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7- THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE 7-1 FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative Uhave watched that film. You have seen him twice. He/She/It has eaten lunch, We have invited her. You have worked hard. ‘They have visited us. Thave not watched that film. You have not seen him twice. He/She/It has not eaten lunch. We have not invited her. You have not worked hard. ‘They have not visited us. Have I watched that film? Have you seen him twice? Has he/she/it eaten lunch? Have we invited her? Have you worked hard? Have they visited us? Bu tense olusturmak icin have/has + past participle (fillerin Gigtimed hal) kullanthr. Have/has ve have not/has not genellikle kasaltiimis olarak kullanihr. Ive seen that film before./You haven't seen that film. He's seen that film twice before./She hasn't seen that film yet. Olumsuz soruyu iki sekilde sorabiliriz. 1) Kisaltma yapmadan: ave you not scen that film yet?/Has she not seen that film before? 1) Kisaltma yaparak: Haven't you seen that film yet?/Hasn't she seen that film before? 7-2 USE OF THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE a) Gecmiste yaptigimz eylemleri zaman vermeden anlabyorsak, bu tense kullaninz. She has removed all the furniture in the house. They have painted their house. Ancak, ayn eylemleri zamant belirterek ifade edersek, Simple Past kullanmamuz gerekir. She removed all the furniture in the house last weekend. ‘They painted their house a few weeks ago. Geemigte yapugum eylem icin zaman zarfi kullanmasak bile, eZer zaman: ima ediyorsak, yine Simple Past kullaninz. 1 saw that film when I was in Ankara.” cimlesinde kesin olarak bir zaman vermesek de."when I was in Ankara” gecmiste belli bir donemt ifade etmektedir. I went shopping after work. (‘after work” yine belli bir zamant belirtmektedir.) I met him in demir. ("in fzmir’ ifadesi yer belirtmesine karsin,"izmir'de bulundugum dénemde” anlammi ima etmektedir.) Present Perfect Tense ile sorulan sorulara yanit verirken, yine bu kurallara dikkat etmeliyiz. ») °) “This morning’, dilekat edelim. “Have you met his girlfriend?” sorusuna bir kag sekilde yamt verebiliriz. Yes, Ihave. (or No, { haven't.) Have you met his girlfriend? Yes, I met her last week. (or | met her at Alice's party.) Have you seen my glasses? Yes, have. (or No, I haven't) Have you seen my glasses? Yes, I saw them on the kitchen table a few minutes ago. Yakin gecmigte olup sonuclan ya da etkileri iginde bulundugumuz anda devam eden eylemier igin bu tense't kullaninz. Ihave burnt myself. (I'm in pain now. — Su anda act cekiyorum,} I've cleaned the house. (It's clean now. } Today, this morning, this week, this month, this year, this century vb. , heniz tamamlanmamus bir donem ifade eden zarflarla kullamiir. I've been to the cinema twice this week. Thaven't been able to go on holiday this year. ‘Technology has advanced greatly in this century. ‘this afternoon" ve "this evening” ifadelerini kullamirken, saat kavramna Genellikie saat 13.00’ kadar olan sare sabah (morning), 17.00ye kadar dgleden sonra {afternoon}, 17.00-20.00 arast ise aksam (evening) saatlerini bildirir. Bu durumda: {haven't heard the alarm this morning. ifadesini, sabah diliminin hendz bitmemis oldugu bir saatte, 6rnegin saat 11-12 gibt soyleyebiliriz. Eger égieden sonraki bir saatie, dmegin saat 2'de bu s6z0 soyliyorsak, artle “sabah" dilimi tamamlamp yeni bir dineme gegilmis oldugu tcin, o eylem gecmigte kalmasiir. Bu durumda ise Simple Past Tense kullanmaliyiz. I haven't heard the alarm this morning. (It's Llam. now.) I didn't hear the alarm this morning. (It's 2p.m. now) Ive seen Tom this afternoon. (It's Sp.m. now.) I saw Tom this afternoon. (It's now.) This year, this month, this century gibi kullanmmlarda, eger sézti edilen zaman dilimt tamamlanmigsa, "this" yerine “last” kullanihr. I have