Research Article: A Computational Model For Q-Bernstein Quasi-Minimal B Ezier Surface

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Journal of Mathematics
Volume 2022, Article ID 8994112, 21 pages

Research Article
A Computational Model for q-Bernstein Quasi-Minimal
Bézier Surface

Daud Ahmad ,1 M. Khalid Mahmood ,1 Qin Xin ,2 Ferdous M. O. Tawfiq ,3

Sadia Bashir ,1 and Arsha Khalid 4
Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands, Denmark
Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 22452, Riyadh 11495, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan

Correspondence should be addressed to Daud Ahmad;

Received 25 May 2022; Accepted 23 July 2022; Published 20 September 2022

Academic Editor: Muhammad Kamran Jamil

Copyright © 2022 Daud Ahmad et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

A computational model is presented to find the q-Bernstein quasi-minimal Bézier surfaces as the extremal of Dirichlet functional,
and the Bézier surfaces are used quite frequently in the literature of computer science for computer graphics and the related
disciplines. The recent work [1–5] on q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces leads the way to the new generalizations of q-Bernstein
polynomial Bézier surfaces for the related Plateau–Bézier problem. The q-Bernstein polynomial-based Plateau–Bézier problem is
the minimal area surface amongst all the q-Bernstein polynomial-based Bézier surfaces, spanned by the prescribed boundary.
Instead of usual area functional that depends on square root of its integrand, we choose the Dirichlet functional. Related
Euler–Lagrange equation is a partial differential equation, for which solutions are known for a few special cases to obtain the
corresponding minimal surface. Instead of solving the partial differential equation, we can find the optimal conditions for which
the surface is the extremal of the Dirichlet functional. We workout the minimal Bézier surface based on the q-Bernstein
polynomials as the extremal of Dirichlet functional by determining the vanishing condition for the gradient of the Dirichlet
functional for prescribed boundary. The vanishing condition is reduced to a system of algebraic constraints, which can then be
solved for unknown control points in terms of known boundary control points. The resulting Bézier surface is q-Bernstein–Bézier
minimal surface.

1. Introduction One of the active research areas in the optimization

theory [1] is calculus of variations in which we try to find a
We observe the tendency of nature to be minimum in best suitable function, which could be a curve or a surface
constructing the path predicting models of different objects subject to certain constraint usually expressed in the integral
around us. For instance, the principles of flexibility involves form called the functional, which is in fact a critical point of
the optimization of processes based on the observation that a that functional, a maxima or minima of the functional under
business model should change and grow with time. Other consideration based on the mathematical analysis of min-
examples are the optimal designs in solid and fluid mechanics, imization principals on multidimensional function spaces.
electromagnet of an electromagnetic particle, and the The constraints can be in the form of integrals (functionals
mathematical models for gravity theory are the phenomena in based on unknown function of one or more parameters),
nature that access to physical systems for optimization. These differential constraints (they arise for instance in case of
phenomena are analysed in the optimization theory, which rolling wheels, flying aircrafts, in situations arising from
include the calculus of variations, game theory, decision dynamics of any mechanical system, and so on) or the al-
theory, linear programming, control theory, network analysis, gebraic structure in constraints. This work is related to
and Markov chains. finding the surfaces subject to constraints in the form of
2 Journal of Mathematics

certain integral called the functional, and one of such minimize a given functional. However, he was not able to
functionals is Dirichlet functional with appropriate find out a general solution of the equation other than a plane.
boundary conditions. The Dirichlet functional being the In 1776, Meusnier illustrated the condition for minimality
integral of non-negative quantity is itself non-negative. The for a specific form of a regular surface, known as Monge’s
variational problem of solving the Dirichlet functional for patch. The outcome of the minimal condition for the
the minimal vector function x(s, t) subject to certain Monge’s patch is a quasilinear, quadratic partial differential
boundary conditions is the Euler–Lagrange partial differ- equation derived earlier by Lagrange. He also showed that
ential equation ∇2 x(s, t) � 0, which is Laplace equation in catenoid and helicoid satisfy Euler–Lagrange equations too
this case. Such a vector function x(s, t) has minimal and proved that mean curvature vanishing surfaces are in
Dirichlet energy and is said to be harmonic. This can be done fact minimal surfaces. In 1830, Heinrich Scherk used the
by finding the extremal of area functional of a surface x(s, t), Euler–Lagrange equation to find the nontrivial examples of
but it involves square root of the integrand, and instead, we complete minimal surfaces. The first golden era of minimal
can use variational approach for finding such a surface as the surface theory began in mid-19th century after the discovery
extremal of Dirichlet functional and we obtain a quasi- made by J. Plateau. In 1867, Schwarz [6] found the solution
minimal surface. A minimal surface is a surface for which of Plateau–Bézier problem for a general quadrilateral by an
mean curvature of the surface vanishes for all possible pa- appeal to methods in complex analysis. Specifically, he
rameterizations of the same surface. discovered CLP (crossed layers of parallels) surface Schwarz
In curve theory, the familiar examples are that of shortest T for tetragonal, Schwarz D for diamond, Schwarz H for
distance between two points in a plane, which is a straight hexagonal, and Schwarz P for primitive surfaces. Weierstrass
line in case when no constrains are involved; however, in and Enneper [4] developed representation formulas for
case of given constraints, the shortest path or the distance minimal surface in conformal parametrization as a pair of
between two points is usually called a geodesic on a surface, holomorphic and meromorphic functions. Weierstrass and
and the related ancient well-known problem is the bra- Enneper parametric representation of minimal surfaces
chistochrone problem. In optics, one of the related problems serves as bridge between the geometry and the complex
is the Fermat’s principle (1657), to find the path in least analysis [7]. Later on, achievements of Jesse Douglas [8],
possible time. Fermat explained that the laws of geometric Rado [9], Tonelli [10], Courant [7, 11], Wang [12] (minimal
optics, lens design such as reflection, refraction, focusing, surfaces based modelling of atoms and molecules), and
and aberrations could be explained from the geometric and others contributed many revolutionary results in the sub-
analytical properties of this principle. The natural general- sequent years in minimal surfaces spanned by given
ization of the minimal curve or geodesic problem is the boundary curves. General solution of Plateau–Bézier prob-
minimal surface problem [2, 3]. It consists of searching the lem remained challenging for it involves extremization of
surface x ⊂ R3 with possible bounded area spanned by a area functional that is highly nonlinear in its integrand. In
closed contour Γ. This essentially means setting the surface 1931, American mathematician J. Douglas [8] and, in 1933,
area functional A � 􏽒R dx as an objective of extremization Hungarian Tibor Radó [9] showed the existence of a min-
functional over all possible x ⊂ R3 with prescribed contour Γ imal surface spanned by a closed curve by exchanging the
to achieve a minimal area surface. Minimal surface problem area integral by rather a simpler integral the so-called
is referred to as Plateau–Bézier problem [4, 5] in the honour Douglas-Dirichlet integral. Revolutionary achievements in
of physicist of Belgian Joeseph Plateau, who established that subsequent years by Courant [11], Max. Shiffman [13],
minimal surfaces can be associated with soap films spanned Morse [14], Tompkins [14], Robert-Osserman [15], and
by closed wire frames in 1849. He explained further through others are worth mentioning that contributed many sig-
his experiments that a minimal surface can be achieved in nificant results to theory of minimal surfaces. A detailed
the form of a thin soap film spanned by a wire frame by account of related results of measure theory and differential
immersing it into soapy water and displacing it back cau- geometry for Plateau–Bézier problem can be seen in refer-
tiously. The soap film itself is a surface of minimal area, and ence [16]. Struwe [17] points out the parametric minimal
the wire frame in shape of closed contour Γ serves as a surfaces and the developments in Plateau–Bézier problem
spanning curve. with a concise treatment of constant mean curvature sur-
The soap films and bubbles have been a source of fas- faces. Harrison [18] considered Plateau–Bézier problem as
cination from aesthetical, physical, and mathematical point test problem for differential chains Theory.
of view that is why it is an active field of research for several The properties of minimal surfaces provide a support for
hundred years, finding its applications in different disci- shape modelling and shape fairing techniques. Minimal
plines of science. The earliest significant work is that of surface theory is an area of contemporary research and is of
Euler, who in 1744, while searching for rotational surfaces of great importance in engineering design, computer-aided
minimal area, proved that a minimal surface is planer if and geometric designs (CAGD), architectural design, and biol-
only if its Gaussian curvature is identically equal to zero and ogy that includes foams, domes, and cell membranes, and so
a minimal surface is always locally saddled-shaped. Later in on. In 2004, Monterde [19] used tensor product Bézier
1762, Lagrange considered the minimal surface problem by surfaces to find an approximate minimal surface giving a
deriving associated Euler–Lagrange equations, which is a continuous surface spanned by a given boundary curve,
quadratic partial differential equation (p de). The solutions called the Plateau–Bézier problem. They extremized the
of such partial differential equations are the functions that Dirichlet functional by finding the gradient of the functional
Journal of Mathematics 3

with respect to the control points. Monterde and Ugail [20], n m

in 2006, introduced a different functional, namely, the x(s, t) � 􏽘 􏽘 Bnj (s)Bm
k (t)Pjk , (1)
general bi-quadratic functional, which could be reduced to a j�0 k�0

