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Refractive Index

U77-13 A plane glass mirror of thickness 1.5 cm is placed on a

table as shown in Fig.U77-13, a small particle P rests on the P
top surface of the mirror. Find the position of the final image
of P after the reflection at AB and the refraction at CD. 1.5 cm glass reflecting
(refractive index of glass is 1.5) surface
D A. 0.5 cm above AB B. 1.5 cm below AB A B
C. 1.0 cm above AB D. 0.5 cm below AB Fig.U77-13

U77-14 The refractive indices of air, glass and water are 1.00, 1.50 and 1.33 respectively. Thus,
C A. light will travel faster in glass than in air.
B. light will travel faster in glass than in water.
C. when light passes from glass to water, the angle of incidence is smaller than the angle of refraction.
D. when light passes from air to water, the angle of refraction is greater than the angle of incidence.

U78-14 Light ray of wavelength 6000 Å in glass is entering the air from the glass. If the refractive
index of glass with respect to air is 1.5, what is the wavelength of the light ray in the air?
D A. 3000 Å B. 4000 Å C. 6000 Å D. 9000 Å

U78-P5a Fig.U78-P5a is the ray diagram showing the

formation of the image I of an object O placed
under a glass block of thickness t and refractive
index n. Prove that IO = t (1 − 1n ) t I

O Fig.U78-P5a

U83-12 Which of the following expressions concerning the refractive index n of an optical medium
is/are correct?
i. n = speed
speed of ligt in medium
of lightin vacuum
ii. n = apparent
real depth
iii. n = sin
sin i
, where i = angle of incidence, r = angle of refraction
C A. iB. i, ii C. ii, iii D. i, ii, iii E. N.O.T.A.

U84-13 Light is incident on the interface separate two liquids X and Y, which do not mix. If the
absolute refractive index of X is less than that of Y and the critical angle of the interface is
60, then the ratio of the speed of light in liquid X to that in liquid Y is _________.
C A. 1 : 2 B. 1:2 C. 2 : 3 D. 3 : 2

U85-11 Glass has a refractive index of 1.5 and water a refractive index of 3
. If the speed of light in
glass is 2.00108 m s–1, then its speed in water is _________ m s–1.
B A. 3.00108 B. 2.25108 C. 1.78108 D. 1.50108 E. 1.33108

U87-11 A wave of wavelength 10 cm travelling with a speed of 90 m s–1 in air enters a block of glass
of refractive index 1.5. What would be the wavelength and the speed of this wave in the glass?
Wavelength (cm) Speed (m s–1)
B A. 5.5 45
B. 6.7 60
C. 8.6 75
D. 10.0 90
E. 13.5 135

U87-13 For any two different optical media given, their two relative refractive indices are both ___.
B A. between 0 and 1 B. not equal to 1 C. always equal to 1
D. always smaller than 1 E. always greater than 1

U87-18 The wavelength of a certain light wave inside a vacuum is 5.9010–7 m and its speeds in the
vacuum and in glass are 3.0108 m s–1 and 2.0108 m s–1 respectively. Find the wavelength of
this light in glass.
B A. 2.9510–7 m B. 3.9310–7 m C. 5.9010–7 m D. 8.8510–7 m E. N.O.T.A
U87-P9d The wavelength of a certain light is 550 nm in air. What would be its wavelength when it
travels in water of refractive index 1.33? [412.5 nm]

U89-P4a State Snell’s Law of Refraction.

(b) A beam of light travelling through a pool of water is incident upon the water-air interface.
The speed of light in water is 2.25108 m s–1 and that in air is 3.00108 m s–1. Calculate the
maximum angle, which the beam in water can make with the vertical if the beam of light is
to escape into the air.
(c) If the surface of the pool of water is covered with a thick layer of oil of refractive index 1.5,
and if the beam of light is incident from water at the incident angle calculated in (b),
calculate the angle of refraction both in the oil layer and in the air. Draw a ray diagram to
[48.59; 41.81, 90]

U90-P4a What do you understand by the refractive index of an optical medium?

