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Contract No. Lib1-03-2019

Table of Contents

1.0 Summary of Purpose and Philosophy

1.1 Contractor Qualifications 1

1.2 Scheduling Software Requirements 1
1.3 Pre-bid Meetings 2

2.0 Required Products

2.1 Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) and Activity Code Breakdown 2

2.2 Preliminary Project Schedule (first 30 calendar days) 2
2.3 Project Schedule 2
2.4 Submittal / Procurement Schedule 2
2.5 Schedule Updates 2
2.6 Recovery Schedules 2
2.7 Look-ahead Schedules 2
2.8 Requests for Time Extensions 2

3.0 Execution

3.1 Use of Critical Path Method 2

3.2 Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) and Activity / Project Codes 2
3.3 Preliminary Project Schedule (first 30 calendar days) 2
3.4 Project Schedule 3
3.5 Project Schedule Updates – Weekly 5
3.6 Contractor Changes to the Project Baseline Schedule 6
3.7 Recovery Schedule 7
3.8 Weekly Look-ahead Schedules 7
3.9 Requests for Time Extensions 7

4.0 Contractor Covenants and Guarantees

4.1 Contractor Covenants and Guarantees 8

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1.0 Summary of Purpose and Philosophy

1.0.1 The primary objectives of the Major Project scheduling program are to ensure the adequate
planning, scheduling and execution of the project activities so they may be executed in an
orderly and expeditious manner. These objectives will meet milestones stipulated by the
Contract, optimize coordination between Contractors, and establish the basis for monitoring
individual and overall project progress. The schedules will detect problems that interfere
with the program and allow corrective action to be taken in a timely manner.

1.0.2 Progress measurement shall be based on an evaluation of physical work completed

(elapsed time or man-hours expended are not acceptable). A progress reporting system
shall be developed to minimize subjective evaluations thereby allowing objective
independent progress assessments.

1.0.3 The Contractor is responsible to provide input of data to assist the Owner in preparation,
updating and revising the Project Schedule. The Contractor will coordinate the input from
all other Subcontractors. The Subcontractors shall cooperate with the Contractor to
provide all scheduling requirements herein specified for their respective work scope.

1.0.4 The following types of schedules and data shall be utilized during the course of the project
and shall all be considered part of the Project Schedule.

 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Activity Code Breakdown

 Preliminary Execution Schedule (First Fifteen (15) Calendar Days)
 Project Schedule
 Submittal/Procurement Schedule
 Weekly Schedule Updates
 Recovery Schedule
 Look ahead Schedules
 Time Extension Schedules

1.0.5 The Contractor is responsible to prepare, update and revise the Project Schedule with input
from their associated Subcontractors. The Subcontractors shall cooperate with the
Contractor by establishing the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Activity Code
Breakdown, developing the schedule activities/sequence of work-flow, maintaining the
progress and providing updated information to keep the schedule current.

1.1 Contractor Qualifications

1.1.1 The Contractor shall designate an authorized scheduler/representative who will be

responsible for assisting the Owner’s Scheduler in preparation, updating and maintenance
of all required project schedules. This person shall have previously created and reviewed
Primavera schedules.

1.1.2 The Contractor and Owner shall mutually approve the Scheduling Consultant term contract
list of vendors if the contract stipulates the need or the Contractor does not have the
required scheduling capability.

1.2 Scheduling Software Requirements

1.2.1 The computer software that is required to be utilized by the Contractor to produce the
project schedules outlined herein, shall be Primavera Project Planner (P6) latest version.

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1.3 Pre-bid Meetings

1.3.1 Pre-bid Scheduling Meeting

Any Contractor that is bidding a project is requested to attend the Pre-bid Scheduling
Meeting. The Pre-bid Scheduling Meeting will include a detailed review of the project
phasing plan, mandatory sequence of events for completion of construction, pre-
commissioning and commissioning, operation and function of the facility, planned sequence
of work, contractor coordination, project durations and milestone dates and the specified
scheduling requirements outlined herein.

