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Senior High School Department



A Research Presented to

The Senior High School Faculty of

Novaliches High School



Senior High School Department

Chapter 1



Using drinking straw has become a habit in our society. Straws are the

main thing we use to quench our thirst when we eat at fast food restaurants or

buy drinks at the stores. Straws are known because of its durability, lightness

and its ability to be manufactured at low cost.

Straws are made of plastic materials, it contains polypropylene (PP)

which is a thermoplastic made from the combination of propylene monomers

and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which is also a thermoplastic and is the third most

used or produced synthetic polymer of plastic worldwide.

According to the National Geographic article entitled, A Brief History of

How Plastic Straw Took Over the World, published on January 3, 2019, over

500 million straws are used and produced every day, and approximately 8.3

billion of plastic straws pollute the beaches around the world. There are 8

million plastic straws floating in the oceans, but they only account for 0.025%

of global pollution.
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Although plastic straw can be recycled in such a way that they can be

used as ingredients to create new things, they are not accepted in curbside

recycling programs because they are too small and light, and as a result, they

are not included in mechanical recycling sorter.

Plastic straws take 200 years to decompose (WWF. Org, 2021), which

is why it ends up in landfills, estuaries and oceans. To counteract pollution, the

researcher used onion peels as an alternative solution to non-biodegradable

and non-recyclable plastic straws.

One of the most cultivated crops in th e world is onion (Allium cepa).

Consumer demand is increasing every year, as well as production. (K. Sharma,

N. Mahato, S.H. Nile, E.T. Lee, Y.R. Lee,2016). Hence, some factors like dry

skin or damaged onions were thrown away, which affects the environment in

various ways. More than 500,000 tonnes of onion waste are found in the

European Union each year (Plataforma SINC, 2011).

Onion production has increased by at least 25% over the previous 20

years, it now accounts for roughly 47 million tons annually, making it the

second-most significant horticultural crop. (, 2021).

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Onion skin is not edible, and its scent and content of onion skin make it

unfit for waste disposal. Therefore, the researcher will innovate the onion skin

into something useful in which onion skin will be converted into an "Organic

straw product".

The researcher will find a way to innovate onion peels, which will be the

main raw material in making plastic straws into bioplastic. The study aims to

make an organic straw out of onion peels.

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Background of the Study

The Philippines generated 2.7 million tons of plastic each year, about 20

percent ended up in the ocean (McKinsey, 2015). The Philippines is the third-

largest global contributor of plastics and struggles with a massive number of

plastics goes into bodies of water because of the poor waste management and

the continuous production and consumption of plastics (Jambeck, 2015).

Based on the report produced by NGO GAIA (Non-government Agency

GAIA), their audit in the Philippines shown a shocking amount of single-use

plastic, which is nearly 60 billion sachets a year. More than half of non-

recyclable plastic analyze in the survey came from sachets. Sachets are lined

with aluminum or containing other materials that make them non -recyclable.

The effort of NGO GAIA to collect data on plastic consumption as

environmentalists push for government action to reduce plastic waste.

Macro plastics could harm wildlife and marine species by plastic

ingestion. Both microplastics and nano plastics that came from macro plastics

would be a big threat to the smallest species. Many countries send plastic

waste to other countries because of mainly used plastics such as polystyrene

rigid, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, and polyethylene terephthalate that has

harmful chemical content (Anadolu, 2020).

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In the Philippine monetary value of recyclable materials makes it an

attractive source of income for waste collectors and leaking centers. Plastic

materials are one of the highest values among recyclable waste, but plastic

recycling centers process a small amount of it. Thus, the majority’s discarded

plastic waste became landfills or brought in the ocean.

Waste management system makes recycling a commercially effective

and attractive waste treatment practice. It can generate income and livelihood

for communities and formal and informal waste collectors alike. (Pepino, 2019).

Due to the occurrence of the pandemic, it made people stay at home and

reduced social activities. As a result, waste from public places decreased.

However, houses are now the center of waste producers (Chua, 2020). The

Philippines has policies and repeated campaigns to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Filipinos seem to be slow in accepting a recycling culture at home.