(b) A ray of light crosses the interface between two transparent media of refractive indices n1
and n2. Gives a formula relating n1, n2 and the directions (i.e. the angles) of the ray in the
two sides of the interfaces.
(c) It has been suggested that the variation of refractive index n with wavelength of the
incident ray,  is given by n = A + B , where A and B are constants for a given material. Using
a graphical method, or otherwise, determine the values of A and B and hence find the
general formula for the refractive index n of a certain material from the following
experimental data:
 4.510–7 m 5.010–7 m 5.510–7 m 6.010–7 m 6.510–7 m
n 1.633 1.630 1.627 1.625 1.623
[n1sini1 = n2sini2; 1.601, 1.4310 m]

U93-6 When a ray of light passes through a glass block, refraction takes place, this is because _____.
B A. light waves are electromagnetic waves B. the speed of light in glass is smaller
C. the frequency of light in glass is smaller D. the density of glass is greater than that of air

U94-9 A container contains two different liquids separated into two layers. The upper layer is oil, 6
cm thick, of refractive index 32 ; the lower layer is water, 8 cm thick, of refractive index 43 .
When viewed perpendicularly downwards from the oil surface, the apparent depth of a dark
spot at the bottom of container (inside surface) will be _____cm.
D A. 19.67 B. 18 C. 14 D. 10

U94-P5 State the Laws of Refraction of light.

(b) Fig.U94-P5 shows a ray of light travelling from medium A of refractive index 1.20 to
medium B of refractive index 1.50.
(i) What is the relative refractive index of medium B with
respect to medium A.
(ii) If the medium A is a gas in which the speed of light is found
to be 2.85 108 ms –1, what will be the speed of light in
medium B? S R
(iii) If the semi-chord CD = 8.40 cm, what is the length of the nA
semi-chord RS? =1.
(iv) Given that the angle of incident in medium A is 45.0, what 20 =1.
is the corresponding angle of refraction in medium B? 50 C D
And, also find the angle between the reflected and refracted
rays at the interface. Fig.U94-P5
[1.25; 2.28 10 m s ; 10.5 cm; 34.45, 100.55]
8 –1

U96-4 The refractive indices of glass and alcohol are respectively 1.50 and 1.35. The relative
refractive index when the light is incident from alcohol to glass is _________.
B A. 1.50 B. 11..50
C. 1.351.50 D. 12 (1.50 + 1.35)

U96-P1d The speed of light in vacuum is c while in another medium is 54 c . The refractive index of
the medium is ____________. [1.25]
U97-P1a What are the similarities and differences of the primary and secondary rainbow?
(b) The interfaces of four optical media A, B, C and D are
parallel. The refractions of a monochromatic ray of light
traveling through the four media are shown in Fig.U97-P1b.
Given that C is a vacuum, the radii of the three circles in the
figure are equal and the lengths of the semi-chords I, II, III
and IV in the three circles are 4.5 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm and 4 cm I I = 4.5 cm
respectively. A
(i) Find the absolute refractive index of medium B. II = 4 cm
(ii) Find the relative refractive index of medium B II B
relative to medium A.
(iii) At which interface will the total internal reflection III = 6 cm C
occur? What is the critical angle?
(iv) What is the refractive angle from medium D if the IV = 4 cm D
incident angle from medium A is 40? Fig.U97-P1b
[1.5; 1.125; BC, 41.81; 34.85]

U98-2 A ray of light is incident in water with the angle of incidence of 30 on a plane of water-air
boundary, the angle of refraction is 45. If the same ray of light is allowed to be incident in air on
a plane of air-glass boundary, the angle of incidence and refraction are 60 and 30 respectively.
Hence the refractive index of water with respect to glass is __________.
2 3 2 3
A A. B. C. 2 D. 2
3 2 3 2