1.3.2 Pre-Project Scheduling Kick-Off Meeting

Within two (2) weeks of issuance of Notice to Proceed, the Owner will conduct a Pre-
Project Schedule Kick-Off Meeting. All Contractors are required to attend. The Pre-Project
Scheduling Kick-Off Meeting will review the Project phasing plan, planned sequence of
work, commissioning requirements, contractor coordination, project duration and milestone
dates and scheduling requirements for the Preliminary and Baseline Schedules, weekly
schedule updating, and schedule revisions, etc.

2.0 Required Products

2.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Activity Code Breakdown

2.2 Preliminary Project Schedule (First 30 Calendar Days)
2.3 Project Schedule
2.4 Submittal/Procurement Schedule
2.5 Schedule Updates (Weekly)
2.6 Recovery Schedules
2.7 Look-ahead Schedules
2.8 Requests for Time Extensions

3.0 Execution

3.1 Use of Critical Path Method

3.1.1 The Critical Path Method (CPM) of network calculations shall be used to generate the
project schedule. The Contractor shall provide the project schedule in Precedence
Diagram Method (PDM).

3.2 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and the use of Activity / Project Codes

3.2.1 The Contractor shall submit within fourteen (14) calendar days of issuance of Notice to
Proceed, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the schedule. Owner approval is
required for use in preparing the Preliminary Project Schedule and Construction Schedule.
The WBS must be the basis for the structure of the Contract Cost Breakdown.

3.2.2 The Contractor shall submit within fourteen (14) calendar days of issuance of Notice to
Proceed, an Activity Code Breakdown template in hard copy format, as generated by the
Primavera Scheduling software, for the Owner’s approval.

3.3 Preliminary Project Schedule (First 30 Calendar Days)

3.3.1 Within thirty (30) days of issuance of Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit to the
Owner the Preliminary Project Schedule that shows all planned work activities for the first

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ninety (90) calendar days. This schedule will be prepared using the Oracle Primavera P6
scheduling software and will follow all criteria outlined herein, including manpower loading
and cost loading, per activity. The data for this schedule should be the Notice-to-Proceed
date and no progress will be shown on the schedule even if work has commenced because
this schedule will be considered a baseline schedule until the Contractors Project Schedule
is completed and approved by the Owner.

3.3.2 The Preliminary Project Schedule shall be submitted to the Owner in both hard copy and
electronic format, as outlined herein.

3.3.3 The Owner will review the Preliminary Project Schedule and provide comments to the
Contractor within seven (7) calendar days of initial submittal.

3.3.4 The Contractor will finalize the Preliminary Project Schedule, incorporating Owner review
comments, seven (7) calendar days of receipt of Owner comments. The Contractor shall
obtain sign-off of the Preliminary Project Schedule from all associated Contractors and re-
submit this schedule in both hard copy and electronic format, for the final Owner approval.

3.3.5 The approved Preliminary Project Schedule will be the basis to monitor, track and update
overall job progress until the Project Schedule is submitted by the Contractor and approved
by the Owner.

3.4 Project Schedule

3.4.1 Within thirty (30) days of issuance of Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit to the
Owner, the Project Schedule that defines in detail the sequence and interdependence of
activities required for the complete performance of all work, beginning with the issuance of
Notice to Proceed and concluding with the date of final completion of all contract work. The
Project Schedule will be prepared with input from all Sub-contractors.

3.4.2 The Project Schedule shall show all activity durations in work-days. The schedule
calendars shall have allowances for holidays on all Contract related work.

3.4.3 The Project Schedule shall comply with all limits imposed by the Scope of Work, with all
contractually specified intermediate milestones and completion dates, and with all
constraints, restraints, sequences and phasing included in the Contract documents.

3.4.4 Activity durations shall not exceed thirty (30) workdays, unless specifically allowed by the
Owner except for non-Project activities such as procurement of materials, delivery of
equipment, and commissioning.

