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Mangunze Secondary school


Lesson Plan No: ______ Grade: 10

Week: _________________ Length: 45 minutes

Topic: Present Simple vs Present Continuous tense

Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to Know the difference between
present simple and present continuous; solve exercises related to the topic.
Method: Grammar Translation Method

Stages Activities Time

Teacher Student
Warm Up  Asks students to correct last lesson  Correct the home
exercises on the board work on the board 5
 Signs and gives marks to the  Show the teacher,
students who did the exercises the exercises in
their notebooks.
Introductio  Writes the topic and the notes on  Copy the notes
n the black board from the black 5
Production /  Helps students reading and  Read and translate
explanation translating the notes from the black the notes.
/Instruction board;  Show the doubts 20
 Helps students giving some and give some
examples in sentences. examples.
Controlled  Exercises from page behind this  Do the exercises.
Practice paper. 10
 Monitor and helps students do the
Free  Home work : exercises from page  Copy the home
Practice this lesson plan work and do it at 5

Teacher: _______________________________________
SimplePresent PresentProgressive
Infinitive (3rd person singular: infinitive + 's') form of 'be' and verb + ing

I speak I am speaking
you speak you are speaking
he / she / it speaks he / she / it is speaking
we speak we are speaking
they speak they are speaking


We use the present simple tense:

1. For facts or things that are always true or generally true.

 Whales live in the ocean.

(This is a fact, this is always true)
 A dog has four legs.
(This is generally true, unfortunately some dogs have three legs or less)

2. For regular habits or repeated actions

These are often daily routines and they happen always, often, generally, every week, etc.

 I brush my teeth three times a day.

 I read in bed every night.

Common time expressions used with the present simple tense are:

 always, often, generally, normally, usually, sometimes, never …

 every day, every week, every year…
(note the time word is in single form, day, not days.)


We use the present continuous tense:

1. An action happening right now at the moment of speaking.

When somebody is doing something right now or something is happening right now.

 I am teaching an English lesson. (Yes, that is what is happening right now)

 You are watching a video.

You can see that these actions are happening right now and they are temporary actions, normally for a short period
of time.

2. To talk about something that is happening AROUND the time of speaking but not necessarily at that exact

This action is in progress and hasn’t finished.

 I am reading a great book. Common time expressions used with the present continuous are:

 Now, right now, at the moment, still, etc


1. Andy sometimes comics. (to read)

2. We never TV in the morning. (to watch)

3. Listen! Sandy in the bathroom. (to sing)

4. My sister usually in the kitchen. (to help)

5. My mother breakfast now. (to make)

6. They often the bathroom. (to clean)

7. Look! The boys home. (to come)

8. Every day his grandfather for a walk. (to go)

9. I with my friend at the moment. (to chat)

10. Cats mice. (to eat)

1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study) French at a

language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.

3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) .

4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) .

5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) .

6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say) because everybody (talk) so loudly.

7. Justin (write, currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good
publisher when he is finished.

8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go) to a movie tonight with some friends.

9. The business cards (be, normally ) printed by a company in New York. Their prices (be)

inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.

10. This delicious chocolate (be) made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.

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