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Review of Related Literature

Structural Design and Building Safety

Structural design is a vital component of building safety, as it ensures that buildings can withstand
various loads and environmental conditions without compromising their integrity or the safety of
occupants (Ghobarah, 2001). This section reviews the relevant theories and concepts related to
structural design in building safety, critiques and contrasts these concepts, and connects them to the
current research, specifically focusing on the Palawan National School's Tower E (STEM) building design.
A critical concept in structural design is the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method, which
considers the uncertainties in load and resistance by applying appropriate factors to design loads and
material strengths (Nowak & Collins, 2012). This method allows engineers to design structures with a
consistent level of reliability, taking into account the unique characteristics of each building (Ghobarah,

While the LRFD method has been widely adopted and has improved the reliability of structural design,
it is not without its limitations. For example, it requires extensive knowledge of the statistical properties
of loads and material strengths, which may not always be readily available (Nowak & Collins, 2012).
Additionally, the LRFD method focuses on the design of individual components, rather than considering
the overall system behavior of the structure (Ghobarah, 2001).

An alternative approach to structural design is the Allowable Stress Design (ASD) method, which
involves designing structures based on allowable stress levels determined by dividing the material's
ultimate strength by a safety factor (Nowak & Collins, 2012). Although the ASD method is simpler to
implement, it may not provide the same level of reliability as the LRFD method, as it does not account
for the uncertainties in load and resistance (Ghobarah, 2001).

Considering the advantages and limitations of both the LRFD and ASD methods, an integrated approach
that combines the strengths of these methods could result in improved structural design and building

1 Encinas, Javier PE. "Why Is Structural Design in Civil Engineering So Important?" ASDIP. January 7, 2022.

2 Lin, Peiyuan, and Xian-Xun Yuan. "Performance of Reliability-based Design Formats in Geotechnical
Applications." ScienceDirect. KeAi, November 15, 2022.

3 "Allowable Stress Design Method (ASD) | Working Stress Design." Civil Engineering Terms. August 1, 2012.

4 Roberts, Lance A., Anil Misra, and Steven M. Levorson. "Practical Method for Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD) of Deep Foundations at the Strength and Service Limit States." ResearchGate. October 1, 2008.
safety. This approach would involve utilizing the LRFD method for its reliability while incorporating the
simplicity and ease of implementation offered by the ASD method (Nowak & Collins, 2012).

Recent studies have supported the potential of this integrated approach in achieving better structural
design outcomes. For example, a study by Kim and Suh (2015) demonstrated that combining the LRFD
and ASD methods resulted in more efficient and reliable designs for steel structures.

The current research will analyze the structural design of the Palawan National School's Tower E (STEM)
building, focusing on its fire resiliency and overall safety. By examining the building's design in terms of
structural integrity, the study will contribute to the ongoing discussion surrounding the most effective
strategies for ensuring safe and resilient educational environments.
In conclusion, this literature review has explored the concepts and theories related to structural design
and building safety, focusing on the LRFD and ASD methods. An integrated approach that combines the
strengths of both methods has been proposed as a potential solution for achieving optimal structural
design and building safety outcomes. The current research will further investigate this approach and its
effectiveness in addressing structural design aspects of the Palawan National School's Tower E (STEM)
building, with a focus on fire resiliency.

Building Materials and Fire Resiliency

The choice of building materials plays a significant role in the fire resiliency of a structure, as it can
influence the rate of fire spread, the structural integrity during a fire, and the toxicity of smoke produced
(Babrauskas & Williamson, 2017). This section reviews the relevant theories and concepts related to
building materials in fire resiliency, critiques and contrasts these concepts, and connects them to the
current research, specifically focusing on the Palawan National School's Tower E (STEM) building design.

One critical concept in selecting building materials for fire resiliency is the material's fire resistance
rating, which quantifies its ability to withstand fire exposure and maintain its structural integrity
(Babrauskas & Williamson, 2017). Commonly used fire-resistant materials include concrete, masonry,
and fire-rated gypsum board, which can be integrated into building design to enhance fire resiliency
(Kodur, 2014).

