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Sub.iect: tes of Comm 2023

A meeting of the Foreigrr Training Committee (FTC) was held on 12tl' May. 2023 at 1000
hours. Meeting was chairecl by the Acting Secretary, EAD. List of participants is placed at (Annex-I).

2. Keeping in viewlhe eligibility criteria and suitability for the course, the following nominees
have been approved by the FTC, subject to the conditions that the nomine-e is a regular employee and

has successfully completed'his probation period with no inquiries pending against him/her: -

Sr.# Title of Trainin g/Course/Seminar Deeisions

"Sustainable Development Strategies for Multi

- Sectoral Nutrition Improvement in the South Nomination: -
Asia Region" to be.held from 26tt' Jwe,'2023 to
07tl'July, 2023 (Online) & llth luly,2023 to 1. IvIr. Shahid Saleem, Commissioner
Sibi Division, Govt. of Balochis
tan (Principal)

Training Sho{ Course on "Strategies in FTC the Eollowins

Produciion Halal Safe and Effective Natural Nomination: -
Bioactive for Cgsmeceutical .Applications" to
be held from 02nd - 1lttt luly,Z023 Under the 1. M..-, Arqam Tariq, - Special
Malaysian Technical Cooperation Progr4mme Secretary, Finance Department,
(MTCP) at Malaysia. Govt. of the Punjab, Lahore
(Principal) {subject to rhe
:ilbmis sion of r e q uis it e ckt ctun e n t s
ancl Qompletion oJ cll codal
.fo r nutl itie s and r ul e s/prut c e ch n" e s )

J Training Course on 'oSugarczure Planting and

Processing Technology for Pakistan" to be held
fronr 0l't -201h June,2023 at China.

':, ,1. /
. "..., :-li..iili'r
3. Dr. Nadia Mangrio, Senior
Scientist, Sugarcane Research
Institute, Agriculture Research
Center, Tandojam, Sindh
(Principal-Ifl) {Subject to the
submission of requisite documents
and Completion of all codal
for mal it ie s and rule s/pr oceclur esrt

Dr. Bina, - Senior Scientist,

Sugarcane Research Institute,
Agriculture,l Research Center;
Tandojam, Sindh (Principal-IV)
{Subject tq lhe submisiion oJ
requisite . document.; and
Comple t ion oJ' all codal forntalitibs
and ruleslitrocedures) J

5: Dr,, Sagheer Ahmad, .principal

Scientific 'Officer/ NC (Sugu
Crops), Plant Science Division,
Pakistan Agriculture Research
Council (PARC), Islamabad
(Principal-V) {Subject to the

and Completion of all codal

formaliti e s and rule s/pro ce clur e s ]
6. Dr. Muhammad Ishaque MaStoi,
Principal Scientific Officer/
Director Plant Sciences Division,
' Pakistan Agricultute Research
Council, - PARC Islamabad
(Principal-Vl) {Subject the to
submtssion of requtstte documents
' and Completion of ull codal
:: Jb rmatitie s and rul ei/pr;ocedures]
7. Dr'.. Ali {.lassan IVlari, Senior
Scientific Officer (NSTFTTU),
Thatta, Sindh, Fakistan Agricuhure
-i, ResearchCouncil(Principal-Vfl)
!,\ttbitt't to tlta .stthnt i,t,siort ttf
,.',,. ' 1'ccltti,sila docttmenl.,t unct
('ot n pl cti r t tt o,f u I I uxk I .li tt.tttcr I i t i a.s.

tt ttd t' t t I t,.s:t 1t t' r tcc d u r c.s j

8. Dr.- Muhammad Chohan, Senior
, Scientific Officer (NSTHRI),
Thatta, Sindh, Pakistan Agriculture
Research Council
(Principal-Vlll) {Subject to the,
,yuhrnission of re.ttuisite do cuntents
und Clontpletion o/ ull
./itytneili tie s anel rul e s/pr oc e dur e s )

9. Mrs. Saima Arain, S

Scientific Offrcer INSTHRI),
Thatta, Sindhi Pakistan Agriculture
Research Co-uncil (Principal-IX)
(Sub.iect to 'the suhmis,sion
retluisite . docuntents and
C omple t ion oJ' all coclal .firmalities,

