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How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Updated: 3/25/17):

Watch episodes 1-25

Skip 26
Pick up at 27-96
Skip 97
Pick up at 98-100
Skip at 101-106
Pick up at 107-135
Drop or Skip at 135-219
Pick up or Skip at 220 (Start the episode at 12:02. You will see a little bit of the eye burning filler so dont
worry about the scenes you don’t understand. All you have to understand is that in this episode: Everyone
returns to the Hidden Leaf Village and resume their training. Ino makes a request to also become Tsunade's
student and everyone says goodbye to Naruto, who is about to head off for his two-and-a-half years of
training with Jiraiya (who returned with information about Akatsuki's plans) You could skip this episode. It is

How to Watch Naruto: Shippuden Without Filler (Updated: 3/25/17):

Watch episodes 1-56
Skip at 57-70
71 - Last 10 min or so is manga material. But is relevant for the next arc.
Pick up at 72-89
Skip at 90-111
Pick up or Skip - 112 - Last 10 min or so is manga material. But is relevant for the next arc. You will see eye
burning filler but all you need to know is that the akatsuki captures the three tails.
Pick up at 113-143
Skip at 144-151
Pick up at 152-169
Skip at 170 & 171
Pick up at 172-175
Skip at 176-196 (Some of this arc has filler mixed in with manga material so for those who care about the
100% completion and dont mind seeing a little burning lol, check out the spoiler below.)

176 - manga/filler
skip - 177
178-181 - manga/filler
skip 182-196
most of these involve information related to the taka group, and also some related events to tobi. If you
watch the anime, you know what im taking bout.

Pick up at 197-222
Skip 223-242
Pick up at 243-256
257 - half filler/half manga
Skip 258-260
Pick up at 261-278
Skip 279-281
Pick up at 282-283
Skip 284-295
Pick up at 296-302
Skip 303-320
Pick up at 321-346
Skip 347-361
Pick up at 362-375
Skip 376-377
Pick up at 378-388
Skip 389-390
Pick up at 391-393
Skip 394 - 413
Pick up at 414 to 415
skip 416 - 417
pick up at 418
Skip 419
pick up at 420-421
skip 422-423
pick up at 424-426
Skip 427- 457
Pick up at 458 @ 00:09:55 - 459
Skip 460 -462
Pick up at 463
Skip 464 - 468
Pick up at 469 - 479
Skip 480 - 483
Pick up at 484 - 500 (These are optional. They are stories from Naruto's light novels.)

Canon Story Arc Index (Does not include filler skips)

1 - 32 Kazekage Rescue
33 - 53 Tenchi Bridge
72 - 88 Akatsuki Supression
113 - 126 Itachi Pursuit
127 - 133 Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant
134 - 143 Battle Between Brothers
152 - 175 Pain’s Assault
197 - 214 Five Kage Summit
215 - 222, 243 - 256 Fourth Shinobi War
261 - 321 Fourth Shinobi War: Confrontation
322 - 375 Fourth Shinobi War: Climax

*Note: I will try to update this post when a filler episode, filler arc surfaces or when the series ends. If I
made any mistakes with the guide pm me/comment on my profile and I will fix it as soon as I am able too.
Its better just to PM me.

*Note My list has been following "" for a while now

since I don't watch the series or read the manga. Check there for more current updates!

*Note: Filler is filler. This guide goes by the manga. Unless a filler arc is magically in the manga I don't see
myself making a note of it or adding it.

*Note: Also, on the topic of a couple minutes of canon in one filler episode. I'm still counting it as filler and
not making a note of it. I'm pretty sure it will be mentioned again in some other episode. If its like SUPER
LIFE CHANGING OMG SUCH WOW couple of minutes then I'll make a note but other than that it aint being
mentioned. If you are one of those people that want to see those couple of minutes: look through this forum
post and you'll see people discussing them.

*Note that does not pertain to this guide: My thoughts on Naruto ATM

I don't watch naruto anymore. I dropped it a long time ago near the kage summit arc. Dropped the manga
in the war arc. Its not a bad series just not so good. I read spoilers occasionally every year or so. To update
this guide I pull from others now (as mentioned above). I like everyones enthusiasm for this show, keep on
doing whatever it is you do :) I will continue updating this guide. I'm a bit harsh when it comes to what is
filler and what is not. I just don't like wasting my time :) ((PSA:This anime is broken, read the manga))

*Note: Special Thanks (To those that helped a lot with this guide) link9us, the people that commented on
this forum, wikipedia, & many other sites and commentators. Its because of all of you
that this thread got so big.

I have also constructed a guide that displays all arcs in accordance to chronology, including, all ova's,
movies, specials upon release date and in accordance to the story if you would like to view this. Note: That
this is from the Shippuuden Saga of naruto, not the original series. It is separate to this filler guide, but can
be used together. (Credits: link9us)


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