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The table illustrates the growth of population, average fertility rate, and life expectancy at birth in
nations with categorized income levels in 2002 and 2004. Overall, higher income countries
experienced lower population growth and average birth per woman. Additionally, all nations
witnessed an increase in life expectancy at birth for the period.

Regarding the population growth rate, high income countries witnessed a minimal drop from 0.8%
in 2002 to 0.7% in 2004, while the figure for middle income nations experienced a plateau at 0.9%.
Despite having the highest rate throughout the period, the percentage of low income countries
dipped slightly from 2% in 2002 to 1.8% in 2004.

Concerning the fertility rate, female citizens from high income countries gave birth to an average
of 1.7 infants in both years, which was the lowest. The statistics for middle and low income nations
were 2.2 and 3.9 in 2002, respectively, after which they both decreased by around 0.1 in 2004.

Turning to life expectancy at birth, high income countries ranked first at 78 years old in 2002. The
next highest data was middle income nations at 69.1, followed by low income countries at 58.1.
In 2004, all countries saw an increase of approximately 0.8 in this category.

(216 words)

The bar graph compares the rise of urban population in different regions of the world in 1950 and
2000, with forecasts for 2023. Overall, the proportion of residents in all given areas, as well as in
the entire world, are predicted to increase. Additionally, the population rate of Latin America and
the Caribbean was consistently the highest, and is expected to remain this way in 2030.

Regarding the year 1950, the rate of city population in Latin America and the Caribbean was the
highest among all regions at over 40%. Nearly 15% and approximately 12% of the population in
Asia and Africa were city dwellers, respectively. The total population of cities all over the world
accounted for about 30%.

Turning to 2000, the figure for Latin America and the Caribbean ascended moderately to 70%,
while those for Asia and Africa rose significantly to roughly 39%. As for the whole world, the
share of city residents constituted nearly half of the world's population.

Concerning the prediction for 2030, the percentage of Latin America and the Caribbean’s urban
population are projected to maintain the highest by growing to 80%. About 51% of African
habitants are expected to live in cities, which is marginally lower than the figure for Asia at over
56%. The rate of the world's urban population is also anticipated to increase moderately, to 60%.

(225 words)

The line chart compares the amount of nitrogen oxide emitted by different types of vehicles in
relation to their velocity. Overall, the amount of emissions from trucks and buses decreases as they
begin to accelerate, but increases when the vehicles are at top speed, compared to a fairly constant
level from diesel and gasoline cars.

Regarding vehicles that release lower levels of emissions, petrol automobiles produce
approximately 11g of nitrogen oxide per kilometer at a speed of 10kph. As the vehicle accelerates
to 100kph, the amount of emissions decreases minimally by roughly 2g/km. However, at the
velocity of 130kph, it rises to about 12g/km. Diesel cars emit a lower amount of roughly 7g/km at
10kph, which declines at a fairly constant rate to precisely 5g/km when the vehicle reaches 130kph.

Concerning the remaining categories, the amount of emission for buses starts at 40g/km at 10kph
and plummets to just over 25g/km at 60kph. From this point, it begins to surge dramatically and
reach the highest point of around 42g/km when the vehicle maintains a velocity of 130kph. At
10kph, lorries discharge approximately 34g/km, which is moderately lower than buses and the
figure decreases to about 16g/km at 90kph, before soaring to nearly 25g/km at 130kph.

(215 words)

The pie charts compare the share of energy created from various sources in an unnamed nation in
1985 and 2003. Overall, oil produced the highest proportion of energy in both years. Additionally,
only the rate of energy outcomes from natural gas, coal, and unspecified renewable sources
experienced an increase over the given period.

Regarding the year 1985, over half of the energy in this country was contributed by oil, which was
more than double the next highest amount from nuclear power. Natural gas ranked third at 13%,
while coal and hydrogen comprised 8% and 4% of the total energy, respectively. Other renewable
sources accounted for the lowest percentage, at only 1%.

As for 2003, despite decreasing considerably to 39%, oil was still the largest source of energy,
followed by natural gas, which ascended to nearly one-quarter. The rate of energy from nuclear
power dropped by 5%, from 22% to 17%, whereas that from coal increased marginally to 13%.
Finally, hydrogen and other renewable sources witnessed identical percentage points of 4%.

(170 words)

The line chart illustrates the proportion of female students studying various subjects, at a college,
from 1970 to 2015. Overall, all courses experienced a rise in the rate of students over the given
period, with the most dramatic increase witnessed in the figure for law.

Computer science and physics started the period the highest. Computer science ranked first with
roughly 33% of students in 1970 and soared to around 77% in the following twenty years. A sudden
plummet from this point saw the proportion decrease to less than 40% by 2015. The percentage of

female students taking physics started at approximately 30% in 1970. After a brief plateau at nearly
60% from 1990 to 1995, it ascended continuously to about 87% in 2015.