worked hard this week. (The week hasn't finished yet.) I worked hard last week. They have phoned me twice this month. ‘They phoned me twice last month. ® Lately, recently ile kullannm: “Son zamanlarda, son gumlerde anlamma gelen lately ve recently. Present Perfect ile keullamidiginda, yine kesin bir zaman belirtmeden, yapugimiz ya da yapmadigimuz isleri anlatir. Have you seen your parents recently? ‘There has been great progress in the science of medicine recently. ‘There have been some changes in my house lately. "Recently", Simple Past Tense ile de kullantlr ve "a short time ago" anlamii verir. ‘They came recently. (They came a short time ago.) She passed her exam only recently. (She passed her exam only a short time ago.) ) Already, just ve yet ile kullanimi: fet" soruda ve olumsuz ciimlede kcullamihr ve normal olarak ciimlenin sonunda yer ahr. Have you finished your homework yet? No, | haven't finished it yet. 1s your father at home? No, he hasn't come yet. "Just", olumlu cimlede kullamihr ve "heniiz, simdi, yenice” anlamint verir. "Just" ctimlede, yardimer fille asil fitl arasinda yer abr. Have you finished your homework? Yes, I've just finished it. Is the manager in? No, he has just gone out “Already”, olumlu ciimlede kullamhr ve "zaten, coktan” anlammna gelir. Bir eylemin umulandan daha once bir zamanda yapilmis oldugunu vurgular. Caml icindeki yeri normalde yardimet fil ie asil fill arasindadir, ancak cimle sonunda da kullanshr. Shall we go to see the film “Schindler's List” tonight? Not a good idea ! I have already seen it. ‘Manager: Don't forget to mail the invitations in time. Secretary: I've already posted them. Mother: Wash your hands before you sit at the table. Son: I've washed them already. ) Ever, never, all my life, in his life, always, occasionally, often, several times, once, twice, ete. gibi zarflarla kullanum:: Daha Once, sikhk bildiren zarflann (ever, never, always. often, ete.) Genig Zaman ile (Simple Present) Kullammim gérmdstik. Aym zarflar, anlamda biraz bir degisiklikle, Present Perfect Tense ile de kullamir. 1 always get up early. (Simple Present — Ben her zaman erken kalkanm. “Bugiine kadar hep erken kalktum. Bundan sonra da biyik bir olasilkla erken kalkacagim. Bu benim aligkanhgum.” anlamint verir.) Thave always got up early. (Present Perfect — "Ben her zaman erken kalkrmgimdir." ifadesi, yagamimin sadece su ana kadar olan bolimond kapsar.) ‘My father has always lived in his hometown. (He has lived in his hometown all his life.) I've never seen such a pretty dog in my life. Have you ever ridden on an elephant? No, I've ridden on a camel once, but I've never ridden on an elephant. Once, twice, three times, several times, many times (bir kez, iki kez, fig kez, bic kac kez, pek cok Kez) gibi zarflaria, bir eylemi yagammmz boyunea kag kez yaptgimua ifade etmek i¢in Present Perfect Tense kullanir Have you ever been abroad? Yes, I've been to Germany several times. She has invited me to her house many times, but I've never had any spare time, Ive seen her parents only once. NOTE: Bu zarflarin Simple Past Tense ile kullanimuna dikkat ediniz, ‘She has invited me to her house many times, but I've never had any spare time. * eCimlesini, gecmiste zamant belirterek verirsek, Simple Past kullanmamuz gerekir. She invited me to her house many times during my stay in Germany. but I never had any spare time. ‘My father has lived in his homelown all his life.” caimlesinden, babarmn hayatta oldugu anlamim cikanyoruz. Arti hayatta olmayan bicinin yapugt islerden séz ediyorsak, Simple Past Tense kullanmamuz gerekir. My grandfather lived in his hometown all his life. (He is dead now.) Ihave never flown in an aeroplane. My grandmother never flew in an aeroplane. (She isn't alive any more) Ihave ridden on a camel twice. It is very exciting. When I was in Egypt, I rode on a camel twice. It was very exciting. @ — So far (up to