10. Ms.' Samrebn Khanzada; Senicii"

Scientist Sugarcane Research
Institute, Agriculture Research
Center, - tTandojhm, Sindh
(Principal-X) " {Subject to the
.su hntis.s ion of rcquis ite tlocument s

arul Complction o./ ull cotktl

.fb rmal i tie,s and rule s/p r oc e dure.s )

11. Ms. Shazia Yasin, Principal

Scientist, Plant' Disease Research
Institute, Tandojam, Sindh
(Principal-X! tSuhjact kt the
i,;uhmission t{' requisite documents
qnd Completion o.f codal all
.f'or mal ities and rul e sip r oc e dur es)

.'}i::t., -'..1 ,'.' l

roitliir:i . ' ' "'.1i1;
Di Mafi och, Plant
Geneties, Sindh
Agriculture nl verslty Tandojam
(P rincipal- xrr) {Sttbject the
t?ltssto ,r.f requ6l doc ttntenls
ctntl Completion oJ' ull coclal
.f b r m aI i t i e.s ct nd ru I e,t/p ro c e tI u r e.s:.,t

13. Mr. Jamal Yousaf, Associate

Plofessor,' Department of
. Agricult&re, University of Swabi,
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar
(Principal-Xlll) {Sibiect to .the
subrnis,sion of recluis ite documents
and Completion of att coclcrl
.fo r nru I it ie s ond r ul e s/pr oc c th re :; I

14. Mr. , Muhammad Zttbair,

Agriculture Officer, District Bagh,
Plaming &, Development
Department, Govt. of Azad Jammu
& Kashmir, Muzaffarabad
(Principal-XlV) {subjet' fo the
ion of requis ite documents
.. trncl Campletton .at'' "all 'catlal
. .formulities und rules/procedure,sI
15. Mr. Anjum Shehzad, Principal
Scientific Officer, IPEP, National
Agriculture Research Centqr
(NARC), Islamabad
(Principal-X$ {Subject to the
:suh m i s s io n of re qui.s i te doc ument s
and Completion of ull codal
/br mal i t ie.s and rul e s/pr oc e dure s j

16. Mr. Ghulam Muhil.uddin Kaloi,

Principal Scientific Officer,
NSTHRI, Thatta, - Sindh
(Alternate-I) {Subject . to rhe
suhmi ss ion c{- lequisite docuinents
uncl (lompletiort of ull coclal
.fb r mal it ie s and rtqles/pyocedur es ]
17. Dr.Illahi Baklish, Senior Scientific
' Officer, (NSTHRI), Thatta, Sindh.
(Alternate-trI)' {Subject to the
subm is,;ion oJ' requ,is ite documents
und Completion o.f all codal
18. Dr'. .Shahid Airmed,
Scienti Frc Officer, CDRI,
' Agriculturc Itesealch Cedter

(Altcrnatc-llI) isubiect , to rlra

s u btn i s',t' i t-t n o./' r e q u i s i t e c{o cir nt e: n t.s

fi ; r ru er| i I i e.t' an cl r u I e :;/1n" oca du r:a 5: f .,

19. Mr. Riaz Noor Panhwar, Senior

Scientific Officer, NSTHRI Thafl.a.
Sindlr (Alternate-lY) {Subject to
lllc submission o.f requisite
tlocumanl,r ancl Complelion o1' ul!
coclul Jbrmditie,s ctntl
' rules/7x'ocetlw'estt ;^

4 Master's Degree :/Doctoral Programmes. in FTC Recommended the Following

'Clrina for the Year 2024 -26" at China.

i. (Moster Program in Public Policy (One 1. Mr. Moneeb Ahmad Barlas,

Year) Section Offi cer, Aviation Division,
Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad
2. Mr. Niaz Ahmed, Assistant
Cornmissioner, Services & General
Admirristration, Govt. of the
Punjab, Lahore (Principal-Il)
!subjcct [0 lhe suhmission t1/'
..requisitc docurncnts und
()ontp|etion tfi' alI codal./bnaalitic.s
u.ntl ruI el;/1trocedure s )