Concerning the remaining categories, nearly a fifth of females studied medicine in 1970.
Subsequently, the figure surged exponentially to around 65% in 1990 and finished at over 90% in
the final year. The share of female law students was the lowest in 1970 at just approximately 10%,
yet it rose significantly to roughly 50% in 1980, surpassing those of the other three courses. By
the end, almost every female in this university took a law course.

(199 words)

The pictures illustrate the layout of the floor plan of an art gallery in 2005 and its alterations until
the present day. Overall, the most noticeable changes are the improved accessibility for guests as
well as accommodation for children.

Regarding the top half of the place, the coffee and shopping room at the upper left corner is now
used as a gallery shop only, while the office below it was removed for a space for coffee and food
vending machines. The staircase at the top center was reduced in width, making space for an
elevator. The exhibition rooms in the upper right have remained intact.

Concerning the other half, in the area of the entrance hall, which is in the middle of the gallery,
the curved-shape reception desk at the bottom of the stairs was removed and a round-shape table
is now situated in the middle of the lobby, along with several chairs. Another two exhibition rooms
in the right stayed unchanged, whereas the last one on the left side now displays temporary
exhibitions and was shrunk in size to make room for a designated playing section for minors below
it. The entryway in the bottom centre has experienced no modifications, yet half of the stairs
outside leading to it is now a ramp of wheelchairs.

(216 words)

The process diagram demonstrates different steps in manufacturing canned pears. Overall, the
production comprises fourteen steps, starting with harvesting the fruit, continuing with canning
the product, and ending with distribution.

The first nine steps involve processing the fruit for packaging. At first, the pears are picked
manually and then transferred to a place designated for rinsing. After being verified for the quality,
they are then preserved in cold conditions. This is followed by a stage of grading by weight of the
pears, after which the cores and seeds are removed and the pears are sliced, ready for the next stage
of packaging.

The final product is the outcome of the remaining steps. Slices of pears are packed into cans, which
are then sealed. In the next step, the cans undergo a process of cooking and sterilizing. After being
labeled, the products are placed into storage before being transported for distribution. (150 words)

The image demonstrates the various stages in acquiring a driving license in a particular state in the
US. Overall, there are at least seven steps in the process if the applicants pass all the requirements,
and additional steps may be mandatory if they fail any stages.

The first four steps decide whether an examinee is qualified for the test. The potential driver first
needs to visit the license establishment to submit a filled form. After this, they are required to pass
an optical test in order to advance to the licensing procedures; otherwise, they cannot be furthered.

The remaining steps involve payment and driving skill examinations. The contestant is obliged to
pay a charge before performing a written exam, which allows two failures before entering the next
step, otherwise they must pay the test fee once more to redo this exam. This is followed by a
driving test, in which applicants who pass will receive their licenses, while those who fail must
pay the charge again to re-enter the written examination phase.

(172 words)

The table depicts the average age of retirement, of both genders, in different nations in 2003.
Overall, the average retirement age of Koreans in both genders was the highest. Additionally, men
retired at a later age than women in all given countries.

Regarding males, the average age of retirement in Korea ranked first at 68 years and 8 months.
This was followed by Japan, the US, and Australia at over 67, 65, and 64, respectively. Italian
citizens stopped working at a significantly younger age of over 58 years old, while the figure for
France was the lowest at 57 years and 4 months.

Concerning females, the highest average retirement age was also witnessed in Korea at 67 years
and 2 months, which was precisely three years older than that of the US. At 66 and three quarters
years old, Japanese residents entered their retirement phase, whereas Australian women terminated
their employment life earlier at nearly 63 and a half years old. The figures for Italy and France
were fairly comparable at around 57 years old.

(175 words)

The table and bar graph illustrates the average minutes that British males and females allocate each
day to different recreational activities and house chores. Overall, both genders in the UK spend
the longest time on TV, videos, and radio. Additionally, women allot more time every day on most
houseworks, except for repairing.

Regarding entertainment, British men and women spend the longest time watching television,
videos and listening to the radio at 137 and 118 minutes per day, respectively. Males play sport
for an average of 15 minutes every day, which is 4 minutes higher than the figure for females.
Moreover, nearly 20 minutes a day are dedicated to reading by each gender.

Concerning household activities, women in Britain allocate approximately 75 minutes to cooking
and washing, while they only spend roughly more than half an hour on shopping or washing and
ironing clothes. The figures for men for those three house chores are relatively smaller, with
roughly 30 minutes for cooking and washing, about 25 for shopping, followed by nearly 10
minutes for washing and ironing clothes. Male citizens in the UK only dominate in the time for
repairing work at nearly 20 minutes per day, which is double that of females.