In correlation to that, with 9.56 thousand metric tons produced, the Ilocos

Region contributed 90.4% of the quarter's total onion production. Central Luzon

came in second with a 9.5 percent share (, 2022) Relating with the

production number of onions in the Philippines, high number in onion

consumption also indicate high onion peels waste.

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The objective of this research is to reduce plastic wastes for the

betterment of the Earth. The goal of the researchers is to help the environment

by decreasing the rate of plastics and tons of unused onion peels.

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Scientific Goals

The purpose of this study is to find out the viability of an onion (Allium

cepa) peel to be an organic straw.

Specifically, the study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What components does an Onion (Allium cepa) Peels have that can

be utilize as bioplastics for the production of an organic straw.

2. How durable is the onion (Allium cepa) peel straw when subjected


2.1 Stress

2.2 Compression

2.3 Tension

3. How will the organic straw from onion (Allium cepa) peel react when

submerged in:

3.1 Cold water

3.2 Warm water

3.3 Hot water

3.4 Tea

3.5 Coffee

4. Will an onion (Allium cepa) peel be a successful material in making

an organic straw?
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1. Onion (Allium cepa) peel is not a viable material for making an

organic straw.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to prove that onion (Allium cepa) peel is able to be used

as an ingredient in creating an organic straw and how this study help with the

problem of the society in regards to the high percentage of plastic waste


The study may be deemed significant to the following:

Community. The communities will benefit the most from this research

because it will help them solve the waste problem and find an alternative way

to reduce the use of plastic straws. Using of organic straws will prevent

blockages in different waterways which would help avoid the risks of flash

floods and lessen the possible casualties during disasters.

Environmentalist. Environmentalists will benefit from this study

because it will provide them with a broader understanding of the solutions that

they can create and promote to protect nature. This study will also aid in the

research that they wish to conduct in relationship on bioplastics.

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Future Researchers. It can also be used by future researchers if they

conduct similar bioplastic research. This will serve as their foundation and

provide support for their data.

Entrepreneurs. This research will also benefit entrepreneurs who want

to innovate with unusual ingredients such as onions peels. This will assist them

in limiting the use of high-value chemicals in comparison to onion peels.

Scope and Delimitation

After conducting some research about the things that can be utilized to

create a bioplastic, the researcher thought of way on how to create something

into organic product. The onion skin was chosen by the researcher because it

has properties similar to a squid's pen or casing. Although the researcher's

observation on the two products is not certain, the onion peel will still be used

as a raw material to make organic straw.

The product to be produced is straw since it will only take up little time

to be created rather than creating something bigger than a straw.

Chapter 2
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Review Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies in Benefits of

Utilizing Onion (Allium cepa) Peel into an Organic Straw.

Bioplastic Production from Onion

According to a study conducted by Institute of Food and Technologists

(2019), Bioplastics made from onion bulbs shows its safety potential to be used

in food industry particularly as food films, biodegradable packaging, and

biomaterials. Since bioplastics made from onion bulbs are considered as

multifunctional materials, in which it requires safety profile assessment, the

results of the mutagenicity and cytotoxicity tests suggests that especially the

W-HTP (Washed Hydrothermally treated pulp) films are harmless supporting

the first level of evidence.

From the study authored first by Da Costa Borger (2023), Hydrothermal

processing techniques can be used to produce onion-based bioplastics, which

have been investigated as a potential support for tissue engineering and

regenerative medicine due to a positive interaction with cells.

Based from the latest discovery of Renuka Ramanujam (2023), she then

created an onion-skin-based plastic substitute for packaging after experiment

with an onion-based fabric dye.

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In accordance with Griffiths, (2002), Red onion contains two chemical

groups, specifically flavonoids and alk(en)yl cysteine sulphoxides (ACSOs)

which has the ability to be established as a complementary and alternative

healthcare product beneficial to human health.


The study of M.R. Gaonkar, Prashant Palaskar, Rishikesh Navandar

(2017), mentioned in their study that the sodium metabisulfite (Na2S2O5) was

used as an antioxidant to produce bioplastic from banana peel. The

researchers stated that the sodium metabisulfite counters the growth of

microbes in the peels. Researchers u tilized the sodium metabisulfite as a

disinfectant, antioxidant and preservation agent, and it is very soluble in water

and ethanol.