ii. Master Program in Public 1. Syed Waseem Hassan, Deptrty

Administration Notibnal Development, " Secretary, Communication &.
&te Year (Peking University) Works Department, South, Govt.
of the Punjab, Lahore
(Principal-IlD !subject to tlte
,r uhmi,s:; ion of' reEi,s ite documc n Ls
ond' Contpletion oJ all cotlql
.frtrnu I i t i e s and rule s/proc e dur e s )
,u. 2023 Doctoral Progrgm of Theoretical 1.. Mr. Qasir Abbas Rind, Deputy
Economics, Nationul Development, Secretary, Forestry Wildlife and
Tltree Years (Peking Universiq) Fisheries Department, Govt. of the
Punjab, Lahore (Principal-IV)
{Sulticcl to thc submissictn o./'
requi,tile clocLtmcnls ctntl
(' o t tt io n of' ull cot)ct l ./brmul
ltlc t iti a,t
ctnd J
2. Ms. Nadia
Cllief;i Ministry of Economic
Affairs, ' Govt. of Pakistdn,

Islamabad (Principal-Y) {subject

ta lhe subruission of re quisite
clocuments antd Contplelion' of all
coclal Jbrmaltties uncl

3. Mr. Mansoor Ali, Assistant Chief,

PIA Section, Minisiry of Planning,
Development & Special Initiatives,
Govt. of
Pakistan, Islamabad
(Alternate-l)' isubject to the
s'ubmtsston of reguisite douments
und CompleJion o/' all codal
.for malit ie s and rule s/pr oc e dure s )
2023 Master Program of Urbap Rural l. Mr. Arif Ahsan, Assistant Director
Planning, Ttyo Years (Beijing Jiaotong. (Buildings), qG M&E, Planning &
(Iniversitlt) Development Board, Govt. of the
Punjab, Lahore (Principal-Vl)
{Subject to-: the submis.yion
requistte . documents and
Coiryletion of itll codal forrnelities
an d r t l e s/pr o c e dur e srt

Mr. Khurram Raza,Harul, Assistant

Director, Planning & Development
Board, Govt. of the Punjab, Lahore
(Alternate.Il) {Subject
suhmission of requisite docurnents
und Completion oJ alt utdal
fo rnali ties and rul e s/proce chtre s]

v. 2023 Master Program on Traffic & 1. Mr. Javid Iqbal Sailib, Secretary,
Transportation Engineering, Two Regional Transport Authority
Years,: (B e ij ing J iaoto ng U ryive rc ity) Gujranwala (Principal-Vll)
{subjeit to. the submission oJ'
recluisite documents and
C o mplet ion of all coclal Jit r n cil it ie s
an d rul e s /proc e dur e.rrt .

vL 2023- M,.aster Program of Business l. Syed Usman Munir Bukhari,

Atlmtnistration, One Yetr (Beijtng Additional Deputy Commissioner,
' Normal UTiversity) Sahiwal (Atternate-Ill) {subject
to the submission of requisite
documents and Contplbtion of all
codal formalities qnd
2023 ll,[oster Progrant:of Educotiointtl Ms. Faiza, Ahsan, DepLrty
Sect:etary, Higher Educatiou
Dcpartment, Govt. of the Purrjab.
[-alrore (Principal-VllI) i.\ultjt'ct
lo thc'ion of' reqtti.titc
:, tlicuntcn{.t aml Contpletion o/'utl
ctxltrl ./itrmtiitias' trttrl
n r I e s /p'r' olc e d ur e.; )

vut. 2023 Internationut Executive lVlaster -i. Ms. Aqsa Shoukat, Assistant
Progrtm of Business Administrilion, Director, Bureau of Statistics,
One Year (University of Internationul Planning & Development Boald,
Business & Economics) Govt. of the, Funjab, Lahore
(Principal-IX) {subicct to the
' suhmi.s.sion of reqttisite documents
utul Conqtletion rl alt atclal
./ b r m uli tie s un cl r u I e s/pr oca tlu r e.s ]

2023 MOFCOM ,Scholarship, CSC 1- Mr. Safwan Ullah Khan, Director,

Prog ram (C h ina Scho l arship t o un cil) Senate SecrEtariat, Islamabad
(Principal-X), {Sub.ject to the
. :;uhnti:;,rion of .raquisile tlot'untcul.y
and Cprnpletidn o.f all .codal
. .fb r mal i tie.s and lil es/proce dur es )

