DB Notes Unit 2 - M-Commerce, S-Commerce, IoT v21.0

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Unit 2 (v21.

0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 1



Dr. Gorakh Wakhare


2.1 Mobile Commerce 2

Mcommerce: Attributes, Applications & Benefits 2
Attributes of M-Commerce (1.262) 3
Applications of Mcommerce (1.260) 3
Benefits of M-Commerce 4
Mobile Marketing - Shopping and Advertising. (1.438) 6
Mobile Commerce (mShopping) 6
Mobile Advertising 6

2.2 Social Commerce 10

The Social Business (Enterprise) (1.24) 12
Social Business Networks and Social Enterprise 13
Social network: 13
Social Media 14
Social Media Marketing: 14
Social networking 14
Platforms for Social Networking: 14
Enterprise 2.0: 14
Improved Business Models: 15
Entrepreneur Networks: 15
The Benefits of Social Commerce 15
Limitations of Social Commerce: 16
Social Collaboration (Collaboration 2.0) 16

2.3 Internet of Things (IoT) 17

IoT: Concept: 17
IoT: Smart Homes & Appliances 19
IoT & Smart City 20
IoT: Smart Cars 22
IoT: Wearable Computing and Smart Gadgets 23

Reference Books 23

Dr. Gorakh Wakhare MCQs I Notes JSPM’s JIMS

Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 2

2.1 Mobile Commerce

Definition: Mobile commerce (m-commerce), also known as m-business. M-Commerce
refers to conducting e-commerce by using mobile devices and wireless networks. Mobile
commerce is any monetary transaction completed using a mobile device.

Mobile commerce is an electronic transaction which can be conducted by using mobile

devices via the Internet, corporate intranets, private communication lines, or over other
wireless networks.

Example: Paying electricity bill using mobile phone payment app

M-Commerce Activities include: B2C, B2B, m-government, m-learning transactions, the

transfer of information and money.

M-commerce is accelerating due to the spread of 3G and 4G networks, free WiFi and
reduced rates of broadband services.

Note that m-commerce is quite different from traditional e-commerce and

frequently uses specialized business models and this results in many new applications and a
change in the relationship between buyers and sellers.

Mcommerce: Attributes, Applications & Benefits

In this section, we describe the attributes and provide an overview of the applications and
benefits of Mcommerce.

Note that in the figure, the enabling technologies (e.g., devices, networks) are on the left side
and the resulting capabilities and attributes are in the middle. These provide the foundation
for the applications that are shown on the right side of the figure.

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 3

Fig. The landscape of mobile computing and m-commerce

Attributes of M-Commerce (1.262)

1. Ubiquity: Being everywhere, especially at the same time. Eg. wireless computing
2. Convenience and capabilities: increases the convenience of communication, same
size and affordable price but increased functionality and usability of mobile devices.
Instant network connection (as compared to PCs)
3. Interactivity: Fast and easy interactions (e.g., via Twitter, tablets, or smartphones)
4. Personalization: Personal devices, more personal as compared to PC
5. Localization: location-based m - commerce -Real time location tracking provides an
opportunity to offer him or her relevant mobile advertisements, coupons, or other
services. Localization may be:
○ For the entire public (e.g., an announcement about an emergency) or ○
Personalized for an individual

Applications of Mcommerce (1.260)

There are thousands of different m-commerce applications.

● Banking and financial services

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 4

● Mobile enterprise applications

● Consumer services (including shopping) and entertainment
● Location-based mobile commerce
● Ubiquitous computing
● Emerging applications: Wearables, Google Glass, smart grid, and driverless cars
● Mobile shopping
● Mobile marketing and advertising
● Mobile payment

Enterprise applications: to meet specific business needs. The four needs are:

1. Field mobility – the support of the mobile workforce

2. Fleet mobility – the support of vehicles in order to minimize downtime and increase
effectiveness, efficiency, and utilization
3. Warehouse management – the improvement of the operations inside warehouses
4. Direct store delivery (DSD) route accounting – the increased usefulness by
conducting pre-delivery activities (e.g. by texting information about a new shipment
from the shipper to the receiver).

