selection committee? Why?

Based on the given information, there is no clear indication of a violation or abuse of

authority on the part of the selection committee. The fact that all contenders met the minimum
requirements set by the Civil Service Commission for the Teacher 1 position means that they
were all qualified to hold the position. However, it is possible that the selection committee
had other criteria or factors in mind when they made their decision, such as performance in
the interview or assessment process. Without more information, it is difficult to determine if
there was any wrongdoing or impropriety involved in the ranking process.

Concept Check 5.21

Teacher Tony knows the corruption that the school head is doing regarding the pocketing of
income from the school canteen's operation. He decided to make an anonymous letter to the
Schools Division Superintendent regarding the issue attaching the Financial Statement he
prepared proving the allegation. Is the act of teacher Tony in place? Why?

Since it is Tony's responsibility as a citizen and a member of the education sector to promote
honesty and integrity in public service, his decision to report the alleged corruption to the
Schools Division Superintendent was proper. Everyone has an obligation to report corrupt
behavior, since doing so is a form of accountability for the proper use of public monies. It's
also worth noting that Mr. Tony the Teacher should check to see whether his accusations are
founded on reality rather than grudges or rumors.

Concept Check 5.22

Teacher Recto directly addressed his letter to the Schools Division Superintendent regarding
a Feeding Program he is proposing to the different schools in his district with him as the
program leader. Since the communication was not properly channeled, the principal
reprimanded him immediately. Is the principal right in his action? Why?

The principal is correct in reprimanding Teacher Recto for bypassing the regular channels of
contact by sending the letter straight to the Schools Division Superintendent. When
communicating with their superiors, teachers should follow the appropriate protocol and
chain of command, especially when the issue at hand affects the entire school or division.
Teacher Recto exhibited disrespect for the existing organizational structure and disturbed the
normal communication channels by submitting the letter straight to the Schools Division
Superintendent rather than his immediate boss, the principle.

Concept Check 5.23

In his anger, Teacher Manny uttered bad and insulting words to Arthur, one of his learners.
Arthur narrated to his parents how he was humiliated by his teacher. The parents complained
Teacher Manny for violence, exploitation, discrimination, and bullying before the principal.
Is the accusation against Teacher Manny in order? Why?

Perhaps it is fair to accuse Teacher Manny. Teacher Manny's use of foul language against
Arthur may constitute a violation of the child's right to be free from verbal abuse and
exploitation, as well as his right to an atmosphere free from harassment and intimidation in
the classroom. In addition, the Department of Education's Child Protection Policy explicitly
forbids bullying, which includes the use of derogatory and offensive language. If the claims
are genuine, the school may need to launch an inquiry and discipline Teacher Manny as

Concept Check 5.24

Teacher Nick was complained by a parent for unfair professional practice because he was
tutoring his own learner after class. This is not to mention that the parent of his tutee is
pampering him with perfumes and clothes sent by her husband working abroad. Is the
complaint in order? Why?

It's likely that the allegations of improper professional conduct made against Teacher Nick
are justified. Although there is no moral objection to teachers helping their own students
outside of class, a conflict of interest may arise if the teacher is receiving gifts or special
treatment from the student's parents. This might cause other students in the class to feel like
they aren't getting as much attention or help as they should, and raise issues about the
teacher's purpose for helping the kid. A teacher's capacity to treat all pupils fairly and
equitably depends on her or his ability to establish a professional connection with their
students and their families.

Concept Check 5.25

Teacher Danny, a bachelor teacher and a 4th year female college learner who is also
unmarried fell in love with each other. Both of them secretly kept the relationship by dating
in private places and they also do not relate to each other in school, thus, no one knew about
their relationship. Is the relationship appropriate? Why?

The appropriateness of the relationship between Teacher Danny and the college learner
depends on the specific policies and guidelines set by the educational institution and the local
laws and regulations governing such relationships.

In many educational institutions, there are policies in place that prohibit romantic or
intimate relationships between teachers and students, especially when there is a significant
power imbalance or potential for exploitation. These policies are in place to ensure a safe
and professional learning environment and to protect the well-being and rights of students.

Engaging in a secret relationship and dating in private places can be seen as a violation of
professional boundaries and could potentially compromise the integrity and trust within the
educational institution. Even if they do not interact with each other in school, the relationship
could still create conflicts of interest, favoritism, or perceptions of bias.

It is important for educators to maintain professionalism and prioritize the welfare and best
interests of their students. If there are rules or policies in place that prohibit or discourage
such relationships, it would be advisable for Teacher Danny to disclose the relationship and
seek guidance from the appropriate authorities to ensure that ethical standards and
professional conduct are upheld.

Concept Check 5.26

A learner, who is a son of a farmer, has not been attending his classes for two consecutive
weeks? Considering your accountability to the learners as their teacher, what action will you

As a teacher, it is my responsibility to ensure that my learners are attending their classes

regularly and are able to keep up with their studies. In this situation, I would take the
following actions:

1. Reach out to the learner's parents/guardians: Since the learner is a son of a farmer, I
would first try to contact his parents or guardians to inquire about the reason for the
learner's absence. I would inform them of the learner's two-week absence and express my
concern about his academic progress.
2. Verify the reason for absence: If I am unable to contact the parents/guardians, or if they
are unable to provide a satisfactory reason for the learner's absence, I would coordinate with
the school's guidance counselor or principal to investigate further. This could include
checking the learner's attendance records, contacting other teachers or classmates, or
visiting the learner's home to verify the situation.