functional introduced by Farin and Hansford [21], standard

where Bnj (s) are the Bernstein polynomials. The rectangular
biharmonic functional introduced by Schneider and Kobbelt
Bézier surfaces (1) are based on the univariate Bernstein
[22], or Bloor and Wilson’s modified biharmonic functional
[23]. In 2011, Monterde [24] constructed triangular Bézier
patches by introducing a variational approach, and in 2015, n
Monterde and Ugail [25] found the quasi-harmonic surface Bnj (s) � 􏼠 􏼡sj (1 − s)n− j , (2)
as the extremal of quasi-harmonic functional in an attempt
to solve the related Plateau–Bézier problem. Farin and which named after the Sergei Natanovich Bernstein [32],
Handford [26] obtained combinatorial relations between where
q-Genocchi numbers and polynomials with weight α and β
n n!
and integral representation of weighted q-Bernstein poly- ⎝ ⎠
⎛ ⎞� (3)
nomials. Bernstein polynomial is an important class of j j!(n − j)!
polynomials related to special polynomials like Bernoulli
polynomials, Euler polynomials, and so on, in the theory of are the usual binomial coefficients. The triangular Bézier
analytical numbers, and they find their applications in de- patches S(s, t, r) � 􏽐j+k+l�n Pjkl Bnj,k,l (s, t, r) are expressed in
signing smooth curves and surfaces called Bézier curves and terms of bivariate Bernstein polynomials Bnj,k,l (s, t, r) �
Bézier surfaces. They play a significant role for constructing
the surfaces of different shapes and desired characteristics n
􏼠 􏼡sj tk rl . One of the problems in CAGD, for ex-
that depend on the choice of Bernstein polynomials, namely, j, k, l
the classical Bernstein polynomials, shifted knots Bernstein ample, is to construct a surface of least area amongst all
polynomials, and q-Bernstein polynomials, generally called the surfaces spanned by the prescribed boundary, called
the modified Bernstein polynomials. An extension of the Plateau–Bézier problem. A surface of least area can be
q-Bernstein polynomials in surface theory is (p, q)-Bern- determined as one of the critical points of the area
stein polynomials, basic properties, and generating functions functional by finding constraints on the interior control
for Bernstein polynomial-related results with the help of points as the outcome of vanishing condition for the
(p, q)-calculus, which can be seen in references [27, 28]. gradient of area functional; however, the area functional
Araci [29] and Jang et al. [30] study the q-analogue of Euler involves square root in its integrand and makes it difficult
numbers and polynomials naturally arising from the p-adic to find the surface as one of its critical points. The area
fermionic integrals on Zp and investigate some properties functional can be replaced by some other suitable energy
for these numbers and polynomials. We use one of these functional having similar properties as that of area
Bernstein polynomials, recently introduced by Kim [31] to functional or may be some other desired feature of the
formulate the related Bézier surfaces for extreme values of surface. It is then possible to find the gradient of this
Dirichlet functional resulting in a quasi-minimal surface. chosen energy functional (constraint functional in the
The minimal surfaces occur naturally in the developing form of an integral). The vanishing condition of the
fields, namely, CAGD, (computer-aided geometric design), gradient of the functional gives linear algebraic con-
CG (computer graphics), and CAD (computer-aided design) straints on the unknown control points in terms of known
in mathematical. The minimal surfaces are known through boundary control points. One of the widely used class of
the variation of the respective area functional. The area surfaces is known as the Bézier surfaces based on Bern-
functional involves square-root in its integrand, and it is not stein polynomials as has been done by Monterde [19,20],
always possible to find the solution of the PDE as the and he found the quasi-minimal Bézier surface as the
outcome of the vanishing condition of its gradient for a extremal of Dirichlet functional, other related works for
surface to be a minimal surface. However, the variation of ansatz method, and for the vanishing condition of certain
other functionals is more useful for some specific desired energy functionals for the Bézier surfaces based on
features of a surface based on the restriction or the con- modified Bernstein polynomials and Coons patch one can
straint. These constraints are usually an integral to be see Ahmad et al. [33–38].
minimized, for instance, an energy integral, for example, the As mentioned above, one of the widely used restrictions
Dirichlet functional, rms of mean curvature, quasi-harmonic is to find out the minimal Bézier surface as the extremal of
functional, and biharmonic functional. These variational various energy functionals by the vanishing condition of
techniques can be applied to a famous class of surfaces gradient of such a functional. We choose one of such re-
known as Bézier surfaces, which have their own importance strictions, namely, the Bézier surface with q-Bernstein
for their useful properties and applications in CAGD, CG, polynomials, and find the corresponding minimal surface as
and CAD. There are two main categories of Bézier patches, the extremal of Dirichlet functional by finding the vanishing
namely, the rectangular and triangular Bézier patches. For a condition of gradient of this Dirichlet functional for Bézier
given Bézier control net of points Pjk , a rectangular Bézier surface with q-Bernstein polynomials, which gives us con-
surface is defined as straints on the interior control points in terms of boundary
control points for which the new surface is minimal. It is to
4 Journal of Mathematics

be remarked that the minimizers of a certain chosen the application of the technique developed. Finally,
functional are possibly the candidate functions for a quasi- Section 4 includes the final remarks and the future
minimal surface obtained from the zero-functional gradient prospects of the work.
of the surface x(s, t), which is equivalent to finding the
extremal points of a function of several variables in cal- 2. Preliminaries
culus. The functional gradient equated to zero gives us
linear constraints on the unknown interior control points In this section, we give few geometric quantities and basics of
depending on the known boundary control points. The curve and surface theory, q-Bernstein polynomials, classical
surface spanned by these new interior control points with Bézier and q-Bézier curves and surfaces, derivatives, inte-
prescribed border is minimal, which we refer to as the grals, mean, and Gaussian curvature of q-Bézier surfaces.
q-Bernstein quasi-minimal Bézier surface. The applica-
tions of these surfaces are in building and material sci- Definition 1. The area functional of a surface.
ences, and formation of a surface in CAGD, for example, in A surface x(s, t) of minimal area is a surface that locally
modelling, a problem related to protest investigation and minimizes its area. This is equivalent to having zero mean
mechanics of cell material. Bézier models can assist in curvature:
designing the computational-based prediction models, for
1 Eg − 2Ff + Ge
instance, for human-engineered representations for their H� . (6)
possible applications for machine learning capabilities 2 EG − F2
[39–42]. For every parametrization, which is direct consequence
Our aim is to solve Plateau q-Bernstein–Bézier prob- of minimizing the area functional,
lem, which is to find the q-Bernstein–Bézier surface as one
�� ��
of the critical points of Dirichlet functional instead of area A(P) � 􏽚 ��xs ∧xt ��dsdt
functional, and the resulting surface has minimal area R
from amongst all the possible q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces 1/2
� 􏽚 􏼐EG − F2 􏼑 dsdt,
constructed from the given prescribed boundary control R
points. The q-Bernstein–Bézier surface can be written as
follows: where E � 〈xs , xs 〉, F � 〈xs , xt 〉, and G � 〈xt , xt 〉 are co-
efficients of the quadratic form I(s, t) � 〈dx(s, t), dx(s, t)〉,
m n
for dx(s, t) � xs ds + xt dt, a 1 − 1 linear mapping of vectors
x(s, t) � 􏽘 􏽘 Qm n
j,q (s)Qk,q (t)Pjk , (4) (ds , dt) onto dx(s, t) � xs ds + xt dt, which lies in the
j�0 k�0
tangent plane. The quadratic form I(s, t), called first fun-
where Qnj (s)q are the q-Bernstein polynomials introduced damental form, is usually written as ds2 �
by Kim [31] in 2011. The Kim’s q-Bernstein polynomials E(s, t)ds2 + 2F(s, t)ds dt + G(s, t)dt2 for the surface x(s, t).
are different from the Philips version of q-Bernstein
polynomials (1997) [26] that depend on q-integers, and Definition 2. Bernstein polynomials, Bézier curves, and
later in 2003, Oruc and Phillips obtained related Bézier surfaces.
curves [43] and some interesting properties. We intend to Blending functions are used to define the curves and
find the Kim’s q-Bernstein quasi-minimal Bézier surface surfaces in parameterized form, and they effect the type and
as the extremal of the Dirichlet functional. the shape of curves and surfaces. A set of points used to
produce a curve or a surface is called a set of control
1 �� ��2 �� ��2
D(x(s, t)) � 􏽚 􏼒��xs �� + ��xt �� 􏼓du dv, (5) points for that curve or the surface. If we denote blending
2 R functions by fj (s) and the control net of points by Pj , then
for Kim’s q-Bernstein–Bézier surface (equation (4)). The the parameterized form of the curve for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1 is
vanishing condition of a functional gradient generates a x(s) � 􏽐nj�0 fj (s)Pj . Similarly for a net of control points Pjk
system of algebraic conditions on the unknown inner for j, k � 0, . . . , n and the blending functions fjk (s, t), the
control points as boundary control points. parameterized form of the surface is x(s, t) �
The rest of the article is organized as follows: in the 􏽐nj,k�0 fjk (s, t)Pjk , where 0 ≤ s, t ≤ 1. For a given continuous
forthcoming Section 2, we give few definitions of dif- function f on the interval [0, 1], the Bernstein polynomial is
ferential geometry-related quantities for curves and expressed as
surface, the minimal surfaces, q-Bernstein polynomials, n
j n
j ⎝n⎞
and Kim type [31] q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces, specific Bn (f; u) � 􏽘 f􏼒 􏼓Bnj (u) � 􏽘 f􏼒 􏼓⎛ ⎠uj (1 − u)n− k , (8)
n n
classes of surfaces, their basic construction schemes, j�0 j�0 j
properties of the general Bézier curves with kim operator
[31], the generalized rational Bézier surfaces, and the where n is a positive integer. For each function f, the
q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces. In Section 3, we develop a equation (8) results in a sequence of Bernstein polynomials.
technique to find the quasi-minimal surfaces corre- The continuity of the function f assures the uniform
sponding to q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces. In the same convergence of Bernstein polynomials to the function f, and
section, we have included the illustrative examples for the this means that on the interval [0, 1], lim Bn (f; u) � f. It
bi-quadratic and bi-cubic q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces as can be seen from (8) that for u � 0, Bn (f; 0) � f(0), and for
Journal of Mathematics 5

