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Pipe Flow Design 1

Results Data
Pipe Flow Software - Project 1 - PF Expert Solution 12 mayo, 2023

Color of Pipe: Flow Rate in l/sec Pipe Flow Expert Results Key
0,1 0,6 1,1 1,6 2,1 2,6 f = flow in l/sec

P6, f=0,070
N12 5,5m
-1,6064 bar.g

P7, f=0,300
N13 4,0m 0,070 l/sec
-1,5177 bar.g

P8, f=0,300
N14 4,0m 0,300 l/sec
-1,4904 bar.g 70

P24, f=0,070
0,300 l/sec 0,0
5 , f=

P26, f=0,300
,37 N11 3,5m N25 5,5m
0 4, -1,4015 bar.g 70 bar.g

P25, f=0,300
, 6 7 0,0 0,070 l/sec
f=0 N10 3,5m N27 4,0m , f=
, 3
P3 -1,3942 bar.g 7P02 bar.g
N9 0,3 0,300
P2 3,5m N26 4,0m
2 , f= N24l/sec
-1,3669, f= bar.g -1,6418 2
0 bar.g -1,6396 bar.g
N8 3,5m 0,6 0 ,67P N23 3,5m
70 1, f= 0,300 l/sec
-1,2164 bar.g P2 -1,6324 bar.g
N22 3,5m
-1,5183 bar.g
P2, f=1,340

N21 3,5m
-1,3981 bar.g

P17, f=0,300
P15, f=0,300

N18 0,6m
00 bar.g
N17 0,6m 0,3 0,300 l/sec
6 , f=
P1 bar.g
0 N5l/sec0,0m
, 6 10 P9 0 ,60 0,300
2 , f= f= -1,7005 bar.g
1 , f= 1 , 1 4,
P N2 0,0m 27 P N4 0,0m
-0,2618 bar.g -1,5637 bar.g
P18, f=0,300

P13, f=0,070

P19, f=0,300

N3 0,0m ,N19
67 0,5m N16 2,0m
N28 0,0m 0
-1,4579 bar.g -1,7630P1bar.g -1,9658 bar.g
1,0 bar.g@ 0,0m 1 ,N20 0,5m
0,300 f=0 l/sec 0,070 l/sec
1,0000 bar.g ,
-1,877137P bar.g
N6 0,0m , f= l/sec
0,300 0,0
-1,6396 bar.g 70
N7 0,0m
-1,7536 bar.g
N15 0,0m
-1,7609 bar.g

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Pipe Flow Software - Project 1 - PF Expert Solution 12 mayo, 2023

Fluid Data

Zone Fluid Name Chemical Temperature Pressure bar.g Density kg/m³ Centistokes Centipoise Vapour State
Formula °C Pressure bar.a

1 Water H2O 20,000 0,0000 998,000 1,000 1,002 0,024000 Liquid

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Pipe Flow Software - Project 1 - PF Expert Solution 12 mayo, 2023

Pump Data

Pipe Id Pipe Pump Speed Pref. Op Pref. Op Flow Velocity Suction Discharge Pump Pump Pump Pump Pump
Name Name rpm From To l/sec In/Out m/sec Pressure Pressure Head (+) NPSHr NPSHa Efficiency Power
l/sec l/sec bar.g bar.g m.hd m.hd m.hd Percentag Kilowatts
Fluid (absolute) (absolute) e

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Pipe Flow Software - Project 1 - PF Expert Solution 12 mayo, 2023