In accordance with the study of Food Additives authored by J. Han

(2020), Sodium Metabisulfite or SMBS is a preservative containing ‘sulfur’. It

inhibits the oxidase in the food, and it can also block the normal physiological

oxidation process of microorganisms, and inhibits the production of

microorganisms in food preservation. Sulfite is a strong reducing agent, that

is why it reacts with oxygen from fruits and vegetables and also hinder
Senior High School Department

oxidase activity, so it prevents food decomposition caused by oxidation and

protects vitamin C the food contains.

According to Food and Drugs Administration (2023), Sodium

Metabisulfite has almost no side effects, it is said to be safe since it has been

approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and European Food

Safety Authority (EFSA), as well as the joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on

Food Additives (JECFA). In relation with the statement of FDA, Sodium

Metabisulfite is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) when used as a

preservative except in meats, foods recognized as a source of B1 and fresh

fruits or vegetables.

European Food Safety Authority, EFSA (2011), explained that Sodium

metabisulfite (E223) is listed in Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 as

an authorized food additive and categorized in “additives other than colors

and sweeteners”.


According from the study of Arikan and Duygu (2015), environmentally

friendly materials gained substantial interest for development due to the

increasing concerns and legislative pressure environmentally on plastic waste

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and fast petroleum cost increases. Bioplastics are one of the most innovative

developed environmentally friendly material as a remedy with the issue the

world was facing. Hence, Arikan and Duygu’s study focused on bioplastic’s

aspects from the perspective of sustainability, advantages/disadvantages and


According to Gill (2014), the term “bioplastic” had an uncertain definition

that comprise a substantial compound family derived from biomasses, which is

either biobased and/or biodegradable.

In line with the study of Arikan and Duygu, the review article entitled

Microplastic materials in the environment: Problem and strategical solutions

(2022) states that, a lot of factors such as potential risks of MPs in water, air

and soil are extensively identified and analyzed. Strategies are proposed to

mitigate the input of risk factors in the environment including clean up drives,

control of sources, enhanced plastic waste management and the adoption of

biodegradable (bio)plastics and as well as the improvement of advanced

techniques for the degradation and conversion of (micro)plastic material.


After reading and comprehending the collected related studies, the

researcher developed four concepts that would aid in the support of this

research work. Researchers have additionally shown that onion peel has the

potential to be used in innovation, in the form of a bioplastic organic straw.

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First, Griffith ‘s study about Red onion and its composition gave idea to

the researcher that Red onion could possibly be turned into a bioplastic product

comparable to Renuka Ramanujam’s discovery wherein the researcher

created an onion-skin-based plastic as a substitute packaging after an

experiment with an onion-based fabric dye where Ramanujam derived her

experiment from.

Hence, the study, Utilizing Onion (Allium cepa) as a biodegradable straw

gained substantial interest for development in line with the study of Arikan and

Duygu wherein the researchers considered bioplastic as an innovative

approach towards developing environmental friendly materials. Gill also

provided support in the statement of Arikan and Duygu proving that bioplastic

is a part of a family derived from biomasses, which is either biobased and/or


Lastly, factors of microplastic in water, air and soil have been identified

and analyzed in a review article authored by Arikan and Duygu. The

researchers included the adaptation of using bioplastics to improve advanced

techniques for degradation and conversion of microplastic material.

Definition of Terms
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To provide a clear overview and understanding towards the research

study, the researcher will state precisely the keywords used in the research

study to interpret the easier meaning of the following keywords:

Alkenyl. It is derived from alkene group which is technically formed from

hydrocarbon with one hydrogen atom removed.

Biobased. From the word itself (bio) which means life. It is a product

which is deliberately created from living materials.

Bioplastic. It is a product manufactured from a renewable source or a

natural source and is biodegradable.

Flavonoid. It is a compound that mainly exists in plants, fruits, and

vegetables that contains medicinal benefits.

Macro plastics. It is a type of plastic larger than 5milimeters.