Bernstein Polynomials
Bnj (u)

1.0 B55(u)




0.2 5
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 B50(u)

Figure 1: Polynomials in Bernstein form, B50 (u), B51 (u), B52 (u), B53 (u), B54 (u), B55 (u), are shown.

u � 1, Bn (f; 1) � f(1). For f � 1, (8) reduces to A q-Bernstein–Bézier surface (4) is a Bézier surface based
Bn (f; u) � Bn (1; u) � 1, whereas for f � u, (8) reduces to on q-Bernstein polynomials, where q-Bernstein polynomials
Bn (f; u) � Bn (u; u) � u, and for f � u2 , it is Bn (f; u) � Qmj,q (s), the function of curve parameter s, serve as the
Bn (u2 ; u) � (n − 1)u2 /n + u/n and so on. Bernstein [32] in- blending functions for the Bézier surface, taken in the form,
troduced the so-called the Bernstein polynomials, a linear m j
combination of functions Bnj (u), Bn (u) � 􏽐 j � ⎠[s]j [1 − s]− −j+m 1 − qs
j,q (s) �

⎛ ⎞
q 1 , [s]q � 􏼠 􏼡, (9)
0nβj Bnj (u), also called polynomials in Bernstein form, with j 1− q
βk as the Bernstein coefficients or Bézier coefficients Bnk (u) m
(equations (2) and (3)), and the Bernstein operator of order n where 􏼠 􏼡 are the usual binomial coefficients, [s]jq is the
for k, n ∈ z(0 ≤ k ≤ n). For instance, the Bernstein polyno-
Kim’s q-Bernstein operator (for detail, see Equation (1.7) of
mials of degree n � 5, namely, B50 (u), B51 (u), B52 (u), reference [31]) for 0 ≤ q ≤ 1. Note that lim [s]q � lim 1 −
B53 (u), B54 (u), and B55 (u), are shown in Figure 1. q⟶1 q⟶1

A Bézier curve is a parametric curve, which is used in qs /1 − q � s and lim [1 − s]q− 1 � lim 1 − (q− 1 )1− s / 1 − q− 1
q⟶1 q⟶1
computer graphics and related fields [2,19]. The Bézier curve
� 1 − s, so that the q-Bernstein polynomials Qm j,q (s) reduce
depends on Bernstein polynomials, which are called the n
blending functions or the basis of Bézier curve with a set of to the classical Bernstein polynomials Bk (s). In particular,
(n + 1) control points (also called Bézier points) denoted by the q-Bernstein polynomials of degrees n = 1, 2, 3 are shown
P0 , P1 , P2 , . . . , Pn . A Bézier curve of degree n is given in in Figure 2. Plugging the q-Bernstein polynomials given by
the form x(s) � 􏽐nj�0 Bnj (s)Pj for the Bernstein polynomials equation (9) for the surface parameters s, t in the equation
Bnj (s) (equation (2)) of degree n for u ∈ [0, 1]. Bézier (4), the Bézier surface with q-Bernstein polynomials may be
surfaces x(s, t) (equation (1)) are the higher dimension rewritten as
generalization of Bézierm,n curves for a given set of n + 1, m + 1 m,n m n m− j
control points 􏽮Pjk 􏽯j,k�0 for the blending functions x(s, t) � 􏽘 􏼠 􏼡􏼠 􏼡[s]jq [t]kq [1 − s]q− 1 [1 − t]n− k
q− 1 Pjk . (10)
n,m 2 j k
Bnj (s)Bm k (t) � Bj,k (s, t): R ⟶ R, where Bj (s) and
n j,k�0
Bk (t) are Bernstein basis functions given by the equation
The bi-quadratic q-Bernstein–Bézier surface and the bi-
(2) for 0 ≤ s, t ≤ 1 (Figure 2).
cubic q-Bernstein–Bézier surface obtained from the
equation (10) for q � 0.2 for the prescribed are shown in
Definition 3. q-Bernstein–Bézier curves and surfaces. Figure 3.

1.0 1.0 0.7

1–s 0.6
0.8 1– 1 0.8 1–s 2
q 1– 1 1–s 3
B0 = q 0.5 1– 1
1– 1 B0 = q
0.6 q 0.6 2 B0 =
1– 1 0.4 3
q 1– 1
0.4 0.4 0.3
0.2 0.2

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
1.0 0.5
0.4 1–s 2
3 1– 1 (1– qs)
0.8 1 – qs 0.4 q
B1 = B1 =
1–q 2
0.3 1– 1 (1–q)
0.6 0.3 1–s
2 1– 1 (1–qs)
B1 = 0.2
0.4 0.2 1– 1 (1–q)

0.2 0.1 0.1

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
1.0 1.0
0.8 (1 – qs)2 0.8
B2 =
(1 – q)2 0.3 (1 – qs)3
0.6 3 1– 1 (1–qs)2 0.6 B3 =
q (1 – q)3
B2 =
0.2 1– 1 (1–q)2
0.4 q 0.4

0.2 0.1 0.2

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 2: q-Bernstein polynomials of various degrees are shown.
Journal of Mathematics
Journal of Mathematics 7

Figure 3: Bi-quadratic and bi-cubic q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces for the prescribed border.

Definition 4. Partial derivatives of q-Bernstein–Bézier sur- The q-Bernstein polynomial [31], for m ≥ j, Qm
j,q (s), is
face with respect to the control points. defined as
The partial derivatives (zxs /zxapq ) � (z/zs)(􏽐m,n j,k�0 m
Qj,q (s)Qnk,q (t)zPjk /zxapq ) of tangent vectors xs to the coor-
j,q (s) � 􏼠
j m− j
􏼡[s]q [1 − s]q− 1 , (12)
dinate curves on the Bézier surface with q-Bernstein func- j
tions based on the Kim operator [31] with respect to the m
components xapq (p � 0, 1, 2, . . . , m, q � 0, 1, 2, . . . n, and Qmj,q (s) � 0; otherwise, where 􏼠 j 􏼡 is the usual bino-
mial coefficient and
a � 1, 2, 3) of control points Ppq , where Pjk � (xjk ,
yjk , zjk ) � (x1jk , x2jk , x3jk ) are the control points as mentioned j − 1 (1− s) (m− j)
1 − qs (m− j) ⎝1 − q 􏼁
above, zPjk /zxapq is one of the standard basis vectors ea for [s]jq �􏼠 􏼡 , [1 − s]q− 1 � ⎛ ⎠
⎞ ,
p � j, q � k, and otherwise, for p ≠ j or q ≠ k, zPjk /zxapq is 1− q 1 − q− 1 􏼁
zero vector, which can be written as (13)
zxs z
� 􏼐Qm (s)Qnk,q (t)ea 􏼑. (11) the partial derivative of q-Bernstein polynomial Qm
j (s)q with
zxajk zs j,q respect to s is given by

m s
z m ⎝ ⎞
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ ⎠􏼒− j[s]j− 1 [1 − s]m−− 1 j +(m − j)[s]j [1 − s]m−− 1 j− 1 􏼓􏼠q log q􏼡. (14)
q q q q
zs j 1− q

