Possible Research Questions

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Possible Research Questions

 How can this study help you as a students?

This study can help as an abm students if were planning to have our
own business in the future, by this study we are already aware on
what difficulties experienced by entrepreneurs and to know what
challenges need to consider when starting a business.

 What is your research study all about?

Our study is all about the difficulties experienced by the street

 Why did you choose this particular title for your

We choose this title for our research proposal because this study
attempts to explore and explain the difficulties experienced by the
street vendors.

 What is the scope your study?

This study will focus on the street vendors in Mercado de Bais at Bais
City. The scope of this study is limited to 10 street vendors who are
having difficulties in street vending.

 Who will be the most interested in your research?

Since our study deals with the difficulties experienced by the street
vendors I think the most interested on this study is the street vendors
because they will be guided in adopting new strategic plans that may
increase operational and financial efficiencies.

 Did your research questions evolve during the process,

if so how?
Yes , during group discussion we decided to change our questions
from only knowing the difficulties experienced by the street vendors to
also know about the strategic plan they use in selling and how they
sustained in selling their product, another concern is that maybe the
questions will be too sensitive for the respondents.

 Why is your research significant?

Our study is significant since it will have an impact to our community
especially the street vendors and us abm students and a future
entrepreneurs because this study can make our mind wider and
aware on what to experience when starting a business.

 What did you find in your research?

In our study on the difficulties experienced by the street vendors, we
found that starting a business is a significant achievement for many
entrepreneurs but maintaining one is a challenge. In addition there are
many common challenges every business faces, whether they are
large or small.

 What sampling techniques did you use?

This study uses the simple random sampling method where the
researcher will pick from the box for 10 random street vendors as a

 What are the limitations encountered?

The limitations we encountered was the environment of our study
since it focuses only in Mercado de Bais also the sample size of our

 Recommendations
If we will be given a chance, we would like to continue this study to
gather more information about this particular research topic.
 Did you experience any limitations in your research?
 How can your research be put into practice?
 What sources did you use for your data collection?
 What is the validity of your findings?
 What gaps did you intend to bridge with your research?
 What phenomenon were you trying to understand with
this research?
 Why did you choose this research methodology?
 Why do you think your research is reliable?
 What is the goal of your study?

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