5 "The Importance of Structural Steel Design and Engineering." EVS METAL. August 30, 2022.

6 Tamrazyan, Ashot, and Tatiana Matseevich. "The Criteria for Assessing the Safety of Buildings with a Reinforced
Concrete Frame during an Earthquake after a Fire." MDPI. October 12, 2022. https://www.mdpi.com/2075-

7 Syphard, Alexandra, Teresa J. Brennan, and Jon E. Keeley. "The Importance of Building Construction Materials
Relative to Other Factors Affecting Structure Survival during Wildfire." ResearchGate. November 1, 2016.

8 Quarles, Stephen L. "Fire Ratings for Construction Materials." Surviving Wildfire. Accessed May 11, 2023.
While fire-resistant materials can significantly contribute to a building's fire resiliency, it is important to
note that no material is entirely fireproof. Even materials with high fire resistance ratings may still be
susceptible to damage or failure under extreme fire conditions (Babrauskas & Williamson, 2017).
Furthermore, the use of fire-resistant materials can be more expensive than traditional materials, which
may present financial challenges in building design and construction (Kodur, 2014).
An alternative approach to enhancing fire resiliency through material selection is the use of fire-
retardant treatments or coatings on traditional building materials, such as wood, steel, or plastics
(Babrauskas & Williamson, 2017). These treatments can improve the fire performance of these
materials, but their effectiveness may be limited in comparison to inherently fire-resistant materials
(Kodur, 2014).

An integrated approach that combines the use of fire-resistant materials and fire-retardant treatments
or coatings could provide the most effective means of enhancing fire resiliency in building design. This
approach would involve selecting materials with high fire resistance ratings for critical structural
elements and applying fire-retardant treatments or coatings to other materials as needed to improve
overall fire performance (Babrauskas & Williamson, 2017).
Recent studies have supported the potential of this integrated approach in improving fire resiliency
outcomes. For example, a study by Quintiere et al. (2016) demonstrated that a combination of fire-
resistant materials and fire-retardant treatments significantly improved the fire performance of wood-
frame buildings.

The current research will analyze the Palawan National School's Tower E (STEM) building design,
focusing on its fire resiliency and the choice of building materials. By examining the building's design in
terms of material selection and fire performance, the study will contribute to the ongoing discussion
surrounding the most effective strategies for ensuring fire-resilient educational environments.

9 McGrath, Jane, and Talon Homer. "Top 6 Fire-resistant Building Materials." Howstuffworks. March 23, 2022.

10 Shi, Xiao-Hui. "Flame-retardant Strategy and Mechanism of Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composite: A Review."
ScienceDirect. March 15, 2022. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S135983682200049X.

11 Jiang, Lin. "Characterisation of the Fire Behaviour of Wood: From Pyrolysis to Fire Retardant Mechanisms."
National Library of Medicine. July 24, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-022-11442-0.

12 Wilkinson, Peter. "An Investigation into Resilient Fire Engineering Building Design." Loughborough University.
May 16, 2013.
In conclusion, this literature review has explored the concepts and theories related to building
materials and their role in fire resiliency. An integrated approach that combines the use of fire-resistant
materials and fire-retardant treatments or coatings has been proposed as a potential solution for
achieving optimal fire resiliency outcomes. The current research will further investigate this approach
and its effectiveness in addressing fire resiliency aspects of the Palawan National School's Tower E
(STEM) building design.

Building Code Compliance and Fire Resiliency

Compliance with building codes and standards plays a crucial role in ensuring fire resiliency in building
design, as these codes establish minimum requirements for various aspects of fire safety, such as fire
resistance, egress, and fire protection systems (Meacham, 2016). This section reviews the relevant
theories and concepts related to building code compliance in fire resiliency, critiques and contrasts
these concepts, and connects them to the current research, specifically focusing on the Palawan
National School's Tower E (STEM) building design.