3. Provide support and assistance: Depending on the reason for the learner's absence, I
would provide appropriate support and assistance to help him catch up with his studies. For
example, if he missed important lessons or assessments, I would provide him with additional
materials or make-up opportunities to ensure that he has the necessary knowledge and skills
to succeed in his studies.

4. Document and report: I would make sure to document all my interactions and efforts to
support the learner's attendance and academic progress. If necessary, I would also report the
situation to the school authorities or relevant agencies to ensure that the learner's welfare is
protected and his education is not compromised.

Concept Check 5.27

Aparent approached you in your classroom contesting the grade of his or her daughter. What
rights can you invoke as a teacher in dealing with this parent?

As a teacher, I have the right to:

1. Explain the grading system and criteria used in evaluating the learner's performance.
2. Show evidence to support the grade given, such as graded papers, exams, and rubrics.
3. Discuss the learner's strengths and areas for improvement that may have affected the
4. Listen to the parent's concerns and address them accordingly, while maintaining a
professional and respectful demeanor.
5. Request a meeting with the parent and/or learner to further discuss the issue and find a
possible solution or compromise.
6. Invoke the school policies and regulations regarding grading and academic matters.
7. Remind the parent that the grade is not solely based on the teacher's opinion, but also on
the learner's performance and participation in class activities.
8. Seek the guidance and intervention of the school administration, if necessary, to ensure
that the learner's academic rights and welfare are protected.

Concept Check 5.28

An elementary female teacher was selling Tupperware products in school to augment her
income. As she promised to deliver the product to a co-teacher on a scheduled date, she left
her learners for a while. The principal who was roaming at that time saw the class without a
teacher. A day after, the teacher was made to submit an explanation within 24 hours why her
act should not be dealt with administratively. Is the issuance of a memorandum correct?
A message to the instructor is the appropriate course of action. Leaving kids alone in the
classroom is a serious breach of trust and obligation on the part of the instructor. The
educator has a duty to look out for the students in her care and make sure they are healthy
and happy. It is likewise unacceptable for instructors to conduct personal business during
school hours. If the educator is determined to be incompetent or in breach of school
regulations, disciplinary action may be taken.

Concept Check 5.29

A letter was received by the principal seeking her intervention to ask a teacher of her
department to pay his/her debt worth P 50,000.00. The principal called for the concerned
teacher and discussed the issue. The teacher politely replied, "I am sorry ma'am, but this
concern is just between me and the person to whom I owe the money. We will just talk about
this in our own terms." Is the teacher right in his/her argument towards her principal? Why?

The educator's answer to the principal is incomplete. Although the debt is a private matter
between the teacher and the person he or she owes money to, the teacher is still an employee
of the school, and his or her behavior outside of work could have an impact on the teacher's
job performance and reputation.

The instructor, as an employee of the institution, is responsible for maintaining a

professional demeanor at all times. It may become an issue for the administration and the
school as a whole if the teacher's personal financial situation is having an impact on his or
her ability to do a good job.

In addition, the head of school must make sure that all staff members are acting in a
professional manner and not becoming engaged in anything that might harm the school's
standing. The educator should have been more amenable to the principal's requests for a
meeting to resolve the issue.

Concept Check 5.30

Teacher Irene has a printing business specifically for t-shirts. The school wanted to have an
organizational t-shirt to be worn during the founding anniversary celebration. She offered
incentive to the student leaders that in the event she will supply the needed t-shirts, the
student body as an organization shall be given P 10.00 per t-shirt as a proceed. The student
leaders accepted the offer but the teacher was accused of undue influence to the decision of
the organization. Is the accusation right?

The charge of improper influence is correct. The term "undue influence" is used to describe
when one party uses their position of power or authority to improperly sway the decision-
making of another party. Since Teacher Irene is in a position of authority over the student
leaders, she may try to persuade them to accept her offer because she owns a printing
business. She has a conflict of interest since she tried to purchase the allegiance of the
student leaders by offering them an inducement. Teacher Irene should abstain from any
behavior that might call into question her honesty and objectivity in the classroom.

Concept Check 5.31

During the national election campaign, Teacher Joel, who is an avid supporter of a
presidential candidate discussed in his class the qualifications and good works of his
preferred candidate. Is the act of Teacher Joel acceptable? Why

During the national election campaign, it is inappropriate for Teacher Joel to talk about the
merits of his favored presidential candidate in front of his students. It's crucial for educators
to take a non-partisan attitude in the classroom, even while they have the freedom to express
their political ideas and participate in political activities as private people.

Teachers should avoid forcing their own opinions on their pupils and instead focus on
providing a fair and unbiased education. Teachers should not advocate for any one political
party or candidate while discussing politics in the classroom.

In addition, classrooms and school grounds cannot be used for partisan political activities,
according the DepEd Policy Guidelines on the Conduct of Off-School Campus Activities.
Teachers should avoid using school time and property for partisan political activities in
order to keep the school a safe and welcoming place for all pupils.

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