Definition 5. Integral of q-Bernstein polynomial The product of two q-Bernstein polynomials with same
The q-Bernstein polynomials (9) for the Kim operator parameter s is given by
[s]jq can be written as
m j 1− s m− j
s − 1
Qm ⎝
⎛ ⎠􏼠1 − q 􏼡 􏼠1 − q 􏼁 􏼡

j,q (s) � . (15)
j 1− q 1 − q− 1

m n s j s k − 1 1− s m− j − 1 1− s n− k
Qm n ⎝
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠⎞ 􏼠1 − q 􏼡 􏼠 1 − q 􏼡 􏼠 1 − q 􏼁 􏼡 􏼠 1 − q 􏼁 􏼡 ,
j,q (s)Qk,q (s) � (16)
j k 1− q 1− q 1 − q− 1 1 − q− 1
8 Journal of Mathematics

and it ((16) can be written as where

m n j+k 1
s j
Qm n ⎝
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠⎞ 􏼠1 − q 􏼡 Ij � 􏽚 q2s 1 − qs 􏼁 ds . (24)
j,q (s)Qk,q (s) � 0
j k 1− q
(17) The binomial expansion of (1 − qs )j is given by
1− s (m+n)− (j+k)
1 − q− 1 􏼁 j
j p
·􏼠 􏼡 . q2s 1 − qs 􏼁 � q2s 􏽘 (− 1)p 􏼠 􏼡 qs 􏼁
1 − q− 1 p
However, the (j + k)-th term of q-Bernstein polynomial j
p p+2 s
of degree (m + n) is given by � 􏽘 (− 1) 􏼠 􏼡􏼐q 􏼑,
p�0 p
m+n s j+k
Qm+n ⎝
⎛ ⎠ 􏼠1 − q 􏼡

j+k,q (s) � which enable us to write the integral (24) in the form
j+k 1− q
(18) j 1 s
1− s (m+n)− (j+k) Ij � 􏽘 (− 1)p 􏼠 􏼡 􏽚 􏼐qp+2 􏼑 ds, (26)
1 − q− 1 􏼁 p�0 p 0
·􏼠 􏼡 .
1 − q− 1
and thus, the integral (26) reduces to
Thus, the product of two q-Bernstein polynomials (17) j j 􏼌􏼌􏼌 qp+2 􏼁s 􏼌􏼌􏼌1
can be written in the form Ij � 􏽘 (− 1)p ⎛⎝ ⎞ ⎠􏼌􏼌􏼌 􏼌􏼌
􏼌􏼌log qp+2 􏼁􏼌􏼌􏼌
m n m + n − 1 m+n p�0 p 0
Qm n
j,q (s)Qk,q (s) � 􏼠 􏼡􏼠 􏼡 􏼠 􏼡 Qj+k,q (s). (19) (27)
j k j+k j j p+2
⎝ ⎞
� 􏽘 (− 1)p ⎛ ⎠ q − 1,
For the integral of q-Bernstein polynomial based on Kim p+2
p�0 p log􏼐q 􏼑
operator and the integral of product of two q-Bernstein poly-
nomials having the same parameter s, we state the result below. where
I0 � 1. (28)
Theorem 1. The integral of q2s Qm m
j,q (s), where Qj,q (s) is the
q-Bernstein polynomial for 0 ≤ i ≤ m − j and 0 ≤ p ≤ i + j, Plugging the (27) in (23), we get
with respect to the parameter s, is given by
1 j j p+2
1 m− j i+j m m− j i+j ⎝ ⎞
􏽚 [s]jq ds � (1 − q)− j 􏽘 (− 1)p ⎛ ⎠ q − 1, (29)
􏽚 q2s Qm p log􏼐q 􏼑

i+p ⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠
⎞ 0
j,q (s)ds � 􏽘 􏽘 (− 1)
0 i�0 p�0 j i p
and thus,
− i− j p+2
(1 − q) 􏼐q − 1􏼑 1 i+j i+j p+2
· p+2 ,
􏽚 [s]i+j − i− j ⎝
􏽘 (− 1)p ⎛ ⎠ q − 1 . (30)

log􏼐q 􏼑 q ds � (1 − q)
0 p�0 p log􏼐qp+2 􏼑
The integral of (22)
m− j
m 1 m− j 1
m− j qp − 1 m− j
􏽚 [s]jq [1 − s]q− 1 ds � 􏽘 (− 1)i 􏼠 i+j
􏼡 􏽚 [s]q ds (31)
j,q (s)

�⎛ ⎠[s]j [1
⎞ − s]q− 1 , and lim � 1. (21) i
q p⟶0 log qp 􏼁 0 i�0 0

along with (30) is given by

Proof. In order to find out the above integral, we shall use 1 m− j m− j

m− j
the following result that helps us to write the product of [s]jq

􏽚 [s]jq [1 − s]q− 1 ds � 􏽘 (− 1)i ⎛ ⎠

m− j
and [1 − s]q− 1 in the following form [26]:
i�0 i
m− j i+j i+j
m− j m− j
q2s [s]jq [1 − s]q− 1 � q2s 􏽘 (− 1)i 􏼠 i+j
􏼡[s]q , (22) · (1 − q)− i− j ⎝
􏽘 (− 1)p ⎛ ⎠ (32)

i�0 i p�0 p
which can then be used to establish the given result. Let us
write the integral of [s]jq as follows: qp+2 − 1
· ,
j log􏼐qp+2 􏼑
1 1 1 − qs
􏽚 q2s [s]jq ds � 􏽚 q2s 􏼠 − j
􏼡 ds � (1 − q) Ij , (23)
0 0 1− q which reduces to
Journal of Mathematics 9

1 m− j i+j m− j Corollary 2. The integral of q-Bernstein polynomial with

m− j ⎝ ⎠
􏽚 [s]jq [1 − s]q− 1 ds � 􏽘 􏽘 (− 1)i+p (1 − q)− i− j ⎛ ⎞ respect to the parameter s when m replaced by 2m − 2 and j
0 by j + l is given by
l�0 p�0 i
1 2m− j+l− 2 i+j+l 2m − 2
􏽚 q2s Q2m− 2
􏽘 (− 1)i+p ⎛
⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎠ q − 1,
⎞ 0
j+l,q (s)ds � 􏽘
log􏼐qp+2 􏼑 i�0 p�0 j+l
(33) 2m − j + l − 2 i+j+l
⎛ ⎠
⎞⎝⎛ ⎠
⎞ (36)
where i p
qp − 1 (1 − q)− i− j− l
− 1􏼑
limp⟶0 � 1. (34)
log qp 􏼁 · p+2 .
log􏼐q 􏼑
Hence, the integral of q-Bernstein polynomial is given by
(20). The results in the corollaries below are given for later
use in Section 3. □ Corollary 3. The integral of q-Bernstein polynomial with
respect to the parameter s when m replaced by 2m and j by
Corollary 1. The integral of q-Bernstein polynomial with j + l is given by
respect to the parameter s when m is replaced by 2m − 2 and j 1 2m− j+l i+j+l 2m
by j + l − 1 is given by 􏽚 q2s Q2m
j+l,q (s)ds � 􏽘

􏽘 (− 1)i+p ⎛ ⎠

0 i�0 p�0 j+l
1 2m− j− 2 i+j+l− 1 2m − 2
􏽚 q Q2m− 2
j+l− 1,q (s)ds � 􏽘 􏽘 (− 1) ⎝
i+p ⎛ ⎠

2m − j + l i+j+l
0 ⎝ ⎠⎛⎝ ⎠
i�0 p�0 j ·⎛ ⎞ ⎞ (37)
i p
2m − j − l − 1 i+j+l− 1

·⎛ ⎠⎝
⎞⎛ ⎠
⎞ (1 − q)− i− j+l
− 1􏼑
i p · p+2 .
log􏼐q 􏼑
(1 − q)− i− j− l+1
− 1􏼑
· p+2 .
log􏼐q 􏼑 Corollary 4. The integral of q-Bernstein polynomial with
(35) respect to the parameter t when m � 2n − 2, j � k + r − 1 is
given by

1 2n− k− r− 1 i+k+r− 1 2n − 2 2n − k − r − 1 i+k+r− 1 (1 − q)− i− k− r+1

− 1􏼑
􏽚 q2t Q2n− 2
k+r− 1,q (t)dt � 􏽘 􏽘 ⎛ ⎝
⎝(− 1)i+p ⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠ ×⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠


0 i�0 p�0 k+r− 1 i p log􏼐q 􏼑

Corollary 5. The integral of q-Bernstein polynomial with

respect to the parameter t when m is replaced by 2n − 2 and j
by r + k is given by

1 2n− 2− k+r i+k+r 2n − 2 2n − 2 − k + r i+k+r (1 − q)− i− k+r

− 1􏼑
􏽚 q2t Q2n− 2
k+r,q (t)dt � 􏽘 ⎝
􏽘 (− 1)i+p ⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠

p+2 . (39)
0 i�0 p�0 k+r i p log􏼐q 􏼑

Corollary 6. The integral of q-Bernstein polynomial with

respect to the parameter t when m � 2n, j � r + k is given by
10 Journal of Mathematics

1 2n− k+r i+k+r 2n 2n − k + r i+k+r (1 − q)− i− k+r

− 1􏼑
􏽚 q Q2n
k+r,q (t)dt � 􏽘 􏽘 (− 1) ⎝
i+p ⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠

p+2 . (40)
0 i�0 p�0 k+r i p log􏼐q 􏼑

Definition 6. Mean and Gaussian curvature of q-Bern- parameters s, t. Note that the partial derivatives of the
stein–Bézier surface. surface with respect to its surface parameters appear as terms
For the mean and Gaussian curvature of the q-Bern- involving the derivatives of q-Bernstein polynomials. The
stein–Bézier surface, (10), we find the fundamental coeffi- fundamental coefficients of the q-Bernstein–Bézier surface
cients E, F, G and e, f, g of the q-Bernstein surface with Kim (10) help us to compute the mean curvature and the
operator xq (s, t), which requires computation of the partial Gaussian curvature of the surface. The mean curvature (6) of
derivatives of the surface xq (s, t) with respect to the surface the surface is

jk(m) − j􏼁q(1− t) j2 k4 q(t) m2 (m) − j􏼁q(1− t) jm2 q(t)