(202 words)

Demand for food is increasing worldwide. What are the causes of this? What measures can
the international community take to make sure the supply of food is enough?

The need for sustenance is growing globally. This could be attributed to the rising world
population and enhanced living standards. This essay will elaborate on the drivers and provide
several global approaches for satisfying this increasing demand.

The reasons for the increase in food demand are twofold. To begin with, the primary factor behind
this phenomenon is the increasing world population. This surge leads to a rise in the demand for
food, as there is a higher number of people available to consume food to sustain their lives and
health. In addition, as the living standards of countries improve, citizens might be enticed to
experience a more diverse range of food, such as meats from exotic animals. As a result, the
boundary for food sources has expanded even beyond its current perimeter.

There are several methods that societies around the world may adapt to maintain a sufficient level
of food supplies. Initially, governments should implement population control regulations. This is
because if worldwide population growth is managed to a minimum rate, there will be a lighter
burden on food allocation. For instance, nations can implement a restriction to limit the birth rate
by allowing only one child to be born per family. Furthermore, policymakers should increase
expenditure for income and technological assistance for the agricultural sector to accommodate
the demand. The enhanced compensation as well as industrial equipment for food manufacturers
can stimulate a higher level of food production and productivity. Ultimately, supplies can meet
the global demand for food.

In conclusion, the rising need for sustenance is caused by global population growth and the
increased living standards of residents. To satisfy this demand, international communities can
establish various strategies including imposing laws to minimize birth rates and providing
economic and technological assistance for the food production industry.

(294 words)

English Vietnamese

Sustenance Thực phẩm

Sustain Duy trì

Be enticed to Bị dụ dỗ

Exotic Kỳ lạ

Perimeter Phạm vi

Allocation Phân bổ

Ultimately Cuối cùng

More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have been introduced
in many countries because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh
the drawbacks?

Numerous metropolitan areas around the world have extensively implemented approaches to
improve the safety of residents, which is being threatened by the elevated crime rate. In my
opinion, the detrimental impacts of this strategy are more significant than the possible advantages
it brings.

The first negative effect from this method is that it may weaken the national economy. Specifically,
safety procedures necessitate the additional allocation of equipment as well as the involved labor
force. This can lead to a growth in government expenditure, which is mostly generated by tax
levies on citizens. For instance, an increase in the number of police patrols requires a greater
budget for officer salaries, operational vehicles, and weapons.

Another adverse consequence of the improved level of security is the inconvenience for residents.
Indeed, as the safety measures become more complicated, citizens must regularly comply with a
wider range of regulations. For example, upon entering buildings, employees must form a queue
to go through a scanning device to ensure that there are no illegal items brought into the premises.
As a result, this could add extra time to accomplish everyday tasks for individuals.

Admittedly, there are still several advantageous outcomes emerging from this strategy, chief
among which is the reduced level of crime. This is because the increased level of precautionary
measures makes it more challenging for possible offenders to commit transgressions, thus
deterring them from performing those acts. Ultimately, the number of crimes can be decreased in
urban areas.

In conclusion, many large urban regions have increasingly imposed methods to raise the safety
level for their residents. Personally, I believe that the possible downsides, including the heavier
financial burden for governments and the inconvenience for citizens, prevail over the benefits
such as reduced crime.

English Vietnamese

Elevated Tăng cao

Police patrols Cảnh sát tuần tra

Queue Xếp hàng

Premises Cơ sở

Accomplish Hoàn thành

Precautionary Đề phòng

Transgressions Vi phạm

Deterring Răn đe

Prevail Chiến ưu thế

If a product is good or it meets people's needs, people will buy it so advertising is unnecessary.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many argue that if merchandise is of respectable quality or satisfies consumers’ demands,

advertising is no longer essential. In my opinion, I totally disagree with this viewpoint since it also
contributes to acquiring additional customers, improving the competition level and informing the
society about the company’s social operations.

The first reason for my belief is that advertising helps companies attain a larger market share.
Adverts assist to promote the image of products or services to raise awareness among consumers.
Indeed, the superior quality of a product does not necessarily lead to a wide awareness among
consumers in the entire market. For instance, a bakery that sells delicious banh mi’s may mostly
be famous among local customers, yet with the help of social network advertising, it could attract
gourmets from all around the city.

Another justification for my disagreement is that advertising contributes considerably to market

competition. This is because most people tend to constantly seek out better alternatives to
consume. For this reason, extensive advertisements can inform buyers of the company’s products
and entice them to switch between brands.