3.4.5 The Project Schedule shall include an appropriate level of detail to show all work, by all
Subcontractors, subject to Owner acceptance. The appropriate level of detail shall include
at the minimum:

 Arrange the schedule by Work Phases, Systems, and Contractors.

 Activities for each task of work, by each Contractor.
 The order and interdependency of activities, indicating the sequence in which the
work is to be performed, as planned by all Contractors. The schedule shall describe
and indicate the critical path or paths.
 Tasks defined as Owner responsibility.
 Specified Commissioning requirements.
 Activities shall not be allowed to cover more than one (1) phase, system or area.

3.4.6 Lag durations contained in the Project Schedule shall not have negative lag values.

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3.4.7 Manpower Loading

 All activities shall have an estimate of the average number of workers per day by
classifications that will be used during the execution of the activity, and the total
number of labor man-hours that will be used during the execution of the work activity.
If no workers are required for an activity, in the case of activities related to
procurement, then the activity shall be identified as using zero (0) workers per day
and zero (0) man-hours for the activity. This is subject to Owner reviews and

3.4.8 Cost Loading

 Each activity shall be cost loaded in a logical manner tying to each Contractors
Contract Cost Breakdown. Each activity cost loading will show separate totals for
labor costs and material costs. The total cost loaded value of each activity will be the
sum of the total labor cost and total material cost.

3.4.9 Identification of Work Shift

 Identify with each activity, the planned work shifts per day, and planned workdays per

3.4.10 Scheduled Project Completion

A. Project Start Date

 The Project Schedule shall start no earlier than the date that the Notice to Proceed
(NTP) is issued. The Project Schedule shall include as the first activity in the Project
Schedule, an activity called “Notice to Proceed”. The “Notice to Proceed” activity
shall have an “ES” (early start) constraint date equal to the date that the NTP is

 Constraint of Last Activity - Completion of the last activity in the Project Schedule
shall be constrained by the contract completion date. Schedule calculations shall be
such that if the early finish of the last activity falls after the contract completion date,
then the float calculation shall reflect a negative float on the critical path. The Project
Schedule shall include as the last activity called “Contract Complete”. The “Contract
Complete” activity shall have a “LF” (late finish) constraint equal to the completion
date for the project.

B. Interim Completion Dates (Milestones)

 Contractually specified interim completion milestone dates shall be constrained to

show negative float if the early finish date of the predecessor activity driving the
milestone date finishes after the interim milestone completion date.

3.4.11 Submittal Format

A. The Contractor is required to submit two (2) copies of the Preliminary Project Schedule
and Project Schedule to the Owner for approval. Each submittal shall include a
network graphic presentation, tabular reports, and manpower graphics in both hard
copies, (.pdf copies), and CD for Electronic version of schedule. Each submittal shall
include signatures of acceptance by all Project Subcontractors.

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B. The following program-generated graphics and tabular reports are required with each
schedule submittal.

The Schedule network graphic presentation shall include:

 Activity ID
 Activity Description
 Original Durations
 Remaining Durations
 Early Start and Finish Dates
 Late Start and Finish Dates
 Total Float
 Percent Complete

Tabular Reports shall include:

 Activity ID Report
 Total Float/Early Start Report
 Logic Report — Detailed Predecessor/Successor
 Planned vs. Actual Manpower Graphics
 Planned vs. Actual Cost Curves
 Coding Dictionary

3.4.12 Owner Acceptance

 The Owner shall approve or disapprove, in writing; the Project Schedule submittal
within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of all required information. If approved,
the accepted schedule will be identified as the “Baseline Schedule” and it will be used
as the benchmark to track and monitor progress.

 Should the Owner disapprove the initial Project Schedule submission, the
Contractors shall comply with the Owner ’s direction and the Contractor shall revise
and resubmit the Project Schedule and all associated submittals within seven (7)
calendar days or earlier.