The major industries that use m-commerce are:

● hospitality
● education
● health care
● retail
● wholesale and distribution
● utilities
● Manufacturing
● Transportation
● Logistics

Many of the EC applications also apply to m-commerce, for example:

● Online shopping
● E-travel
● E-learning
● E- entertainment
● Online gaming

Example: Auction sites use m-commerce to send messages to bidders during the auction
process, governments encourage m-government and wireless collaborative commerce in B2B
EC is on the rise.

Benefits of M-Commerce
M-commerce has many benefits to organizations, individuals, and society. As a result, many
believe that the future of EC is mobile applications.

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 5

Benefits for Benefits for Individuals Benefits to Society

Organizations and Customers

Increases sales due to ease • Allows e-commerce from There are many benefits to
of ordering by customers any place, anytime. society. For example,
from anywhere, anytime. • Assists in shopping by self-driving cars can reduce
• Allows location-based providing real time accidents; smart
commerce for more sales information and other cities can benefit the
and revenue shopping aids. population. Contributions
• Provides an additional • Helps organization of and are in almost any field, from
channel for advertising and communication while medical care and education
distribution of coupons travelling. to law enforcement.
(wider reach). • Expedites banking and Significant reductions
• Increases customers’ financial services. in energy expenses are
loyalty. • Provides rich media achieved by using
• Improves customer entertainment anytime smart grids. Traffic jams can
satisfaction through real- and anywhere. be reduced by using
time apps. • Facilitates the finding of wireless sensors and much
• Enables many enterprise new friends and the more.
applications whereabouts of existing There are also limitations to
• Facilitates CRM and ones. m-commerce,
collaboration. • Provides a choice of mobile which are discussed in
• Reduces employee training devices for Section 6.9
time and help desk transactions.
resources. • Expedites communication
• Improves time utilization (e.g., locate
and productivity people; get fast answers to
of mobile employees. queries;
• Expedites information flow compare prices while in
to and from mobile physical stores
employees. or via shopping comparison
• Delivers digitized products sites/apps).
and services directly to • Increases affordability over
mobile devices. the cost of
• Reduces order-lead-time using desktop computing in
and fulfillment some
cycle. countries.
• Allows for lower,
competitive pricing.

Please relax fr a wile nw and reflect n wat y ave jst read. Nte dwn any
imprtant pints..

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 6

Mobile Marketing - Shopping and Advertising. (1.438)

The rapid growth of mobile devices provides another arena for EC marketing and
advertising. For example, the ratio of mobile handsets, including smartphones, to desktop
and laptop computers is approximately 2:1 and growing.

Mobile Commerce (mShopping)

Definition: Mobile marketing is frequently defined as the use of mobile devices and wireless
infrastructure as a means of marketing and advertising.

The marketer intends to access potential customers through wireless information channels.

Mobile marketing includes sales, market research, customer service, and advertising, all
supported by mobile computing. Companies can devise contests where customers describe
the quality of a new product, and the sellers can post coupons and promotions. You can make
ads interactive since mobile computing provides a direct link between vendors and

Mobile marketing and advertising are generally considered a subset of both mobile
commerce and mobile marketing. Mobile marketing takes several forms, such as using SMS
(e.g., Twitter), as well as games and videos.

Mobile Advertising
Mobile advertising (m-advertising) is defined by the IAB ( 2014 ) as “Advertising tailored to
and delivered through wireless mobile devices such as smartphones (e.g. Blackberry, iPhone,
Android, etc.), feature phones (e.g. lower-end mobile phones capable of accessing mobile
content), and media tablets (e.g. iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tablet, etc.).”

Mobile advertising ranges from simple text messaging to intelligent interactive messaging on
mobile devices. It involves several key players, such as the advertisers, mobile ad networks,
mobile apps, and mobile devices.

Figure shows how mobile ads work.

