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Title Year of respondents Statistical tools Findings


THE 2019 Employee Percentage The relationship between

ACCEPTABILITY employers and persons with
TOWARDS PWD'S disabilities are based on
AT WORKPLACE employer’s ethical norms or
OF SM IN traditional morals not regulated
BATANGAS CITY by social and civil responsibility or
law. The research shows, that the
barriers to the employment of
persons with disabilities are
mainly associated with non-
adapted factors. The government
should effort to create an
enabling environment (enforcing
existing laws, providing incentives
to employers who employ
persons with disabilities,
providing skills for persons with
disabilities) to increase the
participation of persons with
disabilities in economic activities.
It is necessary to increase public.
awareness, create an adaptive
environment for persons with
2021 employee Collecting data In today's scenario, where we are
talking about inclusive education,
everyone should know.
about it. Because the way we
introduce inclusive education is
how we perceive things, and
we want others to perceive it.
Hence it can be concluded that
awareness of inclusive.
education is very much crucial to
Students with Disability. Still, it
should be restricted to
Students with Disabilities only but
for everyone else, including all
categories of inclusive.
education, to develop an inclusive
culture and inclusive values
among everyone. Therefore,
the government should carry out
some certificate courses,
workshops, orientation program
guidance and counselling sessions
to increase the students and
teachers' awareness with
inclusive education, awareness
regarding the norms and facilities
they should get from others.
2014-2015 Health-care As communication would open
professionals, door for understanding towards
and social PWDs, in their absence,
welfare workers organization must create
by proactively visiting PWDs
facilities under CSR activities to
create the first step of mutual
communication. Though
level relating to special needs of
the PWDs is high among
individuals at work place, without
practical knowledge and
information (derivable from face
to face communication) to guide
such instinct into the right
direction of action, effort to
them could be wrongly
interpreted and executed that
they might yield adverse effect.
Government’s approach through
sharing about PWDs to public and
private organizations, supported
by NGOs, may accelerate the
information gaining process.
These actions should then be
strengthened by systematic effort
to educate the top management
level of the organization in order
to raise their awareness toward
the special needs of PWDs (not
only in employment but in day-
to-day living) as they are
theleader, policy maker and
exemplary figure in work place
2021 employers and The results of the research
co-workers conducted among Polish and
Finnish employers showed that
openness and willingness to
employ PwD can be reduced to
summative scales, which means
that it is possible to use an
approach independent of the
type of disability (high Cronbach’s
alpha values for both analysed
issues). However, more detailed
analyses performed on
respondents from the samples of
Polish and Finnish employers
proved that the use of summative
scales causes a loss of important
information, and, for example,
the omission of significant
differences in the perception of
cognitive disability in both
countries. According to the
authors, this problem requires
further in-depth research. For this
purpose, it seems that it is
worthwhile to analyze the
differences between individual
countries in the context of
cultural dimensions that may
have a significant influence on
the perception of disability both
in the social space and workplace.
The limitation of the study is that
it covers only two countries. It
would be worth continuing
research in other European
countries, including those
differing in terms of cultural
dimensions or welfare state
Title Year of Respondents Statistical tools findings
PERSPECTIVE OF 2013-2015 rural This study set out to
LOCAL TOURISTS communities in investigate
ON the Terai community
ENVIRONMENTAL (lowland) perceptions of
ISSUES OF region of Nepal environmental and
MATABUNGKAY climate-relevant
BEACH IN issues within two
BATANGAS communities in the
Terai region of
Nepal. Specifically,
we sought to address
4 related research
questions; (1) How
do community
members perceive
their environment?
(2) How do they see
that environment
changing in future?
(3) To what degree
are communities
aware of climate
change? (4) How
important is climate
change in
comparison to other
issues? A range of
environmental and
issues emerged
within current and
future perspectives.
Perspectives were
focused primarily on
local issues rather
than wider
conditions. Issues
linked to health and
well-being were of
importance, while
climate change was
hardly mentioned in
either community,
either as a current or
future problem.
However, there was
common awareness
of temperature and
weather changes in
the local climate,
though the vast
majority did not link
these changes to
climate change. We
now move on to
discuss the results of
our analyses in more
2021 Local tourist The findings of the
study arrived with
recommendations for
future researchers
who will be
studying the same
topic to include other
variables such
as ocean
acidification, light
pollution, and others
focusing on the
marine environment
itself aside from
pollution, carrying
capacity, habitat
modification, and
waste management
that could also
influence the level
of perception of
tourists. Given that
the study was
conducted mainly for
top beaches of
Batangas and does
not include other top
beaches from other
provinces, it
is also recommended
to carry out a study
within other
top beaches in the
Philippines or other
destinations such our
mountains, rivers, or
lakes that
would be a great
contribution to the
growth of research
about Philippine
Furthermore, a
qualitative approach
may be conducted,
specifically a
study to evaluate the
experiences of
tourists on the
subject matter and
such study may also
utilize a different
method in
of other respondents
such as professors,
and residents around
2019 Local people Summarizing it can
be stated that
although sustainable
development and
sustainable tourism
are gaining more and
more attention;
however, the
following are not
completely neither by
tourism service
suppliers, providers
nor by the very
tourists. In order
that sustainable and
responsible tourism
turned into a social
norm, it is needed to
educate both
organizations and
consumers as well
interested parties

There are new

perspectives of
sustainable tourism
development in terms
of products and
services, focusing on
new tourism kinds
and separate
consumers' segments,
focusing on elderly
and disabled as well
as green tourism
services. During the
last two decades, due
to globalization,
tourism has turned to
be available to many
people, especially of
the middle‐class, and
as a result, tourism
industry has become
one of the greatest
industry fields in the
world. Although,
tourism has become
available to a
majority, and was is
easier to travel, some
social groups, for
example, disabled
people and seniors
usually were
underestimated and
forgotten in the
tourism market, as
they represented the
minority that have
low economic power.
However, due to the
low rate of birth in
the whole world and
the high number of
the elderly, this
situation has got a
new trend and
currently, seniors
have become a wide
and important group
that provides with
greater use of
tourism services than
other groups.

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