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Gabon, Juan P.

1.Since they were captured and the woman was ordered against their will,
A and his companions did not commit the crime of treason. Treason is a
crime if there is a purposeful or intentional sticking to the benefits of the
adversaries by giving them assistance and comfort, according to the rules
for the offense.

2Given that they are visited and required to maintain peace and order, the
mayor and the police officers' crime is fundamentally one of arbitrary
detention. The act of arresting someone without a valid reason in order to
deliver them to the appropriate authorities is said to be the crime in this
instance. and it is unlawful to detain someone without a valid reason in
order to convey them to the appropriate authorities.

3,Patron Cruz was not guilty of the accusation of arbitrary detention

because the act of arresting the three people was merely justified since
there was an order from the mayor to patrol there and apprehend
occurrences of robbery in the area, and the three people were arrested in a
suspicious area at an unregulated hour under suspicious circumstances.

A. Yes, according to the current legal provisions of the updated penal
code, Patrolman Bart is accountable. and since Amy has been detained
for 48 hours, he is breaking the law by delaying the handover of an
arrested person to the appropriate authorities.
B. Yes, Amy is criminally responsible for minor disobedience under the
current, revised penal law on the grounds of opposing an person on
authority or their agent.

5.If I were the fiscal, I would charge the creditor with a direct assault on
authority because the barangay chairman was the victim of a crime of
intimidation and the use of force while performing his official duties,
which is what the law currently defines as an act against a person of

6.The mayor is responsible for unlawful detention. since the Penal Code
defines detention as any confinement of a person or persons in an
enclosure or in any other manner that denies them their liberty. The
mayor must persuade the team to stay in the house because he cannot let
them go home and arrest them while being guarded by his armed men.
Since there is no legal foundation for the mayor's decision, which was
made in the exercise of his authority to maintain peace and order,

7.The offense of releasing a prisoner was punishable under the revised

penal law for A's followers. In addition to removing them from any jail
that anyone had placed them in, the crime also includes assisting in their
escape outside by the use of force, intimidation, bribery, or any other
means of escape.

8. B is responsible for two separate crimes in this case: first, the crime
resulting in serious injury, which is what happened when he smacked his
professor; and second, the crime of direct assault

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