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 7

1. A company hires a mobile advertiser to create a mobile ad and specifies the

promotional criteria.
2. The mobile ad is then sent to a mobile advertising network.
3. The original network forwards these ads to multiple mobile networks and keeps track
of the distribution and responses to these ads.
4. The ad will reach the mobile user through proper mobile devices and apps.
5. The user’s response is then transmitted to the advertiser and the company through
mobile networks.

Interactive Mobile Advertising: Interactive mobile advertising refers to the delivery of

interactive marketing content via mobile devices, mostly tablets and smartphones. The
inclusion of the word “interactive” points to the fact that this is a two-way communication
that may include a customer response (e.g., placing an order or asking a question).

Types of Mobile Ads

Mobile ads may appear in different forms. The most popular one is short text messages.
Other forms include rich media advertising, advergaming, and ads appearing during TV
shows and movies on mobile devices.

Short Message Ads: SMS ads are commercial messages sent in the form of short text
messages. They are quite popular and SMS mobile banner ads are growing rapidly due to the
increased popularity of smartphones and 4G networks. Several major advertising portals
have been launched by both private mobile advertisers and portals (e.g., D2 in Japan).

One advantage of SMS is that users can send them quickly and privately from any place and
almost any time. A major drawback, however, is that short messages may interrupt and
annoy the recipients.

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 8

Location-Based Ads: Delivering location-based ads to mobile devices was presented in

Chapters 6 and 7. Location Sensitive businesses can take advantage of this feature to deliver
location-based ads. A good example is a Google Map that can show nearby convenience
stores, gas stations, hotels, and restaurants when a location is searched. Some of these are
paid ads.

Viral Mobile Marketing: Viral marketing can also be deployed to the mobile platforms.
This is called viral mobile marketing. A typical approach is to develop and distribute apps for
mobile devices. A successful example is provided by Malibu Bowling Game company. Their
2009 multi-channel campaign included a free bowling game called “Get Your Island On,”
available on iPhones and other smartphones. The game had over two million downloads the
first six months. The managing director of the Great Works ad agency said that a phone app
is a perfect way of branding, since the key to the product is the game (the bowling pins are
replaced by Malibu rum bottles).

Mobile Marketing and Advertising Campaigns

There are basically four classes of online campaigns:

1. Information 2.
entertainment 3.
4. coupons

These classes focus on one or more of the following six objectives:

1. Building brand awareness. Increase customers’ ability to recognize and recall a brand.
2. Changing brand image. Change the customers’ perception of the brand.
3. Promoting sales. Stimulate quicker or greater purchase of products or services.
4. Enhancing brand loyalty. Increase consumers’ commitment to repurchase the brand.
5. Building customer databases. Collect data about the mobile device, data network, or
profiles of customers.
6. Stimulating mobile word of mouth. Encourage customers to share ads with other
customers via their mobile devices.

Obviously, these are the same types of campaigns and objectives underlying traditional
marketing approaches.Currently, SMS and e-mails are the principal technologies used to
deliver advertisements to mobile devices. However, richer content and advertising is
expanding with improved bandwidth.

Mobile Ad Trends

Several positive predictions have been made about the future of mobile ads. According to a
mobile trend series (sponsored by Samsung), the following are the current five important
trends that advertisers need to watch:

1. Continued importance of SMS

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 9

2. Experimenting with rich media

3. Mobile vs. mobile apps
4. Interest in geolocation (see Chapters 6 and 7)
5. The growth of mobile video

Example: Innovative Sticker Advertising - WhatsApp, WeChat etc. Creative advertising

methods such as stickers offer new ways of advertising.

Advertising Strategies And Promotions

Several advertising strategies can be used on the Internet. Here we present some major
strategies and implementation concerns.