⎜ 􏼠 − 􏼡􏼠 − 􏼡⎞⎟

⎜ 1 − q(1− t) 1 − q(t) 1 − q(1− t) 1 − q(t) ⎟ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

m,n ⎜ 2 4 (s) 2 2 (s) ⎟ ⎟

⎜ jk ( m ) − j 􏼁q
(1− s)
j k q m ( m ) − j 􏼁q
(1− s)
jm q ⎟

⎟ log(q)
H� 􏽘⎜ ⎜
⎜ 􏼠 − 􏼡 􏼠 − 􏼡 ⎟
⎟ P . (41)

⎜ ⎟

j,k�0⎜ 1 − q (1− s)
1 − q (s)
1 − q (1− s)
1 − q (s) ⎟

⎟ 1 − q jk

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ (1− s) m− j (1− t) m− j (s) j (t) j ⎟

⎝ 1− q 1− q 1− q 1− q ⎠
􏼠 􏼡 􏼠 􏼡 􏼠 􏼡􏼠 􏼡)
1− q 1− q 1− q 1− q

The Gaussian curvature K � LN − M2 /EG − F2 of the

surface is given by the following expression:

2 2
jk(m − j)q(1− t) j2 k4 q(t) m2 (m − j)q(1− t) jm2 q(t)

⎛ 􏼠 − 􏼡􏼠 − 􏼡 ⎞ ⎟

⎜ 1− q (1− t) 1− q (t) 1 − q(1− t) 1 − q(t) ⎟ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

m,n ⎜
⎜ ⎟

⎜ jk(m − j)q (1− s)
j2 4 (s)
k q
m 2
(m − j)q (1− s)
jm 2 (s)
2 ⎟

⎟ log(q)

⎜ ⎟

K� 􏽘⎜ ⎜ 􏼠 − 􏼡 􏼠 − 􏼡 ⎟

⎟ P . (42)

⎜ 1− q (1− s) 1− q (s) 1− q (1− s) 1− q (s) ⎟

⎟ 1 − q jk

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

⎜ (1− s) m− j (1− t) m− j (s) j (t) j ⎟

⎝ 1− q 1− q 1− q 1− q ⎠
􏼠 􏼡 􏼠 􏼡 􏼠 􏼡􏼠 􏼡
1− q 1− q 1− q 1− q

We have discussed restricted class of surfaces, namely, points of a given q-Bernstein–Bézier surface for the prescribed
the Bézier surfaces with q-Bernstein polynomials, the basic border. For this, we shall find the gradient of the Dirichlet
construction scheme of these surfaces, their properties based functional (5) for the q-Bernstein–Bézier surface (10) with the
on kim operator [31], mean curvature, and Gaussian cur- prescribed border in terms of its boundary points and equate it
vature of the surfaces. In the section below, we come up with to zero that results in a system of linear algebraic constraints.
a scheme for finding the quasi-minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier These algebraic constraints can be solved for interior control
surface as the extremal of Dirichlet functional. points in terms of boundary control points for a specific mesh
structure. When these new interior control points are plugged in
the q-Bernstein–Bézier surface, the emerging surface is a quasi-
3. Quasi-Minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier minimal surface. For illustration of the given scheme, we have
Surfaces as the Extremal of included bi-quadratic and bi-cubic quasi-minimal q-Bern-
Dirichlet Functional stein–Bézier surfaces in the section immediately after exploring
the scheme.
This section is devoted to the problem of finding the quasi- Following proposition enables us to write the linear
minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier surface as the extremal of Dirichlet algebraic constraints satisfied by the interior control points
functional by determining the constraints on the interior control
Journal of Mathematics 11

of q-Bernstein–Bézier surface meshed with the boundary quasi-minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier surface. The proposition
control points as the outcome of vanishing condition of is given below.
gradient of the Dirichlet functional for the q-Bern- n,m
stein–Bézier surface. The interior control points worked out Proposition 1. A control net P � 􏽮Pjk 􏽯j,k�0 of q-Bern-
from these linear algebraic constraints together with known stein–Bézier surface of prescribed border is the extremal
boundary control points help us to construct the desired Dirichlet functional if the control points 􏽮Pjk 􏽯j,k�0 (for
0 < q < 1) satisfy the following constraint equation:

2 2
m log q m− 1,n m− 1,m− 1 2m− 2 m− 1,m− 1 2m− 2 2n 10 n log q
􏼠 􏼡 􏽘 􏼐ξ j− 1,l δj+l− 1 (s) − ξ j,l δj+l (s)􏼑ξ n,n
k,r δk+r (t)Δ Pij + 􏼠 􏼡
1− q i,j�0
1− q
m,n− 1
n− 1,n− 1 2n− 2 1,n− 1 2n− 2 2m 01
􏽘 􏼐ξ k− 1,r δk+r− 1 (t) − ξ n−
r,k δr+k (t)􏼑ξ m,m
l,j δl+j (s)Δ Plr � 0,

n,m zPjk
zxs z⎛

where a � 􏽘 Qm n
j,q (s)Qk,q (t)
⎞ (47)
zxpq zs j,k�o zxapq
m− j j+l m m− j j+i
j,q (s) � 􏽘 􏽘 (− 1)
i+p ⎝
⎛ ⎠
⎞⎝⎛ ⎠
⎞⎝⎛ ⎠

where Pjk � (xjk , yjk , zjk ) � (x1jk , x2jk , x3jk ) ≡ (xajk ),
i�0 p�0 j i p (a � 1, 2, 3), and zPjk /zxapq reduces to one of the standard
− j− i p+2
basis vectors ea for p � j, q � k; otherwise, for p ≠ j or q ≠ k,
(1 − q) 􏼐q − 1􏼑 (zPjk /zxapq ) is zero vector, and the equation (47) reduces to
· p+2 .
log􏼐q 􏼑 zxs z
� 􏼠 Qm (s)􏼡Qnk,q (t)ea . (48)
zxajk zs j,q
Proof. Let P � 􏽮Pjk 􏽯j,k�0 be the control net of a q-Bern-
The q-Bernstein polynomials Qm j,q (s) (Kim [31]) are
stein–Bézier surface with the corresponding patch defined in
given by the following expression:
equation (4). The Dirichlet functional [44], equation (5), can
be written in the following convenient form: m m− j
j,q (s) � 􏼠
􏼡[s]q [1 − s]q− 1 , (49)
1 j
D(P) � 􏽚 〈xs , xs 〉 +〈xt , xt 〉􏼁dsdt. (45)
2 R m
where 􏼠 􏼡 is the usual binomial coefficients,
Let us calculate the gradient of Dirichlet functional with j
respect to the coordinates (xajk ) of the control point 1 − qs
[s]jq � 􏼠 􏼡. (50)
Pjk � (x1jk , x2jk , x3jk ). For a ∈ {1, 2, 3}, j � 1, 2, . . . , m − 1 and 1− q
k � 1, 2, . . . , n − 1, the gradient of the Dirichlet functional
(45) can be written as By virtue of the equation (50) for [s]jq , the q-Bernstein
polynomial Qmj,q (s) (49) can be written in the form
zD(P) ⎝〈 zxas , x 〉 +〈 zxat , x 〉⎞
⎠dsdt. m m− j
�􏽚 ⎛ (46) s j − 1 1− s
zxajk zxjk s zxjk t Qm ⎝
⎛ ⎠􏼠1 − q 􏼡 􏼠1 − q 􏼁 􏼡

j,q (s) � , (51)
j 1− q 1 − q− 1
We need to find the partial derivatives (zxs /zxajk ) and
(zxt /zxajk ) of the (46) for the q-Bernstein–Bézier surface (4). the partial derivative of Qm
j,q (s) (51) with respect to one of
For the q-Bernstein–Bézier surface given by the equation (4), (the surface) parameter s,

m − 1 j 1− s m− j j 1− s m− j
z m ⎝ ⎞ ⎠⎛
⎝ z 􏼠1 − q 􏼡 ⎠
⎞ 􏼠1 − q 􏼁 􏼡 1 − q s z 1 − q− 1 􏼁 ⎠,
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ +􏼠 􏼡 􏼠 􏼡 ⎞ (52)
zs j zs 1 − q 1 − q− 1 1 − q zs 1 − q− 1

j j− 1
z 1 − qs q s 1 − qs
for 􏼠 􏼡 �−j 􏼠 􏼡 log q, (53)
zs 1 − q 1− q 1− q
12 Journal of Mathematics


m− j 1− s m− j− 1
z 1 − q− 1 􏼁
1− s
(m − j)􏼐q− 1 􏼑 1 − q− 1 􏼁
1− s
􏼠 􏼡 � −1 􏼠 􏼡 log􏼐q− 1 􏼑, (54)
zs 1 − q− 1 1− q 1 − q− 1

can be written as

m s s j− 1 − 1 1− s m− j j
z m ⎝ ⎞ ⎠⎛⎝− jq 􏼠1 − q 􏼡
⎝⎛ ⎠􏼠1 − q 􏼁 􏼡 1 − qs
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ log q⎞ +􏼠 􏼡
zs j 1− q 1− q 1 − q− 1 1− q
n− j− 1 m− j
− 1 1− s − 1 1− s
⎝(n − j) q 􏼁 1− q 􏼁 ⎠ ⎟