now, until now) ile kullanum: "So far’, “su ana kadar” anlamina gelir ve so far today, so far this month, so far this semestre, so far this summer, etc. gibi zarflarla birlikie de kullanilabilir It hasn't snowed so far this winter. I got many bad grades last semestre, but I haven't had any low grades so far this semestre. We haven't eaten anything so far today. So far this summer, { have swum in the sea only once. hn) For ve Since ile kullanum: "For", gecmiste belli bir noktadan icinde bulundugumuz ana kadar devam eden bir stiree bilditir. (for two years, for a month, for five minutes, for a tong time, ete:) vi nuary February March April << SEE TEETER past for three months now future He became the manager He has been the manager for three months. "Since". eylemin gecmiste baslangi¢ noktasim belirtir. (since yesterday, since 1987, since March, since the Middle Ages, ete. } He has been the manager since January. 1999-2000» 2001-2002 2008 [a past for four years row future Vv ‘They moved (o this town in 1999. ‘They have lived in this town for four years. ‘They have lived in this own since 1999. She bought her house three years ago. so she has had it for three years. ast saw him in September. I haven't seen him since then, We first met at my cousin's 15th birthday we have known each other for almost five years. She has always been afraid of thunder since her childhood/since she was a girl, Thaven't been to Germany since I got married. They haven't had the opportunity to have a long holiday for years. We haven't heard from him since he phoned us a month ago. He has read fifly pages of the book since I gave it to him. We have changed four houses since we moved to istanbul seven years ago. ‘There has been a great rise in prices in the last six months. ‘The housing problem has grown bigger in the past few years. Bt It is + a period of time + since + Simple Past /Present Perfect It is three months since [ last went to the cinema. It is three months since I have been to the cinema. Her iki ciimleyi de Tarkge'ye goyle cevirebiliriz: Sinemaya gitmeycli dig ay oluyor. ya da En,son sinemaya gittigimden bert dc ay gecti ‘Bu cimlclerin es anlamhst olarak, "Uc aydir sinemaya gitmiyorum.” ya da "Sinemaya en son de ay once gittim.” gibi ifadeler de kxullanabiliriz. I haven't been to the cinema for three months. I last went to the cinema three months ago. It's ten days since she hasn't worked because she is ill. (She has been ill in bed for ten days.) It's eight years since I graduated from university. (( graduated from university eight years ago.) Its just two weeks since they got married. (They got married just two weeks ago. or They have been married for Just two weeks.) d ‘This is the first time + Present Perfect I'm very exciled now, because this is the first time I've driven a car. ‘This is the second time he has played tennis. That's why he isn't good atit. ‘You shouldn't drink so much coffee. It's bad for you. This is the fifth cup of coffee you have drunk in the last two hours. ‘This ts the third exam we have taken so far this term, ” ‘This is + Superlative + Present Perfect ‘This is the most boring bool I have ever read. {Bu hayatimda okudugum en silact kitap.) This is the most difficult situation I have ever been in. He ts the most talkative person I have met in my life. 0 gone or been "go" fillini Perfect Tense ile iki gekilde kullanabiliriz: Eger Kisi,sdzi edilen yerde ise, ya da sdzi edilen yere gitmek azere yola cikrmgsa, gone kullamir, I'd like to talk to your mother. Is she at home? No, she has gone shopping. Can I speak to Mr Jones, please? Sorry. He has gone out of town and hasn't come back yet, Eger kisi, sdzi edilen yerde daha énce bulundugunu tfade ediyorsa, yani konusma sirasinda bagka bir mekanda ise been kullanihir. Have you ever been abroad? Yes, I have been to Germany several times. (the speakers are now not in Germany.) I