A further explanation for my opposition is that advertising is also used to propagate the social
activities of companies. Consumers, as a way to support society, are encouraged to purchase
products from firms that are considered socially responsible. Vinmart, as an example, after the
advertising campaign that announced it was providing red meals for the poor during the COVID-
19, witnessed a surge in customer traffic in the following months.

In conclusion, it is widely believed that advertising is not necessary if the quality of a product is
sufficient. I strongly oppose this notion because advertising serves significant objectives which
are increasing market share, assisting in competition with other brands, and increasing sales by
notifying the public about the company’s social campaigns. I would like to recommend firms to
always include advertisement activities in their commercial endeavors, even if their products are
of superior quality.

(320 words)

English Vietnamese

Merchandise Hàng hóa

Attain Đạt được

Gourmets Người sành ăn

Propagate Tuyên truyền

Team activities can teach more skills for life than those activities which are played alone. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many argue that more abilities can be developed from teamwork activities than from those that
are performed solo. I mostly agree with this viewpoint, as although one person tasks can teach
people to endure pressure, team activities ameliorate interpersonal skills and social relations.

The first justification for my advocacy is that activities that are performed with fellow players can
improve individuals’ social skills. This is because this practice necessitates players to
communicate effectively with others in order to attain the collective goal. For instance, in soccer,
teammates must continuously exchange information to retain their established strategy. As a result,
members can obtain communication skills as well as methods to maintain harmony with others.

Another explanation for my agreement is that this kind of activity also assists in enhancing
personal relationships. Specifically, participating in group tasks introduces opportunities to form
new relations, as people may encounter strangers in their team. As well as this, in the process of
finding solutions for the shared objective together, mutual conflicts between individuals may be
resolved. For these reasons, not only can team activities contribute to the expansion of social
circles, but also to the resolution of relationship issues.

Admittedly, solitary activities enable people to develop a higher threshold for pressure endurance.
Due to the fact that every task involved in the activity has to be performed single-handedly often
under a time constraint, this puts a large strain on the individual to complete the entire work all
by themself. In order to succeed, people must learn to surmount the discouragement that arises
from the difficulty of this type of activity. A student, for example, must overcome the pressure of
their overload of assignments to complete the course.

In conclusion, I almost completely believe that collaborative activities can equip individuals with
more abilities than those that only require one person. This is because although solo players can
learn to manage pressure, group work enhances communication skills for people and expands their
social circles. For the benefit of personal development, individuals should learn diverse skills by
participating in both kinds of activities.

(344 words)

English Vietnamese

Ameliorate Cải thiện

Interpersonal skills Kỹ năng giao tiếp

Mutual Lẫn nhau, qua lại

Threshold Ngưỡng cửa

Constraint Hạn chế

Surmount Vượt qua

Experts say if the old people spend time and get along with others and exercise every day,
they will be healthier and happier. However, many elderly are suffering from loneliness and
lack of fitness. Discuss the causes and solutions?

Despite being recommended by specialists that in order to maintain good health and satisfaction
in life, seniors should live in harmony with others and exercise regularly, most of them still live a
sedentary lifestyle with little social contact. This essay will discuss the possible reasons for and
provide several approaches to resolve the problem.

Life experience and physical constraints are the primary factors for this issue. To begin with, the
elderly tend to have a pessimistic attitude toward other people. This is because they have lived a
long enough life to witness or experience negative life incidents which lead to a higher level of
caution and the tendency to judge others. As a result, this makes it more challenging for them to
open their minds and become sociable, which narrows their relationship circles. Furthermore,
older individuals generally have injuries from past illnesses or simply old age that prevent them
from performing exercises, thus discouraging them from obtaining a better shape. For instance, a
stroke may permanently reduce the flexibility of limbs, which increases the difficulty of

Fortunately, there are several methods that could be applied to resolve this problem. Specifically,
municipal elderly clubs can be arranged to assist this cohort of residents to become more social.
This encourages members to interact with others and become friendlier individuals with the help
of club activities such as chess or bingo games. Furthermore, families should consult with doctors
or personal trainers to advise their elder family members of the appropriate exercises that they can
still perform. Consequently, not only can they improve their fitness level, but some of the chronic
injuries may also be recovered.

In conclusion, many elderly citizens are now experiencing a lonely life and debilitating
physicality. This could be attributed to the negativity about life and the restraints from past
injuries. However, the issue can be mitigated with the establishment of public social clubs and
seeking training advice from medical experts. (322 words)

English Vietnamese

Constraints Hạn chế

Pessimistic Bi quan

Municipal Đô thị

Cohort of residents Nhóm dân cư

Consult Tham khảo ý kiến

Chronic Kinh niên

Debilitating Suy nhược

Restraints Hạn chế

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