Pipe Data

Pipe Id Pipe Name Material Inner Roughness Length m Total K Mass Flow Flow l/sec Velocity Entry Exit
and Notes Diameter mm kg/sec m/sec Pressure Pressure
mm bar.g bar.g
1 P1 4" Steel 25,400 0,046 10,000 0,0000 2,6048 2,610 *5,151 1,0000 -0,2618
Sch. 40 (Flow
Velocity is
2 P2 4" Steel 19,050 0,046 3,500 0,7200 1,3373 1,340 4,701 -0,2618 -1,2164
Sch. 40
3 P3 4" Steel 19,050 0,046 3,000 1,1000 0,6687 0,670 2,351 -1,2164 -1,3669
Sch. 40
4 P4 4" Steel 19,050 0,046 1,000 1,6900 0,3693 0,370 1,298 -1,3669 -1,3942
Sch. 40
5 P5 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 1,000 1,7200 0,0699 0,070 0,553 -1,3942 -1,4015
Sch. 40
6 P6 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 2,000 0,0000 0,0699 0,070 0,553 -1,4015 -1,6064
Sch. 40
7 P7 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 0,500 1,4400 0,2994 0,300 2,368 -1,3942 -1,5177
Sch. 40
8 P8 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 0,500 1,4400 0,2994 0,300 2,368 -1,3669 -1,4904
Sch. 40
9 P9 4" Steel 19,050 0,046 8,000 1,0000 1,2675 1,270 4,456 -0,2618 -1,4579
Sch. 40
10 P10 4" Steel 19,050 0,046 3,000 2,2300 0,6687 0,670 2,351 -1,4579 -1,6396
Sch. 40
11 P11 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 1,000 0,2800 0,3693 0,370 2,921 -1,6396 -1,7536
Sch. 40
12 P12 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 1,000 1,7200 0,0699 0,070 0,553 -1,7536 -1,7609
Sch. 40
13 P13 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 2,000 0,0000 0,0699 0,070 0,553 -1,7609 -1,9658
Sch. 40
14 P14 4" Steel 19,050 0,046 3,000 0,3800 0,5988 0,600 2,105 -1,4579 -1,5637
Sch. 40
15 P15 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 0,600 1,4400 0,2994 0,300 2,368 -1,5637 -1,7038
Sch. 40
16 P16 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 2,000 0,0000 0,2994 0,300 2,368 -1,5637 -1,7005
Sch. 40
17 P17 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 0,600 1,7200 0,2994 0,300 2,368 -1,7005 -1,8484
Sch. 40
18 P18 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 0,500 1,4400 0,2994 0,300 2,368 -1,6396 -1,7630
Sch. 40
19 P19 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 0,500 1,4400 0,2994 0,300 2,368 -1,7536 -1,8771
Sch. 40
20 P20 4" Steel 19,050 0,046 3,000 2,2300 0,6687 0,670 2,351 -1,2164 -1,3981
Sch. 40
21 P21 4" Steel 19,050 0,046 3,000 0,0000 0,6687 0,670 2,351 -1,3981 -1,5183
Sch. 40
22 P22 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 1,000 0,2800 0,3693 0,370 2,921 -1,5183 -1,6324
Sch. 40
23 P23 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 1,000 1,7200 0,0699 0,070 0,553 -1,6324 -1,6396
Sch. 40
24 P24 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 2,000 0,0000 0,0699 0,070 0,553 -1,6396 -1,8445
Sch. 40
25 P25 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 0,500 1,4400 0,2994 0,300 2,368 -1,5183 -1,6418
Sch. 40
26 P26 4" Steel 12,700 0,046 0,500 1,4400 0,2994 0,300 2,368 -1,6324 -1,7558
Sch. 40

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Pipe Flow Software - Project 1 - PF Expert Solution 12 mayo, 2023

Node Data

Node Id Node Type Node Elevation m Liquid Level Surface Press. at HGL at Demand In Demand Total Flow Total Flow
m Press. bar.g Node bar.g Node m.hd l/sec Out l/sec In l/sec Out l/sec
2 Join Point N2 0,000 N/A N/A -0,2618 -2,675 0,000 0,000 2,610 2,610