want to do some shopping, but I'm afraid | haven't got enough money. Don't worry. I have been to the bank today. I can lend you some. EXERCISE 11: Use the Present Perfect Simple or Simple Past. 1+ Asa girl, she frequently (help)... . her mother in the home, but since she (Start) ssnseanseonene Righ SCHOOL, She (refuse) .eusirnenee 2- Last night, we (decide) to help at all. .. to go to India for our summer holiday. but we {not, book) ‘our accommodation yet. 3- Yesterday, disabled tennis players (take) .. ou part in the Australian Open and they are continuing today. This is the first time disabled players (appear) in a major tournament. 4- Although Martina Hingis (beat)... .. Capriati five Limes so far in tennis Hingis in the French Open in 2000. competitions, Capriati (beat). a red shoes in Rackham's window. .. of nothing else ever since she (try) on the 10- a 12- 13- 14 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- A few weeks ago, the police (stop) they (stop) him again since then. Katie (fal .. off her horse several times, but she (never, hurd) . herself badly. . him for speeding and. I believe. Vicki (qualifi) ..... as an accountant in 1985. She (work)... for the National Trust for four years, and since last week, she (be) .. the local council. My grandfather (paling)... that picture above the fireplace, and it hang} = . there for as long as I can remember. 1Yind .. .. everything they (teach) relevant to my work. What about you? Graham (retire)... from the couneil last Friday and (collapse) . with a heart attack yesterday. this suit on his son's wedding and I {not. see) "him in it since. “Two years ago. a gypsy lady (te predictions (come) . He (have) at so far on the course He (wean) .. me my fortune, Some of her true already. . some very tough matches this year, but he (not, lose) to anyone yet. Colin (believe) .. . Greg's lies on many occasions. but this time, he (Know) . he was lying the moment Greg (finish) sess enen HES SLOTY. Byer since he (read). .. about the victims of the disaster, he (be) eager to work with the charities helping them. a smile on her face since the moment Michael (propose) Janet (have) . . to her. A; You look brown, you (be) .on holiday lately? B: Yes, we (just, return) . from Spain. | (start. back at workk just this morning, A: Who (sing .. the solo at last night's concert? B: Martha Curry. I don't think I (ever, Rear) «v.cusnsnsnenes anyone sing ‘Amazing Grace’ so beautifully. Ob MO! (forget) errno to take my medicine. No wonder I (not, fee!) . very well since I (arrive) .. here. Past continuous VS Past simple rm ‘whiter birine paral devam eden dt eylentanlatmal ila de Kull ‘wile the teagner was lecturing, the students were talking among, Diemscves, {ORseunen ders anlatken OBrencler fend atelarinda konuuyoriart-} | was studying while everbody at home was alee (Brde herkes uyurken ben ders galgyordom,) While + Past Continuous , Past Continuous waite” se ayrantams veren bir diger baflag “as* dr While | was coming here, san tno an old end ‘As Iwas coming here, ran into an od end "had a look a the ld maguznes while / as 1 wated atthe doctor's. "dust as, daa vurgulu bie anlatende ‘The posiman came just a8 {was leaving home. (tam ben evden ikarken, posta ge} ast as sat down a he table, the phone rang (Tam masaya oturdum i telefon geld.) EXERCISE § : use ether the Simple Past or the Past Continuous of te verbs ia parentheses. 2 While arrang@ sovnnnnenonn the mamta, the self elapsed o “This ime last year. Reginald (serve withthe Betis Army in Kosova Dut he (return (0 tvilan Mein December: She (work 1 25a waitress in a beachslde bar when he (ree aes 4 She (lout v- her det plan strity every day unl he weigh) 60 kts, 5 When I theas al Uh chickens squawing lok e (he ehicken shed and ind) sew that a fox (chased them. 20 take sue shotgun and shoot sos (6 While the young Prince Harry (ink) sp aleahole dein ina bar. photographer (ake) his photograph, ‘7. Only this time on Saturday, we look vou the window ofthe travel agent’, Now we are looking right atthe Pyramic. 