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Getting the inf ormation across f rom the source /

communicator to the receiver / user is a key role in the

inf ormation process / to tell or give news

Definition of Terms
Inf ormation generally knowledge derived f rom data can
consist of images, text, documents, and sound.
Inf ormation also can lead to knowledge regardless of the
medium of its convincement to one other person.

T he ability to identif y, locate, evaluate and select

inf ormation in all f ormats in order to use it.  

the ability to know when there is a need f or inf ormation, to

be able to identif y, locate, evaluate, and ef f ectively use that
inf ormation f or the issue or problem at hand.

We are surrounded by a growing

Print ocean of inf ormation in all f ormats. 
Why Inf ormation Literacy Important
T he amount of inf ormation available
Electronic is going to keep increasing. 
Format Information
Able to f ind inf ormation in variety f ormats

Microf orm
3 Major Skills Needed to be Inf ormation Literate Able to f ind inf ormation in variety of sources

Information Literacy
Able to f ind inf ormation within the sources

Planning research or posing a question

Sources of inf ormation or evidence are of ten categorized T HREE Steps of Inf ormation Literacy Organizing a way to search f or the answer 
as primary, secondary, or tertiary material. Skills

Finding resources
T hese classif ications are based on the originality of the
material and the proximity of the source or origin.
Source Of Information Formulates questions
OVERVIEW OF INFORMATION based on inf ormation
PRIMARY SOURCES Characteristics Of Inf prmation Literate Person needs

Recognizes the need f or

inf ormation
SECONDARY SOURCES T ypes of Sources  Inf ormation

Determine the extent of inf ormation needed

Impact Of Inf ormation Literacy 
Access the needed inf ormation
and its sources critically

T acit knowledge is experience of a person's consciousness

of memory and is acquired largely through association with
other people, and requires joint or shared activities to be
imparted f rom on to another.
Types Of Knowledge
inf ormation overload means that someone cannot use the
Explicit knowledge is easy to communicate, store, and correct and relevant inf ormation ef f iciently because of the
distribute and is the knowledge f ound in books, on the web, EXPLICIT KNOWLEDGE massive amounts of inf ormation available.
and other visual and oral means. 
T he existence of multiple sources of inf ormation

Causes Of Inf ormation Overload Irrelevance or unimportance of the received inf ormation

Issues in Information
Over-abundance of inf ormation, dif f iculty in managing
inf ormation

Spending less time on gaining inf ormation that is nice to

know and more time on things that we need to know now.
Solution Of Inf ormation Overload
Single-tasking, and keeping the mind f ocused on one issue
at a time.

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