×⎛ 1
􏼠 􏼡 log􏼐q− 1 􏼑⎞ ⎠,
1− q − 1 − q− 1

which is then reduced to the form (using the property that

log(q− 1 ) � − log q).

m m− j 1− s m− j− 1
s s j− 1
1 − q− 1 􏼁
1− s
(m − j)􏼐q− 1 􏼑 1 − qs
1 − q− 1 􏼁
1− s
z m ⎝ ⎞
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ ⎝− jq 􏼠1 − q 􏼡
⎠⎛ 􏼠 􏼡 log q − 􏼠 􏼡􏼠 􏼡 log q⎠
zs j 1− q 1− q 1 − q− 1 1 − q− 1 1− q 1 − q− 1

Taking out the common factors from the above ex-

pression, we get

m j − 1 1− s m− j s − 1 − 1 1− s 1− s − 1
z m ⎝ ⎞
⎠ 􏼠1 − q 􏼡 􏼠 1 − q 􏼁 􏼡
⎝− jq 􏼠1 − q 􏼡
􏼐q 􏼑 1 − q− 1 􏼁
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ ⎛ − (m − j) × 􏼠 􏼡 ⎠
⎞log q, (57)
zs j 1− q 1 − q− 1 1− q 1− q 1 − q− 1 1 − q− 1

which can be further simplified in the form

m m− j 1− s
s j − 1 1− s s (m − j)􏼐q− 1 􏼑
z m ⎝ ⎞
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ ⎠􏼠1 − q 􏼡 􏼠1 − q 􏼁 􏼡 ⎝− jq s −

⎛ ⎟

⎠log q. (58)
1− s
zs j 1− q 1 − q− 1 1− q 1 − 􏼐q− 1 􏼑

By virtue of the equation (50), last equation (21) can be

written as
Journal of Mathematics 13

m Note that for − jqs /1 − qs − (m − j)(q− 1 )1− s /1−

z m ⎝ ⎞
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ ⎠[s]j [1 − s]m−− 1 j
q q
(q− 1 ) � − j[s]q × qs /1 − q − (m − j)[1 − s]−q−11 × (q− 1 )1− s /
1− s − 1
zs j 1 − q− 1 of the above (59) can be reduced to the following
(59) form:
s − 1 1− s
jq (m − j)􏼐q 􏼑

⎝− ⎟

⎠log q.
s− 1− s
1− q 1 − 􏼐q− 1 􏼑

1− s
z m m s − 1
􏼐q 􏼑
⎝ ⎞
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ ⎝− j[s]− 1 × q − (m − j)[1 − s]− −11 ×
⎠[s]j [1 − s]m−− 1 j ⎛ ⎠
⎞log q, (60)
q q q q −1
zs j 1 − q 1 − q

in which (q− 1 )1− s /1 − q− 1 � qs− 1 /1 − q− 1 � qs q− 1 /1− q− 1 �

qs q− 1 /q− 1 (q − 1) � qs /q − 1, and thus, we can be written in
the equation (60) as

z m m s s
⎝ ⎞
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ ⎠[s]j [1 − s]m−− 1 j 􏼠− j[s]− 1 × q − (m − j)[1 − s]− −11 × q 􏼡log q, (61)
q q q q
zs j 1− q q− 1

and taking out the common factor from (61) yields

z m m s
Qj,q (s) � ⎝
⎛ ⎠ ⎞[s]j [1 − s]m−− 1 j 􏼐− j[s]− 1 +(m − j)[1 − s]− −11 􏼑 q log q. (62)
q q q q
zs j 1− q

m− j
Combining the terms [s]jq [1 − s]q− 1 with the terms in-
side the parentheses of above (62), which is

z m m s
⎝ ⎞
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ ⎠􏼒− j[s]j [s]− 1 [1 − s]m−− 1 j +(m − j)[s]j [1 − s]m−− 1 j [1 − s]− −11 􏼓 q log q, (63)
q q q q q q
zs j 1− q

equation (63) can be written in the following form:

m s
z m ⎝ ⎞
Qj,q (s) � ⎛ ⎠􏼒− j[s]j− 1 [1 − s]m−− 1 j +(m − j)[s]j [1 − s]m−− 1 j− 1 􏼓􏼠q log q􏼡. (64)
q q q q
zs j 1− q

− 1
m− 1 m− 1 j− 1 m− j
Using the (49), we note that 􏼠 􏼡 Qj− 1,q (s) � [s]q [1 − s]q− 1 . (66)
j− 1
1 m− 1 j− 1 (m− 1)− (j− 1)
j− 1,q (s) � 􏼠 􏼡[s]q [1 − s]q− 1 , (65) and in the similar way, we write
j− 1
− 1
m− 1 m− 1 j m− 1− j
or 􏼠 􏼡 Qj,q (s) � [s]q [1 − s]q− 1 . (67)
14 Journal of Mathematics

Plugging the (66 and 67) in the (64) allows us to write

z m m m− 1 − 1 m− 1 − 1 qs log q
Qj,q (s) � ⎝
⎛ ⎠

⎝− j⎝
⎛ ⎠
⎞ m− 1
Qj− 1,q (s) +(m − j) ⎝
⎛ ⎠ ⎟
⎞ Qm− 1 (s)⎞
⎠ 􏼠 􏼡. (68)
zs j j− 1 j 1− q

zxt z zx z ⎝ zx ⎞ ⎠,
It is to be noted that in the above (68), the binomial a � a 􏼠 􏼡� ⎛ (71)
− 1 zxjk zxjk zt zt zxajk
m m− 1
expressions j􏼠 􏼡􏼠 􏼡 �m and
j j− 1 reduces to
− 1
m m− 1 zxt z z n
(m − j)􏼠 􏼡􏼠 􏼡 � m, and thus, the (68) for partial � 􏼐Qm (s)Qnk,q (t)ea 􏼑 � Qm a
j j j,q (s)􏼠 Qk,q (t)􏼡e , (72)
zxajk zt j,q zt
derivative of q-Bernstein polynomial can be written in lower
degree polynomials given by and we can write the partial derivative z/ztQnk (t) in the
z m qs log q similar way as we worked out (69). Thus, the equation (70)
1 m− 1
Qj,q (s) � m􏼐Qm−
j,q (s) − Qj− 1,q (s)􏼑􏼠 􏼡. (69) can be written by appropriately replacing s, m, and j by t, n,
zs 1− q
and k, respectively, in the above (70) to obtain
Substituting (69) in equation (48), we obtain the relation zxt qt log q m n− 1 n− 1 a
for the partial derivative of the q-Bernstein–Bézier surface � n 􏼠 􏼡Qj,q (s)􏼐Qk,q (t) − Qk− 1,q (t)􏼑e . (73)
zxajk 1− q
with respect to the surface parameter s as follows:
zxs qs log q m− 1 m− 1 n a Substituting equations (70) and (73) in equation (46) to
� m􏼠 􏼡􏼐Qj,q (s) − Qj− 1,q (s)􏼑Qk,q (t)e . (70) get
zxajk 1− q

Adopting the same procedure as done for the derivation

of (70), we can find the partial derivative (zxt /zxajk )q that,
with respect to other surface parameter t,

zD(P) log q s m− 1 m− 1 n a log q t m n− 1 n− 1 a

a � 􏽚 􏼠m 􏼠 􏼡q 􏼐Qj,q (s) − Qj− 1,q (s)􏼑Qk,q (t)〈e , xs 〉 + n􏼠 􏼡q Qj,q (s)􏼐Qk (t)q − Qk− 1 (t)q 􏼑〈e , xt 〉􏼡dsdt.
zxjk R 1− q 1− q

qs log q m− 1 n m− 1 m− 1
In above equation (74), we need now the partial de- xs (s, t)q � m􏼠 􏼡 􏽘 􏽘􏼐Q (s) − Ql− 1,q (s)􏼑
1 − q l�0 r�0 l,q
rivatives xs (s, t)q and xt (s, t)q of q-Bernstein–Bézier surface (77)
x(s, t)q . For this purpose, we use the following expression
for the q-Bernstein–Bézier surface x(s, t)q , · Qnr (t)Plr ,
m n
which can be written as
x(s, t)q � 􏽘 􏽘 Qm n
l,q (s)Qr,q (t)Plr , (75)
l�0 r�0 qs log q m− 1 n m− 1 n 10
xs (s, t)q � − m􏼠 􏼡 􏽘 􏽘 Q (s)Qr,q (t)Δ Plr .
and then find its partial derivative with respect to the surface 1 − q l�0 r�0 l,q
parameter s and t. (This can be established by finding di- (78)
rectly the partial derivative of Qnk (s).) The partial derivative
of q-Bernstein–Bézier surface x(s, t)q with respect to its By the symmetry of the resulting (78), we can write the
parameter s is partial derivative of q-Bernstein–Bézier surface x(s, t)q with
m n
respect to surface parameter t as
xs (s, t)q � 􏽘 􏽘􏼠 Qm n
l,q (s)􏼡Qr,q (t)Plr . (76) qt log q m n− 1 m
l�0 r�0
zs xt (s, t)q � − n􏼠 n− 1 01
􏼡 􏽘 􏽘 Q (s)Qr,q (t)Δ Plr . (79)
1 − q l�0 r�0 l,q
Plugging the value of z/zsQm
l,q (s) from (69) in above (76)
to obtain Substituting (78) and (79) in (74), we get
Journal of Mathematics 15

