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Hinduism glossary

1. ārya

Noble ones, those with higher status or those who act honorably.

2. āśrama

The four stages of life Hindus will experience, commonly refferred to in dharma sutras and
dharma shastras.

3. ātman

The human self, ones inner spirutal self.

4. avatāra

The many descents and form deitys take form of, for example Vishnu has ten avatāras including
animals, a dwarf, Krishna and Rama.

5. bhakti

Devotion to a deity e.g., Lord Vishnu bhakti

6. brahmā

A god within Hinduism who is the ‘creator god’.

7. brahmācarya, brahmācaryin

One of the four asramas (stages of life), reffering to living as a religious student.

8. brahman (sometimes also written as bráhman)

The great underlying cosmic power and absolute essence of the universe.

9. brāhmaṇa (sometimes also written as brahmin)

Religious text. Second oldest in Veda literiture. Brahamana focused more on the correct way of
sacrifice than previous texts.

10. deva/devī

A divine being so a deity or god within Hiduism.

11. dharma
The right way of living in all avenues of life. In Hinduism, dharma is focused on religious
rituals as well as other acts such as societal acts. Dharma can be taken away or added.

12. jāti

Means birth group, it is a flexible term in terms of there not being a fixed number of jātis as
there are many different way to group people together.

13. jñāna

The path of knowledge and/or enlightenment. A part of Trimarga.

14. kāma

One the four aims of life. Reffers to the statisfication of desires and receiving pleasure from
ones religious efforts.

15. karma, karman

In early Vedic literature karma is an action in relation to religious rituals and sacrifices that
one performs to be granted their desires by gods. In later Vedic literiture, The Upanisads,
karma was understood as the idea that actions performed in the present whether good or
bad will have an equal consequence that occurs in one’s rebirth.

16. mokṣa

To escape Samsara or achieve liberation from the re-birth cycle

17. mūrti

Embodiment or manfiestation of a deity. For example Shiva has murti such as Bhairava

18. purāṇa

Religious texts.

19. saṃsāra

The reoccurring cycle of birth, death, and rebirth/reincarnation

20. saṃskāra

Life cycle rites or sacraments. These can occur different times including pre-natal, at birth, a
year after birth, marriage and funerals.

21. saṃnyāsa, sannyāsin

The act in which ones leaves their family, homes, society and releases bodage from the world
with the goal of renunnciation. – One of the methods to achieve moksha.

22. śāstra

Religious law books, how hindu society should be and the right way to live.

23. sūtra

Collection of short sentences or rules mentioned in sastras.

24. upaniṣad

Last works of the Veda proper.

25. varṇa

The way those in each class of society should live and their duties relevant to their class of

Buddhism glossary

1. anattā

Non-self – The idea that there is no one soul or essence of a person but rather people are
composed of the five khandhas

2. Aśoka

King Asoka Maurya, an indian king central to buddhist history.

3. bhikkhu

Buddhist monk

4. Buddha

A title, can also reffer to Gautama Buddha who is the Buddha who lived 2500 years ago. There
are many different types of Buddha, however, the basic meaning is the enlightened or
awakenes one.
5. Buddhist nationalism

6. cetiya

Reminders of Buddhas precense that are worshipped.

7. dāna

Act of giving food and resources to monks

8. dharma/dhamma (1,2,3)

Practices to be followed to bring one closer to liberation.

Dhamma 1 = Irristable laws of the cosmos
Dhamma 2 = Buddha’s teachings
Dhamma 3 = Smallest basic constituents of existence.

9. dukkha

Suffering or never being satisfied.

10. JHU

Jathika Hela Urumaya – politcal party with mostly buddhist monks.

11. khandha

Aggregates, 5 types – Physical form, feelings, apperceptions, volitions and consciousness.

12. lokuttara

Beyond the world, the world being reffered to as samsara.

13. Mahāvaṃsa

One of the earliest chronicles, scholars believe that later chronicles are modelled from this. The
‘Great Chronicle’ of Sri Lanka.

14. Modernist Buddhism

15. nirvāṇa/nibbāna

The extinguishing or liberation from samsara

16. paṭiccasamuppāda
An important doctrine in buddhism that implies that samsara is a series of events that occur as a
result of previous experiences. Also mentions twelve links within the cycle of samsara

17. paritta

Repetitive chanting of protection verses used in rituals and festivals to care for the dead,
protect people and to wish good health.

18. puñña

Merit that is earned, can also be understood as good kamma.

19. stūpa/thūpa

Round, peaked domes or buriel mounds where relics are placed.

20. taṇhā

Thirst and desire.

21. Theravāda Buddhism

A type of Buddhism that is thought to be the most traditional and pure form. It is translated to
“teaching of elders”. Mainly practiced in South-East and South Asia.

22. upāsikā

Female devotee and Buddhist attitudes towards women

23. uposatha

Fornightly rituals, where offerrings are made, chants are recitied and meditation takes place.

24. vinaya


25. vipassanā


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