Permission Advertising: Also known as permission marketing or the opt-in approach. Users
register with vendors and agree to accept advertisements

Other Advertising Strategies: Affiliate Marketing and Advertising, Ads as a Commodity:

Paying People to Watch Ads, Selling Space by Pixels (Blogs), Personalized Ads (Google),
Advertising as a Revenue Model (Google, Facebook), Choose-Your-Own-Ad Format, Live
Web Events for Advertising

Developing an Online Advertising Plan

1. Determine the goal of the advertising project:

2. Identify target customers
3. Choose media and advertising tools
4. Develop action and implementation plans
5. Develop performance measurement and monitoring plans
6. Execute plans and evaluate performance

Fig. Life cycle of advertising plans

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 10

2.2 Social Commerce

Instead f remembering te wle text as it is, try te cncept. S tat y can t nderstand ay.
define it easily, yr w

Social Commerce: also known as social business, refers to e-commerce transactions

delivered via social media.

“Scial Cmmerce is te se f scial netwrking websites s c as Facebk, Instagram, and Twiter

as veicles t prmte and sel l prdcts and services.”

Nature of social commerce: Social commerce is considered a subset of e-commerce by

some. More specifically, it is a combination of e-commerce, e-marketing, the supporting
technologies, and social media

The figure shows that social

commerce is created from the
integration of e-commerce
and e-marketing using Web 2.0/
social media applications. The
integration is supported by theories
such as social capital, social
psychology, consumer behavior, and
online collaboration, resulting in
a set of useful applications
that drive social commerce.

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 11

Fig. The major roots of social commerce

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 12

The Social Business (Enterprise) (1.24)

The concept of social business has several definitions and characteristics. We present only a
few of them.

For profit
Social business Social enterprise Charity

Profit Combines Combines Commercial & Non Profit,

maximizing Commercial & social social goals, but emphasis on generating
company CSR goals, investment social goals. no revenues
& social would lead to an Profits reinvested in or profits
impact equivalent increase community & company
considered as in social impact
add-on to the “organizations which, though
core business “Organizations who are sustainable through a
agenda have dual motives – revenue generating model,
commercial are primarily focussed on
(profit-making) and creating social impact and
social (SEE = Social, hence channelize most of
Environmental and their profits towards that.”

The Social Business: “An organization that has put in place the strategies, technologies
and processes to systematically engage all the individuals of its ecosystem (employees,
customers, partners, suppliers) to maximize the co-created value.” (Social Business Forum

The Social Enterprise: The concept of social business is frequently equated to and
sometimes confused with the term social enterprise. Many use the two terms

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 13

The main goal of a social enterprise is to focus on social issues. These enterprises generate
revenue. The profits do not go to owners and shareholders, but are put back into the
company and used toward building positive social change. It seems that the above definition
emphasizes the social goals. Example: Paani Foundation

Social Business Networks and Social Enterprise

A company's social business network comprises all the underlying social network
relationships, beginning with a company’s employees at the center and extending out to
include a company’s customers, vendors and investors on the next circle out, then a
company’s prospects, partners, competitors, as well as your industry’s influencers, press,
associations and so forth to create the complete social network the industry’s ecosystem.

Social network:
A social entity composed of nodes (which are generally individuals, groups, or organizations)
that are connected by links such as hobbies, friendship or profession. The structures are
often very complex.

Social networking service (SNS) A service that builds online communities by providing
an online space for people to build free homepages and that provides basic communication
and support tools for conducting different activities in the social network.

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 14

Social Media
Involves user generated online text, image, audio, and video content that is
delivered via Web 2.0 platforms and tools. The media is used primarily for
social interactions and conversations such as to share opinions, experiences, insights, and
perceptions and to collaborate, all online.

“Scial Media: Te nlie platfrms and tls tat p pinis, experiences, insgts, eple se t sare
perceptins, and va pts, vides, and msic, wit eac ter.” ris media, inclding

Social Media Marketing:

“ A term describes the use of social media platforms such as networks, online communities,
blogs, wikis or any other online collaborative media for marketing, market research, sales,
CRM and customer service.

Social Customers (digital customers): Members of social networks who share opinions
about products, services, and vendors, do online social shopping, and understand their rights
and how to use the wisdom and power of social communities to their benefit.