2 m− 1 n
m log q 2s m− 1 m− 1 n a 1 10

⎜ 􏼠 􏼡 q 􏼐 Q j− 1,q (s) − Q j,q (s) 􏼑Q k,q (t)〈e , 􏽘 􏽘 Qm− n
l,q (s)Qr,q (t)Δ Plr 〉 ⎞

⎜ 1 − q l�0 r�0

zD(P) ⎜
⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟

a � 􏽚 ⎜
⎜ ⎟

⎟ dsdt, (80)
zxjk ⎜
⎜ ⎟

⎜ 2 m n− 1 ⎟

⎝ n log q 2t m n− 1 n− 1 a m n− 1 01 ⎟

+􏼠 􏼡 q Qj,q (s)􏼐Qk− 1,q (t) − Qk,q (t)􏼑〈e , 􏽘 􏽘 Ql,q (s)Qr,q (t)Δ Plr 〉
1− q l�0 r�0

which can be written as

m− 1 n

⎜ m2 q2s 􏽘 􏽘􏼐Qm− 1 m− 1 m− 1 m− 1 n n a 10
j− 1,q (s)Ql,q (s) − Qj,q (s)Ql,q (s)􏼑Qk,q (t)Qr,q (t)〈e , Δ Plr 〉 ⎞

⎜ ⎟

log q ⎜
2⎜ l�0 r�0 ⎟
zD(P) ⎜

⎜ ⎟

a �􏽚 􏼠 􏼡⎜⎜
⎜ ⎟

⎟ dsdt. (81)
zxjk R 1 − q ⎜
⎜ ⎟

⎝ 2 2t
m n− 1
m n− 1 n− 1 n− 1 n− 1 n− 1 a 01

+n q 􏽘 􏽘 Qj,q (s)Ql,q (s)􏼐Qk− 1,q (t)Qr,q (t) − Qk,q (t)Qr,q (t)􏼑〈e , Δ Plr 〉
l�0 r�0

The equation (81) can be written as and

zD(P) 2
� Rjk + Sjk , n log q
(82) Sjk � 􏼠 􏼡 􏽚 Njk (s, t)ds dt, (84)
zxajk 1− q R

where in which Mjk (s, t) represents

m log q
Rjk � 􏼠 􏼡 􏽚 Mjk (s, t)ds dt, (83)
1− q R

m− 1 n
Mjk (s, t) � q2s 􏽘 􏽘􏼐Qm− 1 m− 1 m− 1 m− 1 n n a 10
j− 1,q (s)Ql,q (s) − Qj,q (s)Ql,q (s)􏼑Qk,q (t)Qr,q (t)〈e , Δ Plr 〉, (85)
l�0 r�0

and Njk (s, t) stands for

m n− 1
Njk (s, t) � q2t 􏽘 􏽘 􏼐Qn− 1 n− 1 n− 1 n− 1 m m a 01
k− 1,q (t)Qr,q (t) − Qk,q (t)q Qr,q (t)􏼑Qj,q (s)Ql,q (s)〈e , Δ Plr 〉. (86)
l�0 r�0

Equations (85) and (86) can be written as

m− 1 m− 1 m− 1 m− 1 n n

⎜ ⎝
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠
⎞ ⎝
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠
⎞ ⎟

⎟ ⎝ ⎞
⎛ ⎠⎛⎝ ⎞ ⎠

m− 1 n ⎜
⎜ ⎟

⎜ j − 1 l j l ⎟

⎟ k r
Mjk (s, t) � q2s 􏽘 􏽘⎜ ⎜

⎜ Q2m− 2
j+l,q (s) − Q2m− 2 ⎟
l+j,q (t)⎟

⎟ Q2n a 10
k+r,q (t)〈e , Δ Plr 〉,

⎜ 2m − 2 2m − 2 ⎟

⎟ 2n
l�0 r�0⎜

⎝ ⎟
⎠ ⎛

⎛ ⎠
⎞ ⎝
⎛ ⎠
⎞ ⎝ ⎠

j+l− 1 l+j k+r

16 Journal of Mathematics

n− 1 n− 1 n− 1 n− 1 m m

⎜ ⎝
⎛ ⎠
⎞⎛⎝ ⎠
⎞ ⎝
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠
⎞ ⎟

⎟ ⎝ ⎞
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎝ ⎞ ⎠
m n− 1⎜

⎜ ⎟

⎜ k− 1 r k r ⎟

⎟ l j
Njk (s, t) � q2t 􏽘 􏽘 ⎜ ⎜

⎜ Q2n− 2
k+r− 1,q (t) − Q2n− 2 ⎟
r+k,q (t)⎟

⎟ Q2m a 01
l+j,q (s)〈e , Δ Plr 〉.

⎜ 2n − 2 2n − 2 ⎟

⎟ 2m
l�0 r�0 ⎜

⎝ ⎛ ⎟
⎠ ⎛
⎝ ⎠
⎞ ⎝
⎛ ⎠
⎞ ⎝ ⎠

k+r− 1 r+k l+j

The equations (87) and (88) can be rewritten as

m− 1 m− 1 m− 1 m− 1 n n

⎜ ⎝
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠
⎞ ⎝
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠
⎞ ⎟

⎟ ⎝ ⎞
⎛ ⎠⎛⎝ ⎞ ⎠

m− 1 n ⎜
⎜ ⎟

⎜ j− 1 l j l ⎟

⎟ k r
Mjk (s, t) � q2s 􏽘 􏽘⎜ ⎜

⎜ Q2m− 2
j+l,q (s) − Q2m− 2 ⎟
l+j,q (t)⎟

⎟ Q2n 10
k+r,q (t)Δ Plr , (89)

⎜ 2m − 2 2m − 2 ⎟

⎟ 2n
l�0 r�0⎜

⎝ ⎟
⎠ ⎛

⎛ ⎠
⎞ ⎝
⎛ ⎠
⎞ ⎝ ⎠

j+l− 1 l+j k+r


n− 1 n− 1 n− 1 n− 1 m m

⎜ ⎝
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠
⎞ ⎝
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠
⎞ ⎟

⎟ ⎝ ⎞
⎛ ⎠⎛
⎝ ⎞ ⎠
m n− 1⎜

⎜ ⎟

⎜ r k k − 1 r ⎟

⎟ l j
Njk (s, t) � q2t 􏽘 􏽘 ⎜ ⎜

⎜ Q2n− 2
k+r,q (t) − Q2n− 2 ⎟
r+k− 1,q (t)⎟

⎟ Q2m 01
l+j,q (s)Δ Plr . (90)

⎜ 2n − 2 2n − 2 ⎟

⎟ 2m
l�0 r�0 ⎜

⎝ ⎟
⎠ ⎝

⎛ ⎠
⎞ ⎝
⎛ ⎠
⎞ ⎛ ⎠

k+r r+k− 1 l+j

Now, we find the integrals of Mjk (s, t) (89) and that of

Njk (s, t) (90),

m− 1 n
1,m− 1 2m− 2 1,m− 1 2m− 2 2n 10
􏽚 Mjk (s, t)dsdt � 􏽘 􏽘􏼐ξ m−
j− 1,l δj+l− 1 (s) − ξ m−
j,l δj+l (s)􏼑ξ n,n
k,r δk+r (t)Δ Plr , (91)
R l�0 r�0


m n− 1
1,n− 1 2n− 2 n− 1,n− 1 2n− 2 2m 01
􏽚 Njk (s, t)dsdt � 􏽘 􏽘 􏼐ξ n−
k− 1,r δ k+r− 1 (t) − ξ r,k δr+k (s)􏼑ξ m,m
l,j δl+j (s)Δ Plr , (92)
R l�0 r�0

Journal of Mathematics 17

m m Plugging the (83) and (84) in (91) and (92), respectively,

⎛ ⎠⎛
⎞ ⎝ ⎠
⎞ it gives
j l
ξ m,m
j,l � ,

⎛ ⎠
⎞ (93)

δ2m 2s 2m
j+l (s) � 􏽚 q Qj+l (s)ds.

m log q m− 1,n m− 1,m− 1 2m− 2 1,m− 1 2m− 2 2n 10
Rjk � 􏼠 􏼡 􏽘 􏼐ξ j− 1,l δj+l− 1 (s) − ξ m−
j,l δj+l (s)􏼑ξ n,n
k,r δk+r (t)Δ Plr , (94)
1− q i,j�0


n log q m,n− 1 n− 1,n− 1 2n− 2 n− 1,n− 1 2n− 2 2m 01
Sjk � 􏼠 􏼡 􏽘 􏼐ξ k− 1,r δk+r− 1 (t) − ξ r,k δr+k (t)􏼑ξ m,m
l,j δ l+j (s)Δ Plr . (95)
1− q i,j�0

