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Gerund infinitive exc


1 What the speaker said next was lost in the general uproar.
2 Why don’t you explain what you have in mind?
3 The teacher tested the students to see I they remembered what they had learned.
4 What you are asking me to do is out of the question.
5 He’s what’s known as a ‘bellyacher’ – he’s always complaining about something.
6 What a nuisance! That’s just what I didn’t want to happen.
7 What amazes me is where he gets all his energy from.
8 Would this be what you are looking for?
9 Mind what you say to him; he’s very sensitive!
10 The leader of the expedition marked out what seemed to be the best route.


1 No one could understand what was he trying to do.

2 Were you surprised at what she said?
3 He was lucky enough to sell his car for exactly what he wanted in first place.
4 I’d rather you didn’t say anything about what we did in school.
5 Don’t you think you ought to apologize for what you said ?
6 I think he sould have told me what was the right answer.
7 Will you think over what made her react in such way?
8 What a miserable man, gambling is where he gets all his money from.
9 It’s a pity you weren’t at the meeting to hear what she was talking about.
10 What’s the most interesting was the fact that she passed her examination despite her absence
from school.


1 There are many difficulties involved in doing that assignment.

2 You must be tired of baby-sitting.
3 The boy was severely reprimanded for disturbing the class.
4 The public were warned of the dangers of smoking.
5 He doesn’t take any intrest in drawing.
6 You seem to be very fond of walking your dog every morning.
7 The soldier was court-martialled for not being obedient.
8 Who is responsible for breaking that vase?
9 You ought to think about forgiving her instead of plotting revenge.
10 This new scheme goes a long way towards ???
11 I would never think of Hannah’s going to Hawaii.


1 My doctor advised me to give up on eating fast food.

2 We had to put off telling her the news.
3 That company specializes in making content for social media.
4 The judge was accused of not doing his job properly.
5 Many people get a great deal of satisfaction from working in the garden.
6 I tod him not to bother about getting bad grades.
7 The teacher decided against student’s complainings ???
8 Nmp
9 We asked a sollicitor for advice before going on court.

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