Mechanical Recycling Sorter. It is a machine used to sort various kinds

of wastes. It prepares the wastes and sorts it out materials or products that can

be recycled.

Microplastic. It is an extremely small particles of plastic that is a result

of the breakdown of larger plastics and is considered less than 5 millimeters.

Polypropylene. It is a considered a polymer and is a hydrocarbon

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Polyvinyl Chloride. It is known as PVC and it is a synthetic polymer

that is used widely in the world, it is ranking 3rd most used plastic globally.

Sodium Metabisulfite. It is an inorganic compound used to prolong the

life shelf of a product or preservative and antioxidant agent.

Thermoplastic. It is any type of plastic that can be molded into another

form under a certain temperature and will become solid when cooled.
Senior High School Department

Conceptual Framework


Crushed onion peels

● Collection of
Distilled water Materials ONION (ALLIUM
● Construction of CEPA) PEELS
Sodium metabisulfite Products. ORGANIC

Durability testing in terms

of stress, tension, and

• water resistance
testing in terms
of hot water,
warm water and
cold water
• beverage
resistance testing
(no water
included) in
terms of tea,
coffee, and soft

The Conceptual Framework that was used in the study is the Input-

Process-Output model as shown in the figure above. The Input- Process Output

Framework was used to show the 3 system stages; input, process and output

which is the result of the experimen t. The researchers utilized Input - process -

output format since the study will be acquiring a product derived from the

experiment to be conducted. In the IPO model, a process is viewed as a series

Senior High School Department

of boxes (processing method) connected by Inputs and Outputs. Information or

Material objects flow through a series of tasks or activities based on a set of

tools or decision points. Single-used plastic items such as straws are

convenient, but convenience can come at an environmental cost. Hence, eco-

friendly alternative straws have taken the step to the mainstream and are

available everywhere.

First box labeled Input contains the materials needed to perform the

experiment, which consists of the collection of onion peel, distilled water,

Sodium Metabisulfite (preservative) and other laboratory equipment. The

second box was labeled Process and is divided into three (3) sections. First

section indicates the process to be performed in making the Organic straw

from Onion peel. The second section indicates the tests th at the product will be

subjected to in order to prove if the created product has a significant

characteristic that a normal plastic straw does not have.

Senior High School Department

In this process the organic straw will be subjected to stress, tension and

compression. The last section indicates another test that will test the ability of

the organic straw to absorb water, this process will determine if the organic

straw can stay long when submerged in; cold water, warm water, coffee, and

tea. The last box is the expected result of the study which is the organic straw

product created from onion peel.

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Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This research chapter discusses research methodologies and the

procedures implemented by researchers to efficiently address the identified

problems to be answered. This chapter covers information about research

methodologies, materials used, procedures, in struments, and techniques,

research data collection, and data interpretation.

Research Design

This research will utilize Experimental research design. An experimental

research study involves experimenting or testing, data gathering, and analysis

of the results. Experimental research method was the only method in research

that can accurately test a hypothesis according to Gay (1992).

There are three kinds of experimental designs; these are pre-

experimental, quasi-experimental and true-experimental. Meanwhile, the

research design to be used in this study is true experimental design since

true-experimental design is considered to provide a strong reliable result.

Senior High School Department

The researchers will use experimental design for the reason that, this

study meets the required components of an experimental study, which includes

Hypothesis, independent and dependent variable. Since, the hypothesis of this

study states whether Onion (Allium cepa) peel is not a viable material for

making an organic straw. The purpose of using true experimental design is to

accept or deny the hypothesis of the study an this makes it the most reliable

form of research. It makes sense that th e researchers will benefit from using

this kind of experimental design in terms of proving or disproving the


Additionally, experiments use precise and systematic processes to

reduce errors and bias, increasing the probability that the modification "caused"