3.5 Project Schedule Updates – Weekly

3.5.1 The Contractor shall not make any changes to the original durations, activity relationships,
constraints, manpower, and costs, add or delete activities, or alter the Schedule’s logic
when updating the schedule. Actual start and finish dates shall not be automatically
updated by default mechanisms that may be included in the CPM scheduling software

3.5.2 The originally approved Project Schedule will be designated as the “Baseline Schedule”
and shall only be changed by a Contract Modification/Change Order, which extends the
Contract duration. All updates will be compared against the “Baseline Schedule”.

3.5.3 The Contractor shall update the CPM schedule on a weekly basis and the CPM Schedule
update will be subjected / submitted as part of the pay estimate in the Terms and
Conditions. The updated information will include the original schedule detail and the
following information:

 Actual Start Dates

 Actual Finish Dates
 Activity Percent Completion
 Remaining duration of Activities in Progress

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 Critical Activities will be Identified or Highlighted

3.5.4 The Contractor shall submit scheduling documents in the same formats and quantities as
specified hereinbefore under paragraph “L. Submittal Format”.

3.5.5 The Owner may withhold progress payments, if the Contractor as required does not submit
progress updates.

3.5.6 As part of the normal schedule update process, the Contractor shall prepare a written
narrative report highlighting progress during the update period. The written narrative report
shall include but is not limited to the following information:

 Summary of work accomplished during the past update period.

 Contract Milestone Comparison Chart.
 Analysis of Critical Path(s).
 Analysis of time lost/gained during the update period.
 Identification of problem areas.
 Recommended solutions to current problems.

3.5.7 The Contractor is required to attend a monthly or more frequent Schedule Update review
meeting with the Owner. The purpose of this meeting is to review past progress, current
status, problem areas and future progress. The Subcontractors schedule update and
narrative report will be reviewed at this meeting.

3.5.8 Any possible means of shortening the schedule at no additional cost to the Owner shall be
brought to the attention of the Owner.

3.5.9 The updated progress schedule will be the basis for establishing work completed, and for
which payment requests are determined. The Contractor can only request payment for the
established percent completion of an activity (i.e. if an activity is determined to be 70%
complete at the end of the billing cut-off period, then the Contractor is eligible to be paid for
70% of the cost loaded portion of the activity). The activity percent completions will be
established by the Contractors, but they are subject to review and agreement by an Owner
authorized representative.

3.5.10 Use of float suppression techniques such as preferential sequences (i.e. Progress
Override), special lead/lag logic restraints, extended activity durations, or imposed dates,
other than as required by the Contract, shall be cause for rejection of the Project Schedule
revisions or updates.

3.6 Contractor Changes to the Project Schedule

3.6.1 If the Contractor proposes to make any changes in the approved Baseline Schedule or
approved update schedule, it shall notify the Owner in writing stating the reasons for the
proposed change identify each changed activity (including durations and interrelationships
between activities) and provide a CD or drop-box link that contains the proposed schedule

3.6.2 The Owner has the authority to approve or disapprove the proposed change in the Project
Schedule and shall do so in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the
Subcontractor’s submission. If the Owner approves the schedule change, then that
changed schedule will be designated the new “Baseline Schedule.” All weekly updates will
be compared against the new “Baseline Schedule.” The Owner’s decision is final and may
not be disputed by the Subcontractor.

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3.6.3 If the Owner approves a portion of the change to the Project Schedule; the Contractor shall
submit a revised Project Schedule incorporating such change(s) within seven (7) calendar
days after approval, along with a written description of the change(s) to the schedule.

3.7 Recovery Schedule

3.7.1 The Contractor shall maintain an adequate work force and the necessary materials;
supplies and equipment to meet the current approved Project Schedule. In the event that
the Contractor, in the judgment of the Owner, are failing to meet approved Project
Schedule, including any contractual milestones, then the Contractor shall submit a recovery

3.7.2 The recovery schedule shall set forth a plan to eliminate the schedule slippage (negative
float). The plan must be specific to show the methods to achieve the recovery time, i.e.
increasing manpower, working overtime, weekend work, etc. The cost for preparation of
the recovery schedule and execution of the recovery schedule plan will be borne by the

3.7.3 The Owner reserves the right to direct the Contractor to take any of the steps outlined in
this subparagraph to eliminate the schedule slippage. All costs associated with
implementing the recovery schedule shall be borne by the Subcontractors.

