Woodrow Wilson Quarter 1 Project Biography Real!!!

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Sam J. Blackburn

Mrs. Parrett

American History

7 October 2022

Woodrow Wilson

Thomas Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United states.

Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28-29, 1856 he was born around midnight.

Wilson was born in Staunton, VA. He attended Davidson College in North Carolina for 1 year.

He then attended and graduated from Princeton College in 1879. He later studied law at the

University of Virginia in 1879, however he did not continue his law studies. Wilson became

became the governor of New Jersey in 1910. Before he had became the president in 1913

President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany in 1917, he did this because a

German U-boat had sunk the Lusitania that had 128 Americans on board. Wilson held many jobs

in education. He was a professor and held the position of President of Princeton University.

Woodrow Wilson then went out to become the 28th President of the United States in 1913. He was

the last President to be taken to the Inauguration in a horse-drawn carriage. Wilson was a big

supporter of the Federal Trade Commission. Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in

1913. It has become a powerful economic win, which is the basis of the economic system in place

now in the United States of America. Woodrow Wilson barely won his second term. Willson spent

32 billion on World War I in two years and lost 116,000 men.

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On January 8, 1918, Woodrow Wilson spoke his 14-point speech, this speech would cover

how he wanted to end World War I and secure world peace. The 14 points of his speech were: 1.

Open Diplomacy 2. Freedom of Seas 3. Removal of Economic Barriers 4. Reduction of Araments.

5. Adjustment of Colonial Claims 6. Conquered Territories in Russia 7. Preservation of Belgian

Sovereignty 8. Restoration of French Territory 9. Redrawing of Italian Frontiers 10. Divisions of

Austria-Hungary 11. Redrawing of Balkan Boundaries 12. Limitations on Turkey 13.

Establishment of an Independent Poland 14. Creation of an Association of Nations. On January

10, 1920, these 14 points led to something called the League of Nations and even though

Woodrow Wilson helped make it, America was not a part of it. In June 1919 Treaty of Versailles

was signed. This was the treaty that had ended World War One by giving Germany some


Wilson has done some significant things in his life for example he was the leader of the

Progressive Movement. Wilson was 53 years old when he was paralyzed from a stroke he had in

1919. He finished out his presidency paralyzed. In 1919, He won a Nobel Peace prize for his

efforts at obtaining world peace. Many efforts that were important to him were peace and

education focused.

Woodrow Wilson made significant impacts during his life and presidency. After he was

president he spent most of his time living a quiet life in Washington. Until 1924 when he died
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