the outcome in which the independent variable in this study is onion peel and

the dependent variable is the organic straw itself. Using Experimental design

enables the researchers to manipulate the variables and observe the results

which is pivotal considering how the different factors affect the outcome of the

Senior High School Department

Instrument and Technique

The student researchers will make use of the following instruments in

order to obtain the data needed to answer th e following the problems of the


Observation. According to Ary (2010), observation is the fundamental

strategy to be used for obtaining data. On the other hand, Gorman and Clayton

(2005, P.40) defined observation as involving a systematic recording of

observable phenomena or behavior in a natural setting. In this given manner,

it is made clear that the experimental method will be requiring observation

method in order to gather results and provide clear evidence. In line with this,

to enable the researchers to record findings observation sheet is required as


Observation Sheet. According to Hitesh Bhasin (2023), Observation

method is described as a method to observe and describe the behavior of a

subject. As the name suggests, it is a way of collecting relevant information and

data by observing. It is also referred to as a participatory study because the

researcher has to establish a link with the responden t and for this has to

immerse himself in the same setting as theirs. Only then can he use the

observation method to record and take notes.

Observation sheet is used once the experiment have established a

Senior High School Department

product. It is required to record the progress as well as the reaction of the

organic straw when it undergoes to certain processes for testing the product.

The study aims to make an organic straw out of onion peels.

Image Documentation. In an essay written by Rose Gillian, it

discussed about using images as a part of research. This approach is

substantial in proving and documenting evidences to give support in the

observed data gathered and recorded in the observation sheet. According to

Rose G. (2011, p. 297) it states that there are 3 forms of using photo in

research project; Photo-essay, Photo-elicitation and photo documentation at

which point, photo documentation is the most suitable form of using image in a

research project.

Through image documentation, the researchers can be able to provide

strong evidences of data gathered that can clearly show research progress

especially when recording or gathering results u sing image as verification.

Furthermore, utilizing this technique can provide authentic evidence whether

using onion peel is a viable source of material to be utilized for creating an

organic straw.
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Hence, image Documentation is required for this study in order to

present what is the result of the tests that were carried out during the

assembling of the organic straw made from onion peels together with testing

its durability and water absorption by employing cameras to create simple

documents using images as documents.

Senior High School Department

Materials and Methods

A. Preparation of Materials

A.1 Preparation of Onion Peels

The researchers will collect outer scales of onion peels from

used onions. After that, the researchers will dip the peels in the solution

of sodium metabisulfite (0.2M) solution for 45 minutes. This process will

serve as an antioxidant and preservative and it would increase the

biodegradation period of plastic.

A.2 Preparation of the mixture

The researchers will prepare 25 grams of crushed onion peels,

80ml of distilled water, a blender, sponge, stirring rod, beaker and

container. After that, the researcher will boil the peels in distilled water

for 15 minutes. After boiling, it will be drained and dried on a filter paper

for about 40 minutes. Using a blender, the peels will be blended until a

uniform paste is formed.

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A.3 Flattening of the mixture

The resulting amount of mixture from the last process discussed

will be used to spread the mixture evenly on a parchment paper. Next,

the flattened mixture will be subjected to microwave for about 5 minutes

at 135 degrees Celsius. After that, it will be settled out and will be left to

let it rest for approximately 2-5 minutes.

A.4 Molding

The mixture will be molded using the stirring rod for 15 minutes

until it is formed as a straw, once it followed the shape of the stirring rod

it will be separated to it to be subjected in the oven again for another 5


A.5 Polishing

Once the product is already solid, it is now ready to be polished

using a rough sponge.

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B. Durability Testing

B.1 Testing its durability with Stress

The product will be subjected to stress to see if it is durable

enough or if it can resist experiencing different kind of forces.

B.2 Testing its durability with Tension

The product will be subjected to Tension which involves

stretching and pulling that will result in tensile stress.

B.3 Testing its durability with Compression

The product will be subjected to compression which involves

squeezing and compressing wherein the material will experience

compressive stress.

C. Water Solubility Testing

Water Solubility Testing is significant to have a proper assessment of

the product’s ability to hold out against various types of liquid. This is also an

important process to identify which kind of liquid it is efficient to be used and

which kind of liquid it is not advisable to be used.

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C.1 Testing Solubility Using Cold Water

C.2 Testing Solubility Using Warm Water

C.3 Testing Solubility Using Hot water

C.4 Testing Solubility Using Tea

C.5 Testing Solubility Using Coffee

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Senior High School Department

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Senior High School Department

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Senior High School Department

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