8 When the Bee (eae ernnnnnnnns Qi fms house, they ugh Into ther plek-up truck end arte of 1% Just as {scat the envelope fora letter to her she (ing) me wo say Cat se come to See me te nextday. 20 When the Be ala (9 + we ake) pertinan aerobies workout elas. We (rush) tate mediately. Iwas cold ‘standing outside in ou leotards. 1L- Wle the pelcemen (evacuate shoppers and employees. the bomb (expla. ‘The explsion (oiure ‘rer 100 people. 12. According the report the suspect (wach) {elevision with is (geeend fom 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the night that kidnappers (aut the heiress, 29% Last summer, all (come) onrnnnnee hroagh the ichen windew and thi) ry mother a5 she (wash) ep. Ae Your mece WOR) snnsennnne Bie When she eave. forthe party, 15. The paper (iam). {the machine a8 (photocopy) enone te commitiees report 36. Wher | ead at Marks house he (wort) con his term roe, but after some gentle persuasion, he YO. re or some basketball practice. 17. Wale the fam (celebrate) (heir daughters birthday, « gunmen (oper ‘re on the guest, and then, he shoot) ims, When we fetend to our hotel room, the chambermaid (lean) f {he room, 50 8 (spend ene SoM Ue atthe Hotes cafe lng calle. 16. He (fn 8 shorteut to work whee fell atrame ‘version around some road works. 20. Around this time yesterday. Kent and his fara (eahsae) thee propery fom et home. Fortunately, the tmanage) to cary allot toa safer place before the Iva from the voeano ove) eons Ue Bouse 21. Teny loot aly ale a the begining of the dinner party, and az she fea her dessert. she exeuse derself and (eave) 22. When she (oper) her umbrela, de wind lo out of her hand. 28. The doctors test svvns Paul’ bod fr another contion wien they laiscover) that he (have) diabetes 24 While we. as Bs ends, (wor) on about how he would pay off ie debts, he led rel al dees and bars, 25. Jerome (sake) cigarette when the head teacher (wail nani past the bleyde sheds Article EXERCISE 9: Add a/an, the or some where necessary. ln some cases more than one ‘answer ts posible 1+ A Areyou gong to buy your othe e lthday present? S:fredabp ot but wl chino ioe" mle me 2 Fen read treating bone abo RA on me yer 83. We dont rely need necr- mew window rics =r ones wee at ‘omer wal aa fr ater decade + ‘Shalposn 2 Yong Pepe's Ta Grup a ab ‘amie members whet they would comaerldng. © adeanal ‘Pecting acu esa pan fone oar ‘Ryan has baie ial wel of fis bye B: Therein sm workhop on Main Street, yo ai unc manager there he might eae to mene ‘RT on ae wil speak to hi tomorrow co Recording outed ne, hee os Ry Be nn ‘ain rod int Birminghain Can we ehosee ferent rte? 1 mis nich niyo meme tha flee refuel work wth fer and ‘at coone her ert ii ‘8 sienay cmon, eau help having ae $9 onc Mew BOutguE Bra yng. new ees * aie cas tre gong th enn 0 on Thuraday. They wi be Scapa by ween ttther wc, eal xo. LSet sumer, ening wath Son. Sion cared Shel exe igh one stm ne ae song se Sin Simon, owen Usual reacted on Op Of refs beled. 14 Revel here hae ben eu lcrpt 6 preser—- Weth, which ts ‘15 Glicanguogs but aon Welsh opel ao speak rai 12 Nets Lam hoping pe MEE Roky Monta pariclany i cores secon of ‘ange which ie in ms 1 ‘hon Gnnionvess Gans inca mie aad, which ued awareneas of this ea spor 14. ‘Shere wa nn nye Mont on my car this taming 6 had osprey on ewindaereen wth anes” 1s. Sh Gauls ae geting Bed i nde 100 1 neo work that shehasto sips breidat aid et anac om ne 6 ‘photogs hat yur robe oo Misti fiver eaten stun colure bel fae sn pofasonal photographer? 17. tibeiian Tormer Soviet epic a= eel source Sov ie an panda tow igs e- Ritough 2 Btn atl con ila, is connected to ‘painland Burp by wt ch a unde ne Brak Chatne 1s

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