U98-P2 (c) A fisherman found a fish 0.6 m below the water. If the refractive index of water is 4/3,
(i) what position should he aim with his spear in order to get the fish? [0.8 m]
(ii) Beyond which area should he stand so that the fish would not see him and get frightened

U99-1 Let v0 and 0 be the speed and wavelength of a ray in vacuum respectively. The light is
incident from vacuum with the angle of incidence i into another medium, and the angle of
refraction is r. If the speed and wavelength of the light in this medium are v1 and 1
respectively, then ______.
0 1 0 1
= =
= = = =
v1 v0 sin i
= =
sin i v1 sin i sin i
C A. sin r v0 1 B. sin r v0 0 C. sin r v1 1 D. sin r v1 0

U2k-4 The speed of light in a particular medium is 3  10 8 m s–1. After a beam of light is incident
from air into the medium, if its refracted ray and reflected ray are perpendicular to each
other, what is its refracted angle r?
B A. 1826’ B. 30 C. 60 D. 7133’

U2k-P2a Blue light has a frequency of 6.41014 Hz. It is incident from air into a transparent medium
X with an angle of incidence i = 45 and an angle of refraction r = 32. Given that the speed
of light in air is 3.0108 m s–1 and that the refractive index of air is 1.0.
(i) Find the refractive index of X (with respect to the blue light).
(ii) Find the speed of propagation of blue light in X.
(iii) Find the wavelength of blue light in X.
(iv) Find the wavelength of blue light in air.
(v) If a red light of 650 nm is used in place of the blue light, what change will take place in
the angle of refraction if the angle of incidence i = 45 remains unchanged?
[1.33; 2.25108 m s–1; 3.5210–7 m; 4.6910–7 m]

U2k1-2 The wavelength of a beam of light in water of refractive index nw = 4/3 is 4.510–7 m. What
is the wavelength of the light in glass of refractive index ng = 3/2.
A A. 4.010–7 m B. 5.010–7 m C. 6.010–7 m D. 9.010–7 m

U2k-P2 (b) Along the edge of a cylindrical cup which is 1 cm in radius, a man
can just see a far point P at the bottom of the cup as shown in Fig.U2k-P2b.
If the cup is filled up with water (the refractive index of water is nw = 4/3),
he can just see the centre 0 at the bottom of the cup.
(i) Draw the ray diagram and find the depth of water.
(ii) Find the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction of the P O
emerging ray from point 0. Fig.U2k-P2b
[40.2; 59.39]

U2k1-4 The absolute refractive index of glass is known to be 1.5. This statement tells us that _____.
C A. the density of glass is 1.5 times that of air
B. the incidence angle at the glass is 1.5 times that of the refraction angle
C. the speed of light in vacuum is 1.5 times that of light in glass
D. the frequency of light in glass is 1.5 times that of light in air

U2k1-5 A wooden stick is stuck vertically into a pool 1 m in depth. The length
of the stick above the water surface is 0.3 m as shown in Fig.U2k1-5. When 37
the ray of sunlight is shining obliquely with an angle of 37 with the horizon, 0.3m
the length of the shadow of the stick at the bottom of the pool is ____m.
B A. 0.75 1m
B. 1.15
C. 1.33 Fig.U2k01-5
D. 1.67

U2k2-1 If the frequency, wavelength and velocity of a monochromatic light in vacuum are f,  and
c respectively, then the frequency, wavelength and velocity in a medium of refractive index n
will be:
C Frequency Wavelength Velocity
A nf n nc
B f  c
C f /n c/n
D f/n /n c/n

U2k03-1 A monochromatic light is incident from medium A of refractive index nA to another

medium B of refractive index nB. The wavelengths of the light in medium A and B are A and
B while the frequencies are fA and fB respectively. If nA > nB, then __________.
A A. fA = fB, A < B B. fA = fB, A > B C. fA > fB, A < B D. fA < fB, A < B

U2k04-P1(b) A diver can see the entire sky above him through a circular hole at the water surface.
Given that the critical angle of the water to the air is θ, the distance between the diver’s eye
and the water surface is h. Prove that the diameter of the hole is 2htanθ.