2. Mr. MuhammadAwais, Additiorral

Secretary (Welfare), Services &
General Administration
Department, Govt of the Punjab,
Lahore (Principal -Xl)'{ Subj e c t to
lhc submission oJ- requisitO
cloc'uments and Completion oJ all
cotlsl. ./brmulities : and
ni e:;/procedure,sI

-_a :. ta ./

ttt 0f International I Mr. iifrn Anwar

(liangxi Deptlty Se:cretary,, I-Iigher
oJ'Finance and.Econoruics) l;lducatiou Department; GqvL of
Punjab I;ahore
(Principal-XIl) {SuQject to the
su bntiss ion retluisite dotumenI s
and Contpletion of all cadal
.forrnal it i e s ctnd rul e s/pro c e clure sj

xt 2023 Master Program of Public 1. Ms. Fozia Altaf Cheema, Assistant

Administration^ in Internationa'l Director (Planning), . Planning :&
Devielopment & Governonce, Two Development Board, Lahore
Yeers (Tsinghua Uniuers ity) (Principal-Xlll) {Subject' to the
subwisston' of requisite documen.ts
und Complation of' all codal
.fo r m a I it i e.t a n tl r ul e s /p ro c e tlu r e.s )

xu. 2023 Internationtal Master Prograi of Mr. Haider Abbas, Assistant

Public Administration, one Year Commissioner (Gujrat), Services
(Tsinghua University) & General Administration
Department, Govt. of the Punjab,
Lahore, (Principal-XlV) {suhiect
to the subtnission oJ- requisite
.clocrunents and Comltletion aJ att
codal , formalities ,und
rtile.s/proccdtre s)

xiii. 2023 Internutional M&ster Program in 1. Mr. I{ashid Latrf, Deputy

Environmenta.l Management & Secretary, Mines and Minerals
Sustainable Development, Two I)epartment, Govt. of the Punjab,
(Tongji Univetsity) Lahore (Alternate-lY) {subject to
thc submi.ssion oJ' requisite
tlocunrcnts and Completion of all
. coda! .fbrmalities qnd

xiv. ,2023 Internationol Mater Progarm of ,' l. Ms. Fatima Zia, Assistant Director
Project Management, Two Years (Monitoring), Director General
(Yunnan University of Finance & Monitoring & Evaluation,
Economic) Planning& Development Board,
Govt. of the Punjab, Lahore
@rincipal-Xv) ' {Subject to the
.yubmission of requis ite docmnents
and Completioh qf ull codal
,fbrntal itie s and lul e s/proc e &re s]

' : r .. ,
'il..i, :"r',' '- :, '1i:!lrt:{}'r1i
2 023 Maste r Progrant oJ I ntentatianal
Comman:ictiiions, 'One ' Yeur
(Co mmun ic atio rl, Un ivers i ty of C ttrna)

/ rctquisite.
clttcttntcnl.t trttcl ( on\tlc1 io11 ofull

Section Offrcer (LIN-IIY
Secretary (FTC)

2.' APS to Joint Secretaiy (Training), Establishment Division.

3. APS to Joint Secretary (tIN), gaD.

5. Section Officer (China-II),.EAD.

6. Section Offrcer (SEA), EAD. ' ,'
7. Assistant Prosr4mmer (Computer Seclion) to up-load the Minutes of the meeting on
EAD's Official Website. , l

EAD's U.O.No. 1 (1) fTc/fi{inutes/2023, dated IG-05-2023 ;


bject: - on
l2tlt M 2023.

S. No. Name & Designation Min is trylDivis io u/D ep a rtm en t

1 Mr. Muhammad llumair Karim Ministry of Economic Affairs

Acting Secretary

2 Ms. Anita'furab : Ministry of Economic Affairs

Joint Secretary (UN):

Ms. Sheena Ali oor Ministry of Economic Affairs

Joint Secretary (EC/Japan)

4 Ms. Nasira Batool. Ministry of Economic Affairs

Joint Secretary, lChina;

5 Mr. Miran Muhiyuddin Establishment Division

Joint Secrctary (Training)

6 Mr. Fareed Sultan Ministry of Economic Affairs

Section Officer (uN-lll)/Secretary (FTC)

7 Ms. Pirah Aftab. Ministry of Eponomic Affairs

Section Officer (China-II)

* ?t r( * ?k ?t rr * rr rk ?k rr'* * rr ?k ?k ?k

i-' -.1. ,: i.ti ta,tr

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