3.7.4 In the event the Contractor refuses to follow direction of the Owner , the Owner reserves
the right after seven (7) calendar day’s written notice to the Contractor, to procure the
materials, equipment and labor to proceed with or to complete the work, or any portion of it,
and charge the cost to the Contractor. The Owner’s rights under this provision are
cumulative to any other provisions of the Contract including the Owners rights to terminate
for default or convenience.

3.8 Weekly Look-ahead Schedule

3.8.1 A weekly look ahead schedule will be prepared by the Contractor. It will be reviewed at the
Weekly Progress Meetings and will be used as a tool to plan work and monitor schedule
progress on a weekly basis. The look ahead schedule format and look ahead period will be
determined by the Owner to best fit the project conditions.

3.8.2 The weekly look ahead schedule will be prepared using the most current weekly schedule

3.8.3 If a weekly look ahead schedule indicates a progress slippage, the Owner may use the
information to require the preparation of a recovery schedule.

3.9 Requests for Time Extensions

3.9.1 In the event the Contractor requests an extension of the contract completion date, it shall
furnish such justification, project schedule data and supporting evidence as the Owner may
deem necessary for a determination as to whether or not the Contractor is entitled to an
extension of time under the provisions of the Contract. Submission of proof of delay, based
on revised activity logic, duration, costs, and updating the schedule to the specific date that
the delay occurred, is obligatory to any approvals.

A. Justification of Delay: The project schedule must clearly display that the Contractor has
used, in full, all the float time available for the work involved with this request. The
Owner’s determination as to the number of allowable days of contract extension shall

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be based upon the project schedule updates in effect at the time period in question and
other factual information. Actual delays that are found to be caused by the Contractors
own actions or inactions, which result in the extension of the schedule, shall not be a
cause for a time extension to the Contract Completion Date.

B. Submission Requirements: The Contractor shall submit a justification for each request
for a change in the Contract Completion Date based upon the most recent schedule
update at the time of the constructive direction or change. Such a request shall be in
accordance with the requirements of other appropriate Contract Clauses and shall
include, as a minimum:

 List of affected activities, with their associated project schedule activity

 A brief explanation of the causes of the change.
 An analysis of the overall impact of the changes proposed.
 A graphic representation of the affected activities and or work area.
 Activities impacted in each justification for change shall be identified by a
unique activity code contained in the required data file.

C. Additional Submission Requirements: Owner may request interim update with revised
activities for a specific change request. The Contractor shall provide this information
on CD/drop-box within seven (7) calendar days of Owner’s request.

4.0 Contractor Covenants and Guarantees

4.1 Contractors covenants and guarantees that they will not:

4.1.1 Misrepresent to Owner its planning, scheduling or execution of the work.

4.1.2 Utilize schedules materially different from those made available by the Contractor to the
Owner or to any Contractor for the direction, execution and coordination of the work, or
which are not feasible or realistic.

4.1.3 Prepare schedules, updates, revisions, or a report for the work, which does not accurately
reflect the actual intent or reflect the reasonable and actual expectations of the Contractor or
their subcontractors pertaining to:

 The sequences of activities.

 he duration of activities.
 The responsibility for performing activities.
 Resource availability.
 Labor availability or efficiency.
 Foreseeable conditions.
 The cost associated with the activity.
 The percentage complete of any activity.
 Completion of any item of Work or activity.
 Project milestone completion.
 Delays, slippages or problems encountered or expected.
 Contractor requests for time extensions or delay claims of subcontractors.
 Float available.

4.1.4 If the Contractor should desire and intend to complete the work earlier than any required
milestone or completion date, the Owner shall not be liable to the Contractor for any costs or

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other damages should the Contractor be unable to complete the work before such milestone
completion dates.

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