3 Join Point N3 0,000 N/A N/A -1,4579 -14,896 0,000 0,000 1,270 1,270

4 Join Point N4 0,000 N/A N/A -1,5637 -15,978 0,000 0,000 0,600 0,600

5 Join Point N5 0,000 N/A N/A -1,7005 -17,375 0,000 0,000 0,300 0,300

6 Join Point N6 0,000 N/A N/A -1,6396 -16,753 0,000 0,000 0,670 0,670

7 Join Point N7 0,000 N/A N/A -1,7536 -17,918 0,000 0,000 0,370 0,370

8 Join Point N8 3,500 N/A N/A -1,2164 -8,928 0,000 0,000 1,340 1,340

9 Join Point N9 3,500 N/A N/A -1,3669 -10,467 0,000 0,000 0,670 0,670

10 Join Point N10 3,500 N/A N/A -1,3942 -10,746 0,000 0,000 0,370 0,370

11 Join Point N11 3,500 N/A N/A -1,4015 -10,820 0,000 0,000 0,070 0,070

12 Join Point N12 5,500 N/A N/A -1,6064 -10,914 0,000 0,070 0,070 0,070

13 Join Point N13 4,000 N/A N/A -1,5177 -11,507 0,000 0,300 0,300 0,300

14 Join Point N14 4,000 N/A N/A -1,4904 -11,228 0,000 0,300 0,300 0,300

15 Join Point N15 0,000 N/A N/A -1,7609 -17,992 0,000 0,000 0,070 0,070

16 Join Point N16 2,000 N/A N/A -1,9658 -18,086 0,000 0,070 0,070 0,070

17 Join Point N17 0,600 N/A N/A -1,7038 -16,809 0,000 0,300 0,300 0,300

18 Join Point N18 0,600 N/A N/A -1,8484 -18,287 0,000 0,300 0,300 0,300

19 Join Point N19 0,500 N/A N/A -1,7630 -17,514 0,000 0,300 0,300 0,300

20 Join Point N20 0,500 N/A N/A -1,8771 -18,679 0,000 0,300 0,300 0,300

21 Join Point N21 3,500 N/A N/A -1,3981 -10,785 0,000 0,000 0,670 0,670

22 Join Point N22 3,500 N/A N/A -1,5183 -12,014 0,000 0,000 0,670 0,670

23 Join Point N23 3,500 N/A N/A -1,6324 -13,179 0,000 0,000 0,370 0,370

24 Join Point N24 3,500 N/A N/A -1,6396 -13,253 0,000 0,000 0,070 0,070

25 Join Point N25 5,500 N/A N/A -1,8445 -13,347 0,000 0,070 0,070 0,070

26 Join Point N26 4,000 N/A N/A -1,6418 -12,775 0,000 0,300 0,300 0,300

27 Join Point N27 4,000 N/A N/A -1,7558 -13,940 0,000 0,300 0,300 0,300

28 Tank N28 0,000 0,000 1,0000 1,0000 10,218 N/A N/A 0,000 2,610

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Pipe Flow Software - Project 1 - PF Expert Solution 12 mayo, 2023

Energy Data

Pipe Id Pipe Name Energy Loss Energy Loss Energy Loss Energy Loss Energy Loss SUBTOTAL Energy Loss Energy Loss TOTAL USED
To Pipe To Pipe To Pipe To Pipe To Pump Loss Pipe To Discharge To Change in Sum of All
Friction Fittings Components Control Inefficiency Items +Pump Pressure Elevation Items
Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts Kilowatts

1 P1 0,329333 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,329333 0,000000 0,000000 0,329333

2 P2 0,071369 0,010641 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,082010 0,000000 0,045901 0,127911

3 P3 0,008056 0,002032 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,010088 0,000000 0,000000 0,010088

4 P4 0,000484 0,000526 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,001010 0,000000 0,000000 0,001010

5 P5 0,000032 0,000018 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,000051 0,000000 0,000000 0,000051

6 P6 0,000065 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,000065 0,000000 0,001370 0,001435

7 P7 0,001026 0,001209 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,002235 0,000000 0,001468 0,003703

8 P8 0,001026 0,001209 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,002235 0,000000 0,001468 0,003703

9 P9 0,139317 0,012582 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,151899 0,000000 0,000000 0,151899

10 P10 0,008056 0,004120 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,012176 0,000000 0,000000 0,012176

11 P11 0,003778 0,000441 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,004219 0,000000 0,000000 0,004219

12 P12 0,000032 0,000018 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,000051 0,000000 0,000000 0,000051

13 P13 0,000065 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,000065 0,000000 0,001370 0,001435

14 P14 0,005848 0,000504 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,006353 0,000000 0,000000 0,006353

15 P15 0,001231 0,001209 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,002440 0,000000 0,001762 0,004202

16 P16 0,004104 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,004104 0,000000 0,000000 0,004104

17 P17 0,001231 0,001444 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,002675 0,000000 0,001762 0,004437

18 P18 0,001026 0,001209 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,002235 0,000000 0,001468 0,003703

19 P19 0,001026 0,001209 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,002235 0,000000 0,001468 0,003703

20 P20 0,008056 0,004120 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,012175 0,000000 0,000000 0,012175

21 P21 0,008056 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,008056 0,000000 0,000000 0,008056

22 P22 0,003778 0,000441 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,004219 0,000000 0,000000 0,004219

23 P23 0,000032 0,000018 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,000051 0,000000 0,000000 0,000051

24 P24 0,000065 0,000000 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,000065 0,000000 0,001370 0,001435

25 P25 0,001026 0,001209 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,002235 0,000000 0,001468 0,003703

26 P26 0,001026 0,001209 0,000000 0,000000 N/A 0,002235 0,000000 0,001468 0,003703

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