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Chapter Three


The free-flight motion of a projectile is often studied in terms of its rectangular

components. To illustrate the kinematics analysis, consider a projectile
projected from the origin (0,0), with an initial velocity of vo, having components
v 
0 x
 v0 cos and v0 y  v0 sin , When air resistance is neglected, the only
force acting on the projectile is its weight, which causes the projectile to have a
constant downward acceleration of g = 9.81 m/s 2 or g = 32.2 ft/s 2

3.1) Horizontal Motion. Since a x = 0, application of the constant acceleration

equations yields

vx  vo cos (3.1)

x  vo cos  t (3.2)

The first equation indicates that the velocity along x-axis is always constant

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Chapter Three-Projectiles

3.2) Vertical Motion. Since the positive y axis is directed upward, then
a y = -g. application of the constant acceleration equations yields

v y  vo sin  gt (3.3)

y  vo sin t  12 gt 2 (3.4)

3.3) Maximum Height (h)

when the projectile arrives to the highest point "A" in its path, the vertical
component of the velocity vanished v y  0 , and equation (3.3) becomes

0  v0 sin  g th
where t h is the time needed to arrive "A" then

v0 sin 
th  (3.5)
The maximum height is obtained when t h  t , y=h i.e. from equation (3.4)

 v0 sin   1  v0 sin  

h  vo sin     2 g

 g   g 
 

h 
v 2
sin 2  

3.4) The range on a horizontal plane (R)

Range is the distance between the point of projection "O" and the point of
intersection of the path and the horizontal plane which passes through "O" .

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Chapter Three-Projectiles

Since the y-coordinates of the point "B" is equal to zero. Then, equation (3.4)
0   12 gt 2  v0 sin t
the root (t=0) gives the origin "O", while the second root gives the point "B"

2v0 sin 
tf   2t h (3.7)

is called the time of flight, which is the time needed for the projectile to arrive
"B" from "O". it is equal twice the time of maximum height. To get "R" put
t R  t into equation (3.2), we get

 2v sin  
R  vo cos   0 
 g 

v 2
sin 2 
 2 xh

i.e. the path of the projectile is similar about the vertical line passes through the

point "A". equation (3.8) shows that the angle of projection are  and  .

3.5) The equation of the path (x,y)

pat equation is a relation between x and y obtained by eliminate "t" between (3.2)
and (3.4) i.e. From (3.2)
vo cos 
substituting into (3.4) we get

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Chapter Three-Projectiles

 

 x  1  
y  vo sin  
  2 g  
 vo cos    v cos  
 o 

g x2
y  x tan   2 (3.9)
2v cos2  0

 g x2 
or y  x tan    2 1  tan 2   (3.10)
 2v  0

which is the equation of a parabola with vertex upward and a vertical axis.


The ball is kicked from point A with the initial velocity v A = 10 m/s.
Determine the maximum height and the range R, and the speed when the
ball hits the ground.


given, v A  10 m/s and   300

h 
v 2
sin 2  

10 2
sin 2 300 
 1.27m
2g 29.8

R 
v 2
sin 2 

10 2
sin 600 
 8.84m
g 9. 8

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Chapter Three-Projectiles


A ball is thrown from A . if it is required to clear the wall at B, determine

the minimum magnitude of its initial velocity v A .


given, x  12 ft, y  5 ft and   300

 g x2 
 y  x tan    2 1  tan 2  
 2v 

 32.2 122 
 5  12 tan 30  
1  tan 2 300 
2 
 2v 0 
 3091  3091
 5  4 3   2    2   1.92
 v 
0  v 

 3091 2
   v  v0  40.2 ft / s
 1 . 92 

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Chapter Three-Projectiles


A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of v A = 150 m/s off the roof of
the building. Determine the range R where it hits the ground at B.


given, v A  150 m/s, y  150 m and tan   34

 y  vo sin   t  12 gt 2

 150  150 53  t  12 9.8t 2

 150  90 t  4.9t 2  4.9t 2  90 t  150  0

 t  19.9 sec or t  1.53secrejected 

 x  R  150 54 19.9   2388 m

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Chapter Three-Projectiles


a gun at position A fires a projectile to hit a target at position B. the target is

located 350 m down the gun. The initial velocity of the projectile is v0=300
m/s, and inclined by an angle α=30º with the horizontal, determine :-

a) The time of flight from A to B.

b) The horizontal distance (X).
c) The greatest height above the ground.
d) If the target moves horizontally to left at a constant speed of 20 m/s,
determine the distance (D) of the target from the gun when the projectile
should be fired.
y v