Social networking
The execution of any Web 2.0 activities, such as blogging or having a presence in a social
network. It also includes all activities conducted in social networks.

Platforms for Social Networking:

A large number of software tools and platforms are available for social networking: blogs,
microblogs, and wikis

Enterprise 2.0:
“the strategic integration of Web 2.0 technologies into an enterprise's intranet, extranet and
business processes.”

Enterprise 2.0 implementations generally use a combination of social software and

collaborative technologies like blogs, RSS, social bookmarking, social networking and wikis.
It can spur efficiency, productivity and innovation.

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 15

Improved Business Models:

Shopping business models: buy now on social media sites

1. Location based
2. Buyer & seller collaboration
3. Content sponsorship eg. Youtube
4. Crowdsourcing eg. logo design
5. Sales promotion: More traffic, more revenue
6. Employee recruitment

Entrepreneur Networks:
Social networking activities are conducted in both public and/or private social networking
sites. Some business-oriented public networks concentrate on entrepreneurial activities.

Enterprise Social Networks (ESN): “Basically an internal, private social network, which
companies often implement in an attempt to enable faster, more fluid communication and
networking among employees”

The Benefits of Social Commerce

(Benefits to Customers, Retailers, Employees, players in the ecosystem)

● Consistent Audience Growth

● Increased brand awareness
● Higher Search Engine Ranking
● Authentic Engagement
● More Happy Customers
● Deeper Trust & Loyalty
● Enhance Customer Experience with a Frictionless Checkout
● More Sales via Mobile Shoppers
● Shared & Recommended
● Reach a Global Audience
● Business Metrics/Analytics

Benefits to Customers:

● recommendations from friends and other customers

● special deals
● easy for customers to use the technology
● Increased trust
● allows customers to
● help other customers

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 16

● better customer service from vendors

● can meet new friends
● Rich social context and relevancy during their purchase decisions

Limitations of Social Commerce:

● Negative feedback
● Time Consuming
● Skilled/qualified personnel
● Slow returns on investments
● Exposure to competitors

Social Collaboration (Collaboration 2.0)

Collaboration 2.0: Technology and Best Practices for Successful Collaboration in a Web 2.0

" 'Cllabratin 2.0' is yr secret weapn fr sccessfl y bringing peple reslt. It wil
tgeter in ways tat maximize learnig, cmmnicatin and transfrm yr rganizatin and nleas invatin. Cang e it anyway y

Dr. Vicki Halsey, VP Ken Blanchard Companies and Author of 'The Hamster Revolutin'

Latin Word: Collaboratio >> Collaborate Meaning : Work Together

Definition: “It comprises social networking and social media for the purpose of getting
work done in a business or enterprise setting.”

According to Wikipedia, social collaboration “refers to processes that help multiple

people or groups interact and share information to achieve common goals.”

Social networking Social collaboration

individual-centric group-centric

socializing for personal, professional working socially to achieve a common goal

or entertainment purposes

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Facebook, Linkedin Quora, GitHub

Essentials of Social Collaboration

● Blogs, Microblogs (Twitter), Wikis (eg. http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Wiki)

● Forums, Discussion Groups
● Crowdsourcing e.g. Waze, McDs Burger Builder, 99designs (Already discussed,
now open for discussion)
● Other Softwares: Apps (Google Apps), Microsoft Lync Social COllaboration
Software, Slck etc
● Integrations: with public networks e.g. linkdin

Consumer-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce (C2C) (See unit 1)

Person-to-Person models (See unit 1)

2.3 Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT: Concept:
“A system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects,
animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer
data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer

“A computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects being connected to
the internet and being able to identify themselves to other devices. The term is closely

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 18

identified with RFID as the method of communication, although it also may include other
sensor technologies, wireless technologies or QR codes.”

“IoT is a network of physical objects – vehicles, machines, home appliances, and more – that
use sensors and APIs to connect and exchange data over the Internet.”