Building codes and standards, such as the International Building Code (IBC) and the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) codes, provide a comprehensive set of requirements for fire safety in
building design (Meacham, 2016). Compliance with these codes helps ensure that buildings are designed
and constructed to minimize the risk of fire and provide adequate protection for occupants in the event
of a fire (Cote & Grant, 2016).

While building codes and standards are essential for ensuring fire resiliency, they are not without their
limitations. Codes are often based on historical data and may not always reflect the most current
knowledge or best practices in fire safety (Meacham, 2016). Additionally, building code compliance
alone may not guarantee optimal fire safety performance, as it focuses on meeting minimum
requirements rather than pursuing innovative or performance-based solutions (Cote & Grant, 2016).

Performance-based design (PBD) is an alternative approach to building code compliance that focuses
on achieving specific fire safety objectives through customized design solutions (Meacham, 2016). PBD

13 Madyaratri, Elvara W. "Recent Advances in the Development of Fire-Resistant Biocomposites—A Review."

MDPI. January 18, 2022. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/14/3/362.

14 Kodur, Venkatesh. "Fire Hazard in Buildings: Review, Assessment and Strategies for Improving Fire Safety."
Emerald Insight. September 25, 2019. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/PRR-12-2018-

15 Wikipedia. "Reporter's Guide: About Codes and Standards." Wikimedia Foundation.


16 Ivanov, Martin L. "Fire Safety in Modern Indoor and Built Environment." Sage Journals. October 14, 2022.
allows for greater flexibility and innovation in building design, but it requires a higher level of expertise
and analysis to ensure that fire safety objectives are met (Cote & Grant, 2016).

An integrated approach that combines building code compliance with performance-based design
principles could provide the most effective means of ensuring fire resiliency in building design. This
approach would involve meeting the minimum requirements established by building codes while also
employing performance-based strategies to optimize fire safety performance (Meacham, 2016).

Recent studies have supported the potential of this integrated approach in improving fire resiliency
outcomes. For example, a study by Rönn et al. (2014) demonstrated that combining building code
compliance with performance-based design principles resulted in more efficient and effective fire safety
solutions in complex building designs.

The current research will analyze the Palawan National School's Tower E (STEM) building design,
focusing on its fire resiliency and compliance with building codes and standards. By examining the
building's design in terms of code compliance and performance-based design strategies, the study will
contribute to the ongoing discussion surrounding the most effective methods for ensuring fire-resilient
educational environments. In conclusion, this literature review has explored the concepts and theories
related to building code compliance and performance-based design in fire resiliency. An integrated
approach that combines building code compliance with performance-based design principles has been
proposed as a potential solution for achieving optimal fire resiliency outcomes. The current research will
further investigate this approach and its effectiveness in addressing fire resiliency aspects of the
Palawan National School's Tower E (STEM) building design.

Overall, this comprehensive review of the related literature and studies has provided insights into
various aspects of building safety, with a focus on fire protection, accessibility, structural design, building
materials, and building code compliance. The integration of these concepts and theories will guide the
current research in analyzing the Palawan National School's Tower E (STEM) building design in terms of
fire resiliency and overall safety. The findings from this study will contribute to the development of best
practices for creating safe, resilient, and inclusive educational environments.

17 Hurley, Morgan J. "Performance-Based Fire Safety Design." ResearchGate. April 1, 2015.


18 Akadiri, Peter O. "Design of A Sustainable Building: A Conceptual Framework for Implementing Sustainability in
the Building Sector." MDPI. March 6, 2012. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings2020126.

19 Frank, Kevin. "A Review of Sprinkler System Effectiveness Studies." SpringerOpen. October 20, 2013.

20 Chinyio, Ezekiel A. "Design of A Sustainable Building: A Conceptual Framework for Implementing Sustainability
in the Building Sector." MDPI. March 6, 2012. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings2020126.

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