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What are the characteristics of a Good Organic


1. Has a UV Plastic – To Protect the Seedling to harsh heat of the

2. Net – To protect from insects and Other Animals that can cause
3. Seedbox/Seedling tray – For Taking care of the seedlings
4. Good Soil Media – Vermicast was the best soil media Mixed
with Carbonize Rice Hull, Or Sterilize Backyard Soil, and also
best is a Garden Soil
5. Access to Clean water
6. Access To Organic Fertilizer
7. Concoctions

NOTE: Nursery Must Built in an Open Space and have no Shaded Area
it must be direct to sunlight.
Things to Consider for Successful Farming

1. Crop rotation – Crop rotation helps to maintain soil structure

and nutrient levels and to prevent soilborne pests from getting
a foothold in the garden. When a single crop is planted in the
same place every year, the soil structure slowly deteriorates as
the same nutrients are used time and time again. Crop
rotation gives various nutrients to the soil. ... Crop rotation also
mitigates the build-up of pathogens and pests that often occurs
when one species is continuously cropped, and can also
improve soil structure and fertility by alternating deep-rooted
and shallow-rooted plants.

3. Intercropping - Intercropping is the growth of two or more
crops, simultaneously, The major benefits of intercropping are
(1) increasing the rate of crop production, with the advantage
of simultaneously decreasing the risk of total crop reduction,
and (2) controlling weeds.
4. Companion Cropping - Companion planting can decrease your
need for fertilizers and weeding and keep your plants healthy.
Planting different types of plants close to each other can boost
growth, repel pests, and even improve the flavor of your
harvest. In addition to the benefits to your plants, companion
planting uses your garden space more efficiently, allowing you
to harvest more varieties in a given space.

1) Shelter - Larger plants protect others from the wind or too much sun.

2) Support - Some vegetables can be used as physical supports for others. As

an example, pole beans planted with corn use the corn as a trellis.

3) Beneficial Insects- Attracting beneficial insects such as bees help spread


4) Soil Improvement - Some vegetable plants improve soil conditions for other
plants. For example, members of the legume family (beans, etc.) draw nitrogen
from the atmosphere and add it to the ground around them.

5) Decoy Plants - Some plants emit odors that aid in masking the odors of
insect-desirable vegetable plants.
TAKE NOTE: Sometime Ornamentals was used in Companion cropping for it will
Invite Beneficial Insect like bees to pollinate and discourage the insect pest to
Live in the area. And Also Examples are Planting Legumes under the corn for
the legumes will give Nitrogen to the corn, and they both have benefits for each

And Also there are Crops that must be separated for planting for it will not give
a good effect.

Example is – Legumes and Solanacious (It must be separated in planting)

5. Sacrificial Plant - A trap crop, also known as a sacrificial crop,

is a plant that you add to your garden to attract pests away
from the main crops you are growing. The reasoning is this: just
as many children will choose ice-cream over a plate of
vegetables, likewise most garden pests have preferences for
what they like to live on.

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