A 30

350 m

x s


given, vA  300 m/s, y  350 m and   300

a)  y  vo sin   t  1 gt2


 350  150 sin 300  t  1 9.8t 2


 350  150 t  4.9t 2  4.9t 2  150 t  350  0

 t  32.8 sec or t  2.517 sec rejected 

b)  x  vo Cos  t  300 Cos300 32.8  8521.7 m

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c) Total hieght H  350  h
 350  150 t  4.9t 2  4.9t 2  150 t  350  0

rejected 
Chapter Three-Projectiles
 t  32.8 sec or t  2.517 sec

b)  x  vo Cos  t  300 Cos300 32.8  8521.7 m

c) Total hieght H  350  h

 H  350 
v 2
Sin 2   350  300 2
Sin 2 300 
 1498 m
2g 29.8

d) since the speed of the car is constant  20 m/s v 

 S  v. t  20 (32.8)  656m

 Total distance D  X  S  8521.7  656  9177.7m

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Chapter Three-Projectiles


Determine the horizontal velocity VA of a tennis ball at A so that it just

clears the net at B. Also, find the distance S where the ball strikes the


given,   0 at point B x  21 ft and , y  4.5 ft

 g x2 
 y  x tan    2 1  tan 2  
 2v A 

 32.2 212 
 4.5  21tan  zero    2
1  tan 2  zero 
 2v A 

 7100   7100 
 4.5  0   2    2   4.5
 vA   vA 

 7100  2
   vA   v A  39.7 ft / s
 4.5 

at point c x  ? and , y  7.5 ft

 g x2 
 y  x tan    2 1  tan 2  
 2v A 

 32.2 x 2 
  7.5  x tan  zero    2 1  tan  zero 

 239.7  

 x2   x2 
 7.5  0       7.5
 97.9   97.9 

 x 2  7.597.9    x  27 ft

 s  x  21  27  21  6 ft

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Chapter Three-Projectiles

The girl throws the toy at an angle of 30º from point A as shown.
Determine the maximum and minimum speed vA it can have so that it
lands in the pool.


given,   300 at point B x  2.5 m and , y  0.75 m

 g x2 
 y  x tan    2 1  tan 2  
 2v  A

 9.8 2.52 
 0.75  2.5 tan 30   0
1  tan 2 300 
 2v A 

 30.63   30.63 
 0.75  1.44   2    2   2.19
 vA   v  A

 30.63  2
   vA   v A  3.7 m / s (minimum velocity)
 2.19 

at point c x  4m and , y  0.75m

 9.8 4 2 
 0.75  4 tan 30  
1  tan 2 300 
2 
 2v  A

 78.4   78.4 
 0.75  2.3   2    2   3.05
 v  A vA 

 78.4  2
 v   v A  5.07m / s (maximum velocity)
 3 . 05 

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Chapter Three-Projectiles


A small stone projected from a point O at the top of a vertical cliff OA. The
point O is 52.5 m above the sea. The stone rises to a maximum height of 10
m above the level of O before hitting the sea at the point B, where AB = 50
m, as shown in the Figure.

(a) Show that the vertical component of the velocity of projection of the
stone is 14 m/s.
(b) Find the time after projection from O to B.
(c) Find the speed and angle of projection.


given, h  10 m, x  50 m and y  52.5 m

a since h
v 2
sin 2  

v 2
sin 2  
 10m
2g 29.8
 v 2 sin 2   196
 v y  v0 sin   14m / s...... (1)

b  given at point B, y  52.5m

 y  vo sin  t  12 gt 2

 52.5  14 t  12 9.8t 2

 4.9t 2  14 t  52.5  0
 t  5 sec or t  2.14 secrejected 

c  given at point B, x  50m

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 x  vo cos t
Chapter Three-Projectiles

c  given at point B, x  50m

 x  vo cos  t

50  vo cos 5  vo cos  10..........( 2)

dividing (1) and (2), we get

v0 sin  14
  tanα  1.4   α  54.50
vo cos 10

from ( 2), vo cos54.50  10   v0  17.2m / s

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Chapter Three-Projectiles

Assignment # 3

1) The basketball player likes to release his foul shots with an

initial angle θ=45˚, find the minimum velocity (v0) should the ball
taken to cause the ball to pass through the center of the rim and
the time taken to reach to the rim.

5 m


3.2 m

2- A projectile is launched with an initial speed of 200 m/s at an

angle of 600 with respect to the horizontal. Compute the range R
as measured up the incline.

3- The path of a projectile is represented by , if

(g=10m/s²), find the maximum height and range of the projectile.

4- A particle is projected from a certain point. It is noticed that its

range on the horizontal plane which passes through the point of
projection is equal to three times the maximum height above the
point of projection, and the velocity after two seconds from the
time of projection is equal to the velocity of projection. Find the
velocity of projection, also find the position of the projectile after
5 sec from the beginning of projection.

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Chapter Three-Projectiles

6- A projectile is fired from the edge of a 150-m hill with an

initial velocity of 180 m/s at an angle of 30° with the horizontal.
Neglecting air resistance, find
(a) the horizontal distance from the gun to the point where the
projectile strikes the ground,
(b) the greatest elevation above the ground reached by the

7- A cricket ball is hit from a point A with velocity of (pi + qj) m/s,
at an angle α above the horizontal. The unit vectors i and j are
respectively horizontal and vertically upwards. The point A is 0.9
m vertically above the point O, which is on horizontal ground. The
ball takes 3 seconds to travel from A to B, where B is on the
ground and OB = 57.6 m, as shown in the Figure.

(a) find the value of p (b) show that q= 14.4,

(c) find the initial speed of the cricket ball,
(d) find the exact value of tan α.
(e) Find the length of time for which the cricket ball is at least 4 m
above the ground.

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