Simply, IT is taking all te tings in te wrld and cnnecting tem t te internet.

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In simple words, Growth is exponential, Opportunity is huge.

But Why So Many Connected Devices? Say for example:

★you are on your way to a meeting;

★your car could have access to your
calendar and already know the best route
to take.
★If the traffic is heavy, your car might send
a text to the other party notifying them
that you will be late.


★What if your alarm clock wakes up you at 6 a.m. and then notifies your coffee maker
to start brewing coffee for you?

IoT: Smart Homes & Appliances

Home Automation includes: lighting, heating and air conditioning, media and security

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IoT & Smart City

A smart city is a framework, predominantly composed of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT), to develop, deploy and promote sustainable development practices to
address growing urbanization challenges.

● It can help us reduce waste and improve efficiency for things such as energy use;
● This helps us understand and improve how we work and live.

The new Internet of Things (IoT) applications are enabling Smart City initiatives worldwide.

It provides the ability to:

● remotely monitor, manage and control devices, and

● to create new insights and actionable information from massive streams of real-time

The main features of a smart city include a high degree of information technology integration
and a comprehensive application of information resources.

The essential components of urban development for a smart city should include:

● smart technology,
● smart industry,
● smart services,
● smart management and
● smart life.

The Internet of Things is about installing sensors (RFID, IR, GPS, laser scanners, etc.) for
everything, and connecting them to the internet through specific protocols for information

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Unit 2 (v21.0) M-Commerce S-Commerce IoT Digital Business (106) 21

exchange and communications, in order to achieve intelligent recognition, location, tracking,

monitoring and management.

With the technical support from IoT, smart city need to have three features of being:

1. instrumented,
2. interconnected and
3. intelligent.

Only then a Smart City can be formed by integrating all these intelligent features at its
advanced stage of IOT development. The explosive growth of Smart City and Internet of
Things applications creates many scientific and engineering challenges that call for ingenious
research efforts from both academia and industry, especially for the development of efficient,
scalable, and reliable Smart City based on IoT. New protocols, architectures, and services are
in dire needs to respond for these challenges. The goal of the special issue is to bring together
scholars, professors, researchers, engineers and administrators resorting to the
state-of-the-art technologies and ideas to significantly improve the field of Smart City based
on IoT.

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IoT: Smart Cars

● 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020
● A safer, faster, and cleaner world!!??

For the automotive industry the

emergence of the IoT constitutes a
disruptive and transformative
environment characterized by
value chain and business model
upheaval and a “collaborate or die”
ecosystem friction reality. It is
prompting the automotive industry
to redefine and reinvent itself in
order to capitalize on the huge
opportunities of this key vertical in
the new IoT economy. The
absorption of the automotive
industry in the wider IoT is driven
by new connected car use cases
such as EVs as a mobile grid and
vehicles used as delivery locations.
As this IoT revolution unfolds,
automotive innovation and value

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creation will be shifting to the boundaries with other industries.

“Curently, 23 milion cars globally have IoT technolgy; this figure is expected to increase to 152 milion by 2020.”

IoT will become the new normal. Its implications and possibilities for future technological
advancements are endless. In the auto industry, automated features that are remotely
functional in smart cars are growing in numbers and performing better each year.

IoT: Wearable Computing and Smart Gadgets

These are computer-powered devices or equipment that can be worn by a user, including
clothing, watches, glasses, shoes and similar items.

Wearable technology, wearables, fashion technology, tech togs, or fashion electronics are
smart electronic devices (electronic device with micro-controllers) that can be incorporated
into clothing or worn on the body as implants or accessories.

Reference Books
1. Efraim Turban, David King, Jae Kyu Lee, Ting-Peng Liang, Deborrah C. Turban, Electronic
Commerce: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective (Springer Texts in Business and
Economics) 8th Edition, 2015
2. Introduction to E Commerce & Social Commerce, Turban E , Whiteside J , King D, Outland J
3. E-Business and E-Commerce Management- Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Dave
Chaffey, Pearson Education.

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