Substituting the value of Rjk (94) and the value of Sjk (95)
in (81), we find that

zD(P) m log q m− 1,n m− 1,m− 1 2m− 2 m− 1,m− 1 2m− 2 2n 10
� 􏼠 􏼡 􏽘 􏼐ξ j− 1,l δj+l− 1 (s) − ξ j,l δj+l (s)􏼑ξ n,n
k,r δ k+r (t)Δ Pij
zxajk 1− q i,j�0
2 m,n− 1
n log q n− 1,n− 1 2n− 2 n− 1,n− 1 2n− 2 2m 01
+􏼠 􏼡 􏽘 􏼐ξ k− 1,r δk+r− 1 (t) − ξ r,k δr+k (t)􏼑ξ m,m
l,j δl+j (s)Δ Plr .
1− q i,j�0

The vanishing condition of gradient of Dirichlet function Corollary 7. A control net, P � 􏽮Pjk 􏽯j,k�0 , is an extremal of
is zD(P)/zxajk � 0 for the q- Bernstein–Bézier surface. Thus, the Dirichlet functional with the prescribed border for m � n if
the above (96) yields the equation (43). □ the following constraint on the interior control points is

m− 1,m2
m log q ⎝ m− 1,m− 1 2m− 2 m− 1,m− 1 2m− 2 2m 10
􏼠 􏼡 ⎛ 􏽘 􏼐ξ j− 1,l δj+l− 1 (s) − ξ j,l δj+l (s)􏼑ξ m,m
k,r δk+r (t) × Δ Plr
1− q i,j�0
m,m− 1
1,m− 1 2m− 2 1,m− 1 2m− 2 2m 01
+ 􏽘 􏼐ξ m−
k− 1,r δk+r− 1 (t) − ξ m−
r,k δr+k (t)􏼑ξ m,m
l,j δl+j (s)Δ Plr
⎠ � 0.


Corollary 8. A bi-quadratic quasi-minimal q-Bern- only interior point in this case as the linear combination of
stein–Bézier surface as the extremal of Dirichlet functional known boundary control points (by plugging n � m � 2 and
satisfies the following constraint, which explicitly gives P11 , the j � k � 1 in the equation (97)).
18 Journal of Mathematics

Figure 4: Prescribed border, the quasi-minimal bi-quadratic q-Bernstein–Bézier surface, and the mean curvature function.

q2t 􏼐Δ01 P00 + Δ01 P01 + Δ01 P02 + Δ01 P10 + Δ01 P11 + Δ01 P12 + Δ01 P21 + Δ01 P22 􏼑􏼐q3 − 15q2 + 27q − 37􏼑
− 2q2s 􏼐Δ10 P00 + Δ10 P01 + Δ10 P02 + Δ10 P10 + Δ10 P11 + Δ10 P12 + Δ10 P21 + Δ10 P22 􏼑(1 − q) � 0.

Corollary 9. The shift operator properties that Δ01 Pij � q-Bernstein–Bézier surface as the extremal of Dirichlet
Pij+1 − Pij and Δ10 Pij � Pi+1j − Pij , for q � 0.2, enable us to functional is obtained by taking n � m � 2; in this case, we
reduce the equation (98) for the bi-quadratic quasi-minimal have only the choice that j � 1 and k � 1 for Pjk , which
q-Bernstein–Bézier surface as the extremal of Dirichlet gives us P11 in terms of known boundary control points. In
functional as follows: particular, for q � 1, the above expression (98) reduces to
1 equation (100) which is standard result obtained for P11 for
P11 � − 29P00 + 29P01 − 29P02 + 42P10 + 86P12 bi-quadratic quasi-minimal Bézier surface by Monterde
113 (99) [19], and its mean curvature function of surface parameters
− 29P20 + 0.1P21 − 2P22 􏼁. is shown in Figure 5.
P11 � 2P00 − 3P01 − 5P12 + 9P02 + P10 + 2P02 + 3P21 + P22 􏼁.
Figure 4 represents the prescribed control net (first (100)
figure of Figure 4), related bi-quadratic quasi-minimal
q-Bernstein–Bézier surface (for q � 0.2, m � 2, and n � 2
given by second figure of Figure 4) and the mean curvature Corollary 11. A bicubic q-Bernstein–Bézier surface is an
function (third figures of Figure 4) for the schematic il- extremal of the Dirichlet functional with prescribed border for
lustration of the quasi-minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier sur- n � m � 3 and j � k � 1, 2. For example, for q � 0.2, the
faces described in Proposition 1, together with the constraint equation (43) gives us four constraints on the
unknown interior point P11 obtained from the vanishing interior control points P11 , P12 , P21 , P22 that depend on the
condition for the gradient of Dirichlet functional (99). boundary control points, which are
Corollary 10. A bi-quadratic quasi-minimal

P11 � − 11.48P00 − 11.48P01 − 11.48P02 − P10 − P13 − 0.50P20 − 0.50P23 + 7.96P31 + 7.97P32 + 7.97P33 ,
P12 � 4.86P01 + 4.86P02 + 4.86P03 + 0.81P13 + P20 + P21 + P22 + P23 − 2.16P30 − 2.16P31 − 2.16P32 ,
. (101)
P21 � 4.86P01 + 4.86P02 + 4.86P03 + 0.81P13 + P20 + P21 + P22 + P23 − 2.16P30 − 2.16P31 − 2.16P32 ,
P22 � 4.10P00 + 4.32P01 + 4.32P02 − 0.33P10 − 0.33P13 + P20 + P23 + 1.99P30 + 1.99P31 + 1.99P32 + 1.99P33

As an instance of a bi-cubic quasi-minimal q-Bern- whereas the bicubic quasi-minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier

stein–Bézier surface for q � 0.2, m � 3, and n � 3, Figure 6 surface and its mean curvature are shown in second and
serves as an illustrative example of the Proposition 1 for the third figures along with the unknown interior control points
quasi-minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier surface. In Figure 6, the P11 , P12 , P21 , and P22 , worked out from the vanishing
boundary control points of the bicubic quasi-minimal condition of gradient of the Dirichlet functional given by
q-Bernstein–Bézier surface are shown in its first figure, equation (43) as control net of the surface. We conclude the
Journal of Mathematics 19

Figure 5: The mean curvature function of the bi-quadratic quasi-minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier surface.

Figure 6: Prescribed border, the bi-cubic quasi-minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier surface, and the mean curvature function.

section with the remark that the problem of finding the q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces, have been discussed and the
quasi-minimal q-Bernstein–Bézier surface as the extremal of corresponding quasi-minimal surfaces as the extremal of
Dirichlet functional is thus reduced to solving the algebraic Dirichlet functional are achieved by finding the linear al-
constraints for the interior control points in terms of gebraic constraints on the interior control points of the
boundary control points as the outcome of vanishing prescribed border (boundary control points) as the outcome
condition of gradient of Dirichlet functional. For schematic of the vanishing condition for this functional gradient of
illustration, bi-quadratic and bicubic quasi-minimal Dirichlet functional. The unknown interior control points
q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces are given as representative computed through this scheme along with given boundary
examples. control points can be used to plot the minimal surfaces. We
call the quasi-minimal surface determined as the extremal of
Dirichlet functional as the quasi-minimal q-Bern-
4. Conclusion stein–Bézier surface. We have included the representative
The Bézier surfaces and minimal surfaces arising as the examples for the illustration of the scheme for bi-quadratic
extremal of certain energy functional appear quite frequently and bi-cubic q-Bernstein–Bézier surfaces for q � 0.2. The
in the mathematical models of surface formation in com- work can be extended not only for the surfaces as the
puter science for computer-aided geometric design extremal of other functionals but also for the surfaces
(CAGD), computer graphics, and other disciplines of spanned by various polynomials as well as for Stancu
mathematics. A minimal surface is defined as a surface of polynomials, Hermite polynomials, Bernoulli polynomials,
minimal area that has vanishing mean curvature everywhere and others.
on the surface. One of the widely used restrictions is to find
out the Bézier surface of minimal area as the extremal of Data Availability
various energy integrals by the vanishing condition of
gradient of such a functional. A class of surfaces, namely, the No data were used to support this study.
20 Journal of Mathematics

Conflicts of Interest [20] J. Monterde and H. Ugail, “A general 4th-order PDE method
to generate Bézier surfaces from the boundary,” Computer
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. Aided Geometric Design, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 208–225, 2006.
[21] G. E. Farin and D. Hansford, “Discrete Coons patches,”
Computer Aided Geometric Design, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 691–700,
Acknowledgments 1999.
[22] R. Schneider and L. Kobbelt, “Geometric fairing of irregular
One of the authors, Ferdous M.O. Tawfiq, gratefully ac- meshes for free-form surface design,” Computer Aided Geo-
knowledges the support of the grant in part funded by the metric Design, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 359–379, 2001.
Researchers Supporting Project (Number RSP2022R440), [23] M. I. G. Bloor and M. J. Wilson, “An analytic pseudo-spectral
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. method to generate a regular 4-sided PDE surface patch,”
Computer Aided Geometric Design, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 203–219,
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