U2k05-2 When light passes from medium A to medium B, if the incident angle is 45º. Then the
refraction angle is 60º. Which of the following descriptions are correct?
I. The refractive index of medium B relative to medium A is 36
II. When the incident angle is 30º, the angle of refraction is 45º
III. Total internal reflection occurs when the incident angle is 55º

U2k05-3 When an illuminated point source is situated at a point P below Air r r

Water surface
the water surface as shown in Fig.U2k05-3, a bright image of source
forming a circle can be observed at the water surface. If the depth of Water
point P is 1.5 m, what is the radius r of the circle of bright image?
Light source
[Note: The refractive index of water with respect to air is 4/3]
C A. 0.5 m B. 1.0 m C. 1.7 m D. 2.5 m Fig.U2k05-3

U2k06-3 As shown in Fig.U2k06-3a, when the incident angle  changes from 0 to 90, which of
the diagrams in Fig.U2k06-3b shows the change of sin and sing?
D A. sing B. sin g
 air
0 sin 0 sin Fig.U2k06-3a

C. sin g D. sin g

0 sin 0 sin

U2k06-P1 (a) A ray of orange light with a wavelength of 610–7 m is na  air

incident from air into a flat glass with an angle of incidence ,
and after refraction, it is incident again into a liquid with ng rg glass
refractive index 1.36, as shown in Fig.U2k06-P1a. Given that
the angle of incidence  is 30 and the angle of refraction in nl il liquid
the glass r = 17, find Fig.U2k06-P1a
(i) the index of refraction for the glass (with respect to the orange light); [1%]
(ii) the frequency of this light in the glass; [1%]
(iii) the speed of this light in the glass; [1%]
(iv) the wavelength of this light in the glass; [1%]
(v) the angle of refraction il in the liquid. [1%]
[1.71; 5.0 10 Hz; 1.75 10 ms ; 3.37 10 m; 21.57]
14 8 –1 –7

U2k07-3 As shown in Fig. U2k07-3, a light ray with a frequency of

5.09×l014 Hz traveling in air is incident at an angle of 30° on an
air-water interface. What is the angle of refraction of the light ray
as it enters the water?
A A. 22°
B. 30°
C. 42°
D. 60° Fig. U2k07-3

U2k09-2 Fig.U2k09-2 shows a light ray traveling from its 60

source, P, at the bottom of a pool into the air. What is the
refractive index of the liquid in the pool?
B A. 1.53 B. 1.15 49
C. 0.86 D. 0.65
U2k10-P1 (c) A red light is incident from air onto a liquid Q with an
incident angle of 60. The red light then enters a glass block, air
and the refraction angle is measured to be 35 in the glass liquid
block, as shown in Fig.U2k10-P1c. r
If the refractive index of glass relative to the liquid Q is 0.93, find r
(i) the refractive angle r of the red light in liquid Q;
(ii) the refractive index nl of liquid Q; glass
(iii) the speed of red light in liquid Q. 35
[32.2; 1.63; 1.84108 m s–1] Fig.U2k10-P1c

U2k12-1 A beam of yellow and violet light PO, passes into a

semicircular glass block along one of its radii. At certain angle
of incidence i, the light of one of the colours undergoes total P
internal reflection and the light is separated into two beams OA
and OB as shown in Fig.U2k12-1. Which of the following
conclusions is correct? i i
C A. OA consists of yellow and violet light, OB is violet beam.
B. OA consists of yellow and violet light, OB is yellow beam. O A
C. OA is yellow beam, OB consists of yellow and violet light. Fig.U2k12-1
D. OA is violet beam, OB consists of yellow and violet light.

U2k12-3 As shown in Fig.U2k12-3, a rectangular glass block is

5 cm in thickness. A block mark is located at 1 cm below the
top surface of the glass block. If the glass block is placed on 1 cm
a reflecting mirror, where is the image of the black mark
when viewing in air from the top of glass block? (Given ng = glass
1.5) reflecting
B A. 1 cm above the reflecting mirror. surface
B. 1 cm below the reflecting mirror.
C. 4 cm below the reflecting mirror.
D. 3.7 cm below the top surface of glass block. Fig.U2k12-3

U2k13-1 A rectangular container has a height 30 cm, and a square base of E

width 40 cm. A meter ruler of 40 cm is fixed at the bottom of the A
container, as shown in Fig.Q2k13-1. When observe along the
direction EA from the air downwards, the zero mark of the ruler 30 cm
can just be seen. Now the container is filled with a liquid, and is
observed along the same direction EA. The 20 cm mark of the
ruler can just be seen. What is the refractive index of the liquid? 0 10 20 30 40
A A. 1.44 B. 1.33 Fig.U2k13-1
C. 0.69 D. 0.50

U2k14-P1a Fig.U2k14-P1a shows a water tank with a convex mirror of focal

length 10 cm at its bottom, and it is fully filled with water of B
refractive index 1.33. An object A is placed on the principal axis of
the mirror at 15 cm from the mirror and 5 cm below the water
surface (AO = 15 cm, AB = 5 cm). The light from object A is
reflected by the mirror and then refracted at the water surface into the
(i) Where would be the image of object A be located as seen by the
observer above the water surface? [19.55 cm from water surface]
(ii) Draw the ray diagram.

U2k15-3 As shown in Fing-U2k15-3, a monochromatic ray is refracted from

medium P into medium Q. If the speed of the monochromatic light in 45
medium P is 0.8 c, find the refractive index of medium Q. (c is the P
speed of light in vacuum) Q
D A. 0.67 B. 1.33 36
C. 1.42 D. 1.50
U2k16-P2 A container is filled with water of depth 20 cm, as shown in r
Fig.U2k16-P2a. A point source of light O is placed at the bottom of O’
the container. One of the rays from the light source emerges from A
the water surface at point A. OO’ is the vertical axis and AO’ = 2.0
B i 20 cm
cm. The refractive index of water nw = .
3 O
(a) Find, Fig.U2k16-P2a
(i) the distance of BO’;
(ii) the incident angle i and the refractive angle r of the light ray at point A.
[15 cm; 5.71, 7.59]

U2k17-1 The wavelength of light P in vacuum and that of light Q in water have the same value of
600 nm. Which of the following deductions regarding the characteristics of these two
lights is true?
A A. The frequency of light P is higher than that of light Q.
B. If P is red light, Q may be orange light.
C. Lights P and Q have equal frequency but difference color.
D. Lights P and Q have equal wavelength and therefore they have the same color.

U2k18-P7 (a) As shown in Fig.U2k18-P7a, a container is filled

3 60 
with liquid of refractive index . A plane mirror
is placed in the liquid with an inclined angle of 7.5 
with the liquid surface. A beam of red light is
incident into the liquid at an incident angle of 60, 7.5
and the beam then emerges at a refracted angle ,
after reflected by the mirror. Find the
(i) value of ;
(ii) value of ;
(iii) angle of deviation.
[75; 37.76; 82.24]

U2k18-P7 (b) Fig.U2k18-P7b shows a beam of light converges

at a point P. If a glass block with refractive index
1.5 and thickness d is placed between the light
source and point P, the converging point will be
displaced by 0.3 cm downward to P’. Assume the d
incident angle is very small,
(i) complete the ray diagram to form P’,
(ii) find the thickness of the glass block. 0.3 cm
[0.9 cm] P’

2k19-04 Fig.U2k19-04 shows a light ray traveling from 65

air into glass and then enters a liquid. If the Air
speed of light in air is 3108 m s–1, what is the
speed of light in the liquid? i2 i2 Glass
B A. 1.94108 m s–1
B. 2.13108 m s–1 Liquid
C. 2.40108 m s–1 40
D. 2.71108 m s–1

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